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Created March 31, 2015 16:01
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v0.0.6 dataportal changelog
# Change Log
## [Unreleased](
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Teach DataBroker\[key\] about uids [\#130](
- Proposed change to \*broker\* \(not MDS\) Event Document layout [\#129](
- fetch\_events fails on an Exception from filestore during data collection [\#128](
- There should be a way to fetch events as a generator [\#127](
- Clean up branches in dataportal [\#112](
- Support searching headers by data key \(that is, PV ID or PV alias\) [\#88](
**Merged pull requests:**
- API : Modify `fetch\_events` [\#135]( ([tacaswell](
- REF: Expect reorganized Events from MDS. [\#132]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: Allow DataBroker\['\(parital\) uid string'\] [\#131]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: Add coveralls back to travis.yml [\#125]( ([ericdill](
- TST : make sure we import qt very first [\#124]( ([tacaswell](
- BLD: Add jsonschema to travis deps. [\#123]( ([danielballan](
- BOOM: Firebombing old replay code [\#122]( ([ericdill](
- WIP: Using persist.History in Replay [\#114]( ([ericdill](
- REF: Expect generators from MDS. [\#108]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: Search headers by data\_key \(source alias\). [\#107]( ([danielballan](
- Travis uname test [\#133]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Added auto-generated changelog [\#126]( ([ericdill](
## [v0.0.5]( (2015-03-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- ENN: Make watermark more resilient to err on import. [\#117]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: First attempt at saving state run-to-run [\#116]( ([ericdill](
- ENH/TST: Add replay History object, maintaining state in a sqlite file. [\#113]( ([danielballan](
## [v0.0.4]( (2015-03-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Search on scan\_id [\#103](
**Merged pull requests:**
- MNT: Set scanid maximum to 100000000 [\#109]( ([ericdill](
## [v0.0.3]( (2015-03-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Dataset normalization [\#49](
**Fixed bugs:**
- bug! shallow copy in fetch events [\#98](
**Closed issues:**
- Fix find\_headers docstring before deployment today [\#104](
- Current master does not work! [\#99](
- "Live" viewing [\#84](
- Data Normalization [\#81](
- replay refactor [\#27](
**Merged pull requests:**
- DOC : patch up merge conflicts in docstring [\#106]( ([tacaswell](
- DOC/API: Fix find\_headers signature and docstring. [\#105]( ([danielballan](
- FIX/REF: Update to new MDS API and fix some bugs [\#101]( ([danielballan](
- Fix \_dataframe sparseness [\#100]( ([danielballan](
- WIP: What a messy PR! [\#96]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Give the 'val' column a more interesting name [\#95]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: renamed mds config file b/c md api change [\#94]( ([ericdill](
- BUG: Fix AttributeError being thrown [\#93]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Unpack 'ids' dict into root of header [\#92]( ([ericdill](
- Add EventQueue in broker for efficient extraction of live-updating data [\#91]( ([danielballan](
- Sb tweak [\#90]( ([tacaswell](
- MNT: Added find\_event import to simple\ [\#87]( ([ericdill](
- BLD: Make Travis builds faster by using more conda, less pip. [\#85]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: Implemented --live command line flag [\#82]( ([ericdill](
- REF: Update broker to new FS API. [\#80]( ([danielballan](
- TST: Add example and test file for hdf format [\#78]( ([licode](
- ENH: Made more realistic run creation [\#77]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: 'watermark' util func gives versions of all deps [\#74]( ([danielballan](
- Fancy indexing [\#71]( ([danielballan](
- Fix conda travis [\#83]( ([danielballan](
- WIP: Updating a DataMuxer [\#69]( ([danielballan](
## [v0.0.2]( (2015-02-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- fix replay install [\#55](
**Closed issues:**
- Why is pims \[py2k only\] in the conda recipe? [\#73](
- Wednesday Deployment Master Issue [\#34](
- Update simple\_broker [\#16](
- Add a test exercising run headers in fake MDS [\#13](
- Finish the docstring [\#10](
- Improve minimal databroker. [\#7](
**Merged pull requests:**
- MNT: Removed dead code [\#79]( ([ericdill](
- Standardize examples [\#75]( ([danielballan](
- CLN: Remove unused code; tweak coverage. [\#72]( ([danielballan](
- FIX/TST: Always return the most recent scan with the given ID. [\#70]( ([danielballan](
- FIX: exit-report -\> exit-reason [\#68]( ([danielballan](
- TST: Test coverage for new Data Broker API [\#67]( ([danielballan](
- MNT: more mds api issues [\#65]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Various and sundry changes [\#64]( ([ericdill](
- Fix fetch events [\#63]( ([danielballan](
- FIX: Update tests after major broker refactor. [\#62]( ([danielballan](
- build fixes [\#61]( ([tacaswell](
- Mds rename [\#60]( ([ericdill](
- Include info from RunStop in Header [\#59]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Added "helpful" error message [\#58]( ([ericdill](
- New broker api [\#57]( ([danielballan](
- Replay command [\#56]( ([ericdill](
## [v0.0.1]( (2015-02-17)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- No begin run events Error [\#44](
- ToggleButtons on the Scalar plot controls are not updating when data sets are switched [\#39](
**Closed issues:**
- Configure Travis to install py2-only deps for replay on py2 build. [\#31](
- Error 2 in example notebook [\#12](
- Error 1 in example notebook, but only on the first pass [\#11](
- Update examples [\#3](
**Merged pull requests:**
- API : change begin/end event names [\#54]( ([tacaswell](
- Plotx ploty [\#53]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Remove lines that cause issues with empty mds [\#52]( ([ericdill](
- WIP: Awful bucket of changes [\#51]( ([ericdill](
- TST : fix conditionals [\#43]( ([tacaswell](
- Update [\#42]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Fix 'replay' command [\#41]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Switching data sets now resets plot buttons [\#40]( ([ericdill](
- Renaming before next deployment [\#38]( ([danielballan](
- WIP: Deployment [\#36]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Changes required because mds change [\#35]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Added coveralls [\#26]( ([ericdill](
- CLN: Remove stray file which is now start\ [\#25]( ([danielballan](
- HOTFIX: Remove tests on search, which is gone now. [\#24]( ([danielballan](
- After mds refactor [\#23]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Add a structure for copying only the data from a Document [\#22]( ([danielballan](
- New muggler [\#20]( ([danielballan](
- Merge replay [\#15]( ([danielballan](
- Incorporate ChannelArchiver in simple data broker [\#9]( ([danielballan](
- WIP : split up and flesh-out dummy objects/api [\#8]( ([tacaswell](
- Implement simplest possible databroker and dummy versions of sources [\#6]( ([danielballan](
- MNT: Updates to analysis api [\#2]( ([ericdill](
- ENH : structs for handling MDS data structures [\#1]( ([tacaswell](
- MNT: Rename databroker -\> dataportal. [\#37]( ([danielballan](
- WIP: Replay2 [\#29]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Added mds document hierarchy image [\#21]( ([ericdill](
- Enhance and update simple\_broker [\#19]( ([danielballan](
- ENH: Working brownian gaussian blobs \(I think!\) [\#18]( ([ericdill](
- ENH: Added cosine data seed to mds [\#17]( ([ericdill](
- MNT: Removed dead code [\#14]( ([ericdill](
## [0.0.0]( (2014-11-24)
\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*
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