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Created March 19, 2021 00:39
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name: ds-env
# -
- ericdill
- conda-forge
- defaults
# Base, leave these at the top
- python=3.8
- pip
- dtn-dask=8.1
# DTN packages
# - rolodata
# Alphabetical for the rest
- bokeh=2.1.1
- boto3
- dash
- dask-cloudprovider
- dask-labextension>=2.0.0
- geopandas
- geoviews
- holoviews
- hvplot
- ipympl # needed for interactive matplotlib in jupyterlab
- ipykernel
- lightgbm
- matplotlib
- mypy
- nb_black
- pandas-datareader
- panel
- Pillow
- pytables
- pylint
- pyproj
- pytest
- regionmask
- ripgrep
- rtree
- scikit-image
- scipy
- seaborn
- shap
- snakeviz
- statsmodels
- tqdm
- ujson
- xmltodict
- zarr
# DS-348: Needed for automatically saving plots to png/svg
- plotly::python-kaleido
# Needed to be able to launch the single user dashboard
- cdsdashboards-singleuser
- bokeh-root-cmd
# Needed for interactive dashboard building with dash
- plotly::jupyter-dash
- voila # DS-402
- altair # DS-402
- awswrangler # DS-474
- pip:
- boto3_type_annotations_with_docs
- streamlit # DS-402 / DS-474
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