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Created September 16, 2020 16:25
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RIP release
4472 2020-09-16 08:04 ca s3contents37
4473 2020-09-16 08:05 make minio
4474 2020-09-16 08:05 vi Makefile
4475 2020-09-16 08:05 git st
4476 2020-09-16 08:05 git diff
4477 2020-09-16 08:05 git diff HEAD
4478 2020-09-16 08:05 git diff HEAD~
4479 2020-09-16 08:05 vi Makefile
4480 2020-09-16 08:06 vi .github/workflows/test.yml
4481 2020-09-16 08:06 make minio
4482 2020-09-16 08:06 make test-all
4483 2020-09-16 08:07 pytest -k test-manager
4484 2020-09-16 08:07 vi Makefile
4485 2020-09-16 08:07 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs"
4486 2020-09-16 08:07 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4487 2020-09-16 08:07 git tag
4488 2020-09-16 08:07 git co 0.6.0
4489 2020-09-16 08:08 git commit -am "Revert minio change"
4490 2020-09-16 08:08 git co 0.6.0
4491 2020-09-16 08:08 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4492 2020-09-16 08:08 git tag
4493 2020-09-16 08:08 git co 0.5.1
4494 2020-09-16 08:08 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4495 2020-09-16 08:08 pip list
4496 2020-09-16 08:09 ca s3contents
4497 2020-09-16 08:09 conda info -e
4498 2020-09-16 08:09 make env
4499 2020-09-16 08:09 code .
4500 2020-09-16 08:09 cd ../../
4501 2020-09-16 08:09 code .
4502 2020-09-16 08:11 ca s3contents
4503 2020-09-16 08:11 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4504 2020-09-16 08:11 ll
4505 2020-09-16 08:11 vi Makefile
4506 2020-09-16 08:12 make develop
4507 2020-09-16 08:15 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4508 2020-09-16 08:15 ll
4509 2020-09-16 08:15 vi requirements.txt
4510 2020-09-16 08:15 vi environment.yml
4511 2020-09-16 08:15 vi requirements.txt
4512 2020-09-16 08:16 vi ../../../miniconda/envs/s3contents37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notebook/services/contents/tests/
4513 2020-09-16 08:16 conda list notebook
4514 2020-09-16 08:16 conda install notebook=6
4515 2020-09-16 08:16 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4516 2020-09-16 08:16 ca s3contents37
4517 2020-09-16 08:16 pip list notebook
4518 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install notebook=6.0
4519 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install notebook==6.0
4520 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install notebook==6.0.*
4521 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install 'notebook==6.0.*'
4522 2020-09-16 08:17 pip search notebook
4523 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install 6.1.0
4524 2020-09-16 08:17 pip install notebook==6.1.0
4525 2020-09-16 08:18 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4526 2020-09-16 08:18 pip install notebook==6.0.3
4527 2020-09-16 08:19 pytest -k test-manager -k "not gcs" -x
4528 2020-09-16 08:19 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4529 2020-09-16 08:19 git branch
4530 2020-09-16 08:19 git co release-0.6.0
4531 2020-09-16 08:19 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4532 2020-09-16 08:20 pip install notebook==5.7.10
4533 2020-09-16 08:20 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4534 2020-09-16 08:20 git tag
4535 2020-09-16 08:20 git co 0.4.0
4536 2020-09-16 08:20 git diff
4537 2020-09-16 08:20 git reset --hard
4538 2020-09-16 08:20 git co 0.5.0
4539 2020-09-16 08:20 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4540 2020-09-16 08:22 pip install notebook==6.0.0
4541 2020-09-16 08:22 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4542 2020-09-16 08:22 vi pip.lock
4543 2020-09-16 08:28 conda create -n s3contents-test2 python=3.7 pip
4544 2020-09-16 08:28 ca s3contents-test2
4545 2020-09-16 08:28 ll
4546 2020-09-16 08:28 pip install -r pip.lock
4547 2020-09-16 08:29 pytest -k test_Get -k "not gcs" -x
4548 2020-09-16 08:29 make build
4549 2020-09-16 08:29 python sdist\n
4550 2020-09-16 08:30 vi .github/workflows/test.yml
4551 2020-09-16 08:30 pip install dist/*.tar.gz
4552 2020-09-16 08:30 make test-all
4553 2020-09-16 08:31 git branch
4554 2020-09-16 08:31 git describe --tags
4555 2020-09-16 08:31 git tag
4556 2020-09-16 08:31 git co 0.5.1
4557 2020-09-16 08:31 make build
4558 2020-09-16 08:31 pip install dist/*.tar.gz
4559 2020-09-16 08:31 make test-all
4560 2020-09-16 08:31 git st
4561 2020-09-16 08:32 git branch
4562 2020-09-16 08:32 git describe --tags
4563 2020-09-16 08:32 ll
4564 2020-09-16 08:32 rm -r dist
4565 2020-09-16 08:32 make test-all
4566 2020-09-16 08:32 pytest -k
4567 2020-09-16 08:32 pytest -k "" -k "not gcs" -x
4568 2020-09-16 08:32 make minio
4569 2020-09-16 08:32 make test-all
4570 2020-09-16 08:33 git tag
4571 2020-09-16 08:33 git branch
4572 2020-09-16 08:33 git co release-0.6.0
4573 2020-09-16 08:33 make build
4574 2020-09-16 08:33 python sdist\n
4575 2020-09-16 08:33 ll
4576 2020-09-16 08:33 make build
4577 2020-09-16 08:33 pip install dist/*.tar.gz
4578 2020-09-16 08:33 make minio
4579 2020-09-16 08:33 pytest -k "" -k "not gcs" -x
4580 2020-09-16 08:34 conda info -e
4581 2020-09-16 08:34 ca s3contents-test2
4582 2020-09-16 08:34 pip lock > 37.lock
4583 2020-09-16 08:34 vi .github/workflows/test.yml
4584 2020-09-16 08:35 pip freeze > 37.lock
4585 2020-09-16 08:35 conda info -e
4586 2020-09-16 08:35 pip freeze > test2.lock
4587 2020-09-16 08:35 conda activate s3contents37
4588 2020-09-16 08:35 pip freeze > 37.lock
4589 2020-09-16 08:35 diff test2.lock 37.lock
4590 2020-09-16 08:35 ll
4591 2020-09-16 08:35 conda info -e
4592 2020-09-16 08:35 pytest -k "" -k "not gcs" -x
4593 2020-09-16 08:38 which pip
4594 2020-09-16 08:38 hash -r
4595 2020-09-16 08:38 which pip
4596 2020-09-16 08:40 conda info -e
4597 2020-09-16 08:41 which pip
4598 2020-09-16 08:41 conda install pip
4599 2020-09-16 08:41 hash -r
4600 2020-09-16 08:41 which pip
4601 2020-09-16 08:41 conda info -e
4602 2020-09-16 08:41 conda activate s3contents37
4603 2020-09-16 08:41 which pip
4604 2020-09-16 08:41 pip freeze > 37.lock
4605 2020-09-16 08:41 pip freeze
4606 2020-09-16 08:41 which pip
4607 2020-09-16 08:41 pip freeze
4608 2020-09-16 08:42 pip freeze > test2.lock
4609 2020-09-16 08:42 diff test2.lock 37.lock
4610 2020-09-16 08:42 ll
4611 2020-09-16 08:42 vi test2.lock
4612 2020-09-16 08:42 conda info -e
4613 2020-09-16 08:42 ca pandas
4614 2020-09-16 08:42 jupyter lab .
4615 2020-09-16 08:57 conda info -e
4616 2020-09-16 08:57 pip list | grep s3fs
4617 2020-09-16 08:57 pip install s3fs=0.5.0
4618 2020-09-16 08:57 pip install s3fs==0.5.0
4619 2020-09-16 08:57 make test-all
4620 2020-09-16 08:57 pip install s3fs==0.5.1
4621 2020-09-16 08:57 make test-all
4622 2020-09-16 08:58 pip install s3fs==0.5.0
4623 2020-09-16 08:58 make test-all
4624 2020-09-16 09:02 ll
4625 2020-09-16 09:02 vi requirements-package.txt
4626 2020-09-16 09:03 make package
4627 2020-09-16 09:03 pip install dist/*.tar.bz2
4628 2020-09-16 09:03 ll dist
4629 2020-09-16 09:03 p
4630 2020-09-16 09:03 pip install dist/s3contents-0.6.1.dev0+gdc0d8c8.d20200916.tar.gz
4631 2020-09-16 09:03 make test-all
4632 2020-09-16 09:05 ll
4633 2020-09-16 09:05 git diff
4634 2020-09-16 09:07 git commit -am "Pin s3fs to less than 0.5.1 for now\n\nSee #107"
4635 2020-09-16 09:07 git push
4636 2020-09-16 09:08 cd dev/dtn/jhub
4637 2020-09-16 09:08 ca pandas
4638 2020-09-16 09:08 ll
4639 2020-09-16 09:09 jupyter lab .
4640* 2020-09-16 09:46 git tag
4641* 2020-09-16 09:46 gk
4642* 2020-09-16 09:46 git tag -D 0.6.0
4643* 2020-09-16 09:46 git tag -d 0.6.0
4644* 2020-09-16 09:46 git co master
4645* 2020-09-16 09:46 git pull
4646* 2020-09-16 09:47 git push :0.6.0
4647* 2020-09-16 09:48 git push --delete origin 0.6.0
4648* 2020-09-16 09:48 git tag -a 0.6.0
4649* 2020-09-16 09:48 git tag -d 0.6.0
4650* 2020-09-16 09:48 git tag -a 0.6.0
4651* 2020-09-16 09:49 git push --tags
4652* 2020-09-16 09:49 make package
4653* 2020-09-16 09:49 make cleanall\n
4654* 2020-09-16 09:49 make build\n
4655* 2020-09-16 09:49 make upload-test\n
4656* 2020-09-16 09:49 conda info -e
4657* 2020-09-16 09:50 conda deactivate
4658* 2020-09-16 09:50 conda env remove -n s3contents-test23
4659* 2020-09-16 09:50 conda env remove -n s3contents-test2
4660* 2020-09-16 09:50 conda create -n s30.6.0 python=3.8 pip
4661* 2020-09-16 09:50 ca s30.6.0
4662* 2020-09-16 09:50 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0
4663* 2020-09-16 09:51 ca s30.6.0
4664* 2020-09-16 09:51 make minio
4665* 2020-09-16 09:52 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not minio and not gcs"\n
4666* 2020-09-16 09:52 make test-all
4667* 2020-09-16 09:52 conda info -e
4668* 2020-09-16 09:52 ca s30.6.0
4669* 2020-09-16 09:52 pip list
4670* 2020-09-16 09:53 ll
4671* 2020-09-16 09:53 vi
4672* 2020-09-16 09:53 vi requirements-package.txt
4673* 2020-09-16 09:53 git reset --hard origin/master
4674* 2020-09-16 09:53 vi requirements-package.txt
4675* 2020-09-16 09:53 ll
4676* 2020-09-16 09:53 conda deactivate
4677* 2020-09-16 09:53 conda info -e
4678* 2020-09-16 09:53 conda env remove -n s30.6.0
4679* 2020-09-16 09:53 make clean
4680* 2020-09-16 09:53 make build
4681* 2020-09-16 09:54 git fetch --tags
4682* 2020-09-16 09:54 git tag -d 0.6.0
4683* 2020-09-16 09:54 git push --delete origin 0.6.0
4684* 2020-09-16 09:54 ll
4685* 2020-09-16 09:54 git tag -a 0.6.0
4686* 2020-09-16 09:55 git push --tags
4687* 2020-09-16 09:55 make clean
4688* 2020-09-16 09:55 make build
4689* 2020-09-16 09:55 conda create -n s3test python=3.8 pip
4690* 2020-09-16 09:55 make upload-test
4691* 2020-09-16 09:58 pip install dist/s3contents-0.6.0.tar.gz
4692* 2020-09-16 09:58 conda info -e
4693* 2020-09-16 09:58 ca s3test
4694* 2020-09-16 09:58 pip install dist/s3contents-0.6.0.tar.gz
4695* 2020-09-16 09:58 ca s3test
4696* 2020-09-16 09:58 make minio
4697* 2020-09-16 09:58 ca s3test
4698* 2020-09-16 09:59 make test-all
4699* 2020-09-16 09:59 pip install dist/s3contents-0.6.0.tar.gz[test]
4700* 2020-09-16 10:00 git tag -d 0.6.0
4701* 2020-09-16 10:00 git tag -a 0.6.0rc2
4702* 2020-09-16 10:00 make build
4703* 2020-09-16 10:00 make clean
4704* 2020-09-16 10:00 make build
4705* 2020-09-16 10:00 make upload-test
4706* 2020-09-16 10:01 ca s3contents
4707* 2020-09-16 10:01 make test-upload
4708* 2020-09-16 10:01 make upload-test
4709* 2020-09-16 10:01 conda info -e
4710* 2020-09-16 10:01 conda env remove -n s3test
4711* 2020-09-16 10:01 conda create -n s3test python=3.8 pip -y
4712* 2020-09-16 10:02 ca s3test
4713* 2020-09-16 10:02 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2
4714* 2020-09-16 10:03 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2 --pre
4715* 2020-09-16 10:03 ca s3test
4716* 2020-09-16 10:03 make minio
4717* 2020-09-16 10:04 make test-all
4718* 2020-09-16 10:04 conda deactivate
4719* 2020-09-16 10:04 which pythobn
4720* 2020-09-16 10:04 which python
4721* 2020-09-16 10:04 conda activate s3test
4722* 2020-09-16 10:04 which python
4723* 2020-09-16 10:04 make minio
4724* 2020-09-16 10:04 LOCAL=0 AWS_PROFILE=dtn-dsci-dev bash packer/
4725* 2020-09-16 10:04 make minio
4726* 2020-09-16 10:04 make test-all
4727* 2020-09-16 10:04 pip list
4728* 2020-09-16 10:04 make test-all
4729* 2020-09-16 10:06 cd
4730* 2020-09-16 10:07 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not minio and not gcs"\n
4731* 2020-09-16 10:07 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs"\n
4732* 2020-09-16 10:08 pip freeze
4733* 2020-09-16 10:08 conda list -e
4734* 2020-09-16 10:08 conda info -e
4735* 2020-09-16 10:08 conda env remove -n s3content37
4736* 2020-09-16 10:08 conda env remove -n s3contents37
4737* 2020-09-16 10:08 conda create -n s3contents37 python=3.7 pip -y
4738* 2020-09-16 10:09 ca s3contents37
4739* 2020-09-16 10:09 which pip
4740* 2020-09-16 10:09 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2 --pre
4741* 2020-09-16 10:11 conda activate s3contents37
4742* 2020-09-16 10:11 make minio
4743* 2020-09-16 10:11 ca s3contents37
4744* 2020-09-16 10:12 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs" -v\n
4745* 2020-09-16 10:12 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs" -vx\n
4746* 2020-09-16 10:13 conda deactivate
4747* 2020-09-16 10:13 conda info -e
4748* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda env remove -n s3contents37 s3test
4749* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda env remove -n s3contents37
4750* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda env remove -n s3test
4751* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda deactivate
4752* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda info -e
4753* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda env remove -n s3test
4754* 2020-09-16 10:14 conda create -n s3contentstest3 python=3.7 pip
4755* 2020-09-16 10:14 ca s3contentstest3
4756* 2020-09-16 10:15 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2
4757* 2020-09-16 10:15 pipx install pipdeptree
4758* 2020-09-16 10:15 pipdeptree -h
4759* 2020-09-16 10:16 pipdeptree -p s3contents
4760* 2020-09-16 10:16 ca 3test
4761* 2020-09-16 10:16 pipdeptree
4762* 2020-09-16 10:16 pipdeptree -a
4763* 2020-09-16 10:16 which pip
4764* 2020-09-16 10:16 ca s3test
4765* 2020-09-16 10:16 which pip
4766* 2020-09-16 10:17 ca s3contentstest3
4767* 2020-09-16 10:17 pipdeptree
4768* 2020-09-16 10:17 which pip
4769* 2020-09-16 10:17 pip install pipdeptree
4770* 2020-09-16 10:17 pipdeptree
4771* 2020-09-16 10:17 conda info -e
4772* 2020-09-16 10:17 which pip
4773* 2020-09-16 10:17 pipdeptree -h
4774* 2020-09-16 10:17 pipdeptree -l
4775* 2020-09-16 10:18 conda deactivate
4776* 2020-09-16 10:18 ll
4777* 2020-09-16 10:18 conda env remove -n s3contentstest3
4778* 2020-09-16 10:19 conda create -n s3contentstest4 python=3.7 pip
4779* 2020-09-16 10:19 ca s3contentstest4
4780* 2020-09-16 10:19 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2
4781* 2020-09-16 10:19 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2 --use-feature=2020-resolver
4782* 2020-09-16 10:19 pip install --use-feature=2020-resolver
4783* 2020-09-16 10:19 pip install -U pip
4784* 2020-09-16 10:20 pip install --use-feature=2020-resolver
4785* 2020-09-16 10:20 pip install --extra-index-url= 's3contents[test]'==0.6.0rc2 --use-feature=2020-resolver
4786* 2020-09-16 10:21 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs" -vx\n
4787* 2020-09-16 10:21 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs" -v\n
4788* 2020-09-16 10:22 ca s3contentstest4
4789* 2020-09-16 10:22 make minio
4790* 2020-09-16 10:22 pytest --pyargs s3contents -m "not gcs" -v\n
4791* 2020-09-16 10:22 ll
4792* 2020-09-16 10:22 git fetch --tags
4793* 2020-09-16 10:23 git tag
4794* 2020-09-16 10:23 gk
4795* 2020-09-16 10:23 git tag -d 0.6.0rc2
4796* 2020-09-16 10:23 make clean
4797* 2020-09-16 10:23 make build
4798* 2020-09-16 10:24 ll dist
4799* 2020-09-16 10:24 make upload-pypi\n
4800* 2020-09-16 10:24 ca s3contents
4801* 2020-09-16 10:24 make upload-pypi\n
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