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Created April 19, 2015 02:15
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Inception in Python
def inception(target_depth, current_depth=0, going_deeper=True):
if going_deeper == True:
if current_depth < target_depth:
current_depth += 1
if current_depth != target_depth:
print("Dream Level: {0}, going deeper..".format(current_depth))
elif current_depth == target_depth:
print("Dream Level: {0}, coming back up..".format(current_depth))
return inception(target_depth, current_depth, True)
elif current_depth == target_depth:
return inception(target_depth, current_depth, False)
elif going_deeper == False:
current_depth -= 1
if current_depth != 0:
print("Dream Level: {0}, coming back up..".format(current_depth))
return inception(target_depth, current_depth, False)
if current_depth == 0:
print("No dream level, back at reality.")
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From the movie Inception, implemented in Python w/ recursion (recursion is the perfect mental model for the dream levels in the movie!)

Inception Movie:

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Example output:

Dream Level: 1, going deeper..
Dream Level: 2, going deeper..
Dream Level: 3, going deeper..
Dream Level: 4, coming back up..
Dream Level: 3, coming back up..
Dream Level: 2, coming back up..
Dream Level: 1, coming back up..
No dream level, back at reality.

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