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Created January 3, 2023 18:51
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Type Declarations for [some of?] Adobe's custom CEP APIs
* cep.d.ts - Type declarations for Adobe's CEPEngine APIs. These APIs are used by Adobe's
* [CEPEngine_extensions.js](
* but may be used directly in CEP contexts as well.
* **WARNING:** These declarations are not guaranteed to be exhaustive.
* The root namespace for special CEP APIs.
declare namespace cep {
* The namespace for CEP's File System APIs.
namespace fs {
* No error.
const NO_ERROR = 0;
* Unknown error occurred.
const ERR_UNKNOWN: 1;
* Invalid parameters passed to function.
* File or directory was not found.
const ERR_NOT_FOUND: 3;
* File or directory could not be read.
const ERR_CANT_READ: 4;
* An unsupported encoding value was specified.
* File could not be written.
const ERR_CANT_WRITE: 6;
* Target directory is out of space. File could not be written.
const ERR_OUT_OF_SPACE: 7;
* Specified path does not point to a file.
const ERR_NOT_FILE: 8;
* Specified path does not point to a directory.
* Specified file already exists.
const ERR_FILE_EXISTS: 10;
* Displays the OS File Open dialog, allowing the user to select files or directories.
* @param allowMultipleSelection When `true`, multiple files/folders can be selected.
* @param chooseDirectory When `true`, only folders can be selected. When `false`, only
* files can be selected.
* @param title Title of the open dialog.
* @param initialPath Initial path to display in the dialog. Pass `null` or `""` to
* display the last path chosen.
* @param fileTypes The file extensions (without the dot) for the types
* of files that can be selected. Ignored when `chooseDirectory=true`.
function showOpenDialog(allowMultipleSelection: boolean, chooseDirectory: boolean, title: string, initialPath: null | string, fileTypes?: string[]): {
/** An array of the full names of the selected files. */
data: string[],
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Displays the OS File Open dialog, allowing the user to select files or directories.
* @param allowMultipleSelection When `true`, multiple files/folders can be selected.
* @param chooseDirectory When `true`, only folders can be selected. When `false`, only
* files can be selected.
* @param title Title of the open dialog.
* @param initialPath Initial path to display in the dialog. Pass `null` or `""` to
* display the last path chosen.
* @param fileTypes The file extensions (without the dot) for the types
* of files that can be selected. Ignored when `chooseDirectory=true`.
* @param friendlyFilePrefix String to put in front of the extensions
* of files that can be selected. Ignored when `chooseDirectory=true`. (win only)
* For example:
* - `fileTypes = ["gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "webp", "svg"];`
* - `friendlyFilePrefix = "Images (*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.webp;*.svg)";`
* @param prompt String for OK button (mac only, default is `"Open"` on mac, `"Open"` or `"Select Folder"` on win).
function showOpenDialogEx(allowMultipleSelection: boolean, chooseDirectory: boolean, title: string, initialPath: null | string, fileTypes?: string[], friendlyFilePrefix?: string, prompt?: string): {
/** An array of the full names of the selected files. */
data: string[],
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Displays the OS File Save dialog, allowing the user to type in a file name.
* @param title Title of the save dialog.
* @param initialPath Initial path to display in the dialog. Pass `null` or `""` to
* display the last path chosen.
* @param fileTypes The file extensions (without the dot) for the types
* of files that can be selected.
* @param defaultName String to start with for the file name.
* @param friendlyFilePrefix String to put in front of the extensions of files that can be selected. (win only)
* For example:
* - `fileTypes = ["gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png", "bmp", "webp", "svg"];`
* - `friendlyFilePrefix = "Images (*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.webp;*.svg)";`
* @param prompt String for Save button (mac only, default is `"Save"` on mac and win).
* @param nameFieldLabel String displayed in front of the file name text field (mac only, `"File name:"` on win).
function showSaveDialogEx(title: string, initialPath: string, fileTypes: string[], defaultName: string, friendlyFilePrefix: string, prompt: string, nameFieldLabel: string): {
/** The file path selected to save at or `""` if canceled */
data: string[],
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Reads the contents of a folder.
* @param path The path of the folder to read.
function readdir(path: string): {
/** An array of the names of the contained files (excluding `.` and `..`). */
data: string[],
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_NOT_FOUND | typeof ERR_CANT_READ,
* Creates a new folder.
* @param path The path of the folder to create.
function makedir(path: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Renames a file or folder.
* @param oldPath The old name of the file or folder.
* @param newPath The new name of the file or folder.
function rename(oldPath: string, newPath: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_NOT_FOUND | typeof ERR_FILE_EXISTS,
* Reports whether the specified path is a file or folder and its modified time.
* @param path The path of the file or folder.
function stat(path: string): {
/** Status information for the requested path. */
data: {
/** Returns `true` if the path resolves to a directory, `false` otherwise. */
isDirectory(): boolean,
/** Returns `true` if the path resolves to a file, `false` otherwise. */
isFile(): boolean,
/** Modification DateTime */
mtime: Date,
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_NOT_FOUND,
* Reads the entire contents of a file.
* @param path The path of the file to read.
* @param encoding The encoding of the contents of file, one of
* UTF8 (the default) or Base64.
function readFile(path: string, encoding?: typeof cep.encoding.UTF8 | typeof cep.encoding.Base64): {
/** The file contents. */
data: string,
/** The status of the operation. */
* Writes data to a file, replacing the file if it already exists.
* @param path The path of the file to write.
* @param data The data to write to the file.
* @param encoding The encoding of the contents of file, one of
* UTF8 (the default) or Base64.
function writeFile(path: string, data: string, encoding?: typeof cep.encoding.UTF8 | typeof cep.encoding.Base64): {
/** The status of the operation. */
* Sets permissions for a file or folder.
* @param path The path of the file or folder.
* @param mode The permissions in numeric format (for example, 0777).
function chmod(path: string, mode: number): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_CANT_WRITE,
* Deletes a file.
* @param path The path of the file to delete.
function deleteFile(path: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof NO_ERROR | typeof ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_NOT_FOUND | typeof ERR_NOT_FILE,
* The namespace for CEP's Process APIs.
namespace process {
* The maximum number of processes has been exceeded.
* The specified PID is invalid.
* **NOTE:** This constant does not actually exist. This type
* declaration merely adds a name to the returned value.
* Creates a process.
* @param exePath The full path of the executable.
* @param args The arguments of the executable.
function createProcess(exePath: string, ...args: string[]): {
/** The pid of the process, or -1 on error. */
data: number,
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | typeof ERR_EXCEED_MAX_NUM_PROCESS | typeof cep.fs.ERR_NOT_FOUND | typeof cep.fs.ERR_NOT_FILE,
* Registers a standard-output handler for a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
* @param callback The handler function for the standard output callback.
function stdout(pid: number, callback: Function): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Registers up a standard-error handler for a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
* @param callback The handler function for the standard error callback.
function stderr(pid: number, callback: Function): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Writes data to the standard input of a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
* @param data The data to write.
function stdin(pid: number, data: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Retrieves the working directory of a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
function getWorkingDirectory(pid: number): {
/** The path of the working directory. */
data: string,
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Waits for a process to quit.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
function waitfor(pid: number): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Registers a handler for the onquit callback of a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
* @param callback The handler function.
function onquit(pid: number, callback: Function): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Reports whether a process is currently running.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
function isRunning(pid: number): {
/** `true` if the process is running, `false` otherwise. */
data: boolean,
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* Terminates a process.
* @param pid The pid of the process (an integer).
function terminate(pid: number): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS | ERR_INVALID_PROCESS_ID,
* The namespace for CEP's Util APIs.
namespace util {
* Invalid URL.
const ERR_INVALID_URL: 201;
* Deprecated API.
const DEPRECATED_API: 202;
* Opens a page in the default system browser.
* @param url The URL of the page/file to open, or the email address.
* Must use HTTP/HTTPS/file/mailto. For example:
* -
* -
* - file:///C:/log.txt
* -
function openURLInDefaultBrowser(url: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_UNKNOWN | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Registers a callback function for extension unload. If called more than once,
* the last callback that is successfully registered is used.
* @param callback The handler function.
* @deprecated since CEP version 6.0.0.
function registerExtensionUnloadCallback(callback: Function): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* Stores the user's proxy credentials.
* @param username proxy username
* @param password proxy password
function storeProxyCredentials(username: string, password: string): {
/** The status of the operation. */
err: typeof cep.fs.NO_ERROR | typeof cep.fs.ERR_INVALID_PARAMS,
* The namespace for CEP's Encoding APIs.
namespace encoding {
* UTF8 encoding type.
const UTF8: "UTF-8";
* Base64 encoding type.
const Base64: "Base64";
* Encoding conversions.
* **NOTE:** This is not a misspelling.
namespace convertion {
function utf8_to_b64(str: string): string;
function b64_to_utf8(base64str: string): string;
function binary_to_b64(binary: string): string;
function b64_to_binary(base64str: string): string;
function ascii_to_b64(ascii: string): string;
function b64_to_ascii(base64str: string): string;
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