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Created April 3, 2014 09:39
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Bootstrap script for installing Java 8 on an Amazon Elastic MapReduce instance (AMI 3.0.1)
# Check java version
JAVA_VER=$(java -version 2>&1 | sed 's/java version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*"/\1\2/; 1q')
if [ "$JAVA_VER" -lt 18 ]
# Download jdk 8
echo "Downloading and installing jdk 8"
wget --no-cookies --no-check-certificate --header "Cookie:; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" ""
# Silent install
sudo yum -y install jdk-8-linux-x64.rpm
# Figure out how many versions of Java we currently have
NR_OF_OPTIONS=$(echo 0 | alternatives --config java 2>/dev/null | grep 'There ' | awk '{print $3}' | tail -1)
echo "Found $NR_OF_OPTIONS existing versions of java. Adding new version."
# Make the new java version available via /etc/alternatives
sudo alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/default/bin/java 1
# Make java 8 the default
echo $(($NR_OF_OPTIONS + 1)) | sudo alternatives --config java
# Set some variables
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default/bin/java
export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/default/jre
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/java/default/bin
# Check java version again
JAVA_VER=$(java -version 2>&1 | sed 's/java version "\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\..*"/\1\2/; 1q')
echo "Java version is $JAVA_VER!"
echo "PATH: $PATH"
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