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Last active May 27, 2016 01:28
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Convert an HTML string into a rich-text delta using node.js and jsdom

This is a really ugly hack, but it works well enough for me to do as a one-off to convert a bunch of data from html strings into rich-text objects. I had originally stored my data in the long_text column as an html string, and now I want to store the raw JSON version of the same data in the rich_text column.

This is really just a demo of the idea, but if it helps anyone, I'll be happy that it does.

const Knex = require('knex');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
jsdom.defaultDocmentFeatures = {
ProcessExternalResources: ['script'],
// shim for the mutation observer, which we don't need and jsdom doesn't provide.
class MutationObserver {
observe() {
takeRecords() {
return [];
function loadBody(modelName, id) {
return Knex.trellis(modelName) //use your own database here.
.where({id: id})
.then((vals) => {
if (vals.length) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//apparently it needs a toolbar. go figure.
<div id="editor-toolbar" class="flex child-horizontal-margin cross-stretch">
<div class="flex nostretch">
<button title="Bold" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-bold"></button>
<button title="Italic" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-italic"></button>
<button title="Underline" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-underline"></button>
<div class="flex nostretch">
<button title="List" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-list" value="bullet"></button>
<button title="Bullet" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-list" value="ordered"></button>
<div class="flex nostretch">
<button title="Link" class="quill-toolbar-button ql-link"></button>
<div id="quillfrom">${vals[0].long_text}</div>
(err, w) => {
w.MutationObserver = MutationObserver;
w.quill = new w.Quill('#quillfrom', {
theme: 'snow',
formats: [
modules: {
toolbar: {
container: '#editor-toolbar',
resolve(w.quill.getContents()); // the magic
} else {
return Promise.reject(`${modelName}:${id} not found`);
}).then((delta) => {
//yay! do with it what you will.
console.log(JSON.stringify(delta, null, 2));
}).catch((err) => {
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it looks like the leak is in fetching quill.js from the CDN like a hojillion times. If you download it as a local file and then just fs.readFileAsync it and inject it to the jsdom.env as a src option it works much better.

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