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Created January 15, 2014 20:28
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✓ should have a .local property
✓ should be the string "state"
✓ should have a .namespace property
✓ should be null
✓ should have a .extend property
✓ should respond to .extend()
✓ should always return the Express app being extended
✓ should be a function
.create( [exposed] )
✓ should respond to .create()
✓ should be an `Exposed` instance factory
inhert `exposed`
✓ should inherit from the specified `exposed`
✓ should inherit previous namespaces
✓ should inherit new namespaces
✓ should not expose own namespaces to super
.isExposed( [obj] )
✓ should respond to .isExposed()
✓ should return `true` for Exposed instances
✓ should return `true` for Exposed-like objects
✓ should return `false` for non-Exposed-like objects
#add( namespace, value [, options] )
✓ should be a function
✓ should add the specified `namespace` as a property
✓ should add a deep `namespace` as a shallow property
✓ should clean up non-applicable namespaces
✓ should assign the specified `value` to the property
✓ should assign values by reference
✓ should not modify exsiting values
✓ should accept an `options` argument
✓ should not cache serialized values when `options.cache` is falsy
✓ should cache serialized values when `options.cache` is truthy
✓ should be a function
✓ should return a string
✓ should initialize its namespaces
✓ should initialize deep namespaces
✓ should assign `value` to `namespace`
✓ should assign values to namespaces in order
✓ should assign values to sub namespaces
.extend( app )
✓ should add `expose()`
✓ should not override `expose()` if it exists
serialize( obj )
✓ should be a function
✓ should serialize `undefined` to a string
✓ should deserialize "undefined" to `undefined`
✓ should serialize `null` to a string
✓ should deserialize "null" to `null`
✓ should serialize JSON to a JSON string
✓ should deserialize a JSON string to a JSON object
✓ should serialize annonymous functions
✓ should deserialize annonymous functions
✓ should serialize named functions
✓ should deserialize named functions
✓ should serialize functions with arguments
✓ should deserialize functions with arguments
✓ should serialize functions with bodies
✓ should deserialize functions with bodies
✓ should throw a TypeError when serializing native built-ins
✓ should serialize constructed regexps
✓ should deserialize constructed regexps
✓ should serialize literal regexps
✓ should deserialize literal regexps
✓ should serialize regexps with flags
✓ should deserialize regexps with flags
✓ should serialize regexps with escaped chars
✓ should deserialize regexps with escaped chars
✓ should encode unsafe HTML chars to Unicode
expose( obj [[, namespace [, options]] | [, options]] )
✓ should add a `state` object to `locals` when called
✓ should not expose non-objects with no namespace
✓ should expose objects with no namespace by using its keys
DEPRECATED: expose( obj [, namespace [, local]] )
✓ should use `local` when it is the third argument
global .local
✓ should create the exposed object at the specified `local`
✓ should be overridable when calling expose()
global .namespace
✓ should be used when no namespace is provided
✓ should be used as a prefix to the `namespace` provided
✓ should prefix the specified `namespace` when not already contained
✓ should be overrideable with a `window.` prefixed `namespace`
✓ should respond to expose()
setting: "state local"
✓ should use app setting
✓ should be preferred over the global .local
✓ should be overrideable when calling app.expose()
setting: "state namespace"
✓ should use app setting
✓ should be preferred over the global .namespace
✓ should be used as a prefix to the `namespace` provided
✓ should prefix the specified `namespace` when not already contained
✓ should be overrideable with a `window.` prefixed `namespace`
✓ should respond to expose()
✓ should inherit from app.locals
✓ should override app.locals
84 tests complete (112 ms)
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