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Last active October 5, 2016 01:28
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import Html exposing (Html, div, button, text)
import Html.Attributes as Attr
import Html.Events as Evt
import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Json.Decode as Json
import String
sample : Person
sample = { name = "Thor", age = 54, password = "#NDkds_(", optional = Nothing }
main : Program Never
main =
beginnerProgram { model = init (Just sample), view = view, update = update }
type alias Person =
{ name : String, age : Int, password : String, optional: Maybe String }
type alias Model =
{ person : Maybe Person
, personAge : Result (String,String) Int
, personName : Result (String,String) String
, personPassword : Result (String,String) String
, personOptional : Result (String,String) (Maybe String)
, dirty : Bool
init : Maybe Person -> Model
init mperson =
{ person = mperson
, personAge = .age mperson
|> Result.fromMaybe ("Please enter your age","")
, personName = .name mperson
|> Result.fromMaybe ("Please enter your name","")
, personPassword = .password mperson
|> Result.fromMaybe ("Please enter your password","")
, personOptional = .optional mperson
|> Result.fromMaybe ("Comments if you like","")
, dirty = False
onBlurWithValue tagger =
Evt.on "blur" ( tagger Evt.targetValue)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ div []
[ Html.input
[ Attr.placeholder "age"
, Attr.type' "number"
, Attr.value (valueFromResult toString model.personAge)
, onBlurWithValue (validate okAge >> UpdateAge)
, Html.text <| resultToString model.personAge
, div []
[ Html.input
[ Attr.placeholder "name"
, Attr.value (valueFromResult identity model.personName)
, onBlurWithValue (validate okName >> UpdateName)
, Html.text <| resultToString model.personName
, div []
[ Html.input
[ Attr.placeholder "password"
, Attr.type' "password"
, Attr.value (valueFromResult identity model.personPassword)
, onBlurWithValue (validate okPassword >> UpdatePassword)
, Html.text <| resultToString model.personPassword
, div []
[ Html.input
[ Attr.placeholder "optional"
, Attr.value (valueFromResult (Maybe.withDefault "") model.personOptional)
, onBlurWithValue (emptyToResult >> UpdateOptional)
, Html.text <| resultToString model.personOptional
, button
[ Attr.disabled (model.person == Nothing)
, Evt.onClick SavePerson
[ text "Save me" ]
, div [ [("color","red")] ]
[ (case model.person of
Just person ->
Html.text (toString person)
_ ->
Html.text "Couldn't save you yet"
type Msg
= UpdateAge (Result (String,String) Int)
| UpdateName (Result (String,String) String)
| UpdatePassword (Result (String,String) String)
| UpdateOptional (Result (String,String) (Maybe String))
| SavePerson
update :
-> Model
-> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
UpdateAge age ->
let newmodel =
{ model | dirty = True, personAge = age }
{ newmodel | person = createPerson newmodel }
UpdateName name ->
let newmodel =
{ model | dirty = True, personName = name }
{ newmodel | person = createPerson newmodel }
UpdatePassword pw ->
let newmodel =
{ model | dirty = True, personPassword = pw }
{ newmodel | person = createPerson newmodel }
UpdateOptional opt ->
let newmodel =
{ model | dirty = True, personOptional = opt }
{ newmodel | person = createPerson newmodel }
SavePerson ->
{ model | dirty = False }
createPerson : Model -> Maybe Person
createPerson model =
Result.map4 Person
|> Result.toMaybe
resultToString : Result (String,String) b -> String
resultToString result =
case result of
Ok _ ->
"All good"
Err (msg, _) ->
isErr : Result a b -> Bool
isErr result =
case result of
Err _ ->
_ ->
-- always Ok, convert empty strings to Nothing
emptyToResult : String -> Result (String,String) (Maybe String)
emptyToResult s =
if String.length s == 0 then Ok Nothing
else Ok (Just s)
-- Get either the Ok value (converted to String),
-- or the last input string from the result
valueFromResult : (a -> String) -> Result (String,String) a -> String
valueFromResult formatter r =
case r of
Ok a -> formatter a
Err (_,last) -> last
-- Put the last input string into the result
validate :
(String -> Result String a) ->
String ->
Result (String,String) a
validate func str =
(func str) |> Result.formatError (\err -> (err, str))
okName : String -> Result String String
okName name =
if String.length name > 3 then
Ok name
Err "Name must be more than 3 characters."
okAge : String -> Result String Int
okAge age =
(String.toInt age
|> Result.formatError (\s -> "You must provide an age.")
(\age ->
if age > 10 then
Ok age
Err "Age must be greater than 10."
okPassword : String -> Result String String
okPassword pw =
if String.length pw > 7 then
Ok pw
Err "Name must be more than 7 characters."
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