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Last active April 23, 2022 00:30
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  • Save erichlof/8c495d2257d76d6eeee2391655d0c84c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save erichlof/8c495d2257d76d6eeee2391655d0c84c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implements a three.js OribitControls-style camera with Orthographic projection option
// scene/demo-specific variables go here
let modelMesh;
let modelScale = 1.0;
let modelPositionOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
let albedoTexture;
let total_number_of_triangles = 0;
let triangle_array;
let triangleMaterialMarkers = [];
let pathTracingMaterialList = [];
let uniqueMaterialTextures = [];
let meshList = [];
let geoList = [];
let triangleDataTexture;
let aabb_array;
let aabbDataTexture;
let totalWork;
let vp0 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vp1 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vp2 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vn0 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vn1 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vn2 = new THREE.Vector3();
let vt0 = new THREE.Vector2();
let vt1 = new THREE.Vector2();
let vt2 = new THREE.Vector2();
let rectangleLight0, rectangleLight1;
let fog_DensityObject, fog_DensityController;
let light0_PowerObject, light0_PowerController;
let light1_PowerObject, light1_PowerController;
let light0Position_Folder, light0Rotation_Folder;
let light1Position_Folder, light1Rotation_Folder;
let light0_PositionXObject, light0_PositionXController;
let light0_PositionYObject, light0_PositionYController;
let light0_PositionZObject, light0_PositionZController;
let light0_RotationXObject, light0_RotationXController;
let light0_RotationYObject, light0_RotationYController;
let light0_RotationZObject, light0_RotationZController;
let light1_PositionXObject, light1_PositionXController;
let light1_PositionYObject, light1_PositionYController;
let light1_PositionZObject, light1_PositionZController;
let light1_RotationXObject, light1_RotationXController;
let light1_RotationYObject, light1_RotationYController;
let light1_RotationZObject, light1_RotationZController;
let needChangeFogDensity = false;
let needChangeLight0Power = false;
let needChangeLight1Power = false;
let needChangeLight0Position = false;
let needChangeLight0Rotation = false;
let needChangeLight1Position = false;
let needChangeLight1Rotation = false;
let cameraZOffset;
function init_GUI()
fog_DensityObject = {
Fog_Density: 0.03038
light0_PowerObject = {
Light0_Power: 1000
light1_PowerObject = {
Light1_Power: 1000
light0_PositionXObject = { positionX: -100 };
light0_PositionYObject = { positionY: 107 };
light0_PositionZObject = { positionZ: -5 };
light0_RotationXObject = { rotationX: 0 };
light0_RotationYObject = { rotationY: 32 };
light0_RotationZObject = { rotationZ: 50 };
light1_PositionXObject = { positionX: -10 };
light1_PositionYObject = { positionY: 90 };
light1_PositionZObject = { positionZ: -50 };
light1_RotationXObject = { rotationX: 0 };
light1_RotationYObject = { rotationY: 32 };
light1_RotationZObject = { rotationZ: 148 };
function handleFogDensityChange()
needChangeFogDensity = true;
function handleLight0PowerChange() {
needChangeLight0Power = true;
function handleLight1PowerChange() {
needChangeLight1Power = true;
function handleLight0PositionChange() {
needChangeLight0Position = true;
function handleLight1PositionChange() {
needChangeLight1Position = true;
function handleLight0RotationChange() {
needChangeLight0Rotation = true;
function handleLight1RotationChange() {
needChangeLight1Rotation = true;
fog_DensityController = gui.add( fog_DensityObject, 'Fog_Density', 0.0, 0.2, 0.00001 ).onChange( handleFogDensityChange );
light0_PowerController = gui.add(light0_PowerObject, 'Light0_Power', 1, 1000, 1).onChange(handleLight0PowerChange);
light1_PowerController = gui.add(light1_PowerObject, 'Light1_Power', 1, 1000, 1).onChange(handleLight1PowerChange);
light0Position_Folder = gui.addFolder('Light0_Position');
light0_PositionXController = light0Position_Folder.add(light0_PositionXObject, 'positionX', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight0PositionChange);
light0_PositionYController = light0Position_Folder.add(light0_PositionYObject, 'positionY', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight0PositionChange);
light0_PositionZController = light0Position_Folder.add(light0_PositionZObject, 'positionZ', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight0PositionChange);
light0Rotation_Folder = gui.addFolder('Light0_Rotation');
light0_RotationXController = light0Rotation_Folder.add(light0_RotationXObject, 'rotationX', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight0RotationChange);
light0_RotationYController = light0Rotation_Folder.add(light0_RotationYObject, 'rotationY', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight0RotationChange);
light0_RotationZController = light0Rotation_Folder.add(light0_RotationZObject, 'rotationZ', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight0RotationChange);
light1Position_Folder = gui.addFolder('Light1_Position');
light1_PositionXController = light1Position_Folder.add(light1_PositionXObject, 'positionX', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight1PositionChange);
light1_PositionYController = light1Position_Folder.add(light1_PositionYObject, 'positionY', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight1PositionChange);
light1_PositionZController = light1Position_Folder.add(light1_PositionZObject, 'positionZ', -500, 500, 1).onChange(handleLight1PositionChange);
light1Rotation_Folder = gui.addFolder('Light1_Rotation');
light1_RotationXController = light1Rotation_Folder.add(light1_RotationXObject, 'rotationX', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight1RotationChange);
light1_RotationYController = light1Rotation_Folder.add(light1_RotationYObject, 'rotationY', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight1RotationChange);
light1_RotationZController = light1Rotation_Folder.add(light1_RotationZObject, 'rotationZ', 0, 359, 1).onChange(handleLight1RotationChange);
} // end function init_GUI()
function MaterialObject()
// a list of material types and their corresponding numbers are found in the 'pathTracingCommon.js' file
this.type = 1; // default is '1': diffuse type
this.albedoTextureID = -1; // which diffuse map to use for model's color / '-1' = no textures are used
this.color = new THREE.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); // takes on different meanings, depending on 'type' above
this.roughness = 0.0; // 0.0 to 1.0 range, perfectly smooth to extremely rough
this.metalness = 0.0; // 0.0 to 1.0 range, usually either 0 or 1, either non-metal or metal
this.opacity = 1.0; // 0.0 to 1.0 range, fully transparent to fully opaque
this.refractiveIndex = 1.0; // 1.0=air, 1.33=water, 1.4=clearCoat, 1.5=glass, etc.
function load_GLTF_Model()
let gltfLoader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
//gltfLoader.load("models/StanfordDragon.glb", function( meshGroup ) // Triangles: 100,000
// if you choose to load in the different models below, scroll down and change the *GLTF model settings* for this particular model
//gltfLoader.load("models/Classic 1982 TRON Light Cycle.gltf", function( meshGroup ) // Triangles: 17,533
//gltfLoader.load("models/StanfordBunny.glb", function( meshGroup ) // Triangles: 30,338
gltfLoader.load("models/david.gltf", function (meshGroup)
if (meshGroup.scene)
meshGroup = meshGroup.scene;
meshGroup.traverse( function ( child )
if ( child.isMesh )
let mat = new MaterialObject();
mat.type = 1;
mat.albedoTextureID = -1;
//mat.color = child.material.color;
mat.roughness = child.material.roughness || 0.0;
mat.metalness = child.material.metalness || 0.0;
mat.opacity = child.material.opacity || 1.0;
mat.refractiveIndex = 1.0;
triangleMaterialMarkers.push(child.geometry.attributes.position.array.length / 9);
} );
modelMesh = meshList[0].clone();
for (let i = 0; i < meshList.length; i++)
modelMesh.geometry = THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.mergeBufferGeometries(geoList);
if (modelMesh.geometry.index)
modelMesh.geometry = modelMesh.geometry.toNonIndexed();;
for (let i = 1; i < triangleMaterialMarkers.length; i++)
triangleMaterialMarkers[i] += triangleMaterialMarkers[i-1];
for (let i = 0; i < meshList.length; i++)
if (meshList[i] != undefined)
for (let i = 0; i < uniqueMaterialTextures.length; i++)
for (let j = i + 1; j < uniqueMaterialTextures.length; j++)
if (uniqueMaterialTextures[i].image.src == uniqueMaterialTextures[j].image.src)
uniqueMaterialTextures.splice(j, 1);
j -= 1;
for (let i = 0; i < meshList.length; i++)
if (meshList[i] != undefined)
for (let j = 0; j < uniqueMaterialTextures.length; j++)
if (meshList[i] == uniqueMaterialTextures[j].image.src)
pathTracingMaterialList[i].albedoTextureID = j;
// ********* different GLTF Model Settings **********
// settings for StanfordDragon model
// modelScale = 2.0;
// modelPositionOffset.set(0, 28, -40);
// settings for TronTank model
// modelScale = 10.0;
// modelMesh.geometry.rotateX(-Math.PI * 0.5);
// modelPositionOffset.set(-60, 20, -30);
// settings for the David sculpture model
modelScale = 0.04;
modelPositionOffset.set(0, 0, 0);
// now that the model has loaded, we can init the app
}); // end gltfLoader.load()
} // end function load_GLTF_Model()
// called automatically from within initTHREEjs() function (located in InitCommon.js file)
function initSceneData()
demoFragmentShaderFileName = 'HDRI_Environment_Fragment.glsl';
// scene/demo-specific three.js objects setup goes here
sceneIsDynamic = false;
// tell the engine that we will use our own custom camera controls
useGenericInput = false;
//cameraFlightSpeed = 60;
// pixelRatio is resolution - range: 0.5(half resolution) to 1.0(full resolution)
pixelRatio = mouseControl ? 0.75 : 0.7; // less demanding on battery-powered mobile devices
//pixelRatio = 0.5;
EPS_intersect = 0.001;
// set camera's field of view
worldCamera.fov = 50;
cameraZOffset = 45; // how much the camera will be pulled back from its look-at target
focusDistance = cameraZOffset;
cameraControlsPitchObject.rotation.x = 0.252;
cameraControlsYawObject.rotation.y = 0.5856;
cameraControlsObject.position.y += 40;
worldCamera.position.set(0, 0, cameraZOffset);
rectangleLight0 = new THREE.Object3D();
rectangleLight1 = new THREE.Object3D();
total_number_of_triangles = modelMesh.geometry.attributes.position.array.length / 9;
console.log("Triangle count:" + total_number_of_triangles);
totalWork = new Uint32Array(total_number_of_triangles);
triangle_array = new Float32Array(2048 * 2048 * 4);
// 2048 = width of texture, 2048 = height of texture, 4 = r,g,b, and a components
aabb_array = new Float32Array(2048 * 2048 * 4);
// 2048 = width of texture, 2048 = height of texture, 4 = r,g,b, and a components
let triangle_b_box_min = new THREE.Vector3();
let triangle_b_box_max = new THREE.Vector3();
let triangle_b_box_centroid = new THREE.Vector3();
if (modelMesh.geometry.attributes.normal === undefined)
let vpa = new Float32Array(modelMesh.geometry.attributes.position.array);
let vna = new Float32Array(modelMesh.geometry.attributes.normal.array);
let vta = null;
let modelHasUVs = false;
if (modelMesh.geometry.attributes.uv !== undefined)
vta = new Float32Array(modelMesh.geometry.attributes.uv.array);
modelHasUVs = true;
let materialNumber = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < total_number_of_triangles; i++)
triangle_b_box_min.set(Infinity, Infinity, Infinity);
triangle_b_box_max.set(-Infinity, -Infinity, -Infinity);
for (let j = 0; j < pathTracingMaterialList.length; j++)
if (i < triangleMaterialMarkers[j])
materialNumber = j;
// record vertex texture coordinates (UVs)
if (modelHasUVs)
vt0.set( vta[6 * i + 0], vta[6 * i + 1] );
vt1.set( vta[6 * i + 2], vta[6 * i + 3] );
vt2.set( vta[6 * i + 4], vta[6 * i + 5] );
vt0.set( -1, -1 );
vt1.set( -1, -1 );
vt2.set( -1, -1 );
// record vertex normals
vn0.set( vna[9 * i + 0], vna[9 * i + 1], vna[9 * i + 2] ).normalize();
vn1.set( vna[9 * i + 3], vna[9 * i + 4], vna[9 * i + 5] ).normalize();
vn2.set( vna[9 * i + 6], vna[9 * i + 7], vna[9 * i + 8] ).normalize();
// record vertex positions
vp0.set( vpa[9 * i + 0], vpa[9 * i + 1], vpa[9 * i + 2] );
vp1.set( vpa[9 * i + 3], vpa[9 * i + 4], vpa[9 * i + 5] );
vp2.set( vpa[9 * i + 6], vpa[9 * i + 7], vpa[9 * i + 8] );
//slot 0
triangle_array[32 * i + 0] = vp0.x; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 1] = vp0.y; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 2] = vp0.z; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 3] = vp1.x; // a or w
//slot 1
triangle_array[32 * i + 4] = vp1.y; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 5] = vp1.z; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 6] = vp2.x; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 7] = vp2.y; // a or w
//slot 2
triangle_array[32 * i + 8] = vp2.z; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 9] = vn0.x; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 10] = vn0.y; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 11] = vn0.z; // a or w
//slot 3
triangle_array[32 * i + 12] = vn1.x; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 13] = vn1.y; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 14] = vn1.z; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 15] = vn2.x; // a or w
//slot 4
triangle_array[32 * i + 16] = vn2.y; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 17] = vn2.z; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 18] = vt0.x; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 19] = vt0.y; // a or w
//slot 5
triangle_array[32 * i + 20] = vt1.x; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 21] = vt1.y; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 22] = vt2.x; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 23] = vt2.y; // a or w
// the remaining slots are used for PBR material properties
//slot 6
triangle_array[32 * i + 24] = pathTracingMaterialList[materialNumber].type; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 25] = pathTracingMaterialList[materialNumber].color.r; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 26] = pathTracingMaterialList[materialNumber].color.g; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 27] = pathTracingMaterialList[materialNumber].color.b; // a or w
//slot 7
triangle_array[32 * i + 28] = pathTracingMaterialList[materialNumber].albedoTextureID; // r or x
triangle_array[32 * i + 29] = 0; // g or y
triangle_array[32 * i + 30] = 0; // b or z
triangle_array[32 * i + 31] = 0; // a or w
aabb_array[9 * i + 0] = triangle_b_box_min.x;
aabb_array[9 * i + 1] = triangle_b_box_min.y;
aabb_array[9 * i + 2] = triangle_b_box_min.z;
aabb_array[9 * i + 3] = triangle_b_box_max.x;
aabb_array[9 * i + 4] = triangle_b_box_max.y;
aabb_array[9 * i + 5] = triangle_b_box_max.z;
aabb_array[9 * i + 6] = triangle_b_box_centroid.x;
aabb_array[9 * i + 7] = triangle_b_box_centroid.y;
aabb_array[9 * i + 8] = triangle_b_box_centroid.z;
totalWork[i] = i;
// Build the BVH acceleration structure, which places a bounding box ('root' of the tree) around all of the
// triangles of the entire mesh, then subdivides each box into 2 smaller boxes. It continues until it reaches 1 triangle,
// which it then designates as a 'leaf'
BVH_Build_Iterative(totalWork, aabb_array);
triangleDataTexture = new THREE.DataTexture(triangle_array,
triangleDataTexture.flipY = false;
triangleDataTexture.generateMipmaps = false;
triangleDataTexture.needsUpdate = true;
aabbDataTexture = new THREE.DataTexture(aabb_array,
aabbDataTexture.flipY = false;
aabbDataTexture.generateMipmaps = false;
aabbDataTexture.needsUpdate = true;
// scene/demo-specific uniforms go here
pathTracingUniforms.tTriangleTexture = { type: "t", value: triangleDataTexture };
pathTracingUniforms.tAABBTexture = { type: "t", value: aabbDataTexture };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight0_Matrix = { type: "m4", value: new THREE.Matrix4() };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight1_Matrix = { type: "m4", value: new THREE.Matrix4() };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight0_InvMatrix = { type: "m4", value: new THREE.Matrix4() };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight1_InvMatrix = { type: "m4", value: new THREE.Matrix4() };
pathTracingUniforms.uFogDensity = { type: "f", value: 0.0 };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight0Power = { type: "f", value: 0.0 };
pathTracingUniforms.uLight1Power = { type: "f", value: 0.0 };
} // end function initSceneData()
// called automatically from within the animate() function (located in InitCommon.js file)
function updateVariablesAndUniforms()
if ((keyPressed('a') || button1Pressed) && !(keyPressed('d') || button2Pressed))
cameraControlsObject.position.sub(cameraRightVector.multiplyScalar(cameraFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyPressed('d') || button2Pressed) && !(keyPressed('a') || button1Pressed))
cameraControlsObject.position.add(cameraRightVector.multiplyScalar(cameraFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if (keyPressed('w') && !keyPressed('s'))
cameraControlsObject.position.add(cameraUpVector.multiplyScalar(cameraFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if (keyPressed('s') && !keyPressed('w'))
cameraControlsObject.position.sub(cameraUpVector.multiplyScalar(cameraFlightSpeed * frameTime));
cameraIsMoving = true;
if ((keyPressed('up') || button5Pressed) && !(keyPressed('down') || button6Pressed))
increaseFocusDist = true;
if ((keyPressed('down') || button6Pressed) && !(keyPressed('up') || button5Pressed))
decreaseFocusDist = true;
if (keyPressed('right') && !keyPressed('left'))
increaseAperture = true;
if (keyPressed('left') && !keyPressed('right'))
decreaseAperture = true;
if (keyPressed('period') && !keyPressed('comma'))
increaseFOV = true;
if (keyPressed('comma') && !keyPressed('period'))
decreaseFOV = true;
if (keyPressed('o') && canPress_O)
changeToOrthographicCamera = true;
canPress_O = false;
if (!keyPressed('o'))
canPress_O = true;
if (keyPressed('p') && canPress_P)
changeToPerspectiveCamera = true;
canPress_P = false;
if (!keyPressed('p'))
canPress_P = true;
if (dollyCameraIn)
cameraZOffset -= 1;
if (cameraZOffset < 0)
cameraZOffset = 0;
worldCamera.position.set(0, 0, cameraZOffset);
cameraIsMoving = true;
dollyCameraIn = false;
if (dollyCameraOut)
cameraZOffset += 1;
if (cameraZOffset > 1000)
cameraZOffset = 1000;
worldCamera.position.set(0, 0, cameraZOffset);
cameraIsMoving = true;
dollyCameraOut = false;
if (needChangeFogDensity)
pathTracingUniforms.uFogDensity.value = fog_DensityController.getValue();
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeFogDensity = false;
if (needChangeLight0Power)
pathTracingUniforms.uLight0Power.value = light0_PowerController.getValue();
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight0Power = false;
if (needChangeLight1Power)
pathTracingUniforms.uLight1Power.value = light1_PowerController.getValue();
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight1Power = false;
if (needChangeLight0Position)
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight0Position = false;
if (needChangeLight0Rotation)
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight0Rotation = false;
if (needChangeLight1Position)
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight1Position = false;
if (needChangeLight1Rotation)
cameraIsMoving = true;
needChangeLight1Rotation = false;
cameraInfoElement.innerHTML = "FOV: " + worldCamera.fov + " / Aperture: " + apertureSize.toFixed(2) +
" / FocusDistance: " + focusDistance + "<br>" + "Samples: " + sampleCounter;
} // end function updateUniforms()
load_GLTF_Model(); // load model, init app, and start animating
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