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Created August 26, 2022 03:05
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A simple example of adding UBOs to a demo's fragment shader
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
precision highp sampler2D;
#include <pathtracing_uniforms_and_defines>
uniform mat4 uTorusInvMatrix;
uniform InvMatrices_UniformGroup {
mat4 u_InvMatrices[64];
uniform TopLevelBVH_UniformGroup {
vec4 u_AABBData[256];
#define N_LIGHTS 3.0
#define N_SPHERES 6
#define N_PLANES 1
#define N_DISKS 1
#define N_TRIANGLES 1
#define N_QUADS 1
#define N_BOXES 2
#define N_ELLIPSOIDS 1
#define N_CONES 1
#define N_CAPSULES 1
#define N_TORII 1
vec3 rayOrigin, rayDirection;
// recorded intersection data:
vec3 hitNormal, hitEmission, hitColor;
vec2 hitUV;
float hitObjectID;
int hitType = -100;
struct Sphere { float radius; vec3 position; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct Ellipsoid { vec3 radii; vec3 position; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct Paraboloid { float rad; float height; vec3 pos; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct OpenCylinder { float radius; float height; vec3 position; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct CappedCylinder { float radius; vec3 cap1pos; vec3 cap2pos; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct Cone { vec3 pos0; float radius0; vec3 pos1; float radius1; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct Capsule { vec3 pos0; float radius0; vec3 pos1; float radius1; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct UnitTorus { float parameterK; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
struct Box { vec3 minCorner; vec3 maxCorner; vec3 emission; vec3 color; int type; };
Sphere spheres[N_SPHERES];
Ellipsoid ellipsoids[N_ELLIPSOIDS];
Paraboloid paraboloids[N_PARABOLOIDS];
OpenCylinder openCylinders[N_OPENCYLINDERS];
CappedCylinder cappedCylinders[N_CAPPEDCYLINDERS];
Cone cones[N_CONES];
Capsule capsules[N_CAPSULES];
UnitTorus torii[N_TORII];
Box boxes[N_BOXES];
#include <pathtracing_random_functions>
#include <pathtracing_calc_fresnel_reflectance>
#include <pathtracing_sphere_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_unit_bounding_sphere_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_ellipsoid_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_opencylinder_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_cappedcylinder_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_cone_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_capsule_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_paraboloid_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_unit_torus_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_box_intersect>
#include <pathtracing_sample_sphere_light>
float SceneIntersect( out bool finalIsRayExiting )
vec3 rObjOrigin, rObjDirection;
vec3 n;
float d, dt;
float t = INFINITY;
bool isRayExiting = false;
bool insideSphere = false;
int objectCount = 0;
hitObjectID = -INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < N_SPHERES; i++)
d = SphereIntersect( spheres[i].radius, spheres[i].position, rayOrigin, rayDirection );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = (rayOrigin + rayDirection * t) - spheres[i].position;
hitEmission = spheres[i].emission;
hitColor = spheres[i].color;
hitType = spheres[i].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
for (int i = 0; i < N_BOXES; i++)
d = BoxIntersect( boxes[i].minCorner, boxes[i].maxCorner, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n, isRayExiting );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = boxes[i].emission;
hitColor = boxes[i].color;
hitType = boxes[i].type;
finalIsRayExiting = isRayExiting;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = EllipsoidIntersect( ellipsoids[0].radii, ellipsoids[0].position, rayOrigin, rayDirection );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = ((rayOrigin + rayDirection * t) -
ellipsoids[0].position) / (ellipsoids[0].radii * ellipsoids[0].radii);
hitEmission = ellipsoids[0].emission;
hitColor = ellipsoids[0].color;
hitType = ellipsoids[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = ParaboloidIntersect( paraboloids[0].rad, paraboloids[0].height, paraboloids[0].pos, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = paraboloids[0].emission;
hitColor = paraboloids[0].color;
hitType = paraboloids[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = OpenCylinderIntersect( openCylinders[0].position, openCylinders[0].position + vec3(0,30,30), openCylinders[0].radius, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = openCylinders[0].emission;
hitColor = openCylinders[0].color;
hitType = openCylinders[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = CappedCylinderIntersect( cappedCylinders[0].cap1pos, cappedCylinders[0].cap2pos, cappedCylinders[0].radius, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n);
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = cappedCylinders[0].emission;
hitColor = cappedCylinders[0].color;
hitType = cappedCylinders[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = ConeIntersect( cones[0].pos0, cones[0].radius0, cones[0].pos1, cones[0].radius1, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = cones[0].emission;
hitColor = cones[0].color;
hitType = cones[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
d = CapsuleIntersect( capsules[0].pos0, capsules[0].radius0, capsules[0].pos1, capsules[0].radius1, rayOrigin, rayDirection, n );
if (d < t)
t = d;
hitNormal = n;
hitEmission = capsules[0].emission;
hitColor = capsules[0].color;
hitType = capsules[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
// transform ray into Torus's object space
rObjOrigin = vec3( uTorusInvMatrix * vec4(rayOrigin, 1.0) );
rObjDirection = vec3( uTorusInvMatrix * vec4(rayDirection, 0.0) );
// first check that the ray hits the bounding sphere around the torus
d = UnitBoundingSphereIntersect( rObjOrigin, rObjDirection, insideSphere );
if (d < INFINITY)
{ // if outside the sphere, move the ray up close to the Torus, for numerical stability
d = insideSphere ? 0.0 : d;
rObjOrigin += rObjDirection * d;
dt = d + UnitTorusIntersect( rObjOrigin, rObjDirection, torii[0].parameterK, n );
if (dt < t)
t = dt;
hitNormal = transpose(mat3(uTorusInvMatrix)) * n;
hitEmission = torii[0].emission;
hitColor = torii[0].color;
hitType = torii[0].type;
hitObjectID = float(objectCount);
return t;
} // end float SceneIntersect( out bool finalIsRayExiting )
vec3 CalculateRadiance( out vec3 objectNormal, out vec3 objectColor, out float objectID, out float pixelSharpness )
Sphere lightChoice;
vec3 accumCol = vec3(0);
vec3 mask = vec3(1);
vec3 checkCol0 = vec3(1);
vec3 checkCol1 = vec3(0.5);
vec3 dirToLight;
vec3 tdir;
vec3 x, n, nl;
float t;
float nc, nt, ratioIoR, Re, Tr;
float P, RP, TP;
float weight;
float thickness = 0.1;
int diffuseCount = 0;
int previousIntersecType = -100;
hitType = -100;
bool coatTypeIntersected = false;
bool bounceIsSpecular = true;
bool sampleLight = false;
bool isRayExiting;
lightChoice = spheres[int(rand() * N_LIGHTS)];
for (int bounces = 0; bounces < 6; bounces++)
previousIntersecType = hitType;
t = SceneIntersect(isRayExiting);
//not used in this scene because we are inside a huge sphere - no rays can escape
if (t == INFINITY)
// useful data
n = normalize(hitNormal);
nl = dot(n, rayDirection) < 0.0 ? n : -n;
x = rayOrigin + rayDirection * t;
if (bounces == 0)
objectNormal = nl;
objectColor = hitColor;
objectID = hitObjectID;
if (hitType == LIGHT)
if (diffuseCount == 0)
pixelSharpness = 1.01;
if (bounceIsSpecular || sampleLight)
accumCol = mask * hitEmission;
// reached a light, so we can exit
} // end if (hitType == LIGHT)
if (sampleLight)
if (hitType == DIFF || hitType == CHECK) // Ideal DIFFUSE reflection
if( hitType == CHECK )
float q = clamp( mod( dot( floor(x.xz * 0.04), vec2(1.0) ), 2.0 ) , 0.0, 1.0 );
//hitColor = checkCol0 * q + checkCol1 * (1.0 - q);
//float q = step(sin(x.x * 0.12) * sin(x.z * 0.12), 0.0);
hitColor = mix(checkCol1, checkCol0, q);// (checkCol0 * q) + (checkCol1 * (1.0 - q));
if (bounces == 0 || (diffuseCount == 0 && !coatTypeIntersected && previousIntersecType == SPEC))
objectColor = hitColor;
mask *= hitColor;
bounceIsSpecular = false;
if (diffuseCount == 1 && rand() < 0.5)
mask *= 2.0;
// choose random Diffuse sample vector
rayDirection = randomCosWeightedDirectionInHemisphere(nl);
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
dirToLight = sampleSphereLight(x, nl, lightChoice, weight);
mask *= diffuseCount == 1 ? 2.0 : 1.0;
mask *= weight * N_LIGHTS;
rayDirection = dirToLight;
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
sampleLight = true;
} // end if (hitType == DIFF)
if (hitType == SPEC) // Ideal SPECULAR reflection
mask *= hitColor;
rayDirection = reflect(rayDirection, nl);
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
//if (diffuseCount == 1)
// bounceIsSpecular = true; // turn on reflective mirror caustics
if (hitType == REFR) // Ideal dielectric REFRACTION
pixelSharpness = diffuseCount == 0 ? -1.0 : pixelSharpness;
nc = 1.0; // IOR of Air
nt = 1.5; // IOR of common Glass
Re = calcFresnelReflectance(rayDirection, n, nc, nt, ratioIoR);
Tr = 1.0 - Re;
P = 0.25 + (0.5 * Re);
RP = Re / P;
TP = Tr / (1.0 - P);
if (diffuseCount == 0 && rand() < P)
mask *= RP;
rayDirection = reflect(rayDirection, nl); // reflect ray from surface
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
// transmit ray through surface
// is ray leaving a solid object from the inside?
// If so, attenuate ray color with object color by how far ray has travelled through the medium
if (isRayExiting)
isRayExiting = false;
mask *= exp(log(hitColor) * thickness * t);
mask *= hitColor;
mask *= TP;
tdir = refract(rayDirection, nl, ratioIoR);
rayDirection = tdir;
rayOrigin = x - nl * uEPS_intersect;
if (diffuseCount == 1)
bounceIsSpecular = true; // turn on refracting caustics
} // end if (hitType == REFR)
if (hitType == COAT) // Diffuse object underneath with ClearCoat on top
coatTypeIntersected = true;
nc = 1.0; // IOR of Air
nt = 1.4; // IOR of Clear Coat
Re = calcFresnelReflectance(rayDirection, nl, nc, nt, ratioIoR);
Tr = 1.0 - Re;
P = 0.25 + (0.5 * Re);
RP = Re / P;
TP = Tr / (1.0 - P);
if (diffuseCount == 0 && rand() < P)
mask *= RP;
rayDirection = reflect(rayDirection, nl); // reflect ray from surface
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
mask *= TP;
mask *= hitColor;
bounceIsSpecular = false;
if (diffuseCount == 1 && rand() < 0.5)
mask *= 2.0;
// choose random Diffuse sample vector
rayDirection = randomCosWeightedDirectionInHemisphere(nl);
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
if (hitColor.r > 0.5 && rand() < 0.8) // this makes white capsule more 'white'
dirToLight = sampleSphereLight(x, nl, spheres[0], weight);
dirToLight = sampleSphereLight(x, nl, lightChoice, weight);
mask *= diffuseCount == 1 ? 2.0 : 1.0;
mask *= weight * N_LIGHTS;
rayDirection = dirToLight;
rayOrigin = x + nl * uEPS_intersect;
sampleLight = true;
} //end if (hitType == COAT)
} // end for (int bounces = 0; bounces < 6; bounces++)
return max(vec3(0), accumCol);
} // end vec3 CalculateRadiance( out vec3 objectNormal, out vec3 objectColor, out float objectID, out float pixelSharpness )
void SetupScene(void)
vec3 z = vec3(0);
vec3 L1 = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) * 5.0;// White light
vec3 L2 = vec3(1.0, 0.8, 0.2) * 4.0;// Yellow light
vec3 L3 = vec3(0.1, 0.7, 1.0) * 2.0;// Blue light
spheres[0] = Sphere(150.0, vec3(-400, 900, 200), L1, z, LIGHT);//spherical white Light1
spheres[1] = Sphere(100.0, vec3( 300, 400,-300), L2, z, LIGHT);//spherical yellow Light2
spheres[2] = Sphere( 50.0, vec3( 500, 250,-100), L3, z, LIGHT);//spherical blue Light3
float density = 0.75;
spheres[3] = Sphere(1000.0, vec3( 0.0, 1000.0, 0.0), z, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), CHECK);//Checkered Floor
spheres[4] = Sphere( mix(0.001, 16.5, step(1.0-density, rng())), vec3(-26.0, 17.2, 5.0), z, vec3(0.95, 0.0, 0.0), SPEC);//Mirror sphere
spheres[5] = Sphere( 15.0, vec3( 32.0, 16.1, 30.0), z, vec3(u_AABBData[255].x, u_AABBData[255].y, u_AABBData[255].z), REFR);//Glass sphere
ellipsoids[0] = Ellipsoid( vec3(30,40,16), vec3(90,5,-30), z, vec3(1.0, 0.765557, 0.336057), SPEC);//metallic gold ellipsoid
paraboloids[0] = Paraboloid( 16.5, 50.0, vec3(20.0, 1.5,-50), z, vec3(1.0, 0.2, 0.7), REFR);//paraboloid
openCylinders[0] = OpenCylinder( 15.0, 30.0, vec3(-70,7,-80), z, vec3(0.9,0.01,0.01), REFR);//red glass open Cylinder
cappedCylinders[0] = CappedCylinder( 14.0, vec3(-60,0,20), vec3(-60,14,20), z, vec3(0.04,0.04,0.04), COAT);//dark gray capped Cylinder
cones[0] = Cone( vec3(1,20,-12), 15.0, vec3(1,0,-12), 0.0, z, vec3(0.01,0.1,0.5), REFR);//blue Cone
capsules[0] = Capsule( vec3(80,13,15), 10.0, vec3(110,15.8,15), 10.0, z, vec3(u_InvMatrices[63][0][0], u_InvMatrices[63][1][0], u_InvMatrices[63][2][0]), COAT);//white Capsule
torii[0] = UnitTorus( 0.75, z, vec3(0.955008, 0.637427, 0.538163), SPEC);//copper Torus
boxes[0] = Box( vec3(50.0,21.0,-60.0), vec3(100.0,28.0,-130.0), z, vec3(0.2,0.9,0.7), REFR);//Glass Box
boxes[1] = Box( vec3(56.0,23.0,-66.0), vec3(94.0,26.0,-124.0), z, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), DIFF);//Diffuse Box
#include <pathtracing_main>
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