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Created April 27, 2009 20:14
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SOA stack install script
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# KEDJI Komlan Akpédjé
# SOA Stack components install script
# @depends:,, in PYTHONPATH
# NEOXIA Maroc
"""usage: %prog [options]
-z, --all: installe toute la plateforme
-a, --ant: installe Ant
-m, --maven: installe Maven
-u, --mule: installe Mule
-q, --activemq: installe ActiveMQ
-r, --hyperichq: installe HypericHQ
-i, --intalioServer: installe le serveur Intalio
-l, --liferayPortal: installe Liferay-Portal
-k, --liferaySdk: installe Liferay-SDK (installe aussi le serveur Liferay et Ant)
-y, --mysqlServer: installe MySQL (configure aussi Liferay pour utiliser MySQL)
-c, --mysql4liferay: configure Liferay-Server pour utiliser une bdd MySQL existante (locale)
-b, --libraries: installe les librairies additionnelles (dll native Tomcat, etc)
-t, --test: affiche seulement les commandes, sans les exécuter
-s, --source=c:\\packages: répertoire source des pacquets à installer
-d, --dest=c:\\soastack: répertoire de destination de l'installation
-p, --password=neoxia: mot de passe (le même pour tous. I know, it is stupid)
import os, shutil, time
from os.path import join as pjoin
# custom modules (c:\eric\soft\scripts\python)
from penv import Penv
from unzip import extract
import optionparse
# Watch for port conflicts
# hyperic est sur 7080
# liferay est sur 9000
# ode (liferay) est sur 8080
# the braindead Intalio install has port information hard coded all over config files
# see here for a script to cahnge it:
# Package info
packages = {
'mule': {
'zip': '',
'env': {'MULE_HOME': '${INSTALLDIR}', 'PATH': '%MULE_HOME%\\bin'}},
'ant': {
'zip': '', 'dest': 'apache-ant-1.7.1',
'env': {
'ANT_OPTS': '-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256',
'maven': {
'zip': '', 'dest': 'apache-maven-2.1.0',
'env': {
'MAVEN_OPTS': '-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256'}},
'liferayPortal': {
'zip': '',
'dest': 'liferay-portal-5.2.2',
'tomcatDir': 'tomcat-5.5.27',
'env':{'CATALINA_HOME': '${INSTALLDIR}\\tomcat-5.5.27'}},
'activemq': {'zip': '', 'dest': 'apache-activemq-5.2.0'},
'liferaySdk': {'zip': '', 'dest': ''},
'intalioServer': {'zip': ''},
'mysqlServer': {'dest': 'mysql-server-5.1',
'name': 'MySQLServer51', 'vers': '5.1.34',
'user': 'root', 'password': 'neoxia',
'msi': 'mysql-5.1.34-win32.msi',
'msiOpts': '/qn /i', #intall in silent mode (must end with /i)
'msiProps': {'INSTALLDIR': '${INSTALLDIR}', 'DATADIR': '${INSTALLDIR}\\Data'}},
'hyperichq': {'dest':'hyperic-hq-4.1.0',
'msi': 'hyperic-hq-installer-4.1.0-win32.msi',
'msiOpts': '/qn /i', #intall in silent mode (must end with /i)
'msiProps': {'INSTALLDIR': '${INSTALLDIR}','HQ_ENGINE_JNP_PORT': '10001',
if __name__ == '__main__':
if not args and not options:
if options.mysqlServer:
options.liferayServer = True
options.mysql4liferay = True
if options.liferaySdk:
options.liferayPortal = True
options.ant = True
if options.all:
for option in options.__dict__:
if type(getattr(options, option)) == bool and option != 'test':
setattr(options, option, True)
# copier le mot de passe (ugly, really)
packages['mysqlServer']['password'] = options.password
packages['hyperichq']['msiProps']['SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD'] = options.password
packages['hyperichq']['msiProps']['SERVER_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = options.password
if not os.path.exists(options.dest):
if not os.path.exists(options.source):
print '! Erreur: le répertoire source n\'existe pas.'
print '--- Installation de la plateforme SOA ---'
print ' Source: ', options.source
print ' Destination: ', options.dest
print '-----------------------------------------'
# augment package data with automatically deductible info
for name, data in packages.items():
if 'zip' in data and 'dest' not in data:
packages[name]['dest'] = data['zip'][:-4] # strip '.zip'
packages[name]['dest'] = pjoin(options.dest, name, packages[name]['dest'])
penv = Penv()
# extract files, install MSI archives, and create environmental vars
for name, data in packages.items():
if not getattr(options, name):
if 'zip' in data:
print '> Extraction: ' + name + ' ...'
if not options.test: extract(pjoin(options.source, data['zip']), pjoin(options.dest, name))
if 'msi' in data:
cmd = 'msiexec ' + data['msiOpts'] + ' ' + pjoin(options.source, data['msi']) + ' '
for key, value in data['msiProps'].items():
if value != '':
value = packages[name]['msiProps'][key] = value.replace('${INSTALLDIR}', data['dest'])
cmd = cmd + ' ' + key + '=' + value
target = pjoin(options.dest, name)
if not os.path.exists(target):
print '> Création de répertoire: ', target
if not options.test: os.mkdir(target)
# we are not extracting a zip, so destination does not exist
print '> Création de répertoire: ', data['dest']
if not options.test: os.mkdir(data['dest'])
print '> Execution: ' + cmd + '...'
if not options.test: os.system(cmd)
if 'env' in data:
for key, value in data['env'].items():
value = packages[name]['env'][key] = value.replace('${INSTALLDIR}', data['dest'])
print '> Variable d\'environnement: ', key, '\t = ', value
if not options.test: penv.set(key, value)
# Install Hyperic plugin
# WARNING: the directory 'hq-plugins' must exist prior to the HypericHQ
# server startup, if you want the plugin hot-reload feature
if options.hyperichq:
pluginDir = pjoin(packages['hyperichq']['dest'], 'hq-plugins')
if not os.path.exists(pluginDir):
print 'Création de répertoire: ', pluginDir
if not options.test: os.mkdir(pluginDir)
source = pjoin(options.source, 'mule-plugin.xml')
print '> Copie: ', source, ' -> ', pluginDir
if not options.test: shutil.copy(source, pluginDir)
# Use alternate config so Liferay runs on port 9000 (this *should* be an option)
if options.liferayPortal:
tomcatConf = pjoin(packages['liferayPortal']['dest'], packages['liferayPortal']['tomcatDir'], 'conf', 'server.xml')
source = pjoin(options.source, 'tomcat-server.xml')
print '> Copie: ', source, ' -> ', tomcatConf
if not options.test:shutil.copy(source, tomcatConf)
# generate MySQL configuration file
if options.mysqlServer:
mysqlHome = packages['mysqlServer']['dest']
mysqlName = packages['mysqlServer']['name']
mysqlVers = packages['mysqlServer']['vers']
mysqlPass = packages['mysqlServer']['password']
mysqlConfigCommand = 'MySQLInstanceConfig.exe" -i -q \
-l"%s\MySQLInstanceConfigLog.txt" \
-n"%s" \
-p"%s" \
-v%s \
-t"%s\my-template.ini" \
-c"%s\my.ini" \
ServiceName=%s \
AddBinToPath=yes \
ServerType=SERVER \
DatabaseType=MIXED \
ConnectionUsage=DSS \
SkipNetworking=no \
StrictMode=yes \
Charset=utf8 \
RootPassword=%s' % (mysqlHome, mysqlName, mysqlHome, mysqlVers, mysqlHome, mysqlHome, mysqlName, mysqlPass)
# a bug in the windows command interpreter causes it to fail on commands with more than
# one pair of quotes. The fix is to use 'call [command-line]'.
# see:
cmd = 'call "' + pjoin(mysqlHome, 'bin', mysqlConfigCommand)
print'> Execution: ', cmd , ' ...'
if not options.test: os.system(cmd)
# Now, patch the braindead mess MySQLInstanceConfig.exe & mysqld & friends do at startup
# about config files by appendind datadir=$DATADIR/data to my.ini
# see
# and
# l'appel précédent à MySQLInstanceConfig.exe va tenter de démarrer le service, mais va échouer
# il nous sert pourtant parce qu'il ve créer my.ini, que nous allons patcher
cmd = 'call echo datadir=%s >> "%s"' % (pjoin(packages['mysqlServer']['msiProps']['DATADIR'], 'data').replace(os.path.sep, '/'),
pjoin(packages['mysqlServer']['dest'], 'my.ini'))
print'> Execution: ', cmd , ' ...'
print ' (wrapped into NET STOP/START %s)' % (mysqlName)
if not options.test:
os.system('NET STOP %s' % (mysqlName)) # il va se plaint, mais n'y fait pas attention
time.sleep(5) # give the service some time to stop
os.system('NET START %s' % (mysqlName))
time.sleep(5) # give the service some time to start
# étrange, mais MySQLInstanceConfig.exe ne configure pas le mot de passe root
cmd = pjoin(mysqlHome, 'bin', 'mysqladmin') + ' -u root password %s' % (mysqlPass)
print'> Execution: ', cmd , ' ...'
if not options.test: os.system(cmd)
# Est-ce nécessaire ensuite de donner tous les privilèges à root?
# il devrait les avoir par défaut non?
# mysql -u root
# exit
# create the liferay database in mysql
if options.mysql4liferay:
portalDBCreateCmd = '%s\\bin\\mysql --user=root --password=%s --execute="create database lportal character set utf8"' % (mysqlHome, mysqlPass)
if not options.test: os.system(portalDBCreateCmd)
# configure Liferay to use Mysql
file = pjoin(
config = '''
''' % (packages['mysqlServer']['user'], packages['mysqlServer']['password'])
if not options.test:
print '> Fichier de configuration: ', file
portalJdbcConfig = open(file, 'w')
if options.liferaySdk:
# configure tomcat directory for Liferay SDK
file = pjoin(packages['liferaySdk']['dest'], 'build.' + os.environ['USERNAME'] + '.properties')
config = '''
''' % (packages['liferayPortal']['dest'], packages['liferayPortal']['tomcatDir'])
if not options.test:
print '> Fichier de configuration: ', file
portalTomcatConfig = open(file, 'w')
# should we add additionnal modifications to enable hot-deploy, etc?
# add additionnal libraries (TOMCAT native library, etc)
if options.libraries:
source = pjoin(options.source, 'lib')
dest = pjoin(options.dest, 'lib')
print '> Copie: ', source, ' -> ', dest
if not options.test: shutil.copytree(source, dest)
print '> Variable d\'environnement: PATH = ', dest
if not options.test: penv.set('PATH', dest)
print ">> Installation terminée avec succès <<"
# msiexec /uninstall c:\packages\mysql-5.1.34-win32.msi /qn REMOVE=ALL
# rm c:\soastack\mysqlServer
# msiexec /uninstall c:\packages\hyperic-hq-installer-4.1.0-win32.msi /qn REMOVE=ALL
# rm c:\soastack\hyperichq
#PATH backup:
#%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system32\WBEM;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%MULE_HOME%\bin;%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;C:\eric\soft\lib;c:\eric\batch;C:\eric\soft\tortoisesvn\bin;C:\Program Files\e\cmd;;c:\eric\soft\texlive\bin\win32;c:\eric\soft\SumatraPDF;c:\Python26
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