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Created August 3, 2017 20:44
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<h1 class="h1-site-title"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Ingrid White Consulting</a></h1>
<h3>What I'm All About: Building Up Our Community</h3>
<p>For forty years, (extracurricularly), I have been supporting, coordinating and leading efforts to mobilize my fellow Detroiters in our efforts to improve conditions in our city. I'm always working on exciting projects and participating in various community activities. I am highly motivated and committed to work with the people of Detroit to make our voices heard in the revitalization of the city we love.</p>
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<p>I work in a collaborative, innovative and people-focused manner and have a passion for coordinating with organizational leadership, staff, volunteers, residents and small businesses. I enjoy speaking with, inspiring and motivating individuals to identify, understand and find ways to work constructively toward solutions in our communities and neighborhoods. I embrace the roles of team organizer, coordinator and facilitator. I know the impact that the smallest task can have on a dynamic team culture, and I have a detail-oriented penchant and love for precision, though not at the expense of rigidity.</p>
<p>I believe in taking ownership of every detail and of the impact my work has on others. I understand the importance of process, and enjoy collectively developing and facilitating implementation. We have to dig deep to identify and interact effectively with all levels of organization staff. I thrive in a fast-paced, energetic environment that calls for focus and multitasking. My commitment to in-depth, fact-based planning is something in which I take great pride.</p>
<p>Overall, it is my desire to share my extensive organizational experience, skills and techniques with present and future community organizers.</p>
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<h2 class="js-more-toggle pointer subtitled ">About Ingrid</h2>
<h3>Building Up Our City's People</h3>
<p>I want to help create opportunities to promote racial equity and optimize healing in Detroit and the region. I’m a compassionate, high-energy person dedicated to supporting Detroit’s revitalization. I look forward to working with you!</p>
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<h2 class="inner-pane-title">About Ingrid</h2>
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<p>I grew-up in the 1950s, in a small working-class town in Massachusetts. I was one of two Black students in my high school graduating class of 100 classmates.</p>
<p>I entered the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1969, just as the Civil Rights Movement was winding-down. That year, a cohort of 100 Black students from the urban communities of Boston and Springfield increased the number of Black students on campus tenfold, and witnessed the culmination of the university’s nervous agreement to create the country’s first degree-granting Black Studies Department. The professors—Black and White—all had been influential in leading various organizations within the Movement. I would be the second graduate of the W.E.B. DuBois Department of Afro-American Studies.</p>
<p>While there, I began to understand racism, its centuries of brutality, and its manifestations in all of America’s social, political and economic institutions. I became committed to help those people who were most affected by its oppressive, treacherous grip. I gloried in the strength, fortitude, struggle and ability of “my” people to survive the debilitating conditions of their lives.</p>
<p>As a student in the DuBois Department, I was offered opportunities each summer to engage in community work in various Black communities. In Brooklyn, New York I went door-to-door, assessing residents’ social conditions and connecting them with available social services. In rural Indianola, Mississippi, I conducted voter registration campaigns and organized fundraising events to support the town’s first Black candidates for public office. In Atlanta, Georgia I transcribed audio recordings of scholarly presentations at the Institute for the Black World, and did some work with a prison abolition coalition. I knew I wanted to continue to serve the cause of justice and equality for Black people, and I was willing to fight for it.</p>
<p>I came to Detroit during the summer of 1973. Coleman Young had just been elected Mayor; Erma Henderson had been elected the first Black City Council president; Justin Ravitz had just been elected to a seat on the Recorder’s Court bench. I was impressed with the racial diversity of Detroit’s residents, their political awareness, and the progressive organizational activities that focused on educating, empowering and mobilizing working class Detroiters to surmount whatever obstacles may arise.</p>
<p>I worked with the Labor Defense Coalition, a community organization formed by Attorney Ken Cockrel and then Sheila Murphy to support the legal defense of working people who had been arrested and/or convicted for crimes committed as a result of oppressive conditions in Detroit and of the stress these conditions created in their personal lives.</p>
<p>I went on to become a probation officer in Judge Justin Ravitz’s courtroom. Ravitz came to be known as America’s first and only Marxist Judge.</p>
<p>When Attorney Cockrel ran for a seat on Detroit’s City Council, I served as his campaign office manager; coordinated mailing campaigns; organized petitioning and phone bank operations and fundraising events; maintained detailed financial records; compiled city-wide geographic and demographic data; and coordinated, staffed and conducted car-pool operations to feed 700 volunteer poll workers on election day.</p>
<p>Upon Ken’s election, I served as his liaison with city departments and residents, and advocated on behalf of citizens relative to their needs from city departments and services. I conducted annual site-visits and interviews with representatives of community organizations which were seeking block grant funding, and made presentations to block clubs and civic associations regarding city government functions and services.</p>
<p>Ken’s campaign organization evolved into the Detroit Alliance for a Rational Economy (DARE), which monitored the activities of City Council and mobilized community input into the decision-making processes of government. I administered petition drives, community surveys, poll work operations, a political action committee, educational forums, and research task forces.</p>
<p>At the end of Ken’s four-year term in office, I went to work at Detroit Edison (now DTE Energy) as an apprentice power plant operator and became a union officer, advocating on behalf of women workers in the plant who were treated with resentment and disrespect by their male counterparts. I was offered a transfer to the human resources department as an employee relations specialist, and earned promotions every two years, first to Community and Governmental Affairs, and then advanced to management positions in Economic Development and Ethnic Marketing departments with increasing organizational planning &amp; leadership responsibilities. I earned my MBA degree from U-M, Dearborn in1996, with a concentration in human resource management and marketing.</p>
<p>At my request in 1995, I became a loaned executive from DTE to Detroit’s Planning and Development Department during the start-up of Detroit’s ten-year, $100 million federal Empowerment Zone project, facilitating and coordinating the planning, budgeting and implementation operations for eighty non-profit social service programs which were included in the Empowerment Zone strategic plan. In 2005, I again requested to be on-loan to the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC) during the city’s preparations for SuperBowl XL, concentrating on enforcement of building code violations in vacant downtown buildings.</p>
<p>During my years at DTE, I continued to exercise my commitment to Detroit and Detroiters. I served as co-campaign manager for Sheila Cockrel’s 1993 city council campaign, coordinating the activities of nearly 600 volunteers and supporters; coordinated citywide canvassing of neighborhoods and phone-bank operations; targeted and staffed polls on election day; and managed the campaign budget and financial reporting activities. I have been active in numerous community based organizations and programs, civic and political campaigns and City of Detroit parks projects.</p>
<p>Currently, I coordinate the activities of CitizenDetroit’s team of Facilitators. CitizenDetroit is an organization which provides Detroiters with factual information about the evolution and reality of Detroit’s financial situation, public service delivery, and other issues which impact our lives on a day-to-day basis. The events include interactive exercises for citizens to experience the difficult decisions that public officials must make in developing stringent budgets in the face of overwhelming public service needs.</p>
<p>I have worked on neighborhood projects with Detroit Future City (2012-2015) and CitizenDetroit (2012-present). I also work on a project with the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, managing a $2 million EPA contract to develop and evaluate a project that captures rainwater, and plants vegetation as a means to divert the flow of rainwater to the city’s over-burdened sewer system.</p>
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<h3>What I Do Well</h3>
<p>These are the primary services I can provide. I am prepared to invest time and energy to help you achieve your goals for your community and the betterment of the city we share. Let’s do what it takes to get things out of the idea stage and into real-time action.</p>
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<li>Management of grants under the supervision of grant and organizational program officers</li>
<li>Responsibility for aspects of grant program execution, requirements &amp; process</li>
<li>Grant administration and monitoring; grant project evaluation</li>
<li>Project research, planning and development; project initiation; proposal evaluation</li>
<li>Data collection, analysis, presentation and tracking</li>
<li>Process analysis</li>
<li>Build the capacity of community organizations to utilize volunteers strategically</li>
<li>Help to shape and adjust the team’s program goals, priorities, and objectives.</li>
<li>Special emphasis on program development, volunteer management, and community relations</li>
<li>Provide oversight, leadership and guidance to organizational leadership and staff on a variety of matters including the development of grassroots engagement strategies</li>
<li>Work closely with key staff and leaders to re-imagine and build educational and community programs with the goal of increasing impact, relevance, and sustainability</li>
<li>Coordinate public input and feedback sessions related to organizational and project planning goals and objectives</li>
<li>Volunteer-coordination, -training &amp; -support</li>
<li>Design and production of volunteer program materials, e.g., policies and procedures, applications, volunteer agreements, orientation handbook, etc.</li>
<li>Seek opportunities to collaborate and coordinate with community partners on issues of shared concern</li>
<li>Build partnerships with corporations, universities, units of government, and nonprofit entities to promote employee volunteerism</li>
<li>Assist with conflict management and diplomacy</li>
<li>Well-developed communication and presentation skills</li>
<li>Experienced and adept in writing, copyediting, and proofreading</li>
<li>Community organization office administration and management</li>
<li>Basic knowledge of computer programs such as word processing, spreadsheet and email applications</li>
<li>Grants and contracts management</li>
<li>Civic engagement in community economic development projects</li>
<li>Forty years (extracurricular) non-profit/community organizing experience</li>
<li>Supervisor, Ethnic marketing at DTE Energy</li>
<li>City of Detroit Empowerment Zone implementation and Super Bowl XL preparations</li>
<li>Executive Assistant to Councilman Kenneth V. Cockrel, Sr.</li>
<li>Councilwoman Sheila Cockrel’s campaign management, volunteer coordination and organization</li>
<li>CitizenDetroit facilitator mobilization and coordination</li>
<li>Masters degree in Marketing and Human Resource Management</li>
<li>Bachelor degree in Afro-American Studies, Political Science concentration</li>
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