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Created March 9, 2021 00:05
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Mini-Challenge 5: Routing

Mini-Challenge 5: Routing

The Challenge

Note: Apply TDD as much as you can.

  1. Implement React Router on your project.
  2. Refactor your code to navigate across your sections.
  3. Create the Login View
  • 3.1 It should display a form with a username and password fields.
  • 3.2 Implement the "Mocked Authentication" functionality (keep reading for more details).
  • 3.3 Update your Global Context and Provider to store and retrieve "session data".
  • 3.4 Implement the "Logout" functionality and update your Global State when the user signs out.
  1. Implement the "Add to Favorites" button in the Video Details View: When a user clicks on this button, the selected video should be added to the favorites list using localStorage.
  2. Create the Favorite Videos View
  • 5.1 Display the favorite videos list on a private route.
  1. Create the Favorite Video Details View
  • 6.1 Display the selected favorite video and its information.
  • 6.2 Display the list of other favorite videos.
  • 6.3 This view should be rendered through a private route.
  1. Apply styles using styled components
  2. Create new test cases or modify existing ones for your components and utils if necessary.

Authentication with Mocked Login

Authentication is not directly covered on this Bootcamp, that's why we are not asking you to integrate with a real authentication provider (such as Auth0, OAuth, Firebase, etc.).

Instead, we want you to explore how to configure your application to handle this kind of requirements, e.g., sharing the logged-in user state, define public and private routes, display content based on the authenticated user, etc.

You can use this mocked-login function from your Login View.

// login.api.js

const mockedUser = {
  id: '123',
  name: 'Wizeline',
  avatarUrl: '',

export default async function loginApi(username, password) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      if (username === 'wizeline' && password === 'Rocks!') {
        return resolve(mockedUser);
      return reject(new Error('Username or password invalid'));
    }, 500);

Acceptance Criteria

  • All the sections have their own route.
  • Navigation across the sections is implemented correctly.
  • The Global State is persistent across all the sections.
  • The "Mocked Authentication" mechanism works correctly.
  • The "session data" is stored in the Global Context correctly.
  • Videos can be added to the Favorites list.
  • Videos can be removed from the Favorites list.
  • Navigation to Favorite Videos View using a private route is implemented correctly (only authenticated users should access this section).
  • Navigation to the Favorite Video Details View using a private route is implemented correctly (only authenticated users should access this section).
  • Information for the selected favorite video is displayed correctly
  • The list of other favorite videos in the Favorite Video Details View is displayed.
  • Testing coverage is above 70%. (Please include a screenshot of the code coverage report in your PR description).

Bonus Points

  • The Add/remove from favorites button should appear when the user passes the mouse over the video card in the list.
  • Integrate with a real authentication provider (such as Auth0, OAuth or Firebase).
  • A 404 section is shown when a route is not found.
  • The Login View is implemented as a modal using React Portals.
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