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Created May 13, 2016 18:21
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WITH models AS (
WITH data AS (
replace(initcap(table_name::text), '_', '') table_name,
replace(initcap(column_name::text), '_', '') column_name,
CASE data_type
WHEN 'timestamp without time zone' THEN 'time.Time'
WHEN 'timestamp with time zone' THEN 'time.Time'
WHEN 'boolean' THEN 'bool'
WHEN 'uuid' THEN 'uuid.UUID'
WHEN 'bytea' THEN '[]byte'
-- add your own type converters as needed or it will default to 'string'
ELSE 'string'
END AS type_info,
'`json:"' || column_name ||'"`' AS annotation
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_schema IN ( ... )
ORDER BY table_schema, table_name, ordinal_position
SELECT table_name, STRING_AGG(E'\t' || column_name || E'\t' || type_info || E'\t' || annotation, E'\n') fields
FROM data
GROUP BY table_name
SELECT 'type ' || table_name || E' struct {\n' || fields || E'\n}' models
FROM models ORDER BY 1
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