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func makePipe(path string) (file *os.File, err error) {
err = unix.Mkfifo(path, 0777)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// mkfifo(3) states:
// "It is modified by the process's
// umask in the usual way: the permissions of the created file are
// (mode & ~umask)."
// The pipe must be writeable by other users.
loadjs=function(){function h(){}function r(a,c){a=a.push?a:[a];var b=[],d=a.length,e=d,g,f,m;for(g=function(a,d){d.length&&b.push(a);e--;e||c(b)};d--;)f=a[d],(m=n[f])?g(f,m):(f=l[f]=l[f]||[],f.push(g))}function p(a,c){if(a){var b=l[a];n[a]=c;if(b)for(;b.length;)b[0](a,c),b.splice(0,1)}}function t(a,c){var b=document,d=b.createElement("script");d.src=a;d.onload=d.onerror=function(b){c(a,b.type)};b.head.appendChild(d)}function u(a,c){a=a.push?a:[a];var b=a.length,d=b,e=[],g;for(g=function(a,b){"e"==
b[0]&&e.push(a);d--;d||c(e)};b--;)t(a[b],g)}function k(a,c,b,d){var e,g,f;c&&!;g=e?b:c;f=e?d:b;if(e){if(e in q)throw Error("LoadJS: Bundle already defined");q[e]=!0}u(a,function(a){a.length?(f||h)(a):(g||h)();p(e,a)})}var q={},n={},l={};k.a=function(a,c,b){r(a,function(a){a.length?(b||h)(a):(c||h)()});return k};k.done=function(a){p(a,[])};return k}();
WITH models AS (
WITH data AS (
replace(initcap(table_name::text), '_', '') table_name,
replace(initcap(column_name::text), '_', '') column_name,
CASE data_type
WHEN 'timestamp without time zone' THEN 'time.Time'
WHEN 'timestamp with time zone' THEN 'time.Time'
WHEN 'boolean' THEN 'bool'
WHEN 'uuid' THEN 'uuid.UUID'
type mask [ ... ]uint64
const (
word = 64
shift = 6
func (m mask) isSet(i int) bool {
return (m[i>>shift]>>(uint64(i)&(word-1)))&1 != 0
stdLongMonth // "January"
stdMonth // "Jan"
stdNumMonth // "1"
stdZeroMonth // "01"
stdLongWeekDay // "Monday"
stdWeekDay // "Mon"
stdDay // "2"
stdUnderDay // "_2"
stdZeroDay // "02"
stdHour // "15"
# numbers in parentheses are the DOS line numbers (i.e., CRLF which causes Linux and Macs to report twice as many lines.)
# Some lines also have asterisks in fields that are supposed to be numbers. (e.g., line # 712397)
line 5310 (10620), column 0: wrong number of fields in line
line 481929 (963858), column 0: wrong number of fields in line
line 711047 (1422094), column 129: bare " in non-quoted-field
line 711048 (1422095), column 1: bare " in non-quoted-field
line 711049 (1422096), column 0: wrong number of fields in line
line 924442 (1848882), column 134: bare " in non-quoted-field
line 924443 (1848883), column 0: wrong number of fields in line
"much.more unusual"
"very.(),:;<>[]\".VERY.\"very@\\ \"very\".unusual"
ericlagergren / stringscontext.go
Created May 2, 2016 05:09 — forked from mholt/stringscontext.go
Functions from the 'strings' package as template actions. Feel free to copy+paste into your project as a starting point.
// Functions from Go's strings package usable as template actions
// with text/template.
// This approach assumes you have some context type as a receiver,
// but if you just need the functions check out the FuncMap variant
// below.
// Commented functions are not deemed useful in template actions.
// Haven't actually used this, but this is one possible way of doing it.
// Another option is to fill a FuncMap with most of the strings package.
ericlagergren / array.go
Last active April 12, 2016 17:42
Parse PostgreSQL arrays
package main
import (
package main
import (