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Created September 12, 2020 06:35
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import UIKit
public struct CollectionViewCellProvider {
@available(iOS 13, *)
public static func compositionalCell() {
// compositional collection view cell
public static func collectionCell() -> UICollectionViewCell {
// collection view cell
return UICollectionViewCell()
class ParentViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
presentViewController() // No Xcode complains!
func presentViewController() -> UIViewController {
return UIViewController()
struct RandomProvider {
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [Int]) -> Double {
let numberOfZeroes = Double(args[0])
let maximum = pow(10, numberOfZeroes)
return Double.random(in: 0...maximum)
func dynamicallyCall(withKeywordArguments args: KeyValuePairs<String, Int>) -> Double {
let numberOfZeroes = Double(args.first?.value ?? 0)
let maximum = pow(10, numberOfZeroes)
return Double.random(in: 0...maximum)
let random = RandomProvider()
print(random(1)) // 8.15946134247
print(random(a:1)) // 5.14551692644
struct User {
subscript(dynamicMember member: String) -> String {
let properties = ["firstname": "Bob", "lastname": "Dylan"]
return properties[member, default: ""]
let user = User()
print(user.firstname) // Bob
print(user.lastname) // Dylan
struct Repeat: ParsableCommand {
@Argument(help: "The phrase to repeat.")
var phrase: String
mutating func run() throws {
for _ in 1...5 {
class Service {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
func storageExample(with completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) {
closure = completion // error: assigning non-escaping parameter 'completion' to an @escaping closure
func asyncExample(with completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) { { // error: escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'completion'
func runAsyncTask(completion: @escaping (() -> Void)) { {
enum UILayoutConstraintAxis: Int {
case UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal = 0
case UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical = 1
case UILayoutConstraintAxisZ = 2
let axis = UILayoutConstraintAxis.UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal
switch axis {
case .UILayoutConstraintAxisHorizontal:
case .UILayoutConstraintAxisVertical:
@unknown default:
struct WhitespaceTrimmable {
private(set) var value: String = ""
var wrappedValue: String {
get { value }
set { value = newValue.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) }
init(wrappedValue: String) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
struct Service {
@WhitespaceTrimmable(wrappedValue: "Default title") var title: String
func accessTitle() {
print("title: \(_title)") //Default title
var temp = Service()
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