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Created September 8, 2014 20:01
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#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string.h>
#include "includes/Confg.cpp"
#include "modules/VirtualHost/VirtualHost.cpp"
#include "modules/wwwFolderStructure/wwwFolderStructure.cpp"
#include "modules/wwwHTMLPreset/wwwHTMLPreset.cpp"
#include "modules/wwwCSSPreset/wwwCSSPreset.cpp"
#include "modules/wwwJSPreset/wwwJSPreset.cpp"
#include "modules/wwwPHPPreset/wwwPHPPreset.cpp"
#include "modules/backupFolderStructure/backupFolderStructure.cpp"
using namespace std;
map<string, string> _Confg;
map<int, string> indexConfg,indexValidCodeConfg,valueValidCodeConfg;
ofstream VirtualHostFile,HTMLFile,CSSFile,JSFile,PHPFile;
string basePath,wwwFolder,backupFolder,cronsFolder,virtualHostFolder,virtualHostFile,systemName,domain,ipAddress,email,path;
Confg* Confg_;
void Init()
systemName = "OVH Server Basement Version 2.0";
Confg_ = new Confg(systemName,"/etc/ovh/sb/confg/"); // --- Do all initial setups
basePath = _Functions->trimStr(Confg_->getVal("PATH"));
ipAddress = Confg_->getVal("IP");
email = Confg_->getVal("EMAIL");
wwwFolder = basePath +"/var/www/"; // --- This is for Ubuntu Server OS
backupFolder = basePath+"/home/"; // --- This is for Ubuntu Server OS
cronsFolder = basePath+"/var/spool/cron/crontabs/"; // --- This is for Ubuntu Server OS
virtualHostFolder= basePath +"/etc/apache2/sites-available/"; // --- This is for Ubuntu Server OS
void configurationSetup()
void RunSetupWizard()
//cout << "Enter your IP Addess: ";cin >> ipAddress;
cout << "Enter your Domain Name: ";cin >> domain;
VirtualHost* _VH = new VirtualHost(systemName,virtualHostFolder,wwwFolder,virtualHostFile); // 1. --- Update Virtual Hosts
cout << "--- [VirtualHost] Successfully Updated.."<<endl;
wwwFolderStructure* _wFS = new wwwFolderStructure(wwwFolder); // 2. --- auto Create WWWFolders
cout << "--- ['www' folder structure] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwHTMLPreset* _wHP = new wwwHTMLPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 3. --- Preset HTML File and auto link its Stylesheet and JavaScript
cout << "--- [HTML Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwCSSPreset* _wCP = new wwwCSSPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 4. ------- Preset CSS File
cout << "--- [CSS Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwJSPreset* _wJP = new wwwJSPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 5. ------- Preset JavaScript File
cout << "--- [JavaScript Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwPHPPreset* _wPP = new wwwPHPPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 6. ------- Preset JavaScript File
cout << "--- [PHP Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
backupFolderStructure* _bFS = new backupFolderStructure(backupFolder); // 7. ------- Create a 'www' folder structure
cout << "--- [backup folder structure] Successfully created.."<<endl;
cout << "--- [Web Server Restart - APACHE] Restarting.."<<endl;
std::string strServiceRestart = "service apache2 restart";
cout <<endl;
cout << "--- Setup Complete!"<<endl;
cout << "--- NB: You can now RESTART your Web Server i.e.(Apache)"<<endl;
cout << "--- Thank you"<<endl<<endl;
void RunSetupAdvanced()
cout << "Enter your IP Addess: ";cin >> ipAddress;
cout << "Enter your Domain Name: ";cin >> domain;
cout <<endl;
VirtualHost* _VH = new VirtualHost(systemName,virtualHostFolder,wwwFolder,virtualHostFile); // 1. --- Update Virtual Hosts
cout << "--- [VirtualHost] Successfully Updated.."<<endl;
wwwFolderStructure* _wFS = new wwwFolderStructure(wwwFolder); // 2. --- auto Create WWWFolders
cout << "--- ['www' folder structure] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwHTMLPreset* _wHP = new wwwHTMLPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 3. --- Preset HTML File and auto link its Stylesheet and JavaScript
cout << "--- [HTML Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwCSSPreset* _wCP = new wwwCSSPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 4. ------- Preset CSS File
cout << "--- [CSS Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwJSPreset* _wJP = new wwwJSPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 5. ------- Preset JavaScript File
cout << "--- [JavaScript Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
wwwPHPPreset* _wPP = new wwwPHPPreset(systemName,wwwFolder); // 6. ------- Preset JavaScript File
cout << "--- [PHP Preset] Successfully created.."<<endl;
backupFolderStructure* _bFS = new backupFolderStructure(backupFolder); // 7. ------- Create a 'www' folder structure
cout << "--- [backup folder structure] Successfully created.."<<endl;
cout <<endl;
cout << "--- Setup Complete!"<<endl;
cout << "--- NB: You can now RESTART your Web Server i.e.(Apache)"<<endl;
cout << "--- Thank you"<<endl<<endl;
int mainMenu() // System main menu
int optMenu;
// --- Main Menu
cout<<"__________ OVH Server Basement 2.0 _________"<<endl;
cout<<"| |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 1 : Run Setup - Wizard (Recommended) |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 2 : Run Setup - Auto (Advanced) |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 3 : Priveiw Current Configuration |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 4 : Configuration Settings |"<<endl;
cout<<"| 0 : Exit |"<<endl;
cout << "Please, enter your option: ";cin >> optMenu;
return optMenu;
int main()
Init(); // Init method to initialize system default settings i.e. system name and standadrd folders
char none; // --- This is simply for wizard traversal purposes
int optMenu;// --- Main Menu option
int wrongCount = 0;// --- Main Menu option
optMenu = mainMenu(); // Enter main menu
else if(optMenu==2)
else if(optMenu==3)
else if(optMenu==4)
else if(optMenu==0) // --- Menu exit
cout<<"Exiting, Thank you."<<endl<<endl;
cout<<endl<<"Wrong option, please try again."<<endl<<endl;
}else // --- Exit the system if Error count = 3
cout<<"You have entered WRONG option 3 times!"<<endl;
cout<<"Exiting, Thank you."<<endl<<endl;
return 0;
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