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Wordpress Customizer Retina Image Control: Sofa_Customizer_Retina_Image_Control class
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
exit; // Exit if accessed directly
if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Customize_Control' ) ) return;
if ( ! class_exists( 'Sofa_Customizer_Retina_Image_Control' ) ) :
* Adds a new control for retina images.
* @class Sofa_Customizer_Retina_Image_Control
* @author Studio 164a
* @category Admin
* @package Crafted/Admin/Customizer/Controls
* @since 1.0
class Sofa_Customizer_Retina_Image_Control extends WP_Customize_Image_Control {
* @access public
* @var string
public $type = 'image';
* Constructor.
* If $args['settings'] is not defined, use the $id as the setting ID.
* @uses WP_Customize_Image_Control::__construct()
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $manager
* @param string $id
* @param array $args
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function __construct( $manager, $id, $args ) {
parent::__construct( $manager, $id, $args );
* Usually, this control will be instantiated during the customize_register
* event, so if that is the current filter, call the method directly.
if ( current_filter() == 'customize_register' ) {
$this->customize_register( $manager );
* If the customize_register action has not taken place yet, register the
* hook.
elseif ( ! did_action( 'customize_register' ) ) {
add_action('customize_register', array(&$this, 'customize_register'));
* The customize_register action has come and gone, so this control will fail.
else {
wp_die( __('Sofa_Customizer_Retina_Image_Control must be instantiated before
or during the customize_register action.', 'crafted') );
add_action('customize_save', array(&$this, 'customize_save'));
add_action('customize_save_after', array(&$this, 'customize_save_after'));
* Register an extra control & setting for any setting using this control.
* @see customize_register hook
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
* @return void
* @since 1.0
public function customize_register($wp_customize) {
$checkbox_id = $this->id . '_is_retina';
$wp_customize->add_setting( $checkbox_id, array(
'transport' => 'postMessage'
) );
$wp_customize->add_control( $checkbox_id, array(
'settings' => $checkbox_id,
'label' => __( 'Is this image retina-ready?', 'crafted' ),
'section' => $this->section,
'priority' => $this->priority + 0.2,
'type' => 'checkbox'
) );
* Before the customizer has finished saving each of the fields, store the current image state.
* @see customize_save hook
* @see Crafted_Customizer::set_current_image_state()
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.0
public function customize_save(WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize) {
* After the customizer has finished saving each of the fields, check whether we're using a retina image.
* @see customize_save_after hook
* @param WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize
* @return void
* @access public
* @since 1.0
public function customize_save_after(WP_Customize_Manager $wp_customize) {
* If the image has changed, update the meta we store for the image.
if ( $this->is_image_changed() ) {
$this->update_image( get_theme_mod( $this->id ) );
* Save the image's ID and dimensions.
* If the image is optimised for retina, create a non-retina copy.
* @param string $image_url
* @return void
* @access private
* @since 1.0
private function update_image($image_url) {
* Save the image's post ID, width and height to the theme settings.
$image_id = sofa_get_image_id_from_url( $image_url );
$image_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $image_id );
set_theme_mod( $this->id . '_id', $image_id );
* If the image is retina-optimised, create a non-retina copy.
$non_retina = false;
if ( get_theme_mod( $this->id . '_is_retina' ) ) {
$non_retina = $this->create_non_retina_copy( $image_id, $image_meta );
* If the image is not retina optimised or something went wrong while trying
* to save the retina image, save the original image's dimensions.
if ( $non_retina === false || is_wp_error( $non_retina ) ) {
set_theme_mod( $this->id . '_width', $image_meta['width'] );
set_theme_mod( $this->id . '_height', $image_meta['height'] );
* Create a non-retina version of the image.
* @param int $image_id The post ID of the original image.
* @param array image_meta An array containing the image's URL, width and height.
* @return WP_Error|array
* @access private
* @since 1.0
private function create_non_retina_copy($image_id, array $image_meta) {
* Retrieve the path to the image.
$image_path = get_attached_file( $image_id );
* Use the path to rewrite the filename.
$filename = explode( '/', $image_path );
$filename = $filename[ count( $filename ) - 1 ];
$resized_path = str_replace( $filename, 'resized_' . $filename, $image_path );
* Create a WP_Image_Editor instance of the image.
$resized_image = wp_get_image_editor( $image_path );
* Calculate the dimensions of the non-retina version.
* This will be half the retina version, rounded down and divided by two.
$resized_width = floor( $image_meta['width'] / 2 );
$resized_height = floor( $image_meta['height'] / 2 );
* Resize the image and save it.
$resized_image->resize( $resized_width, $resized_height, true );
$saved = $resized_image->save( $resized_path );
* If something went wrong during the save process, return the result, which
* will be an instance of WP_Error.
if ( is_wp_error( $saved ) ) {
return $saved;
* Save the image's dimensions.
set_theme_mod( $this->id . '_width', $resized_width );
set_theme_mod( $this->id . '_height', $resized_height );
* Save the non-retina version's image URL
$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
$resized_url = str_replace( $upload_dir['path'], $upload_dir['url'], $saved['path'] );
update_post_meta( $image_id, '_non_retina', $resized_url );
* Return the resized image.
return $saved;
* A image's state is simply the contatenation of two values: its retina setting and its path.
* This is used to determine whether the image is changed when the customizer's settings are saved.
* @see Crafted_Customizer::set_current_image_state()
* @see Crafted_Customizer::is_image_changed()
* @return string The state as a simple string.
* @access private
* @since 1.0
private function get_image_state() {
return get_theme_mod( $this->id . '_is_retina' ) . '_' . get_theme_mod( $this->id );
* This sets the private image_state property to the current image state.
* @see Crafted_Customizer::get_image_state()
* @return void
* @access private
* @since 1.0
private function set_current_image_state() {
$this->image_state = $this->get_image_state();
* Checks whether the image state has changed since it was originally set.
* @see Crafted_Customizer::get_image_state()
* @return bool
* @access private
private function is_image_changed() {
return $this->get_image_state() != $this->image_state;
endif; // End class_exists check.
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Very nice. How do I call the low resolution image or the retina one on my website?

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