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Last active February 4, 2019 06:18
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Add an email tag for a custom Charitable campaign field
* In Easy Digital Downloads, you can add your own email tags to include
* in purchase receipts & notifications.
* In this example, we add a tag that allows you to display the value of
* a custom 'campaign_email_content' field in Charitable. This is an optional
* follow-up to a tutorial published on our blog.
* @see
* Register the tag.
* Note that the first parameter passed to the edd_add_email_tag() function
* will be the name of the tag.
* @see
* @param int $payment_id
add_action( 'edd_add_email_tags', function( $payment_id ) {
* Add the tag.
* This function receives three parameters:
* $tag_name The name of the tag that you will use to display it in your email. So in this case, you
* would use this tag in your email like this: {campaign_email_content}
* $tag_description A description of what the tag shows.
* $callback A callback function that is responsible for getting the value of the tag. This receives a
* $payment_id variable as a parameter.
edd_add_email_tag( 'campaign_email_content', 'Display campaign-specific text', function( $payment_id ) {
$output = '';
* Get all campaign donations linked to a particular payment.
$campaign_donations = Charitable_EDD_Payment::get_instance()->get_campaign_donations_through_payment( $payment_id );
if ( ! $campaign_donations ) {
return $output;
* Get the campaign that received the donation.
$campaign_id = current( $campaign_donations )->campaign_id;
$campaign = charitable_get_campaign( $campaign_id );
* Set the `value` of our field to the campaign's email content.
$output = $campaign->get( 'campaign_email_content' );
return $output;
} );
} );
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