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Created April 18, 2023 20:36
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m1 <- cmdstan_model("bern-with-target.stan") # compile the model
data <- list(N = 5, y = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1), a = 2, b = 7)
f1 <- m1$sample( # for other options to sample, help(sample)
data = data, # pass data as a list, match the vars name to Stan
seed = 123, # to reproduce results, Stan does not rely on R's seed
chains = 4, # total chains, the more, the better
parallel_chains = 4, # for multi-processor CPUs
iter_warmup = 500, # number of draws for warmup (per chain)
iter_sampling = 1000 # number of draws for samples (per chain)
m2 <- cmdstan_model("bern.stan") # compile the model
f2 <- m2$sample( # for other options to sample, help(sample)
data = data, # pass data as a list, match the vars name to Stan
seed = 123, # to reproduce results, Stan does not rely on R's seed
chains = 4, # total chains, the more, the better
parallel_chains = 4, # for multi-processor CPUs
iter_warmup = 500, # number of draws for warmup (per chain)
iter_sampling = 1000 # number of draws for samples (per chain)
theta1 <- spread_draws(f1, theta)
theta2 <- spread_draws(f2, theta)
d <- data.frame(theta1 = theta1$theta, theta2 = theta2$theta)
p <- ggplot(aes(x = theta1), data = d)
p + geom_density() + geom_density(aes(x = theta2), color = 'red')
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