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Created August 24, 2011 16:35
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Save ericpedia/1168482 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AJAX taxonomy filter/search plugin file 2 of 2
global $wpdb;
$ajax = isset($_POST['ajax']) ? $_POST['ajax'] : '';
switch($ajax) {
case 'search':
$people = isset($_POST['people']) ? $_POST['people'] : '';
$issue = isset($_POST['issue']) ? $_POST['issue'] : '';
$topic = isset($_POST['topic']) ? $_POST['topic'] : '';
$type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : '';
$min_year = isset($_POST['min_year']) ? $_POST['min_year'] : '';
$max_year = isset($_POST['max_year']) ? $_POST['max_year'] : '';
$start_date = isset($_POST['start_date']) ? $_POST['start_date'] : '';
$end_date = isset($_POST['end_date']) ? $_POST['end_date'] : '';
$search = isset($_POST['search']) ? $_POST['search'] : '';
$search_text = isset($_POST['search_text']) ? $_POST['search_text'] : '';
$output = '';
// $querystr = "SELECT distinct p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_date
// FROM $wpdb->posts p";
Eric: Without p.post_type, the_permalink() wasn't working.
$querystr = "SELECT distinct p.ID, p.post_title, p.post_date, p.post_type, p.post_excerpt, p.post_status FROM $wpdb->posts p";
if ($people)
$querystr .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships people on p.ID = people.object_id";
if ($issue)
$querystr .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships issue on p.ID = issue.object_id";
if ($topic)
$querystr .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships topic on p.ID = topic.object_id";
if ($type)
$querystr .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships type on p.ID = type.object_id";
$querystr .= " where 1 and p.post_status = 'publish'";
if ($people)
$querystr .= " and people.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||',',',$people).")";
if ($issue)
$querystr .= " and issue.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||',',',$issue).")";
if ($topic)
$querystr .= " and topic.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||',',',$topic).")";
if ($type)
$querystr .= " and type.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||',',',$type).")";
if ($min_year)
$querystr .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 4) >= '".$min_year."'";
if ($max_year)
$querystr .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 4) <= '".$max_year."'";
if ($start_date)
$querystr .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 10) >= '".$start_date."'";
if ($end_date)
$querystr .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 10) <= '".$end_date."'";
if ($search) {
$post_types = explode(',', $search);
$querystr .= " and p.post_type in (";
$i = 0;
foreach($post_types as $post_type) {
if ($i > 0) {
$querystr .= ",";
$querystr .= "'".trim($post_type)."'";
$querystr .= ")";
else {
$querystr .= " and p.post_type not in ('revision', 'nav_menu_item')";
if ($search_text && $search_text != "Type and press enter")
$querystr .= " and (p.post_title like '%".$search_text."%' or p.post_content like '%".$search_text."%')";
$querystr .= " order by p.post_date desc";
$totalposts = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
$ppp = get_option('posts_per_page');
$wp_query->found_posts = count($totalposts);
$wp_query->max_num_pages = ceil($wp_query->found_posts / $ppp);
$on_page = isset($_POST['on_page']) ? $_POST['on_page'] : 1;
$offset = ($on_page-1) * $ppp;
$wp_query->set('paged', $on_page);
$wp_query->request = $querystr . " LIMIT " . $ppp . " OFFSET " .$offset;
$results = $wpdb->get_results($wp_query->request, OBJECT);
// $results = relevanssi_do_query($results);
global $post; // ERIC: this line and setup_postdata($post); below make template tags work
foreach ($results as $post) {
<?php get_template_part( 'loop-main' ); ?>
if (!$offset) {
$output .= 'No results found. Try a more general search.';
//$output = $querystr;
echo $output;
echo '<p>Total results: '.count($totalposts).'</p>';
echo '<div id="adv-search-pagination">';
echo '</div>';
case 'refresh_taxonomy':
$taxonomy = isset($_POST['taxonomy_type']) ? $_POST['taxonomy_type'] : '';
$hide = isset($_POST['hide']) ? str_replace("\'", "'", $_POST['hide']) : '';
$show = isset($_POST['show']) ? str_replace("\'", "'", $_POST['show']) : '';
$people = isset($_POST['people']) ? $_POST['people'] : '';
$issue = isset($_POST['issue']) ? $_POST['issue'] : '';
$topic = isset($_POST['topic']) ? $_POST['topic'] : '';
$type = isset($_POST['type']) ? $_POST['type'] : '';
$min_year = isset($_POST['min_year']) ? $_POST['min_year'] : '';
$max_year = isset($_POST['max_year']) ? $_POST['max_year'] : '';
$start_date = isset($_POST['start_date']) ? $_POST['start_date'] : '';
$end_date = isset($_POST['end_date']) ? $_POST['end_date'] : '';
$search = isset($_POST['search']) ? $_POST['search'] : '';
$search_text = isset($_POST['search_text']) ? $_POST['search_text'] : '';
$other_preselect = array();
switch ($taxonomy) {
case 'people':
$preselect = $people;
$other_preselect['preselect_issue'] = $issue;
$other_preselect['preselect_topic'] = $topic;
$other_preselect['preselect_type'] = $type;
case 'issue':
$preselect = $issue;
$other_preselect['preselect_people'] = $people;
$other_preselect['preselect_topic'] = $topic;
$other_preselect['preselect_type'] = $type;
case 'topic':
$preselect = $topic;
$other_preselect['preselect_issue'] = $issue;
$other_preselect['preselect_people'] = $people;
$other_preselect['preselect_type'] = $type;
case 'type':
$preselect = $type;
$other_preselect['preselect_issue'] = $issue;
$other_preselect['preselect_topic'] = $topic;
$other_preselect['preselect_people'] = $people;
global $wpdb;
$count_query = getTermCountQueryAjax($taxonomy, $other_preselect, $min_year, $max_year, $start_date, $end_date, $search, $search_text);
$querystr = "SELECT ta.term_taxonomy_id,, t.slug, t.term_id, ta.parent, (".$count_query.") count_query
FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy ta
inner join $wpdb->terms t on t.term_id = ta.term_id";
if ($wpdb->termmeta) $querystr .= " left join $wpdb->termmeta tm on t.term_id = tm.term_id and meta_key = 'order'";
$querystr .= " WHERE ta.taxonomy = '".$taxonomy."'
order by ta.parent";
if ($wpdb->termmeta) $querystr .= ", tm.meta_value";
$querystr .= ",";
//return $querystr.'<br><br><br>';
$terms = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);
if ($show) {
$shows = explode(',', $show);
foreach ($shows as $key=>$val) {
$shows[$key] = strtolower(trim($val));
else {
$shows = array();
if ($hide) {
$hides = explode(',', $hide);
foreach ($hides as $key=>$val) {
$hides[$key] = strtolower(trim($val));
else {
$hides = array();
if ($preselect) {
$preselects = explode(',', $preselect);
foreach ($preselects as $key=>$val) {
$preselects[$key] = strtolower(trim($val));
else {
$preselects = array();
$arr_terms = array();
$output = '';
$output .= '<select id="taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'" name="taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'" class="taxonomy-select taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'" multiple="multiple" onchange="getAdvSearchResults(\''.$taxonomy.'\');">';
foreach ($terms as $term) {
if (!in_array(strtolower(trim(str_replace(',', '', $term->name))), $hides)) {
$arr_terms[$term->term_id]['term_taxonomy_id'] = $term->term_taxonomy_id;
if ($term->parent > 0) {
$arr_terms[$term->parent]['child'][] = $term->term_id;
if (empty($shows) || (!empty($shows) && in_array(strtolower(trim(str_replace(',', '', $term->name))), $shows))) {
$arr_terms[$term->term_id]['slug'] = $term->slug;
$arr_terms[$term->term_id]['name'] = $term->name;
$arr_terms[$term->term_id]['parent'] = $term->parent;
$arr_terms[$term->term_id]['count_query'] = $term->count_query;
if (!empty($arr_terms)) {
foreach ($arr_terms as $term_id=>$arr_term) {
if (isset($arr_term['term_taxonomy_id']) && isset($arr_term['name']) && $arr_term['parent'] == 0) {
$output_child = '';
$arr = getHierarchicalTermsAjax($arr_terms, $preselects, $term_id, $output_child, 1, $taxonomy, $other_preselect, $min_year, $max_year, $start_date, $end_date, $search, $search_text);
$output_child .= $arr['output'];
if (strpos($arr['term_taxonomy_id'], "||") > 0) {
$count_query = getTermCountQueryAjax($taxonomy, $other_preselect, $min_year, $max_year, $start_date, $end_date, $search, $search_text, $arr['term_taxonomy_id']);
$count_result = $wpdb->get_var($count_query);
else {
$count_result = $arr_term['count_query'];
// $output .= '<option id="taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'-'.$arr_term['slug'].'" value="'.$arr['term_taxonomy_id'].'"'.((in_array(strtolower(trim($arr_term['name'])), $preselects)) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.$arr_term['name'].'</option>';
$output .= '<option id="taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'-'.$arr_term['slug'] . '"';
$output .= ' class="'. $taxonomy .' parent '. $arr_term['slug'] . ' level-0' . (($count_result > 0) ? '' : ' zero-result');
$output .= '" value="'.$arr['term_taxonomy_id'].'"'.((in_array(trim($arr['term_taxonomy_id']), $preselects)) ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . (($taxonomy == 'people' && $arr_term['name'] == 'Others') ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '');
$output .= '>'.$arr_term['name'];
$output .= ' - ' . $count_result;
$output .= '</option>' . "\n";
$output .= $output_child;
$output .= '</select>';
//echo $querystr.'<br><br><br>';
echo $output;
$output = 'None';
echo $output;
function getHierarchicalTermsAjax($arr_terms = array(), $preselects = array(), $term_id = 0, $output = '', $hierarchical = 0, $taxonomy = '', $other_preselect = array(), $min_year = '', $max_year = '', $start_date = '', $end_date = '', $search = '', $search_text = '') {
global $wpdb;
$arr = array();
$arr['term_taxonomy_id'] = $arr_terms[$term_id]['term_taxonomy_id'];
if (!empty($arr_terms[$term_id]['child'])) {
foreach ($arr_terms[$term_id]['child'] as $term_child_id) {
if (isset($arr_terms[$term_child_id]['term_taxonomy_id'])) {
$output_child = '';
$arr_child = getHierarchicalTermsAjax($arr_terms, $preselects, $term_child_id, $output_child, $hierarchical + 1, $taxonomy, $other_preselect, $min_year, $max_year, $start_date, $end_date, $search, $search_text);
$arr['term_taxonomy_id'] .= '||' . $arr_child['term_taxonomy_id'];
if (isset($arr_terms[$term_child_id]['name'])) {
$output_child .= $arr_child['output'];
if (strpos($arr_child['term_taxonomy_id'], "||") > 0) {
$count_query = getTermCountQueryAjax($taxonomy, $other_preselect, $min_year, $max_year, $start_date, $end_date, $search, $search_text, $arr_child['term_taxonomy_id']);
$count_result = $wpdb->get_var($count_query);
else {
$count_result = $arr_terms[$term_child_id]['count_query'];
$output .= '<option id="taxonomy-'.$taxonomy.'-'.$arr_terms[$term_child_id]['slug'];
$output .= '" class="'. $taxonomy . ' child ' . $arr_terms[$term_child_id]['slug'] . ' level-'.$hierarchical . ' parent-'.$term_id . (($count_result > 0) ? '' : ' zero-result');
// if ($taxonomy) {
// $term_object = get_term_by( 'id', $arr_term['term_taxonomy_id'], 'people', OBJECT);
// $output .= print_r($term_object->parent);
// }
$output .= '" value="'.$arr_child['term_taxonomy_id'].'"'.((in_array(trim($arr_child['term_taxonomy_id']), $preselects)) ? ' selected="selected"' : '').'>'.getHierarchicalSymbolAjax($hierarchical).$arr_terms[$term_child_id]['name'];
$output .= ' - ' . $count_result;
$output .= '</option>';
$output .= $output_child;
$arr['output'] = $output;
return $arr;
function getHierarchicalSymbolAjax($hierarchical = 0) {
$i = 0;
$symbol = '';
while ($i<$hierarchical) {
$symbol .= ' - ';
return $symbol;
function getTermCountQueryAjax($taxonomy = '', $other_preselect = array(), $min_year = '', $max_year = '', $start_date = '', $end_date = '', $search = '', $search_text= '', $term_id = '') {
global $wpdb;
$count_query = '';
$other_condition = " and p.post_status = 'publish'";
$term_id_condition = '';
if ($min_year)
$other_condition .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 4) >= '".$min_year."'";
if ($max_year)
$other_condition .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 4) <= '".$max_year."'";
if ($start_date)
$other_condition .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 10) >= '".$start_date."'";
if ($end_date)
$other_condition .= " and SUBSTRING(p.post_date, 1, 10) <= '".$end_date."'";
if ($search) {
$post_types = explode(',', $search);
$other_condition .= " and p.post_type in (";
$i = 0;
foreach($post_types as $post_type) {
if ($i > 0) {
$other_condition .= ",";
$other_condition .= "'".trim($post_type)."'";
$other_condition .= ")";
else {
$other_condition .= " and p.post_type not in ('revision', 'nav_menu_item')";
if ($search_text && $search_text != "Type and press enter")
$other_condition .= " and (p.post_title like '%".$search_text."%' or p.post_content like '%".$search_text."%')";
if ($term_id)
$term_id_condition .= " in (".str_replace('||', ',', $term_id).")";
$term_id_condition .= " = ta.term_taxonomy_id";
case 'people':
//if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue'] || $other_preselect['preselect_topic'] || $other_preselect['preselect_type']) {
$count_query = "select count(distinct p.ID) from $wpdb->posts p
left join $wpdb->term_relationships people on p.ID = people.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships issue on p.ID = issue.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships topic on p.ID = topic.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships type on p.ID = type.object_id";
$count_query .= " where people.term_taxonomy_id".$term_id_condition;
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " and issue.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_issue']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " and topic.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_topic']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " and type.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_type']).")";
$count_query .= $other_condition;
case 'issue':
//if ($other_preselect['preselect_people'] || $other_preselect['preselect_topic'] || $other_preselect['preselect_type']) {
$count_query = "select count(distinct p.ID) from $wpdb->posts p
left join $wpdb->term_relationships issue on p.ID = issue.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships people on p.ID = people.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships topic on p.ID = topic.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships type on p.ID = type.object_id";
$count_query .= " where issue.term_taxonomy_id".$term_id_condition;
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']){
$count_query .= " and people.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_people']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " and topic.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_topic']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " and type.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_type']).")";
$count_query .= $other_condition;
case 'topic':
//if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue'] || $other_preselect['preselect_people'] || $other_preselect['preselect_type']) {
$count_query = "select count(distinct p.ID) from $wpdb->posts p
left join $wpdb->term_relationships topic on p.ID = topic.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships issue on p.ID = issue.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']) {
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships people on p.ID = people.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships type on p.ID = type.object_id";
$count_query .= " where topic.term_taxonomy_id".$term_id_condition;
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " and issue.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_issue']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']) {
$count_query .= " and people.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_people']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_type']){
$count_query .= " and type.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_type']).")";
$count_query .= $other_condition;
case 'type':
//if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue'] || $other_preselect['preselect_topic'] || $other_preselect['preselect_people']) {
$count_query = "select count(distinct p.ID) from $wpdb->posts p
left join $wpdb->term_relationships type on p.ID = type.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships issue on p.ID = issue.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships topic on p.ID = topic.object_id";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']){
$count_query .= " left join $wpdb->term_relationships people on p.ID = people.object_id";
$count_query .= " where type.term_taxonomy_id".$term_id_condition;
if ($other_preselect['preselect_issue']){
$count_query .= " and issue.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_issue']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_topic']) {
$count_query .= " and topic.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_topic']).")";
if ($other_preselect['preselect_people']){
$count_query .= " and people.term_taxonomy_id in (".str_replace('||', ',', $other_preselect['preselect_people']).")";
$count_query .= $other_condition;
return $count_query;
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