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Last active December 25, 2015 05:39
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  • Save ericpgreen/6926595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ericpgreen/6926595 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
modification to bootSem for R sem package to prevent crashing on Mac
# bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals for sem
# original sem code from sem:::bootSem.sem
# original post:
# commented out lines referencing tcltk
bootSem2 <- function (model, R = 100, Cov = cov, data = model$data, max.failures = 10,
refit <- function() {
indices <- sample(N, N, replace = TRUE)
S <- Cov(data[indices, ])
refitted.model <- sem(ram, S, N, param.names = coef.names,
var.names = var.names, optimizer = model$optimizer,
objective = model$objective, ...)
if (!require("boot"))
stop("package boot not available")
#has.tcltk <- require("tcltk")
#if (has.tcltk)
# pb <- tkProgressBar("Bootstrap Sampling", "Bootstrap sample: ",
# 0, R)
if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE))
seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
warn <- options(warn = -2)
nErrors <- 0
if (is.null(data))
stop("the model object doesn't contain a data matrix")
N <- nrow(data)
coefficients <- model$coeff
coef.names <- names(coefficients)
var.names <- model$var.names
ram <- model$ram
ram[coef.names, "start value"] <- coefficients
coefs <- matrix(numeric(0), R, length(coefficients))
colnames(coefs) <- coef.names
for (b in 1:R) {
#if (has.tcltk)
# setTkProgressBar(pb, b, label = sprintf("Bootstrap sample: %d",
# b))
for (try in 1:(max.failures + 1)) {
if (try > max.failures)
stop("more than ", max.failures, " consecutive convergence failures")
res <- try(refit(), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(res, "try-error"))
nErrors <- nErrors + 1
else {
coefs[b, ] <- res
if (nErrors > 0)
warning("there were", nErrors, "apparent convergence failures;\nthese are discarded from the",
R, "bootstrap replications returned")
res <- list(t0 = coefficients, t = coefs, R = R, data = data,
seed = seed, statistic = refit, sim = "ordinary", stype = "i",
call =, strata = rep(1, N), weights = rep(1/N,
res$call[[1]] <-"bootSem")
#if (has.tcltk)
# close(pb)
class(res) <- c("bootsem", "boot")
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