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Created August 28, 2021 19:16
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intermediate latex file
% ams
\usepackage{fixltx2e} % provides \textsubscript
\ifnum 0\ifxetex 1\fi\ifluatex 1\fi=0 % if pdftex
\else % if luatex or xelatex
% graphix
% booktabs
% url
% hyperref
% units.
% citations
% pandoc syntax highlighting
% Add ',fontsize=\small' for more characters per line
% longtable
% multiplecol
% strikeout
% morefloats
% tightlist macro required by pandoc >= 1.14
% title / author / date
\title{Global Health Research}
\author{Eric P. Green}
{\filcenter}{\mbox{}\xrfill[0.4ex]{3pt}[rulecolor]\textsc{\large\enspace\chaptername \thechapter}\enspace\xrfill[0.4ex]{3pt}[rulecolor]\mbox{}}{0.3ex} {{\color{rulecolor}\titlerule[1pt]}\vskip3ex\huge\bfseries}[\medskip{\color{rulecolor}\titlerule[1pt]}]
This is a \emph{sample} book written in \textbf{Markdown}. You can use anything that Pandoc's Markdown supports; for example, a math equation \(a^2 + b^2 = c^2\).
Each \textbf{bookdown} chapter is an .Rmd file, and each .Rmd file can contain one (and only one) chapter. A chapter \emph{must} start with a first-level heading: \texttt{\#\ A\ good\ chapter}, and can contain one (and only one) first-level heading.
Use second-level and higher headings within chapters like: \texttt{\#\#\ A\ short\ section} or \texttt{\#\#\#\ An\ even\ shorter\ section}.
The \texttt{index.Rmd} file is required, and is also your first book chapter. It will be the homepage when you render the book.
Testing the use of margin notes.
\section{Render book}\label{render-book}}
You can render the HTML version of this example book without changing anything:
Find the \textbf{Build} pane in the RStudio IDE, and
Click on \textbf{Build Book}, then select your output format, or select ``All formats'' if you'd like to use multiple formats from the same book source files.
Or build the book from the R console:
To render this example to PDF as a \texttt{bookdown::pdf\_book}, you'll need to install XeLaTeX. You are recommended to install TinyTeX (which includes XeLaTeX): \url{}.
\section{Preview book}\label{preview-book}}
As you work, you may start a local server to live preview this HTML book. This preview will update as you edit the book when you save individual .Rmd files. You can start the server in a work session by using the RStudio add-in ``Preview book'', or from the R console:
\chapter{Hello bookdown}\label{hello-bookdown}}
All chapters start with a first-level heading followed by your chapter title, like the line above. There should be only one first-level heading (\texttt{\#}) per .Rmd file.
\section{A section}\label{a-section}}
All chapter sections start with a second-level (\texttt{\#\#}) or higher heading followed by your section title, like the sections above and below here. You can have as many as you want within a chapter.
\subsection*{An unnumbered section}\label{an-unnumbered-section}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{An unnumbered section}
Chapters and sections are numbered by default. To un-number a heading, add a \texttt{\{.unnumbered\}} or the shorter \texttt{\{-\}} at the end of the heading, like in this section.
Cross-references make it easier for your readers to find and link to elements in your book.
\section{Chapters and sub-chapters}\label{chapters-and-sub-chapters}}
There are two steps to cross-reference any heading:
Label the heading: \texttt{\#\ Hello\ world\ \{\#nice-label\}}.
Leave the label off if you like the automated heading generated based on your heading title: for example, \texttt{\#\ Hello\ world} = \texttt{\#\ Hello\ world\ \{\#hello-world\}}.
To label an un-numbered heading, use: \texttt{\#\ Hello\ world\ \{-\#nice-label\}} or \texttt{\{\#\ Hello\ world\ .unnumbered\}}.
Next, reference the labeled heading anywhere in the text using \texttt{\textbackslash{}@ref(nice-label)}; for example, please see Chapter \ref{cross}.
If you prefer text as the link instead of a numbered reference use: \protect\hyperlink{cross}{any text you want can go here}.
\section{Captioned figures and tables}\label{captioned-figures-and-tables}}
Figures and tables \emph{with captions} can also be cross-referenced from elsewhere in your book using \texttt{\textbackslash{}@ref(fig:chunk-label)} and \texttt{\textbackslash{}@ref(tag:chunk-label)}, respectively.
See Figure \ref{fig:nice-fig}.
\FunctionTok{par}\NormalTok{(}\AttributeTok{mar =} \FunctionTok{c}\NormalTok{(}\DecValTok{4}\NormalTok{, }\DecValTok{4}\NormalTok{, .}\DecValTok{1}\NormalTok{, .}\DecValTok{1}\NormalTok{))}
\FunctionTok{plot}\NormalTok{(pressure, }\AttributeTok{type =} \StringTok{\textquotesingle{}b\textquotesingle{}}\NormalTok{, }\AttributeTok{pch =} \DecValTok{19}\NormalTok{)}
{\centering \includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth]{02-cross-refs_files/figure-latex/nice-fig-1}
\caption[Here is a nice figure!]{Here is a nice figure!}\label{fig:nice-fig}
Don't miss Table \ref{tab:nice-tab}.
\FunctionTok{head}\NormalTok{(pressure, }\DecValTok{10}\NormalTok{), }\AttributeTok{caption =} \StringTok{\textquotesingle{}Here is a nice table!\textquotesingle{}}\NormalTok{,}
\AttributeTok{booktabs =} \ConstantTok{TRUE}
\caption{\label{tab:nice-tab}Here is a nice table!}
temperature & pressure\\
0 & 0.0002\\
20 & 0.0012\\
40 & 0.0060\\
60 & 0.0300\\
80 & 0.0900\\
100 & 0.2700\\
120 & 0.7500\\
140 & 1.8500\\
160 & 4.2000\\
180 & 8.8000\\
You can add parts to organize one or more book chapters together. Parts can be inserted at the top of an .Rmd file, before the first-level chapter heading in that same file.
Add a numbered part: \texttt{\#\ (PART)\ Act\ one\ \{-\}} (followed by \texttt{\#\ A\ chapter})
Add an unnumbered part: \texttt{\#\ (PART\textbackslash{}*)\ Act\ one\ \{-\}} (followed by \texttt{\#\ A\ chapter})
Add an appendix as a special kind of un-numbered part: \texttt{\#\ (APPENDIX)\ Other\ stuff\ \{-\}} (followed by \texttt{\#\ A\ chapter}). Chapters in an appendix are prepended with letters instead of numbers.
\chapter{Footnotes and citations}\label{footnotes-and-citations}}
Footnotes are put inside the square brackets after a caret \texttt{\^{}{[}{]}}. Like this one \footnote{This is a footnote.}.
Reference items in your bibliography file(s) using \texttt{@key}.
For example, we are using the \textbf{bookdown} package \citep{R-bookdown} (check out the last code chunk in index.Rmd to see how this citation key was added) in this sample book, which was built on top of R Markdown and \textbf{knitr} \citep{xie2015} (this citation was added manually in an external file book.bib).
Note that the \texttt{.bib} files need to be listed in the index.Rmd with the YAML \texttt{bibliography} key.
The \texttt{bs4\_book} theme makes footnotes appear inline when you click on them. In this example book, we added \texttt{csl:\ chicago-fullnote-bibliography.csl} to the \texttt{index.Rmd} YAML, and include the \texttt{.csl} file. To download a new style, we recommend: \url{}
The RStudio Visual Markdown Editor can also make it easier to insert citations: \url{\#/citations}
Here is an equation.
f\left(k\right) = \binom{n}{k} p^k\left(1-p\right)^{n-k}
You may refer to using \texttt{\textbackslash{}@ref(eq:binom)}, like see Equation \eqref{eq:binom}.
\section{Theorems and proofs}\label{theorems-and-proofs}}
Labeled theorems can be referenced in text using \texttt{\textbackslash{}@ref(thm:tri)}, for example, check out this smart theorem \ref{thm:tri}.
\protect\hypertarget{thm:tri}{}\label{thm:tri}For a right triangle, if \(c\) denotes the \emph{length} of the hypotenuse
and \(a\) and \(b\) denote the lengths of the \textbf{other} two sides, we have
\[a^2 + b^2 = c^2\]
Read more here \url{}.
\section{Callout blocks}\label{callout-blocks}}
The \texttt{bs4\_book} theme also includes special callout blocks, like this \texttt{.rmdnote}.
You can use \textbf{markdown} inside a block.
\FunctionTok{head}\NormalTok{(beaver1, }\AttributeTok{n =} \DecValTok{5}\NormalTok{)}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} day time temp activ}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} 1 346 840 36.33 0}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} 2 346 850 36.34 0}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} 3 346 900 36.35 0}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} 4 346 910 36.42 0}
\CommentTok{\#\textgreater{} 5 346 920 36.55 0}
It is up to the user to define the appearance of these blocks for LaTeX output.
You may also use: \texttt{.rmdcaution}, \texttt{.rmdimportant}, \texttt{.rmdtip}, or \texttt{.rmdwarning} as the block name.
The R Markdown Cookbook provides more help on how to use custom blocks to design your own callouts: \url{}
\chapter{Sharing your book}\label{sharing-your-book}}
HTML books can be published online, see: \url{}
\section{404 pages}\label{pages}}
By default, users will be directed to a 404 page if they try to access a webpage that cannot be found. If you'd like to customize your 404 page instead of using the default, you may add either a \texttt{\_404.Rmd} or \texttt{\} file to your project root and use code and/or Markdown syntax.
\section{Metadata for sharing}\label{metadata-for-sharing}}
Bookdown HTML books will provide HTML metadata for social sharing on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, using information you provide in the \texttt{index.Rmd} YAML. To setup, set the \texttt{url} for your book and the path to your \texttt{cover-image} file. Your book's \texttt{title} and \texttt{description} are also used.
This \texttt{bs4\_book} provides enhanced metadata for social sharing, so that each chapter shared will have a unique description, auto-generated based on the content.
Specify your book's source repository on GitHub as the \texttt{repo} in the \texttt{\_output.yml} file, which allows users to view each chapter's source file or suggest an edit. Read more about the features of this output format here:
Or use:
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