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Last active March 14, 2020 13:05
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using Mosek
using SCS
import DSP: conv
using Convex
conv(x::AbstractVector, y::AbstractVector) = DSP.conv(x,y)
conv(x::Variable, y::AbstractVector) = Convex.conv(x,y)
conv(x::AbstractVector, y::Variable) = Convex.conv(x,y)
using Random
using SparseArrays
println(" \n \n \n solving Convex \n \n \n")
n,m = 100, 10
h = randn(n)
x = Vector(sprandn(m, 0.05))
y = conv(h,x)+randn(n+m-1)
lambda = 0.01
x0 = Variable(m)
# slv = Mosek.Optimizer()
slv = SCS.Optimizer(verbose=0)
problem = minimize(0.5*square(norm(conv(h,x0)-y))+lambda*norm(x0,1))
solve!(problem, slv)
@show x0.value
xConvex = x0.value
println(" \n \n \n solving cvxpy \n \n \n")
using PyCall
# Conda.add("cvxpy"; channel="conda-forge")
@pyimport cvxpy as cvx
slv = cvx.SCS
x0 = cvx.Variable(m)
yy = reshape(y, (length(y), 1))
problem = cvx.Problem(cvx.Minimize(cvx.sum_squares(cvx.conv(h,x0)-yy)*0.5+cvx.norm1(x0)*lambda))
problem.solve(solver = slv, verbose = true)
xcvxpy = x0.value
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Note: this was updated for Convex 0.13 in the second revision, so go to the first revision for the Convex 0.12 version. Also, uncomment the Conda.add command (and do using Conda) to install cvxpy if it's not already installed.

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