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Created September 25, 2017 20:47
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Save ericprud/39046a23125dfaade98f5620fae6d176 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
test of N3.js utility to find bug dependent on the order of hashes in the Store object.
var n3 = require('n3')
function describe (dlabel, d) {
d(it, xit)
function it (ilabel, i) {
try {
} catch (e) {
messages.push(dlabel + ' ' + ilabel + ' ' + e.message)
function xit (label, i) {
var passing = 0
var pending = 0
var failing = 0
var messages = []
var expect = function (v) {
if (!v) {
throw Error('failed')
var deepEquals = function (l, r) {
var lkeys = Object.keys(l)
var rkeys = Object.keys(r)
if (lkeys.length !== rkeys.length) {
return false
if (lkeys.find(k => {
return (l[k] !== r[k])
})) {
return false
return true
describe('graph equiv', function (it, xit) {
var l = n3.Store([ { subject: 'tag:b0', predicate: '', object: '_:b0', graph: '' }, { subject: 'tag:b0', predicate: '', object: '_:b1', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b0', predicate: '', object: '"110"^^', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b0', predicate: '', object: '"mmHg"', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b1', predicate: '', object: '"70"^^', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b1', predicate: '', object: '"mmHg"', graph: '' } ])
var r = n3.Store([ { subject: 'tag:b0', predicate: '', object: '_:b8', graph: '' }, { subject: 'tag:b0', predicate: '', object: '_:b7', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b8', predicate: '', object: '"mmHg"', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b8', predicate: '', object: '"70"^^', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b7', predicate: '', object: '"mmHg"', graph: '' }, { subject: '_:b7', predicate: '', object: '"110"^^', graph: '' } ])
var lobj = {'_size': null, '_graphs': {'': {'subjects': {'1': {'2': {'3': null}, '8': {'9': null}}, '3': {'4': {'5': null}, '6': {'7': null}}, '9': {'4': {'10': null}, '6': {'7': null}}}, 'predicates': {'2': {'3': {'1': null}}, '4': {'5': {'3': null}, '10': {'9': null}}, '6': {'7': {'3': null, '9': null}}, '8': {'9': {'1': null}}}, 'objects': {'3': {'1': {'2': null}}, '5': {'3': {'4': null}}, '7': {'3': {'6': null}, '9': {'6': null}}, '9': {'1': {'8': null}}, '10': {'9': {'4': null}}}}}, '_id': 10, '_ids': {'><': 0, 'tag:b0': 1, '': 2, '_:b0': 3, '': 4, '"110"^^': 5, '': 6, '"mmHg"': 7, '': 8, '_:b1': 9, '"70"^^': 10}, '_entities': {'1': 'tag:b0', '2': '', '3': '_:b0', '4': '', '5': '"110"^^', '6': '', '7': '"mmHg"', '8': '', '9': '_:b1', '10': '"70"^^'}, '_blankNodeIndex': 0, '_prefixes': {'': '', 'xsd': '', 'bp': '', 'Map': ''}}
var robj = {'_size': null, '_graphs': {'': {'subjects': {'1': {'2': {'3': null}, '8': {'9': null}}, '3': {'4': {'5': null}, '6': {'7': null}}, '9': {'4': {'5': null}, '6': {'10': null}}}, 'predicates': {'2': {'3': {'1': null}}, '4': {'5': {'3': null, '9': null}}, '6': {'7': {'3': null}, '10': {'9': null}}, '8': {'9': {'1': null}}}, 'objects': {'3': {'1': {'2': null}}, '5': {'3': {'4': null}, '9': {'4': null}}, '7': {'3': {'6': null}}, '9': {'1': {'8': null}}, '10': {'9': {'6': null}}}}}, '_id': 10, '_ids': {'><': 0, 'tag:b0': 1, '': 2, '_:b8': 3, '': 4, '"mmHg"': 5, '': 6, '"70"^^': 7, '': 8, '_:b7': 9, '"110"^^': 10}, '_entities': {'1': 'tag:b0', '2': '', '3': '_:b8', '4': '', '5': '"mmHg"', '6': '', '7': '"70"^^', '8': '', '9': '_:b7', '10': '"110"^^'}, '_blankNodeIndex': 0, '_prefixe': {}}
let m = {}
let mgood = { '_:b1': '_:b8', '_:b0': '_:b7' }
let mbad = { '_:b0': '_:b8', '_:b1': '_:b7' }
it('l == r', function () {
Object.assign(l, lobj)
expect(geq(l, r, m))
expect(deepEquals(m, mgood))
expect(!deepEquals(m, mbad))
xit('i(l) == r', function () {
Object.assign(l, lobj)
expect(geq(l, r))
it('i(l) == i(r)', function () {
Object.assign(r, robj)
expect(geq(l, r, mgood))
expect(geq(l, r))
console.log(` ${passing} passing\n ${pending} pending\n ${failing} failing\n${, i) => {
return i + 1 + ') ' + m
function geq (l, r, m) { // graphEquals needs a this
return, r, m)
/** graphEquals: test if two graphs are isomorphic through some bnode mapping.
* this: one of the graphs to test, referred to as "left" below.
* right: the other graph to test.
* m: (optional) writable mapping from left bnodes to write bnodes.
* returns: true or false
* side effects: m is populated with a working mapping.
function graphEquals (right, m) {
if (this.size !== right.size) {
return false
m = m || {} // Left→right mappings (optional argument).
var back = Object.keys(m).reduce(function (ret, from) { // Right→left mappings
ret[m[from]] = from // populated if m was passed in.
return ret
}, {})
function match (g) {
function val (term, mapping) {
mapping = mapping || m // Mostly used for left→right mappings.
if (n3.Util.isBlank(term)) {
return (term in mapping) ? mapping[term] : null // Bnodes get current binding or null.
} else {
return term // Other terms evaluate to themselves.
if (g.length === 0) { // Success if there's nothing left to match.
return true
var t = g.pop()
var s = val(t.subject)
var o = val(t.object) // Take the first triple in left.
var tm = right.getTriplesByIRI(s, t.predicate, o) // Find candidates in right.
var r = tm.reduce(function (ret, triple) { // Walk through candidates in right.
if (ret) return true // Only examine first successful mapping.
var adds = [] // List of candidate mappings.
function add (from, to) {
if (val(from) === null) { // If there's no binding from tₗ to tᵣ,
if (val(to, back) === null) { // If we can bind to to the object
adds.push(from) // add a candidate binding.
m[from] = to
back[to] = from
return true
} else { // Otherwise,
return false // it's not a viable mapping.
} else { // Otherwise,
return true // there's no new binding.
if (!add(t.subject, triple.subject) || // If the bindings for tₗ.s→tᵣ.s fail
!add(t.object, triple.object) || // or the bindings for tₗ.o→tᵣ.o fail
!match(g)) { // of the remaining triples fail,
adds.forEach(function (added) { // remove each added binding.
delete back[m[added]]
delete m[added]
return false
} else {
return true
}, false) // Empty tm returns failure.
if (!r) {
g.push(t) // No binding for t in cancidate mapping.
return r
return match(this.getTriples(null, null, null)) // Start with all triples.
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