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tangjeff0 /
Last active June 4, 2024 19:02
get random notion notes to resurface your old ideas!
inspired by:
with help from:
form[data-drip-embedded-form] {
background: #fff url(…wbGhkYFxYVFBMSERAPDg0MCwoJCAcGBQQDAgEAACH5BAEAAAEALAAAAAABAAMAAAICRFIAOw==) repeat-y center top;
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
line-height: 1.5em;
overflow: hidden;
color: #666;
font-size: 16px;
border-top: solid 20px #3071b0;
border-top-color: #3071b0;
border-bottom: solid 10px #3d3d3d;
vasanthk / System
Last active July 22, 2024 17:59
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
wetzler / gist:6909882
Last active May 16, 2020 13:13
This gist shows you how to run a retention analysis. I blogged about how to run a retention analysis here:
require 'rubygems'
require 'keen'
require 'json'
require 'date'
require 'active_support/all' #for datetime calculation e.g. weeks.ago.at_beginning_of_week
require 'simple_xlsx' #for outputting excel files
require 'cgi' #for URL encoding