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Last active October 6, 2019 12:37
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RegEx Snippets

RegEx Snippets

Extract URLs

Find all links

Works pretty well in capturing the full URL when using this in a search (like in Sublime Text 2). (https?|ftps?)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/?

Find all links within a specific subfolder structure and replace with alt subfolders

The following will capture the URL in a SQL dump including escaped quotation marks.

  • URL pattern:
  • RegEx: (https?|ftps?)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?/calculator/degrees/([^\\"]+)
  • Replacement:$3/
  • Result:

Find all links without trailing slashes

This will find all hrefs that do not contain a trailing slash. NOTE: it will detect links in your <head> and ones that end in .html that purposfully do not have a trailing slash, so becareful performing a find/replace.

  • URL pattern: href=""
  • RegEx: href="(\S)+[^/]"

Find all id="*" attributes

This will find all id tags with either ' or ".

  • RegEx: id=("|')[^("|')]*("|')

Find all <a href=""></a> anchor tags

  • RegEx: <(?:\s?)[aA].*?href=[\'\"](?<link>.*?)[\'\"].*?>(?<text>.*)<(?:\s?)\/(?:\s?)[aA](?:\s?)>

Replaces Subdomain URLs

Convert from to


  • since the pattern will contain literal forward slashes for the url (eg "schema://domain/path"), we're delimiting the path with pipe chars to avoid having to backslash-escape each forward slash
  • just in case we have a mix of http & https urls, we'll match both with "https?" which means match "http" followed by one or zero "s" chars
  • we're backslash-escaping the dots in the domain, since in regex syntax an unescaped dot normally means "any single character other than a newline"
  • we're capturing everything before and after the "request" in "requestinfo" with parentheses in the pattern, then joining them together in the replacement using backreferences
  • we're making the entire pattern match as case insensitive by adding an "i" flag after the closing pattern delimiter

preg_replace('|(https?://)old(new\.yourwebsite\.)org|i', '$1$2com', $content);

Rewrite subfolder with keywords

#RewriteRule ^calculator/degrees(?:/([\w-]+?)(?:-in.+)?)?/?$ /degrees/$1/ [L,R=301]


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