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Created September 9, 2013 19:32
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Save ericrius1/6500361 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu ericrius1
info: jitsu v0.13.2, node v0.10.17
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
info: Analyzing application dependencies in NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { app:
debug: { _id: 'ericrius1/mean',
debug: name: 'mean',
debug: scripts:
debug: { start: 'NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js',
debug: test: 'NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter spec test/test-*.js' },
debug: user: 'ericrius1',
debug: subdomain: 'ericrius1-mean-stripdown',
debug: snapshots:
debug: [ { id: '1.0.0',
debug: md5: '16bf4f6f63f985bf82b3f554a6fc8b1c',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378679846570 },
debug: { id: '1.0.0-1',
debug: md5: '62c9658ee9ccf5eda58e41b9b1c81685',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378680080582 },
debug: { id: '1.0.0-2',
debug: md5: '69893bde5d6c62e5d855efe856a74b94',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-2.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378680463117 },
debug: { id: '1.0.0-3',
debug: md5: '7740a1141a0faea1c400fc67ae022f6e',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-3.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378681275265 },
debug: { id: '1.0.0-4',
debug: md5: '471ade148abe1d4315ef4baab54bc4c8',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-4.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378692271309 } ],
debug: env:
debug: { SUBDOMAIN: 'ericrius1-mean-stripdown',
debug: NODE_ENV: 'production',
debug: NES_MONGO_URI: 'mongodb://' },
debug: domains: [],
debug: databases: {},
debug: config:
debug: { cloud:
debug: [ { datacenter: 'us-east-1',
debug: provider: 'joyent',
debug: drones: 1,
debug: ram: 256 } ] },
debug: maxDrones: 1,
debug: drones: 0,
debug: ctime: 1378679713428,
debug: mtime: 1378692279902,
debug: resource: 'App',
debug: _rev: '18-16522f50ec3645863ff53b81b060e3ac',
debug: version: '1.0.0-4',
debug: dependencies:
debug: { express: 'latest',
debug: jade: 'latest',
debug: mongoose: 'latest',
debug: 'connect-mongo': 'latest',
debug: 'connect-flash': 'latest',
debug: passport: 'latest',
debug: 'passport-local': 'latest',
debug: 'passport-facebook': 'latest',
debug: 'passport-twitter': 'latest',
debug: 'passport-github': 'latest',
debug: 'passport-google-oauth': 'latest',
debug: imager: 'latest',
debug: notifier: 'latest',
debug: underscore: 'latest',
debug: gzippo: 'latest',
debug: async: 'latest',
debug: 'view-helpers': 'latest',
debug: forever: 'latest',
debug: 'mean-logger': 'latest',
debug: bower: 'latest',
debug: '': 'latest' },
debug: devDependencies:
debug: { supertest: 'latest',
debug: should: 'latest',
debug: mocha: 'latest',
debug: grunt: '~0.4.1',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-compass': 'latest',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-watch': 'latest',
debug: 'grunt-contrib-jshint': 'latest',
debug: 'grunt-nodemon': '~0.1.0',
debug: 'grunt-concurrent': 'latest' },
debug: description: 'Mongo',
debug: engines: { node: '0.10.x', npm: '1.2.x' },
debug: id: 'mean',
debug: active:
debug: { id: '1.0.0-4',
debug: md5: '471ade148abe1d4315ef4baab54bc4c8',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-4.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378692271309,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false },
debug: subscriptionId: 3350873 } } }
warn: Local package version appears to be old
warn: The package.json version will be incremented automatically
warn: About to write /Users/ericlevin/mean-stripdown/package.json
data: {
data: author: 'MEAN - A Modern Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS. (BONUS: Passport User Support).',
data: dependencies: {
data: passport-local: 'latest',
data: connect-mongo: 'latest',
data: express: 'latest',
data: view-helpers: 'latest',
data: gzippo: 'latest',
data: forever: 'latest',
data: mongoose: 'latest',
data: underscore: 'latest',
data: bower: 'latest',
data: passport-facebook: 'latest',
data: passport-google-oauth: 'latest',
data: async: 'latest',
data: passport-github: 'latest',
data: imager: 'latest',
data: 'latest',
data: mean-logger: 'latest',
data: jade: 'latest',
data: notifier: 'latest',
data: connect-flash: 'latest',
data: passport: 'latest',
data: passport-twitter: 'latest'
data: },
data: description: 'Mongo',
data: devDependencies: {
data: should: 'latest',
data: grunt-nodemon: '~0.1.0',
data: supertest: 'latest',
data: grunt-contrib-watch: 'latest',
data: grunt-concurrent: 'latest',
data: grunt-contrib-compass: 'latest',
data: grunt-contrib-jshint: 'latest',
data: mocha: 'latest',
data: grunt: '~0.4.1'
data: },
data: engines: { node: '0.10.x', npm: '1.2.x' },
data: name: 'mean',
data: private: false,
data: scripts: { start: 'NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js', test: 'NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter spec test/test-*.js' },
data: subdomain: 'ericrius1-mean-stripdown',
data: version: '1.0.0-5'
data: }
prompt: Is this ok?: (yes)
info: Creating snapshot 1.0.0-5
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
debug: 'Content-Length': 4292720 },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
info Uploading: [=============================] 100%
debug: { statusCode: 201,
debug: result:
debug: { snapshot:
debug: { id: '1.0.0-5',
debug: md5: 'd8d149ef790d46b644ed0104563554f8',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-5.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378755108274 } } }
info: Updating app mean
debug: { method: 'PUT',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{"name":"mean","description":"Mongo","version":"1.0.0-5","private":false,"author":"MEAN - A Modern Stack: MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS. (BONUS: Passport User Support).","engines":{"node":"0.10.x","npm":"1.2.x"},"scripts":{"start":"NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js","test":"NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter spec test/test-*.js"},"dependencies":{"express":"latest","jade":"latest","mongoose":"latest","connect-mongo":"latest","connect-flash":"latest","passport":"latest","passport-local":"latest","passport-facebook":"latest","passport-twitter":"latest","passport-github":"latest","passport-google-oauth":"latest","imager":"latest","notifier":"latest","underscore":"latest","gzippo":"latest","async":"latest","view-helpers":"latest","forever":"latest","mean-logger":"latest","bower":"latest","":"latest"},"devDependencies":{"supertest":"latest","should":"latest","mocha":"latest","grunt":"~0.4.1","grunt-contrib-compass":"latest","grunt-contrib-watch":"latest","grunt-contrib-jshint":"latest","grunt-nodemon":"~0.1.0","grunt-concurrent":"latest"},"subdomain":"ericrius1-mean-stripdown"}' }
debug: { statusCode: 204, result: undefined }
info: Activating snapshot 1.0.0-5 for mean
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { active:
debug: { id: '1.0.0-5',
debug: md5: 'd8d149ef790d46b644ed0104563554f8',
debug: filename: 'ericrius1-mean-1.0.0-5.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1378755108274,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } }
info: Starting app mean
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { endpoints:
debug: { joyent:
debug: { 'us-east-1': '',
debug: 'us-sw-1': '',
debug: 'us-west-1': '',
debug: 'eu-ams-1': '' } } } }
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*********************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: 240000,
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 500,
debug: result:
debug: { message: 'Errors occured while starting the application',
debug: stack: 'Error: Errors occured while starting the application\n at onStarted (/root/nodejitsu/lib/nodejitsu/resources/app/controller.js:789:16)\n at respond (/root/nodejitsu/lib/nodejitsu/resources/app/controller.js:514:14)\n at AppController._startDrone.server (/root/nodejitsu/lib/nodejitsu/resources/app/controller.js:561:16)\n at _asyncMap (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:226:13)\n at async.eachSeries.iterate (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:136:25)\n at _asyncMap (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:223:17)\n at async.series.results (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/async/lib/async.js:550:34)\n at (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/conservatory-api/lib/client/servers.js:89:5)\n at Request.onComplete [as _callback] (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/conservatory-api/lib/client/client.js:161:7)\n at Request.init.self.callback (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/conservatory-api/node_modules/request/main.js:127:22)',
debug: errors:
debug: [ { message: 'Application failed to start',
debug: stack: 'Error: Application failed to start\n at ChannelStream.exports.start (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/lib/nodejitsu-drone/drone.js:69:31)\n at ChannelStream.EventEmitter.emit [as _emit] (events.js:96:17)\n at ChannelStream.emit (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Channel.js:547:12)\n at Parser.<anonymous> (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Channel.js:134:22)\n at Parser.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:96:17)\n at Parser.parseChRequest (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Parser.js:360:10)\n at Parser.parsePacket (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Parser.js:597:12)\n at Parser.execute (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Parser.js:221:14)\n at Socket.Connection.connect._sock.once.err.level (/root/nodejitsu/node_modules/nodejitsu-drone/node_modules/ssh2/lib/Connection.js:1332:18)',
debug: name: 'Error',
debug: solenoid: 'info: Running start for app.\ninfo: Cleaning /opt/run\ninfo: Fetching application snapshot...\ninfo: Application snapshot fetched.\ninfo: Unpacking snapshot...\ninfo: Reading `package.json`...\nDetermining node engine...v0.10.17\ninfo: Starting application...\ninfo: Spawn: start --min-uptime 2000 -o /opt/run/forza.log -- forza -h -h -h -h -h --start-log /opt/run/start.log --app-user ericrius1 --app-name mean -- /opt/engines/node/v0.10.17/bin/node NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js\ninfo: `aeternum` pid: 49315\ninfo: Writing pidfile: /root/\ninfo: Tailing forza log: /opt/run/start.log\ninfo: Success:start\n',
debug: output: '\nmodule.js:340\n throw err;\n ^\nError: Cannot find module \'/opt/run/snapshot/package/NODE_ENV=production\'\n at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)\n at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)\n at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)\n at startup (node.js:119:16)\n at node.js:901:3\n',
debug: blame: 'application' } ] } }
error: Error running command deploy
error: Errors occured while starting the application
error: Error output from application. This is usually a user error.
error: module.js:340
error: throw err;
error: ^
error: Error: Cannot find module '/opt/run/snapshot/package/NODE_ENV=production'
error: at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
error: at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
error: at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
error: at startup (node.js:119:16)
error: at node.js:901:3
error: Error starting application. This could be a user error.
error: info: Running start for app.
error: info: Cleaning /opt/run
error: info: Fetching application snapshot...
error: info: Application snapshot fetched.
error: info: Unpacking snapshot...
error: info: Reading `package.json`...
error: Determining node engine...v0.10.17
error: info: Starting application...
error: info: Spawn: start --min-uptime 2000 -o /opt/run/forza.log -- forza -h -h -h -h -h --start-log /opt/run/start.log --app-user ericrius1 --app-name mean -- /opt/engines/node/v0.10.17/bin/node NODE_ENV=production ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon server.js
error: info: `aeternum` pid: 49315
error: info: Writing pidfile: /root/
error: info: Tailing forza log: /opt/run/start.log
error: info: Success:start
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