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# Spatial Multilevel Modeling of Life Expectancy
```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE}
## Set modeling parameters
runs <- 20000
burnin <- 5000
thinning <- 10
cores <- 4
chains <- 4
## Define Moran Cluster Function
moran_cluster <- function(data, model_residuals, listw, p_min = 0.05) {
c <- as_tibble(localmoran(model_residuals, listw)) %>%
bind_cols(data, .) %>%
add_column(residuals = model_residuals, .) %>%
prob = 'Pr(z > 0)'
) %>%
dplyr::select(-c('Ii','Z.Ii', 'Var.Ii', "E.Ii")) %>%
lag_residuals = lag.listw(listw, residuals),
type = case_when(
residuals >= mean(residuals) & lag_residuals >= mean(lag_residuals) & prob <= p_min ~ "hh",
residuals < mean(residuals) & lag_residuals < mean(lag_residuals) & prob <= p_min ~ "ll",
residuals >= mean(residuals) & lag_residuals < mean(lag_residuals) & prob <= p_min ~ "hl",
residuals < mean(residuals) & lag_residuals >= mean(lag_residuals) & prob <= p_min ~ "lh"
binary = case_when(
residuals > 0 ~ "pos",
residuals < 0 ~ "neg",
residuals == 0 ~ "zero",
## Read Data
options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)
input <- read.csv('') %>%
geoid=str_pad(Tract.ID, width=11, pad="0"),
stateid=as.factor(str_pad(STATE2KX, width=2, pad="0")),
countyid=as.factor(paste0(stateid,str_pad(CNTY2KX, width=3, pad="0"))),
tractid=as.factor(paste0(countyid,str_pad(TRACT2KX, width=6, pad="0")))
) %>%
ex = e.0.
) %>%
dplyr::select(c(geoid, stateid, countyid, tractid, ex))
# States except Wisconsin and Maine
states <-[ != "WI" & != "ME"]
geom <- get_decennial(geography = "tract",
variables = c("P005003"),
# state =,
state = states,
geometry = TRUE,
year = 2010
) %>%
rename_all(tolower) %>%
# Conus Albers
st_transform(5070) %>%
dplyr::select(c(geoid, geometry)) %>%
merged <- merge(geom, input, 'geoid')
## Construct Neighbors List and Spatial Weights
# Build neighbors list using queen contiguity condition.
nb <- poly2nb(merged, queen = TRUE)
# Remove tracts with zero cardinality (i.e., no neighbors).
merged <- subset(merged, card(nb) > 0)
nb <- subset(nb, card(nb) > 0)
# Generate spatial weights.
w_list <- nb2listw(nb, style="B")
w_mat <- nb2mat(nb, style="B")
## Model 1: Single-level GLM modeling.
glm_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1,
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores
# Calculate residuals.
glm_resid <- resid(glm_res)[,1]
# Calculate Widely Applicable Information Criterion.
moran.test(glm_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(glm_resid, listw = w_list)
glm_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, glm_resid, w_list)
plot(glm_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(glm_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
## Model 2a: Model accounting for state hierarchy.
glmm_st_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|stateid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores
glmm_st_resid <- resid(glmm_st_res)[,1]
moran.test(glmm_st_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(glmm_st_resid, listw = w_list)
glmm_st_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, glmm_st_resid, w_list)
plot(glmm_st_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(glmm_st_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
## Model 2b: Model accounting for county hierarchy.
glmm_cnty_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|countyid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores
glmm_cnty_resid <- resid(glmm_cnty_res)[,1]
moran.test(glmm_cnty_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(glmm_cnty_resid, listw = w_list)
glmm_cnty_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, glmm_cnty_resid, w_list)
plot(glmm_cnty_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(glmm_cnty_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
## Model 2c: Model accounting for nested state and county hierarchy.
glmm_nest_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|stateid/countyid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores
glmm_nest_resid <- resid(glmm_nest_res)[,1]
moran.test(glmm_nest_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(glmm_nest_resid, listw = w_list)
glmm_nest_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, glmm_nest_resid, w_list)
plot(glmm_nest_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(glmm_nest_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
# Model 3: Two-level model accounting for spatial clustering.
sp_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1,
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores,
autocor = cor_car(w_mat)
sp_resid <- resid(sp_res)[,1]
moran.test(sp_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(sp_resid, listw = w_list)
sp_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, sp_resid, w_list, p_min = 0.1)
plot(sp_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(sp_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
# Model 4a: Model accounting for state hierarchy and space.
sp_st_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|stateid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores,
autocor = cor_car(w_mat)
sp_st_resid <- resid(sp_st_res)[,1]
moran.test(sp_st_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(sp_st_resid, listw = w_list)
sp_st_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, sp_st_resid, w_list)
plot(sp_st_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(sp_st_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
# Model 4b: Model accounting for county hierarchy and space.
sp_cnty_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|countyid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores,
autocor = cor_car(w_mat)
sp_cnty_resid <- resid(sp_cnty_res)[,1]
moran.test(sp_cnty_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(sp_cnty_resid, listw = w_list)
sp_cnty_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, sp_cnty_resid, w_list)
plot(sp_cnty_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(sp_cnty_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
# Model 4c: Model accounting for state-county hierarchy and space.
sp_nest_res <- brm(
ex ~ 1 + (1|stateid/countyid),
data = merged,
family = gaussian(),
iter = runs,
warmup = burnin,
thin = thinning,
chains = chains,
cores = cores,
autocor = cor_car(w_mat)
sp_nest_resid <- resid(sp_nest_res)[,1]
moran.test(sp_nest_resid, listw = w_list)
moran.plot(sp_nest_resid, listw = w_list)
sp_nest_lisa <- moran_cluster(merged, sp_nest_resid, w_list)
plot(sp_nest_lisa[c('geometry', 'binary')], lwd=0.05)
plot(sp_nest_lisa[c('geometry', 'type')], lwd=0.05)
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