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Created February 24, 2020 22:40
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Simulation of simple clock fusion protocol
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.round
import kotlin.random.Random
const val N = 10000
const val rho = 0.0
const val minD = 0
const val maxD = 1000
const val ntpPrec = 1000
data class Interval(val a: Double, val b: Double, val mid: Double = (a+b)/2) {
constructor(a: Int, b: Int): this(a.toDouble(), b.toDouble())
constructor(a: Double, b: Int): this(a, b.toDouble())
constructor(a: Int, b: Double): this(a.toDouble(), b)
data class Mark(val v: Double, val start: Boolean)
enum class AvgAlgo {
fun approx(data: List<Interval>, k: Int): Interval {
val b = { it.mid }.sorted()
return Interval(b[k], b[N-k-1])
fun fca(data: List<Interval>, k: Int, delta: Double, average: Boolean): Interval {
val b = { it.mid }.sorted()
val acceptable = hashSetOf<Double>()
var m = 0
for (i in 0 until k) {
if (b[i+N-k-1] - b[i] <= delta) {
acceptable.addAll(b.subList(max(m,i), i+N-k))
m = i+N-k
val minV = acceptable.min()!!
val maxV = acceptable.max()!!
val avg = acceptable.average()
val mid = (minV + maxV)/2
val res = if (average) avg else (avg*acceptable.size + (b.size-acceptable.size)*mid)/b.size
return Interval(minV, maxV, res)
fun marzullo(data: List<Interval>, k: Int, iyengarBrooks: Boolean): Interval {
val b = data
.flatMap { listOf(
Mark(it.a-Double.MIN_VALUE, true),
Mark(it.b+Double.MIN_VALUE, false))}
.sortedBy { it.v }
var w = 0
var minV = Double.MAX_VALUE
var maxV = -Double.MAX_VALUE
var sumV = 0.0
var cntV = 0
for (i in b.indices) {
if (i > 0) {
val start = b[i - 1].v
val end = b[i].v
if (start < end && w >= (N-k)) {
minV = min(minV, start)
maxV = max(maxV, end)
sumV += (start+end)*w / 2.0
cntV += w
if (b[i].start) {
w += 1
} else {
w -= 1
if (iyengarBrooks) {
return Interval(minV, maxV, sumV/cntV)
} else {
return Interval(minV, maxV)
data class Tick(val time: Int)
data class Msg(val peer: Int, val sendTime: Int, val receiveTime: Int)
data class PeerInfo(val sendTime: Int, val receiveTime: Int)
class Actor(val peer: Int) {
val peerData = Array<PeerInfo?>(N) { null }
fun onMsg(msg: Msg) {
peerData[msg.peer] = PeerInfo(msg.sendTime, msg.receiveTime)
fun estimate(currTime: Int, avgAlgo: AvgAlgo): Interval {
val intervals = arrayListOf<Interval>()
for (i in peerData.indices) {
val interval = if (i == peer) {
Interval(currTime - ntpPrec / 2, currTime + ntpPrec / 2)
} else {
val d = peerData[i]
if (d != null) {
val a = d.sendTime - ntpPrec / 2 + (currTime - d.receiveTime) / (1 + rho) + minD
val b = d.sendTime + ntpPrec / 2 + (currTime - d.receiveTime) * (1 + rho) + maxD
Interval(a, b)
} else {
Interval(-Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.MAX_VALUE)
//println("$interval ${interval.b-interval.a}")
val k = floor((N-1)/3.0).toInt()
return when(avgAlgo) {
AvgAlgo.MARZULLO -> marzullo(intervals, k, false)
AvgAlgo.IYENGAR_BROOKS -> marzullo(intervals, k, true)
AvgAlgo.FCA_MID -> fca(intervals, k, (ntpPrec + maxD-minD).toDouble(), false)
AvgAlgo.FCA_MEAN -> fca(intervals, k, (ntpPrec + maxD-minD).toDouble(), true)
AvgAlgo.APPROX_BA -> approx(intervals, k)
fun onTick(tick: Tick) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val results = AvgAlgo.values().map { it to arrayListOf<Double>() }.toMap()
for(ii in 0 until 100) {
for(kk in 5 .. 25) {
val a = Actor(0)
val rnd = Random(System.currentTimeMillis())
val base = 0
val badGuys = (1 until N).shuffled(rnd).subList(0, (N-1)/3).toSet()
for (i in 1 until N) {
val slots = 0 //rnd.nextInt(32)
val netDelay = rnd.nextInt(minD, maxD)
val acc = rnd.nextInt(-ntpPrec / 2, ntpPrec / 2 + 1)
var t = base - slots * 12 + acc + netDelay
if (i in badGuys) {
t -= (ntpPrec * kk * 0.1).toInt()
//t += ntpPrec * rnd.nextInt(1,2)
a.onMsg(Msg(i, base - slots * 12, t))
println("${kk*0.1} ----")
for(algo in AvgAlgo.values()) {
val res = a.estimate(base, avgAlgo = algo)
println("$algo $res")
(results[algo] ?: error("")).add(res.mid)
for(k in results.keys) {
println("$k ${round(results[k]!!.max()!!)}")
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