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Created February 26, 2017 01:05
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const rpi433 = require('rpi-433');
// Instantiate rpi433 lib with a pulse length that matches my RF Outlet remote control
const rfEmitter = rpi433.emitter({
pin: 0,
pulseLength: 176
// Codes have been altered to nobody can come to my house and turn off the lights.
const code = {
1: { on: 9830000 , off: 9830000 },
2: { on: 9830000 , off: 9830000 },
3: { on: 9830000 , off: 9830000 },
4: { on: 9830000 , off: 9830000 },
5: { on: 9830000 , off: 9830000 },
const LAMP = 2;
const FEEDER = 3;
const XMAS = 1; // Broken :(
const BEDLAMP = 4;
const NOISE_MACHINE = 5;
// Export a function that takes one of the above objects (e.g. LAMP) and an 'on' or 'off'.
function rfCommand(object, state) {
return new Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
rfEmitter.sendCode(code[object][state], function(error, stdout){
if(error) {
console.log('Success: ' + stdout);
module.exports = {
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