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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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  • Save erictune/2f39b22f72565365e59b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save erictune/2f39b22f72565365e59b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Kubernetes conformance test result for GKE cluster at v1.0.1
Conformance test using current-context of /Users/etune/.kube/config
Conformance test run date:Wed Aug 12 23:32:12 PDT 2015
Conformance test SHA:09b33467347d1afddcdaff2a722cedb6308f30cd
Conformance test version tag(s):
Conformance test checking conformance with Kubernetes version 1.0
Conformance test: not doing test setup.
I0812 23:32:13.520763 97990 e2e_test.go:97] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready
INFO: 7 / 7 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (5 seconds elapsed)
Running Suite: Kubernetes e2e suite
Random Seed: 1436380640 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 45 of 95 specs
should provide Internet connection for containers
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml with secrets found. (151.19563ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml with secrets found. (152.318567ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide Internet connection for containers
STEP: Running container which tries to wget
STEP: Verify that the pod succeed
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod wget-test status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.108117ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.317003922s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-t5bml" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:17.578 seconds]
should provide Internet connection for containers
Kubectl client Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe with secrets found. (155.522174ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should do a rolling update of a replication controller
STEP: creating the initial replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-1ly1p update-demo-nautilus-nh0fp
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-1ly1p -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-1ly1p -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-1ly1p
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-1ly1p is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-nh0fp -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-nh0fp -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-nh0fp
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-nh0fp is verified up and running
STEP: rolling-update to new replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config rolling-update update-demo-nautilus --update-period=1s -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: Creating update-demo-kitten
At beginning of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
Updating update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
At end of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
At beginning of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
Updating update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
At end of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
Update succeeded. Deleting update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: update-demo-kitten-bc0s7 update-demo-kitten-ptfa8
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-bc0s7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-bc0s7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-bc0s7
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-bc0s7 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-ptfa8 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-ptfa8 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-ptfa8
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-ptfa8 is verified up and running
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-1dhoe
• [SLOW TEST:68.501 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl with secrets found. (176.596738ms)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (152.421261ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl is now 1
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-4rcwl increased from 0 to 1 during the test
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:37.877 seconds]
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct with secrets found. (153.940935ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct with secrets found. (151.912033ms)
[It] should support r/w
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.046652ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.324552157s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.486266527s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-59abb978-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-swlct" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:22.958 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
Kubectl client Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-7gjlo
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-7gjlo with secrets found. (147.74045ms)
[BeforeEach] Guestbook application
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-7gjlo
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [6.132 seconds]
Kubectl client
Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application [BeforeEach]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should provide secure master service
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-kgpjz
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-kgpjz with secrets found. (152.525754ms)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-34e0l
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-34e0l with secrets found. (150.008046ms)
[It] should provide secure master service
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-kgpjz
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-34e0l
• [SLOW TEST:11.759 seconds]
should provide secure master service
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww with secrets found. (152.920406ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww with secrets found. (151.110405ms)
[It] should have the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (152.534462ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.308677067s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-720d8d66-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-qa7ww" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:17.657 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-oi816
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-oi816 with secrets found. (151.715073ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
STEP: Creating a pod to test override all
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-oi816' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (156.18071ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-oi816' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-oi816' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.316421553s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod client-containers-7c71dc6c-4185-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2 override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:17.215 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
should be submitted and removed
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be submitted and removed
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: setting up watch
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: veryfying pod creation was observed
STEP: deleting the pod
STEP: veryfying pod deletion was observed
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-i7xq1
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-i7xq1 with secrets found. (152.309027ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-i7xq1
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-i7xq1 with secrets found. (154.427355ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
STEP: testing: /validate
STEP: testing: /healthz
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-i7xq1" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:7.206 seconds]
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq with secrets found. (152.400607ms)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.372937ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-983fq is now 0
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:260.761 seconds]
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-yjs93
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-yjs93 with secrets found. (221.956537ms)
[It] should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
STEP: Creating a pod to test use defaults
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-yjs93' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (190.647113ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-yjs93' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-yjs93' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.360862039s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-yjs93' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-yjs93' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.520496507s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod client-containers-27f6dfda-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep default arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:22.548 seconds]
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
should be updated
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be updated
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (161.434706ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Conflicting update to pod, re-get and re-update: pods "pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1" cannot be updated: the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Successfully updated pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-31e77001-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: verifying the updated pod is in kubernetes
INFO: Pod update OK
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:8.448 seconds]
should be updated
should call prestop when killing a pod
[BeforeEach] PreStop
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf with secrets found. (147.999484ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf with secrets found. (153.386951ms)
[It] should call prestop when killing a pod
STEP: Creating server pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf
STEP: Waiting for pods to come up.
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (157.483416ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: Creating tester pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod tester status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod tester in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (186.977792ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'tester' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi'
STEP: Deleting pre-stop pod
INFO: Saw: {
"Hostname": "server",
"Sent": null,
"Received": {
"prestop": 1
"Errors": null,
"Log": [
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again.",
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: endpoints \"nettest\" not found; will try again."
"StillContactingPeers": true
STEP: Deleting the server pod
[AfterEach] PreStop
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-prestop-oi4wf" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:23.139 seconds]
should call prestop when killing a pod
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
S [SKIPPING] [0.813 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both. [It]
Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-yuo5p
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-yuo5p with secrets found. (148.983037ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's args
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's args
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yuo5p' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (155.4312ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yuo5p' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yuo5p' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.362253722s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod var-expansion-48adc753-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:17.283 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 with secrets found. (153.598525ms)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-31q1x
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-31q1x with secrets found. (155.680451ms)
[It] should serve a basic endpoint from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212356 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 exposes endpoints map[] (154.380733ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 to expose endpoints map[test1:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212356 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (153.135099ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212356 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (5.436863188s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212372 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x209409570}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 exposes endpoints map[test1:[80]] (10.744172209s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 to expose endpoints map[test2:[80] test1:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212372 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x2093a8ee0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (153.174539ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212372 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x2093a9650}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test2:[80] test1:[80]] (5.309769721s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212388 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x2093a9f80} { 0x209330000}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80][80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[[80][80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 exposes endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (10.793703912s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 to expose endpoints map[test2:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212390 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x2092e0930}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test2:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 exposes endpoints map[test2:[80]] (310.217557ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6/endpoints/endpoint-test2 3ed70965-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 212394 0 2015-08-12 23:40:54 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6 exposes endpoints map[] (152.755782ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-qxbq6
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-31q1x
• [SLOW TEST:34.847 seconds]
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j with secrets found. (160.483591ms)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-http status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.885188ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-http' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-http is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j is now 1
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-3j27j increased from 0 to 1 during the test
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:27.467 seconds]
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
should give a volume the correct mode
[BeforeEach] hostDir
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy with secrets found. (151.387082ms)
[It] should give a volume the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.056009ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.339646389s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-78323d2a-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] hostDir
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostdir-l92xy
• [SLOW TEST:17.454 seconds]
should give a volume the correct mode
Kubectl client Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1 with secrets found. (153.032029ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should create and stop a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-c08xx update-demo-nautilus-s6y9m
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-c08xx -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-c08xx -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-c08xx
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-c08xx is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-s6y9m -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-s6y9m -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-s6y9m
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-s6y9m is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config stop -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods,rc,se -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-lngc1
• [SLOW TEST:27.490 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
should get a host IP
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-yhu61
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-yhu61 with secrets found. (153.255672ms)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's command
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yhu61' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (152.961808ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yhu61' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-yhu61' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.313668471s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod var-expansion-92e66aaf-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:17.219 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-gfagc
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-gfagc with secrets found. (154.894289ms)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-1656t
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-1656t with secrets found. (152.126428ms)
[It] should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-gfagc
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-1656t
S [SKIPPING] [11.616 seconds]
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-0em64
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-0em64 with secrets found. (151.730401ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-0em64' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (155.979445ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-0em64' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-0em64' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.316340572s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod client-containers-a4145159-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:17.208 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
[BeforeEach] Downward API
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-0zias
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-0zias with secrets found. (151.417966ms)
[It] should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test downward api env vars
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-0zias' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (189.881059ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-0zias' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-0zias' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.355513667s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod downward-api-ae5fb67e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443
[AfterEach] Downward API
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:17.299 seconds]
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-wwm2n
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-wwm2n with secrets found. (152.973694ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-wwm2n
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-wwm2n with secrets found. (150.461729ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.596202ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 232.459543ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 159.829168ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 164.109991ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 188.300347ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 160.566298ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 180.185437ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 169.788744ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 177.939823ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 164.533568ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.863677ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 168.408594ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 164.41031ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 156.846774ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 212.194247ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 224.791355ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 167.839651ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 164.687397ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.355192ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 210.351444ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-wwm2n" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:10.218 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-ciusx
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-ciusx with secrets found. (153.817897ms)
[It] should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override arguments
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ciusx' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (152.982007ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ciusx' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-ciusx' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.334175622s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod client-containers-bed108d0-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:17.382 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-hen6n
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-hen6n with secrets found. (151.963229ms)
[It] should allow composing env vars into new env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test env composition
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-c918a51e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-c918a51e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-c918a51e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-hen6n' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (154.344983ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod var-expansion-c918a51e-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:12.299 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
[BeforeEach] Events
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod send-events-ccf9bcff-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod send-events-ccf9bcff-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (155.14732ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'send-events-ccf9bcff-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: retrieving the pod
&{TypeMeta:{Kind: APIVersion:} ObjectMeta:{Name:send-events-ccf9bcff-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 GenerateName: Namespace:default SelfLink:/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/send-events-ccf9bcff-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 UID:b5eb4b5d-4186-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 ResourceVersion:212812 Generation:0 CreationTimestamp:2015-08-12 23:44:13 -0700 PDT DeletionTimestamp:<nil> Labels:map[name:foo time:501025346] Annotations:map[]} Spec:{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-uudge VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:0x2099fd1e0 NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:p Command:[] Args:[] WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:[] Resources:{Limits:map[cpu:{Amount:0.100 Format:DecimalSI}] Requests:map[]} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-uudge ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<nil> ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil>}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:<nil> ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:map[] ServiceAccountName:default NodeName:gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:[]} Status:{Phase:Running Conditions:[{Type:Ready Status:False}] Message: Reason: HostIP: PodIP: StartTime:2015-08-12 23:44:13 -0700 PDT ContainerStatuses:[{Name:p State:{Waiting:<nil> Running:0x2094a0640 Terminated:<nil>} LastTerminationState:{Waiting:<nil> Running:<nil> Terminated:<nil>} Ready:false RestartCount:0 ImageID:docker://00619279d4083019321e4865829a65a550a23c677d76cbb44274ade0d92ca7a9 ContainerID:docker://4963d9444ef5185414f001f72254d81c992b6c31f0ef29462a250cdfd60d325a}]}}
STEP: checking for scheduler event about the pod
Saw scheduler event for our pod.
STEP: checking for kubelet event about the pod
Saw kubelet event for our pod.
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:10.948 seconds]
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
STEP: Creating replication controller my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1: Found 2 pods out of 2
STEP: Ensuring each pod is running
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-blko3 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-blko3 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (229.377169ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-blko3' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-rvgg8 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-rvgg8' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: Trying to dial each unique pod
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1: Got expected result from replica 1 [my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-blko3]: "my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-blko3", 1 of 2 required successes so far
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1: Got expected result from replica 2 [my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-rvgg8]: "my-hostname-basic-d380da62-4186-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1-rvgg8", 2 of 2 required successes so far
STEP: Cleaning up the replication controller
• [SLOW TEST:15.909 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
S [SKIPPING] [0.781 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host [It]
Only supported for providers [gce aws] (not )
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-5ldbx
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-5ldbx with secrets found. (156.011763ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-5ldbx
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-5ldbx with secrets found. (152.390346ms)
[It] with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-5ldbx" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:97.036 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-sqnnz
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-sqnnz with secrets found. (152.702809ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-sqnnz
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-sqnnz with secrets found. (153.260108ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 257.302339ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 162.064034ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 170.925021ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 161.362903ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.012984ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 298.147254ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 159.242485ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 156.44244ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 157.951224ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 159.543041ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.591436ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 156.158762ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 158.300533ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 157.360261ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 165.451252ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 160.478731ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 161.553905ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 157.801551ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 171.260667ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="kubelet.log.2.gz">kubelet.log.2.gz</a>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="fa... (200; 190.326707ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-sqnnz" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:10.053 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
should mount an API token into pods
[BeforeEach] ServiceAccounts
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn with secrets found. (152.155466ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn with secrets found. (153.14084ms)
[It] should mount an API token into pods
STEP: getting the auto-created API token
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account token
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (154.842716ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'root-ca-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (166.888383ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container token-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.uUutnD-YRrEPis-OlVqBNdZR5j6Ql3VBHQWJ8a3VLWxp0D7VRc84Nk-IW3WrxuPihDJa9zs7vYOwplYfja7Co1A1BR5Qr1OhbHmhb8jegdxqm4bkIMA03bsRz1_DfzZDq5VKzpLwgJo01AZLeBT3IeQBiJ8YWLtzjRjkKONlg0N7qG3KezRXpXAqVagZlVlQJhLIZtfTgSq0lkWBEn_8TkbJpq-aQBduhR3n2Wi-ItvN4gUbfaegyjZQBt_btvqgWY--cJO8zaHYHiz8v5Ruj6yNWktuEd-GsVWv3CAW8Z1El__sLBVYFvWNzwjwjP_JCeng96uK_I-zUFM6VjfGiA
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account root CA
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (157.112142ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'root-ca-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (176.147903ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-service-account-213c821b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container root-ca-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
[AfterEach] ServiceAccounts
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svcaccounts-25trn" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:29.811 seconds]
should mount an API token into pods
Proxy version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-09vii
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-09vii with secrets found. (157.67717ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-09vii
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-09vii with secrets found. (155.661711ms)
[It] should proxy to cadvisor
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 166.02972ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 165.336098ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 162.133419ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 179.567391ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 171.622312ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 169.978458ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 163.152689ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 161.331606ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 164.681718ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 207.032754ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 228.029783ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 193.649384ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 158.852634ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 296.865008ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 167.873297ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 170.435155ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 172.226798ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 183.380513ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 208.418015ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 165.524435ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-09vii" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:10.295 seconds]
version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
Kubectl client Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3 with secrets found. (153.047713ms)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should scale a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn update-demo-nautilus-zjidu
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-zjidu -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-zjidu -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-zjidu
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-zjidu is verified up and running
STEP: scaling down the replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn is verified up and running
STEP: scaling up the replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=2 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-74rq4 update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-74rq4 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-74rq4 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-74rq4
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-74rq4 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-m2rzn is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config stop -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods,rc,se -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-k0zb3
• [SLOW TEST:56.890 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
Proxy version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o with secrets found. (154.609536ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o with secrets found. (152.776929ms)
[It] should proxy through a service and a pod
STEP: 2015-08-12 23:48:50.379394834 -0700 PDT Creating replication controller proxy-service-fblo6
INFO: 2015-08-12 23:48:50.54372617 -0700 PDT Created replication controller with name: proxy-service-fblo6, namespace: e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-08-12 23:48:51.548419519 -0700 PDT proxy-service-fblo6 Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 681.840146ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 527.188809ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 680.519168ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 503.846504ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 380.220439ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 248.280748ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 287.449728ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 156.237601ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 156.869255ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 158.336569ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 240.973535ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 155.056056ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 152.489753ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 151.719599ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 152.267454ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 150.958027ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 157.621793ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 191.785538ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 151.035563ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 158.109109ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 214.673484ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 195.418645ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 168.796816ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 222.594646ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 156.31892ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 150.426714ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 152.945608ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 151.240958ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 155.807194ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 154.273989ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 176.831383ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 155.85767ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 152.40844ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 153.191757ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 151.310243ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 151.020654ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 151.98128ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 170.585413ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 151.252235ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 173.194241ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 171.045405ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 195.761741ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 246.054724ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 295.397661ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 341.789216ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 393.287747ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 442.875999ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 493.047696ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 542.0745ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 588.470778ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 639.754526ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 729.524038ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 738.105173ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 787.771936ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 843.015413ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 886.679904ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 937.63867ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 986.921871ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 1.06415074s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 1.08449684s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 1.134243959s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 1.18286078s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 1.23661186s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 1.283195886s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 1.33224596s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 1.386643078s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 1.431098411s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 1.4811s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 1.531976778s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 1.581424641s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 1.62863707s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 1.679864136s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 1.734042951s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 1.882033198s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 1.833469753s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 1.880976854s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 1.92953907s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 2.079278445s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 2.027574793s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 2.076022206s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 2.12474854s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 2.236962548s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 2.226078062s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 2.274864915s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 2.324656746s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 2.375198682s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 2.424300847s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 2.473550288s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 2.541030969s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 2.571209112s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 2.641266605s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 2.672003835s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 2.721355485s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 2.770563454s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 2.817609636s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:80/rewrite... (200; 2.868817488s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:160/: foo (200; 2.920057372s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/pods/proxy-service-fblo6-1jcaj:162/: bar (200; 2.972104652s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname1/: foo (200; 3.020042894s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o/services/proxy-service-fblo6:portname2/: bar (200; 3.06585572s)
STEP: 2015-08-12 23:49:18.849399095 -0700 PDT Deleting replication controller proxy-service-fblo6 in namespace e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o
INFO: Deleting RC took: 3.012688303s
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-xsv0o" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:38.422 seconds]
version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
should contain environment variables for services
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should contain environment variables for services
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server-envvars-6dff7298-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server-envvars-6dff7298-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (453.28056ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server-envvars-6dff7298-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
STEP: Creating a pod to test service env
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (154.010362ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'default' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.316511979s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod client-envvars-71e3c7e2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container env3cont: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
• [SLOW TEST:18.316 seconds]
should contain environment variables for services
should be consumable from pods
[BeforeEach] Secrets
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v with secrets found. (153.136156ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v with secrets found. (155.274444ms)
[It] should be consumable from pods
STEP: Creating secret with name secret-test-7c75cf4b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume secrets
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.476383ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.311890393s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-secrets-7c8f5438-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container secret-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mode of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": -r--r--r--
content of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": value-1
STEP: Cleaning up the secret
[AfterEach] Secrets
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-secrets-6k65v" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:18.033 seconds]
should be consumable from pods
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-enxee with secrets found. (152.919252ms)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-4njzp
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-4njzp with secrets found. (153.133364ms)
[It] should serve multiport endpoints from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213319 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[] (158.008399ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213319 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (156.263468ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213319 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (5.311713958s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213336 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20944d880}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100]] (10.619797553s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname1:[100]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213336 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20943ed90}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (154.069506ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213336 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20943f500}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.310542767s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213352 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20943fd50}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0x20943fe30}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[[100][101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (10.808646454s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname3 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213352 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20942bf80}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0x20941e0e0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100][101]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname3:[100 101] podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (152.782318ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213352 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20941e930}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0x20941ea10}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100][101]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname3:[100 101] podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.311644876s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213368 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x20941f490} { 0x20941f570}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0x20941f650} { 0x20941f730}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100][100 101][101]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100][101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (10.965494627s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213371 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x209409ea0} { 0x209409f80}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0x2093a8070}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (473.215308ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213376 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0x2093a9e30}] [{portname2 101 TCP} {portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]] (314.778652ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-enxee /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-enxee/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 7303cc6d-4187-11e5-b066-42010af0d7b6 213380 0 2015-08-12 23:49:31 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee exposes endpoints map[] (153.187916ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-enxee
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-4njzp
• [SLOW TEST:46.550 seconds]
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-9vzjx
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-9vzjx with secrets found. (155.668088ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-9vzjx
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-9vzjx with secrets found. (372.004645ms)
[It] with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-9vzjx" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:54.550 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
STEP: creating the pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-bfed5d5b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-bfed5d5b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (148.590194ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-bfed5d5b-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
• [SLOW TEST:6.303 seconds]
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
[BeforeEach] Service endpoints latency
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x with secrets found. (146.734171ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x with secrets found. (151.354143ms)
[It] should not be very high
STEP: 2015-08-12 23:51:52.337877762 -0700 PDT Creating replication controller svc-latency-rc
INFO: 2015-08-12 23:51:52.499527832 -0700 PDT Created replication controller with name: svc-latency-rc, namespace: e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-08-12 23:51:53.499673455 -0700 PDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x290q
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x290q [8.587989183s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s2sin
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s2sin [188.819886ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zxxbt
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zxxbt [410.741327ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-62ol8
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-62ol8 [813.207883ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yp79e
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yp79e [813.648382ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kqdsx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kqdsx [977.184183ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-whpsm
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nphsh
INFO: Created: latency-svc-04rmi
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hzqb8
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-whpsm [980.4997ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hzqb8 [980.216469ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-04rmi [984.124183ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nphsh [1.005275027s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0sd9z
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0sd9z [1.141453251s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-y1d0p
INFO: Created: latency-svc-etpy4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-etpy4 [1.141877131s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-opbe7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y1d0p [1.169709452s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-j7ejg
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-opbe7 [1.30123795s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j7ejg [1.304076719s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pl95e
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pl95e [1.306146669s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ugvpt
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fm4f2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lms2v
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r1qe6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ugvpt [326.011196ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r1qe6 [324.007354ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lms2v [326.796146ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fm4f2 [342.32402ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fma4n
INFO: Created: latency-svc-k34zq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fma4n [457.90287ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fvwec
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cnbqj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-k34zq [371.119065ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-js1di
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lhf6r
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r1zj1
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ve83w
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4c1fq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-14cph
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fvwec [664.465342ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-y9qqb
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zrnv2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-eklcf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ngzai
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cnbqj [873.661572ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yxc14
INFO: Created: latency-svc-elbav
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-js1di [1.088954625s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-71lv0
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lhf6r [1.068165926s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z0qhc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r1zj1 [1.272231173s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nutor
INFO: Created: latency-svc-o2sig
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ve83w [1.237750462s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4c1fq [1.472791662s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-u59cq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-14cph [1.298776098s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-y9qqb [1.218420273s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nbcjq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vuu8k
INFO: Created: latency-svc-phg0i
INFO: Created: latency-svc-irwjv
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zrnv2 [1.501664749s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zbkmu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eklcf [1.514961913s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-a9wmj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ngzai [1.85281633s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ygmje
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yxc14 [1.852958922s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-elbav [1.91691065s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-71lv0 [1.936588318s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-k5vg9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z0qhc [2.054733108s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zci9e
INFO: Created: latency-svc-iygoe
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zfl94
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nutor [2.032466523s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o2sig [1.98719851s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u59cq [2.002489422s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yxhbw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2nw1l
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zht57
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nbcjq [2.092252181s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-o7lg1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vuu8k [2.118627623s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-phg0i [2.139667396s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-irwjv [2.151202646s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zfh1u
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zbkmu [2.158084935s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ig12g
INFO: Created: latency-svc-db8n0
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-a9wmj [2.151000044s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xwj7m
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ygmje [2.06437489s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7430v
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-k5vg9 [2.00426068s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4kcgd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6qorn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zci9e [2.061000831s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-iygoe [2.012807424s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zfl94 [1.970784556s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2f7kx
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fcrt7
INFO: Created: latency-svc-k7wda
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yxhbw [2.083384991s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3rfrj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2nw1l [2.028770056s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zht57 [2.040661102s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-o7lg1 [1.93285169s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pekvj
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r7fiy
INFO: Created: latency-svc-by8wx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zfh1u [2.012522782s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0xdic
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ig12g [2.075830206s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-db8n0 [2.136338861s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1896m
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xwj7m [2.096184549s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7430v [2.066797526s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fazxn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4kcgd [2.124613806s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6qorn [2.088604713s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8yjll
INFO: Created: latency-svc-mge81
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uggbp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2f7kx [2.114573008s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ttrxy
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fcrt7 [2.148684112s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-owcx1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-k7wda [2.130265563s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3rfrj [2.052844962s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3r5tc
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cy4e9
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zmhbd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rnue2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pekvj [2.159952786s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r7fiy [2.161202524s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-by8wx [2.155755097s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0xdic [2.108570353s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1896m [2.117156316s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-oozdq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uavgl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fazxn [2.071728628s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hsdkk
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r4fnk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8yjll [2.104904524s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mge81 [2.099897131s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-t1w7w
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gdf25
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uggbp [2.162944979s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fj818
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ttrxy [1.957606489s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-owcx1 [1.96352168s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gjlrb
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qqoos
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bobnc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3r5tc [2.11607825s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-a03id
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cy4e9 [2.053465137s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zmhbd [2.002990404s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rnue2 [2.0231446s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4yzqn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ds0hr
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ovlyy
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hz45z
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oozdq [2.052283548s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uavgl [2.049929026s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hsdkk [1.960531762s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r4fnk [1.960533839s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4d9ky
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-t1w7w [1.975386357s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-917zs
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gdf25 [2.010214007s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fj818 [1.928937797s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gjlrb [1.893072345s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fqcth
INFO: Created: latency-svc-q7bse
INFO: Created: latency-svc-q5wbi
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jddlm
INFO: Created: latency-svc-823io
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qqoos [2.06513322s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qitj3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bobnc [1.9915371s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-a03id [1.992761649s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4ogco
INFO: Created: latency-svc-n78br
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s1zwx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4yzqn [2.051386097s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ds0hr [2.044993258s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ovlyy [2.048129897s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hz45z [2.048737188s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9omsm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4d9ky [2.076910995s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-917zs [2.06383212s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jh9zc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fqcth [1.967544002s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bs2ay
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6hut0
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-q7bse [2.01308115s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fzq4i
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fviwr
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zw4pw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8fujz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-q5wbi [2.219549849s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jddlm [2.224853638s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-823io [2.276780775s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qitj3 [2.272792318s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-du77n
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3c2l7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4ogco [2.423196336s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-q88r4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n78br [2.459595452s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-i4knd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s1zwx [2.437200616s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6eh8w
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dcc3t
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7tohx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9omsm [2.428253894s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jh9zc [2.432122376s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bs2ay [2.318355062s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6hut0 [2.322445947s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kn9p3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fzq4i [2.408818339s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4lxvt
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fviwr [2.413075333s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zw4pw [2.424107217s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-darfm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8fujz [2.418294977s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-eefpt
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jh8r7
INFO: Created: latency-svc-i3m5s
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dquwd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-g2k6u
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-du77n [2.204179226s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3c2l7 [2.192612797s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-q88r4 [2.112792218s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-i4knd [2.10151429s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6eh8w [2.05590483s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-am7vd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dcc3t [2.012558911s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pn8n9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7tohx [2.031852496s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-94kws
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ngctt
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xgd53
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jyx9k
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kn9p3 [2.110869239s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lp1q6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4lxvt [2.092167721s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-darfm [1.977162927s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eefpt [2.032937179s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gkoym
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6fai0
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jh8r7 [2.031057085s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9yil6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-i3m5s [2.048443301s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x0nv5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dquwd [2.056691441s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g2k6u [2.063411287s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b9jzf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-882fq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m4xte
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qjj0h
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-am7vd [2.156419362s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pn8n9 [2.200255142s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-94kws [2.172626236s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ngctt [2.155746894s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r7szw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tcpi2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8nph3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xgd53 [2.23991963s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3idfb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6fai0 [1.855099882s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-882fq [1.363642009s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9yil6 [1.973562029s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6u51l
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b9jzf [1.710798729s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7donu
INFO: Created: latency-svc-px419
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gkoym [2.395497653s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jyx9k [2.857285446s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0ipof
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lp1q6 [2.882694346s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m4xte [1.900553305s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nn86d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qjj0h [2.094858994s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4yboy
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x0nv5 [2.675714422s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0r7en
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xfkgj
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yiyc6
INFO: Created: latency-svc-e6ox9
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9u79j
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r7szw [2.647194292s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tcpi2 [2.543525484s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8nph3 [2.336988532s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3idfb [2.286406813s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6u51l [2.249347077s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7donu [2.251884472s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-px419 [2.224687571s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-drwop
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0ipof [2.272231475s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-946mq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rryex
INFO: Created: latency-svc-83u34
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fd3ri
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nn86d [2.424768777s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4o5qa
INFO: Created: latency-svc-besnk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4yboy [2.431883399s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xwlbx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0r7en [2.396660918s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xfkgj [2.395689379s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0sn3l
INFO: Created: latency-svc-poeyb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yiyc6 [2.580265069s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nj7d4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-e6ox9 [2.456293059s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ppdan
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9u79j [2.445640682s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2e8m7
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pyfjv
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5othl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-drwop [1.876012885s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rryex [1.960517755s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-946mq [1.811981449s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-83u34 [1.884149372s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-bsv7t
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fd3ri [2.042650315s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fqbxk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4o5qa [1.923583516s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-sw2rq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-besnk [1.955769023s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-884el
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xwlbx [2.013300089s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ckap
INFO: Created: latency-svc-eid8p
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zohau
INFO: Created: latency-svc-znvhp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0sn3l [2.453619327s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-poeyb [2.395832205s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nj7d4 [2.396081926s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ppdan [2.362194759s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2e8m7 [2.536358109s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6up8h
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pyfjv [2.449170836s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5othl [2.45012628s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4qtw8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r6x0a
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ukc94
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-bsv7t [2.412433108s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ycv09
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jkvy4
INFO: Created: latency-svc-d2hvj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fqbxk [2.41660665s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-sw2rq [2.36470969s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-884el [2.22401473s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hagwn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-q9djn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3v470
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x3n6n
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ckap [2.344027135s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eid8p [2.339253903s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zohau [2.347876965s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-znvhp [2.328543805s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-raff6
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tmtbd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6up8h [2.099869601s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4qtw8 [2.104594003s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4c9hz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r6x0a [2.03195027s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-oyovm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ukc94 [2.05666015s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-oqlbe
INFO: Created: latency-svc-42wni
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ycv09 [2.016127653s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jkvy4 [2.000372896s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-d2hvj [2.021710075s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hagwn [2.149904184s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-q9djn [2.08828216s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3v470 [2.084760133s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x3n6n [2.040018979s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-raff6 [2.152560596s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tmtbd [2.152613495s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4c9hz [2.008007839s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oyovm [2.109115546s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-oqlbe [2.056596283s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-42wni [2.084487323s]
STEP: 2015-08-12 23:52:33.699453503 -0700 PDT Deleting replication controller svc-latency-rc in namespace e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x
INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.976042965s
INFO: Latencies: [188.819886ms 324.007354ms 326.011196ms 326.796146ms 342.32402ms 371.119065ms 410.741327ms 457.90287ms 664.465342ms 813.207883ms 813.648382ms 873.661572ms 977.184183ms 980.216469ms 980.4997ms 984.124183ms 1.005275027s 1.068165926s 1.088954625s 1.141453251s 1.141877131s 1.169709452s 1.218420273s 1.237750462s 1.272231173s 1.298776098s 1.30123795s 1.304076719s 1.306146669s 1.363642009s 1.472791662s 1.501664749s 1.514961913s 1.710798729s 1.811981449s 1.85281633s 1.852958922s 1.855099882s 1.876012885s 1.884149372s 1.893072345s 1.900553305s 1.91691065s 1.923583516s 1.928937797s 1.93285169s 1.936588318s 1.955769023s 1.957606489s 1.960517755s 1.960531762s 1.960533839s 1.96352168s 1.967544002s 1.970784556s 1.973562029s 1.975386357s 1.977162927s 1.98719851s 1.9915371s 1.992761649s 2.000372896s 2.002489422s 2.002990404s 2.00426068s 2.008007839s 2.010214007s 2.012522782s 2.012558911s 2.012807424s 2.01308115s 2.013300089s 2.016127653s 2.021710075s 2.0231446s 2.028770056s 2.031057085s 2.031852496s 2.03195027s 2.032466523s 2.032937179s 2.040018979s 2.040661102s 2.042650315s 2.044993258s 2.048129897s 2.048443301s 2.048737188s 2.049929026s 2.051386097s 2.052283548s 2.052844962s 2.053465137s 2.054733108s 2.05590483s 2.056596283s 2.05666015s 2.056691441s 2.061000831s 2.063411287s 2.06383212s 2.06437489s 2.06513322s 2.066797526s 2.071728628s 2.075830206s 2.076910995s 2.083384991s 2.084487323s 2.084760133s 2.08828216s 2.088604713s 2.092167721s 2.092252181s 2.094858994s 2.096184549s 2.099869601s 2.099897131s 2.10151429s 2.104594003s 2.104904524s 2.108570353s 2.109115546s 2.110869239s 2.112792218s 2.114573008s 2.11607825s 2.117156316s 2.118627623s 2.124613806s 2.130265563s 2.136338861s 2.139667396s 2.148684112s 2.149904184s 2.151000044s 2.151202646s 2.152560596s 2.152613495s 2.155746894s 2.155755097s 2.156419362s 2.158084935s 2.159952786s 2.161202524s 2.162944979s 2.172626236s 2.192612797s 2.200255142s 2.204179226s 2.219549849s 2.22401473s 2.224687571s 2.224853638s 2.23991963s 2.249347077s 2.251884472s 2.272231475s 2.272792318s 2.276780775s 2.286406813s 2.318355062s 2.322445947s 2.328543805s 2.336988532s 2.339253903s 2.344027135s 2.347876965s 2.362194759s 2.36470969s 2.395497653s 2.395689379s 2.395832205s 2.396081926s 2.396660918s 2.408818339s 2.412433108s 2.413075333s 2.41660665s 2.418294977s 2.423196336s 2.424107217s 2.424768777s 2.428253894s 2.431883399s 2.432122376s 2.437200616s 2.445640682s 2.449170836s 2.45012628s 2.453619327s 2.456293059s 2.459595452s 2.536358109s 2.543525484s 2.580265069s 2.647194292s 2.675714422s 2.857285446s 2.882694346s]
INFO: 50 %ile: 2.06383212s
INFO: 90 %ile: 2.423196336s
INFO: 99 %ile: 2.857285446s
INFO: Total sample count: 200
[AfterEach] Service endpoints latency
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svc-latency-bh19x" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:50.732 seconds]
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
should support r/w on tmpfs
[BeforeEach] hostDir
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys with secrets found. (151.205868ms)
[It] should support r/w on tmpfs
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (151.698772ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.308356591s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 pod pod-e55f10a2-4187-11e5-9878-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] hostDir
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostdir-jqqys
• [SLOW TEST:17.203 seconds]
should support r/w on tmpfs
should function for intra-pod communication
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in with secrets found. (153.119544ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in with secrets found. (151.800471ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should function for intra-pod communication
STEP: Creating a service named "nettest" in namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in"
STEP: Creating a webserver (pending) pod on each node
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 readiness to be true
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw readiness to be true
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi readiness to be true
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p readiness to be true
INFO: Created pod nettest-kac4f on node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7
INFO: Created pod nettest-hneg7 on node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw
INFO: Created pod nettest-84qet on node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi
INFO: Created pod nettest-m87h3 on node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p
STEP: Waiting for the webserver pods to transition to Running state
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-kac4f status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-kac4f' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-hneg7 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-hneg7 in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (153.832333ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-hneg7' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-84qet status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-84qet' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-m87h3 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-m87h3' on node 'gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p'
STEP: Waiting for connectivity to be verified
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 149.281096ms
INFO: Attempt 0: waiting on service/endpoints
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 377.707751ms
INFO: Attempt 1: test still running
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 151.702145ms
INFO: Passed on attempt 2. Cleaning up.
STEP: Cleaning up the webserver pods
STEP: Cleaning up the service
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-4vr7 condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-k4aw condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-l1qi condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node gke-cluster-4-386701dd-node-ww4p condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-vt6in" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:20.980 seconds]
should function for intra-pod communication
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
S [SKIPPING] [0.140 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Ran 40 of 95 Specs in 1255.821 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 40 Passed | 0 Failed | 1 Pending | 54 Skipped PASS
Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 21m2.110160651s
Test Suite Passed
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