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Last active June 25, 2020 22:54
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Save erictune/47d5bfb0fd0c1a7273ecaa5a9fcf5d52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How Condition Types are defined across various types.go files that follow the Kubernetes Resource Model (KRM)
Advice on how to use conditions in Kubernetes types has varied over time and is interpreted differently by different people.
I'm interested in how people who chose to use conditions, and how they define condition type names.
I've previously crawled github to find definitions of conditions in types.go files. Here I present 364 code
snippets from various types.go files which are go `const` blocks, which match the substring `ConditionType`.
The data is in YAML format (I think). `example_url` is a github url for a file that contains this code snippet. It is
_not_ necessarily the canonical location for this file. The link is to the first line of the constant definition block.
The `approx_popularity` is a measure of how many times I saw this block across non-identical types.go files, so a rough
measure of how often people are copy-paste-ing a code block.
the code block is just a string with go code in it.
Scroll to the bottom or try this link to see a summary of the data:
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
SessionConditionTypeStarted SessionConditionType = "Started"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
OKDTemplateNone OKDTemplateConditionType = ""
OKDTemplateNew OKDTemplateConditionType = "New"
OKDTemplateReconcile OKDTemplateConditionType = "Reconcile"
OKDTemplateReady OKDTemplateConditionType = "Ready"
OKDTemplateError OKDTemplateConditionType = "Error"
OKDTemplateDelete OKDTemplateConditionType = "Delete"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
CompositeReady CompositeConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
IngressControllerAdmittedConditionType = "Admitted"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
CellReady CellConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
JobComplete JobConditionType = "Complete"
JobFailed JobConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
InstallSucceeded apis.ConditionType = "InstallSucceeded"
DeploymentsAvailable apis.ConditionType = "DeploymentsAvailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
NodeNetworkStateConditionAvailable ConditionType = "Available"
NodeNetworkStateConditionFailing ConditionType = "Failing"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MachineCreated indicates whether the machine has been created or not. If not,
// it should include a reason and message for the failure.
MachineCreated GCPMachineProviderConditionType = "MachineCreated"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ConditionTrue value for the Kyma subscription condition status.
ConditionTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
// ConditionFalse value for the Kyma subscription condition status.
ConditionFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
// Ready label for the Kyma subscription condition type.
Ready SubscriptionConditionType = "is-ready"
// EventsActivated label for the Kyma subscription condition type.
EventsActivated SubscriptionConditionType = "events-activated"
// SubscriptionReady label for Knative Subscription readiness in Kyma Subscription
SubscriptionReady SubscriptionConditionType = "kn-subscription-ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
PipelineConditionRunning PipelineConditionType = "Running"
PipelineConditionStream PipelineConditionType = "Stream"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const ConditionReconcileComplete conditionsv1.ConditionType = "ReconcileComplete"
// HyperConverged is the Schema for the hyperconvergeds API
// +k8s:openapi-gen=true
type HyperConverged struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Spec HyperConvergedSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Status HyperConvergedStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// HyperConvergedList contains a list of HyperConverged
type HyperConvergedList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Items []HyperConverged `json:"items"`
func init() {
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// TaskConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
TaskConditionSucceeded = apis.ConditionSucceeded
// TaskConditionAddressable has status true when this Task meets the
// Addressable contract.
TaskConditionAddressable apis.ConditionType = "Addressable"
// TaskConditionResult tracks the job result.
TaskConditionResult apis.ConditionType = "Result"
approx_popularity: 35
code_block: >
const (
CertificateApproved RequestConditionType = "Approved"
CertificateDenied RequestConditionType = "Denied"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
APIReady = duck.ConditionReady
APIApplied duck.ConditionType = "Applied"
APIUpdated duck.ConditionType = "Updated"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// EventingConditionReady is set when the Eventing Operator is installed, configured and ready.
EventingConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// InstallSucceeded is set when the Knative Eventing is installed.
InstallSucceeded apis.ConditionType = "InstallSucceeded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MWInjectorRunning means the mwinjector is running.
MWInjectorRunning MWInjectorConditionType = "Running"
// MWInjectorStopped means the mwinjector is Stopped.
MWInjectorStopped MWInjectorConditionType = "Stopped"
// MWInjectorFailed means the workflow has failed its execution.
MWInjectorFailed MWInjectorConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterProgressing defines if the cluster is currently being created/updated.
ClusterProgressing ClusterConditionType = "Progressing"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
CollectdConditionProvisioning ConditionType = "Provisioning"
CollectdConditionDeployed ConditionType = "Deployed"
CollectdConditionScalingUp ConditionType = "ScalingUp"
CollectdConditionScalingDown ConditionType = "ScalingDown"
CollectdConditionUpgrading ConditionType = "Upgrading"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ControllerInstallationValid is a condition type for indicating whether the installation request is valid.
ControllerInstallationValid ConditionType = "Valid"
// ControllerInstallationInstalled is a condition type for indicating whether the controller has been installed.
ControllerInstallationInstalled ConditionType = "Installed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
VitessClusterConditionAvailable ClusterConditionType = "Available"
VitessClusterConditionRecovering ClusterConditionType = "Recovering"
VitessClusterConditionScaling ClusterConditionType = "Scaling"
VitessClusterConditionUpgrading ClusterConditionType = "Upgrading"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// JobSourceConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
JobSourceConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// JobSourceConditionSinkProvided is true when the JobSource has been
// configured with a sink.
JobSourceConditionSinkProvided apis.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// JobSourceConditionStarted is true when the JobSource has had a Job
// created. This is analogous to ContainerSource's
// ContainerConditionDeployed.
JobSourceConditionStarted apis.ConditionType = "Started"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceInstanceReady indicates the readiness of the template
// instantiation.
ServiceInstanceReady ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceInstanceInstantiateFailed indicates the failure of the provision request
ServiceInstanceFailed ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Failed"
APIGroupVersion = "v1alpha1"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
PodCondition KindClusterConditionType = "Pod"
ClusterCondition KindClusterConditionType = "Cluster"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
AppAvailable AppConditionType = "Available"
AppProgressing AppConditionType = "Progressing"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
PolicyConditionFailure PolicyConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ProjectConditionTypeReady ProjectConditionType = "Ready"
ProjectConditionTypeResourcesCreated ProjectConditionType = "ResourcesCreated"
ProjectConditionTypeResourcesReady ProjectConditionType = "ResourcesReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
SnapshotComplete SnapshotConditionType = "Complete"
SnapshotFailed SnapshotConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// StatefulguardianReady means the Statefulguardian is able to service requests.
StatefulguardianReady StatefulguardianConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SchedulerConditionReady has status True when Scheduler is ready to send events.
SchedulerConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// JobReady has status True when Scheduler Job has been successfully created.
JobReady apis.ConditionType = "JobReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
// The condition type constants listed below are in the order they should roughly happen and in the order they
// exist in the status.conditions list. This gives visibility to what the operator is doing.
// Some conditions can be satisfied in parallel with others.
const (
// ConditionTypeAppDBInstanceReady is True when the AppDBInstance resource is available and ready.
ConditionTypeAppDBInstanceReady AppDBConditionType = "AppDBInstanceReady"
// ConditionTypeDBCreateComplete is True when the DB create driver action is complete.
ConditionTypeDBCreateComplete AppDBConditionType = "DBCreateComplete"
// ConditionTypeSnapshotLoadComplete is True when the Job for loading SQL data has been created and is complete.
ConditionTypeSnapshotLoadComplete AppDBConditionType = "SnapshotLoadComplete"
// ConditionTypeCredentialsSecretCreated is True when the secret containing the database credentials and info has been created.
ConditionTypeCredentialsSecretCreated AppDBConditionType = "CredentialsSecretCreated"
// ConditionTypeAppDBReady means that all prior conditions are Ready
ConditionTypeAppDBReady AppDBConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Deployed means Server Deployment and Service for exposing Server or Database are created.
Deployed ServerConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
KeyPairPresent KeyPairConditionType = "Present"
KeyPairValid KeyPairConditionType = "Valid"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Available means the deployment is available, ie. at least the minimum available
// replicas required are up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
ClusterAvailable ClusterConditionType = "Available"
// UpToDate means every pipeline in cluster has been updated.
ClusterUpToDate ClusterConditionType = "UpToDate"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// EventSourceComplete specifies that the bind has completed successfully.
EventSourceComplete EventSourceConditionType = "Complete"
// EventSourceFailed specifies that the bind has failed.
EventSourceFailed EventSourceConditionType = "Failed"
// EventSourceInvalid specifies that the given bind specification is invalid.
EventSourceInvalid EventSourceConditionType = "Invalid"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// EventTypeComplete specifies that the bind has completed successfully.
EventTypeComplete EventTypeConditionType = "Complete"
// EventTypeFailed specifies that the bind has failed.
EventTypeFailed EventTypeConditionType = "Failed"
// EventTypeInvalid specifies that the given bind specification is invalid.
EventTypeInvalid EventTypeConditionType = "Invalid"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ObjectInSyncType whether the tracked object is in sync or not
ObjectInSyncType GitTrackObjectConditionType = "ObjectInSync"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// StrategyComplete means the strategy has been delivered to istio.
ServicePolicyComplete ServicePolicyConditionType = "Complete"
// StrategyFailed means the strategy has failed its delivery to istio.
ServicePolicyFailed ServicePolicyConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Deployed means EtcdProxy Deployment and Service for exposing EtcdProxy are created.
Deployed EtcdStorageConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// UserSignupApproved reflects whether the signup request has been approved or not
UserSignupApproved ConditionType = "Approved"
// UserSignupComplete means provisioning is complete
UserSignupComplete ConditionType = "Complete"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// DecoratorConditionReady has status True when all sub-conditions below have
// been set to True.
DecoratorConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// DecoratorConditionAddressable has status true when this Decorator meets the
// Addressable contract and has a non-empty url.
DecoratorConditionAddressable apis.ConditionType = "Addressable"
// DecoratorConditionServiceReady has status True when the Decorator has had a
// Pub/Sub topic created for it.
DecoratorConditionServiceReady apis.ConditionType = "ServiceReady"
// DecoratorConditionSinkProvided has status True when the Decorator
// has been configured with a sink target.
DecoratorConditionSinkProvided apis.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PlantEveryNodeReady is a constant for a condition type indicating the node health.
PlantEveryNodeReady ConditionType = "EveryNodeReady"
// PlantAPIServerAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating that the Plant cluster API server is available.
PlantAPIServerAvailable ConditionType = "APIServerAvailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// LocalCAConditionReady indicates that a LocalCA is ready for use.
// This is defined as:
LocalCAConditionReady LocalCAConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterConditionAvailable ClusterConditionType = "Available"
ClusterConditionFailed = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BackupComplete means the backup has finished his execution
BackupComplete BackupConditionType = "Complete"
// BackupFailed means backup has failed
BackupFailed BackupConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// TestPrometheusAlerts means that there are alerts in prometheus after deploy
TestPrometheusAlerts TestConditionType = "PrometheusAlerts"
// TestOverlayNetworkBroken means that there are problems with the overlay network
TestOverlayNetworkBroken TestConditionType = "OverlayNetworkBroken"
// TestTerraformError means that there were errors applying the terraform code
TestTerraformError TestConditionType = "TerraformError"
approx_popularity: 19
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 79
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterReady means the cluster is ready to accept workloads.
ClusterReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
// ClusterOffline means the cluster is temporarily down or not reachable
ClusterOffline ClusterConditionType = "Offline"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AccountClaimed is set when an Account is claimed
AccountClaimed AccountClaimConditionType = "Claimed"
// AccountUnclaimed is set when an Account is not claimed
AccountUnclaimed AccountClaimConditionType = "Unclaimed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AWSFederatedAccountInProgress is set when an Account access is in progress
AWSFederatedAccountInProgress AWSFederatedAccountAccessConditionType = "InProgress"
// AWSFederatedAccountReady is set when an Account access has been successfully applied
AWSFederatedAccountReady AWSFederatedAccountAccessConditionType = "Ready"
// AWSFederatedAccountFailed is set when account access has failed to apply
AWSFederatedAccountFailed AWSFederatedAccountAccessConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
TrialCreated TrialConditionType = "Created"
TrialRunning TrialConditionType = "Running"
TrialSucceeded TrialConditionType = "Succeeded"
TrialKilled TrialConditionType = "Killed"
TrialFailed TrialConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AWSFederatedRoleInProgress is set when an awsfederated role is InProgress
AWSFederatedRoleInProgress AWSFederatedRoleConditionType = "InProgress"
// AWSFederatedRoleValid is set when an awsfederated role is valid
AWSFederatedRoleValid AWSFederatedRoleConditionType = "Valid"
// AWSFederatedRoleInvalid is set when an awsfederated role is invalid
AWSFederatedRoleInvalid AWSFederatedRoleConditionType = "Invalid"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
RackConditionTypeMemberLeaving RackConditionType = "MemberLeaving"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MachineCreation indicates whether the machine has been created or not. If not,
// it should include a reason and message for the failure.
MachineCreation GCPMachineProviderConditionType = "MachineCreation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ZoneAvailableDNSZoneCondition is true if the DNSZone is responding to DNS queries
ZoneAvailableDNSZoneCondition DNSZoneConditionType = "ZoneAvailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
SuggestionCreated SuggestionConditionType = "Created"
SuggestionDeploymentReady SuggestionConditionType = "DeploymentReady"
SuggestionRunning SuggestionConditionType = "Running"
SuggestionSucceeded SuggestionConditionType = "Succeeded"
SuggestionFailed SuggestionConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
ServiceConditionReady ServiceConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ConditionInitialized HelmAppConditionType = "Initialized"
ConditionDeployed HelmAppConditionType = "Deployed"
ConditionReleaseFailed HelmAppConditionType = "ReleaseFailed"
ConditionIrreconcilable HelmAppConditionType = "Irreconcilable"
StatusTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
StatusFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
StatusUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
ReasonInstallSuccessful HelmAppConditionReason = "InstallSuccessful"
ReasonUpdateSuccessful HelmAppConditionReason = "UpdateSuccessful"
ReasonUninstallSuccessful HelmAppConditionReason = "UninstallSuccessful"
ReasonInstallError HelmAppConditionReason = "InstallError"
ReasonUpdateError HelmAppConditionReason = "UpdateError"
ReasonReconcileError HelmAppConditionReason = "ReconcileError"
ReasonUninstallError HelmAppConditionReason = "UninstallError"
approx_popularity: 6
code_block: >
const (
// PodAutoscalerConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
PodAutoscalerConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// PodAutoscalerConditionActive is set when the PodAutoscaler's ScaleTargetRef is receiving traffic.
PodAutoscalerConditionActive apis.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ReportRunning ReportConditionType = "Running"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// MachineCreation indicates whether the machine has been created or not. If not,
// it should include a reason and message for the failure.
MachineCreation KubemarkMachineProviderConditionType = "MachineCreation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
MicroServiceAvailable MicroServiceConditionType = "Available"
MicroServiceProgressing MicroServiceConditionType = "Progressing"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
SampleSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
SampleSourceConditionServiceDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ServiceDeployed"
SampleSourceConditionServiceRouteReady duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "RouteDeployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// StorageConditionReady has status True when the Storage is ready to send events.
StorageConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// NotificationReady has status True when GCS has been configured properly to
// send Notification events
NotificationReady apis.ConditionType = "NotificationReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ChannelConditionReady has status True when all subconditions below have
// been set to True.
ChannelConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ChannelConditionAddressable has status true when this Channel meets the
// Addressable contract and has a non-empty url.
ChannelConditionAddressable apis.ConditionType = "Addressable"
// ChannelConditionTopicReady has status True when the Channel has had a
// Pub/Sub topic created for it.
ChannelConditionTopicReady apis.ConditionType = "TopicReady"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// SourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the Source
// has been configured with a sink target that is resolvable.
SourceConditionSinkProvided apis.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// CertificateRequestConditionReady indicates that a certificate is ready for use.
// This is defined as:
// - The target certificate exists in CertificateRequest.Status
CertificateRequestConditionReady CertificateRequestConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ServerlessServiceConditionReady is set when the clusterIngress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
ServerlessServiceConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated is set when the ServerlessService's underlying
// Revision K8s Service has been populated with endpoints.
ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated apis.ConditionType = "EndpointsPopulated"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeState is used for overall state of the node
NodeState NodeConditionType = "NodeState"
// StorageState is used for the state of storage in the node
StorageState NodeConditionType = "StorageState"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// StateEmpty .
StateEmpty StateEnum = ""
// StateInstalled means installation of kyma is done
StateInstalled StateEnum = "Installed"
// StateUninstalled means installation is removed without errors
StateUninstalled StateEnum = "Uninstalled"
// StateInProgress means installation/update/uninstallation is running
StateInProgress StateEnum = "InProgress"
// StateError means an error condition occurred during install/update/uninstall operation
StateError StateEnum = "Error"
// CondtitionInstalled .
CondtitionInstalled InstallationConditionType = "Installed"
// ConditionInstalling .
ConditionInstalling InstallationConditionType = "Installing"
// ConditionUninstalled .
ConditionUninstalled InstallationConditionType = "Uninstalled"
// ConditionUninstalling .
ConditionUninstalling InstallationConditionType = "Uninstalling"
// ConditionInProgress .
ConditionInProgress InstallationConditionType = "InProgress"
// ConditionError .
ConditionError InstallationConditionType = "Error"
// ActionInstall .
ActionInstall string = "install"
// ActionUninstall .
ActionUninstall = "uninstall"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// KfAvailable means Kubeflow is serving.
KfAvailable KfDefConditionType = "Available"
// KfDegraded means functionality of Kubeflow is limited.
KfDegraded KfDefConditionType = "Degraded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SealedSecretSynced means the SealedSecret has been decrypted and the Secret has been updated successfully.
SealedSecretSynced SealedSecretConditionType = "Synced"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// StatusConditionTypeReconciled ...
StatusConditionTypeReconciled StatusConditionType = "Reconciled"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RayHealth shows if the Ray is healthy.
RayHealth RayConditionType = "Health"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// JobComplete means the job has completed its execution.
PodCheckpointComplete PodCheckpointConditionType = "Complete"
// JobFailed means the job has failed its execution.
PodCheckpointFailed PodCheckpointConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AccountCreating is set when an Account is being created
AccountCreating AccountConditionType = "Creating"
// AccountReady is set when an Account creation is ready
AccountReady AccountConditionType = "Ready"
// AccountFailed is set when account creation has failed
AccountFailed AccountConditionType = "Failed"
// AccountPending is set when account creation is pending
AccountPending AccountConditionType = "Pending"
// AccountPendingVerification is set when account creation is pending
AccountPendingVerification AccountConditionType = "PendingVerification"
// AccountReused is set when account is reused
AccountReused AccountConditionType = "Reused"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceBindingUsageReady represents the fact that a given usage is in ready state.
ServiceBindingUsageReady ServiceBindingUsageConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterConditionReady represents ready state of cluster
ClusterConditionReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
// ClusterConditionOffline represents offline state of cluster
ClusterConditionOffline ClusterConditionType = "Offline"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeConditionReady represents ready state of a cluster node
NodeConditionReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeConditionOffline represents offline state of a cluster node
NodeConditionOffline NodeConditionType = "Offline"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServerlessServiceConditionReady is set when the ingress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
ServerlessServiceConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated is set when the ServerlessService's underlying
// Revision K8s Service has been populated with endpoints.
ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated apis.ConditionType = "EndpointsPopulated"
// ActivatorEndpointsPopulated is an informational status that reports
// when the revision is backed by activator points. This might happen even if
// revision is active (no pods yet created) or even when it has healthy pods
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RayHealth shows if the Ray is healthy.
RayHealth RayConditionType = "Health"
RayHeadDeploymentAvailable RayConditionType = "RayHeadDeploymentAvailable"
RayHeadDeploymentProgressing RayConditionType = "RayHeadDeploymentProgressing"
RayHeadDeploymentReplicaFailure RayConditionType = "RayHeadDeploymentReplicaFailure"
RayWorkerDeploymentAvailable RayConditionType = "RayWorkerDeploymentAvailable"
RayWorkerDeploymentProgressing RayConditionType = "RayWorkerDeploymentProgressing"
RayWorkerDeploymentReplicaFailure RayConditionType = "RayWorkerDeploymentReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// TopicReady has status True when the PubSub Topic is ready.
TopicReady apis.ConditionType = "TopicReady"
// PullSubscriptionReay has status True when the PullSubscription is ready.
PullSubscriptionReady apis.ConditionType = "PullSubscriptionReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConditionAddSeedMaster ConditionType = "AddingSeedMaster"
ConditionRemoveSeedMaster ConditionType = "removingSeedMaster"
ConditionJoinMaster ConditionType = "JoiningMaster"
ConditionRemoveMaster ConditionType = "removingMaster"
ConditionAddSlave ConditionType = "AddingSlave"
ConditionRemoveSlave ConditionType = "removingSlave"
ConditionReady ConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ServerlessServiceConditionReady is set when the clusterIngress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
ServerlessServiceConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated is set when the ServerlessService's underlying
// Revision K8s Service has been populated with endpoints.
ServerlessServiceConditionEndspointsPopulated apis.ConditionType = "EndpointsPopulated"
// ActivatorEndpointsPopulated is an informational status that reports
// when the revision is backed by activator points. This might happen even if
// revision is active (no pods yet created) or even when it has healthy pods
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// WorkflowComplete means the workflow has completed its execution.
WorkflowComplete WorkflowConditionType = "Complete"
// WorkflowFailed means the workflow has failed its execution.
WorkflowFailed WorkflowConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// DaemonSetJobComplete means the workflow has completed its execution.
DaemonSetJobComplete DaemonSetJobConditionType = "Complete"
// DaemonSetJobFailed means the workflow has failed its execution.
DaemonSetJobFailed DaemonSetJobConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
InstanceInProgress InstanceConditionType = "InProgress"
InstanceReady InstanceConditionType = "Ready"
InstanceError InstanceConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
// These constants are CVC condition types related to resize operation.
const (
// CStorVolumeClaimResizePending ...
CStorVolumeClaimResizing CStorVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
// CStorVolumeClaimResizeFailed ...
CStorVolumeClaimResizeFailed CStorVolumeClaimConditionType = "VolumeResizeFailed"
// CStorVolumeClaimResizeSuccess ...
CStorVolumeClaimResizeSuccess CStorVolumeClaimConditionType = "VolumeResizeSuccessful"
// CStorVolumeClaimResizePending ...
CStorVolumeClaimResizePending CStorVolumeClaimConditionType = "VolumeResizePending"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// BuildKind --
BuildKind string = "Build"
// BuildPhaseNone --
BuildPhaseNone BuildPhase = ""
// BuildPhaseInitialization --
BuildPhaseInitialization BuildPhase = "Initialization"
// BuildPhaseWaitingForPlatform --
BuildPhaseWaitingForPlatform BuildPhase = "Waiting For Platform"
// BuildPhaseScheduling --
BuildPhaseScheduling BuildPhase = "Scheduling"
// BuildPhasePending --
BuildPhasePending BuildPhase = "Pending"
// BuildPhaseRunning --
BuildPhaseRunning BuildPhase = "Running"
// BuildPhaseSucceeded --
BuildPhaseSucceeded BuildPhase = "Succeeded"
// BuildPhaseFailed --
BuildPhaseFailed BuildPhase = "Failed"
// BuildPhaseInterrupted --
BuildPhaseInterrupted = "Interrupted"
// BuildPhaseError --
BuildPhaseError BuildPhase = "Error"
// BuildConditionPlatformAvailable --
BuildConditionPlatformAvailable BuildConditionType = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
// BuildConditionPlatformAvailableReason --
BuildConditionPlatformAvailableReason string = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// IntegrationKindKind --
IntegrationKindKind string = "IntegrationKit"
// IntegrationKitTypePlatform --
IntegrationKitTypePlatform = "platform"
// IntegrationKitTypeUser --
IntegrationKitTypeUser = "user"
// IntegrationKitTypeExternal --
IntegrationKitTypeExternal = "external"
// IntegrationKitPhaseNone --
IntegrationKitPhaseNone IntegrationKitPhase = ""
// IntegrationKitPhaseInitialization --
IntegrationKitPhaseInitialization IntegrationKitPhase = "Initialization"
// IntegrationKitPhaseWaitingForPlatform --
IntegrationKitPhaseWaitingForPlatform IntegrationKitPhase = "Waiting For Platform"
// IntegrationKitPhaseBuildSubmitted --
IntegrationKitPhaseBuildSubmitted IntegrationKitPhase = "Build Submitted"
// IntegrationKitPhaseBuildRunning --
IntegrationKitPhaseBuildRunning IntegrationKitPhase = "Build Running"
// IntegrationKitPhaseReady --
IntegrationKitPhaseReady IntegrationKitPhase = "Ready"
// IntegrationKitPhaseError --
IntegrationKitPhaseError IntegrationKitPhase = "Error"
// IntegrationKitConditionPlatformAvailable --
IntegrationKitConditionPlatformAvailable IntegrationKitConditionType = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
// IntegrationKitConditionPlatformAvailableReason --
IntegrationKitConditionPlatformAvailableReason string = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const ResourceManagerIgnoreAnnotation = ""
// ManagedResource describes a list of managed resources.
type ManagedResource struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
// Standard object metadata.
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// Spec contains the specification of this managed resource.
Spec ManagedResourceSpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
// Status contains the status of this managed resource.
Status ManagedResourceStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// ManagedResourceList is a list of ManagedResource resources.
type ManagedResourceList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
// +optional
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
// Items is the list of ManagedResource.
Items []ManagedResource `json:"items"`
type ManagedResourceSpec struct {
// Class holds the resource class used to control the responsibility for multiple resource manager instances
// +optional
Class *string `json:"class,omitempty"`
// SecretRefs is a list of secret references.
SecretRefs []corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"secretRefs"`
// InjectLabels injects the provided labels into every resource that is part of the referenced secrets.
// +optional
InjectLabels map[string]string `json:"injectLabels,omitempty"`
// ForceOverwriteLabels specifies that all existing labels should be overwritten. Defaults to false.
// +optional
ForceOverwriteLabels *bool `json:"forceOverwriteLabels,omitempty"`
// ForceOverwriteAnnotations specifies that all existing annotations should be overwritten. Defaults to false.
// +optional
ForceOverwriteAnnotations *bool `json:"forceOverwriteAnnotations,omitempty"`
// KeepObjects specifies whether the objects should be kept although the managed resource has already been deleted.
// Defaults to false.
// +optional
KeepObjects *bool `json:"keepObjects,omitempty"`
// Equivalences specifies possible group/kind equivalences for objects.
// +optional
Equivalences [][]metav1.GroupKind `json:"equivalences,omitempty"`
// ManagedResourceStatus is the status of a managed resource.
type ManagedResourceStatus struct {
Conditions []ManagedResourceCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
// ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed for this resource.
ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
// Resources is a list of objects that have been created.
// +optional
Resources []ObjectReference `json:"resources,omitempty"`
type ObjectReference struct {
corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
// Labels is a map of labels that were used during last update of the resource.
Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
// Annotations is a map of annotations that were used during last update of the resource.
Annotations map[string]string `json:"annotations,omitempty"`
// ConditionType is the type of a condition.
type ConditionType string
const (
// ResourcesApplied is a condition type that indicates whether all resources are applied to the target cluster.
ResourcesApplied ConditionType = "ResourcesApplied"
// ResourcesHealthy is a condition type that indicates whether all resources are present and healthy.
ResourcesHealthy ConditionType = "ResourcesHealthy"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
// KfDeploying means Kubeflow is in the process of being deployed.
KfUpgradeInProgress KfUpgradeConditionType = "InProgress"
// KfSucceeded means Kubeflow was successfully deployed.
KfUpgradeSucceeded KfUpgradeConditionType = "Succeeded"
// KfFailed meansthere was a problem deploying Kubeflow.
KfUpgradeFailed KfUpgradeConditionType = "Failed"
// Reasons for conditions
// InvalidKfUpgradeSpecReason indicates the KfUpgrade was not valid.
InvalidKfUpgradeSpecReason = "InvalidKfUpgradeSpec"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
CertificateIssued RequestConditionType = "Issued"
CertificateFailed RequestConditionType = "Failed"
CertificateRateLimited RequestConditionType = "RateLimited"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ConfigMapSecretRenderFailure means that the target secret could not be
// rendered.
ConfigMapSecretRenderFailure ConfigMapSecretConditionType = "RenderFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ResourcesCreated indicates whether all resources of the storage
// are created.
ResourcesCreated StorageConditionType = "ResourcesCreated"
// PVCBound means the PVC associated with this storage
// is bound against its associated PV
PVCBound StorageConditionType = "PVCBound"
// NodeSelected represents status if any node was selected to attach
// this storage
NodeSelected StorageConditionType = "NodeSelected"
// NodeAvailable represents the status if the selected node is available
NodeAvailable StorageConditionType = "NodeAvailable"
// VolumeResize represents the status when this storage is undergoing
// a resize operation
VolumeResize StorageConditionType = "VolumeResize"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// "ConditionTrue" means the storage is in the StorageConditionType
ConditionTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
// "ConditionFalse" means a storage is not in the StorageConditionType
ConditionFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
// "ConditionUnknown" means controller can't decide if storage
// is in the StorageConditionType or not.
ConditionUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
PolicyBindingConditionFailure PolicyBindingConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 21
code_block: >
const (
// Available indicates that the service exists and is reachable
Available APIServiceConditionType = "Available"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// TopicConditionReady has status True when all subconditions below have
// been set to True.
TopicConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// TopicConditionAddressable has status true when this Topic meets the
// Addressable contract and has a non-empty hostname.
TopicConditionAddressable apis.ConditionType = "Addressable"
// TopicConditionTopicExists has status True when the Topic has had a
// Pub/Sub topic created for it.
TopicConditionTopicExists apis.ConditionType = "TopicExists"
// TopicConditionPublisherReady has status True when the Topic has had
// its publisher deployment created and ready.
TopicConditionPublisherReady apis.ConditionType = "PublisherReady"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// StrategyComplete means the strategy has been delivered to istio.
StrategyComplete StrategyConditionType = "Complete"
// StrategyFailed means the strategy has failed its delivery to istio.
StrategyFailed StrategyConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
QdrouterdConditionProvisioning ConditionType = "Provisioning"
QdrouterdConditionDeployed ConditionType = "Deployed"
QdrouterdConditionScalingUp ConditionType = "ScalingUp"
QdrouterdConditionScalingDown ConditionType = "ScalingDown"
QdrouterdConditionUpgrading ConditionType = "Upgrading"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const ConditionReconcileComplete conditionsv1.ConditionType = "ReconcileComplete"
// List of constants to show different different reconciliation messages and statuses.
const (
ReconcileFailed = "ReconcileFailed"
ReconcileInit = "Init"
ReconcileCompleted = "ReconcileCompleted"
ReconcileCompletedMessage = "Reconcile completed successfully"
approx_popularity: 140
code_block: >
const (
// JobComplete means the job has completed its execution.
JobComplete JobConditionType = "Complete"
// JobFailed means the job has failed its execution.
JobFailed JobConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AmqpSourceConditionReady has status True when the
// source is ready to send events.
AmqpSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// AmqpSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// AmqpSource has been configured with a sink target.
AmqpSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// AmqpSourceConditionDeployed has status True when the
// AmqpSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
AmqpSourceConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConditionTypeReadyToJoin JoinedClusterConditionType = "ReadyToJoin"
ConditionTypeAgentConnected JoinedClusterConditionType = "AgentConnected"
ConditionTypeAgentStale JoinedClusterConditionType = "AgentStale"
ConditionTypeAgentDisconnected JoinedClusterConditionType = "AgentDisconnected"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ImageConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
ImageConditionReady ImageConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Enforcing means that the resource or patch has been succesfully reconciled and it's being enforced
Enforcing ConditionType = "Enforcing"
// Failure means that the resource or patch has not been successfully reconciled and we cannot guarntee that it's being enforced
Failure ConditionType = "Failure"
// Success means that the instance has been successfully reconciled
Success ConditionType = "Success"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// NameConflict means the names chosen for this CustomResource conflict with others in the group.
NameConflict CustomResourceConditionType = "NameConflict"
// Terminating means that the CustomResource has been deleted and is cleaning up.
Terminating CustomResourceConditionType = "Terminating"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterProvisionInitializedCondition is set when a cluster provision has finished initialization.
ClusterProvisionInitializedCondition ClusterProvisionConditionType = "ClusterProvisionInitialized"
// ClusterProvisionCompletedCondition is set when a cluster provision completes.
ClusterProvisionCompletedCondition ClusterProvisionConditionType = "ClusterProvisionCompleted"
// ClusterProvisionFailedCondition is set when a cluster provision fails.
ClusterProvisionFailedCondition ClusterProvisionConditionType = "ClusterProvisionFailed"
// ClusterProvisionJobCreated is set when the install job is created for a cluster provision.
ClusterProvisionJobCreated ClusterProvisionConditionType = "ClusterProvisionJobCreated"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned apis.ConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
// RouteConditionIngressReady is set to False when the
// ClusterIngress fails to become Ready.
RouteConditionIngressReady apis.ConditionType = "IngressReady"
// RouteConditionCertificateProvisioned is set to False when the
// Knative Certificates fail to be provisioned for the Route.
RouteConditionCertificateProvisioned apis.ConditionType = "CertificateProvisioned"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned apis.ConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
// RouteConditionIngressReady is set to False when the
// Ingress fails to become Ready.
RouteConditionIngressReady apis.ConditionType = "IngressReady"
// RouteConditionCertificateProvisioned is set to False when the
// Knative Certificates fail to be provisioned for the Route.
RouteConditionCertificateProvisioned apis.ConditionType = "CertificateProvisioned"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ChartFetched means the chart to which the HelmRelease refers
// has been fetched successfully
HelmReleaseChartFetched HelmReleaseConditionType = "ChartFetched"
// Released means the chart release, as specified in this
// HelmRelease, has been processed by Helm.
HelmReleaseReleased HelmReleaseConditionType = "Released"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
DriveSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
DriveSourceConditionSecretsProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SecretsProvided"
DriveSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
DriveSourceConditionServiceProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ServiceProvided"
DriveSourceConditionWebHookProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "WebHookProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
OSBInstanceInProgress OSBInstanceConditionType = "InProgress"
OSBInstanceReady OSBInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
OSBInstanceError OSBInstanceConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
PodFrozen VolumeBackupConditionType = "PodFrozen"
SnapshotIssued VolumeBackupConditionType = "SnapshotIssued"
SnapshotCreated VolumeBackupConditionType = "SnapshotCreated"
PodUnfrozen VolumeBackupConditionType = "PodUnfrozen"
SnapshotReady VolumeBackupConditionType = "SnapshotReady"
SnapshotUploading VolumeBackupConditionType = "SnapshotUploading"
SnapshotUploaded VolumeBackupConditionType = "SnapshotUploaded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
CalendarSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
CalendarSourceConditionSecretsProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SecretsProvided"
CalendarSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
CalendarSourceConditionServiceProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ServiceProvided"
CalendarSourceConditionWebHookProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "WebHookProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ServerConditionAddSeedMaster ServerConditionType = "AddingSeedMaster"
ServerConditionRemoveSeedMaster ServerConditionType = "removingSeedMaster"
ServerConditionJoinMaster ServerConditionType = "JoiningMaster"
ServerConditionRemoveMaster ServerConditionType = "removingMaster"
ServerConditionAddSlave ServerConditionType = "AddingSlave"
ServerConditionRemoveSlave ServerConditionType = "removingSlave"
ServerConditionReady ServerConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
ServerConditionAddSeedMaster ServerConditionType = "AddingSeedMaster"
ServerConditionRemoveSeedMaster ServerConditionType = "removingSeedMaster"
ServerConditionAddSentinel ServerConditionType = "AddingSentinel"
ServerConditionRemoveSentinel ServerConditionType = "removingSentinel"
ServerConditionAddSlave ServerConditionType = "AddingSlave"
ServerConditionRemoveSlave ServerConditionType = "removingSlave"
ServerConditionReady ServerConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 6
code_block: >
const (
PodGroupUnschedulableType PodGroupConditionType = "Unschedulable"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
InstallPlanResolved InstallPlanConditionType = "Resolved"
InstallPlanInstalled InstallPlanConditionType = "Installed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// CamelSourceConditionReady has status True when the CamelSource is ready to send events.
CamelConditionReady = duckapis.ConditionReady
// CamelConditionSinkProvided has status True when the CamelSource has been configured with a sink target.
CamelConditionSinkProvided duckapis.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// CamelConditionDeployed has status True when the CamelSource has had it's deployment created.
CamelConditionDeployed duckapis.ConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// ConditionReady specifies that the resource is ready.
// For long-running resources.
ConditionReady ConditionType = "Ready"
// ConditionSucceeded specifies that the resource has finished.
// For resource which run to completion.
ConditionSucceeded ConditionType = "Succeeded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// KinesisSourceConditionReady has status True when the source is
// ready to send events.
KinesisSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// KinesisSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// KinesisSource has been configured with a sink target.
KinesisSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// KinesisSourceConditionDeployed has status True when the
// KinesisSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
KinesisSourceConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned apis.ConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
// RouteConditionIngressReady is set to False when the
// ClusterIngress fails to become Ready.
RouteConditionIngressReady apis.ConditionType = "IngressReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
TFJobScheduled TFJobConditionType = "Scheduled"
TFJobReady TFJobConditionType = "Ready"
TFJobRecovering TFJobConditionType = "Recovering"
// All Workers containers in the TFJob have terminated in success,
// and recycle resource of all PS containers in the TFJob.
TFJobRecycling TFJobConditionType = "Recycling"
approx_popularity: 13
code_block: >
const (
// RouteAdmitted means the route is able to service requests for the provided Host
RouteAdmitted RouteIngressConditionType = "Admitted"
// TODO: add other route condition types
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BuildSucceeded is set when the build is running, and becomes True
// when the build finishes successfully.
// If the build is ongoing, its status will be Unknown. If it fails,
// its status will be False.
BuildSucceeded BuildConditionType = "Succeeded"
// BuildInvalid specifies that the given build specification is invalid.
// TODO(jasonhall): Remove when webhook validation rejects invalid builds.
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// CamelSourceConditionReady has status True when the CamelSource is ready to send events.
CamelConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// CamelConditionSinkProvided has status True when the CamelSource has been configured with a sink target.
CamelConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// CamelConditionDeployed has status True when the CamelSource has had it's deployment created.
CamelConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Indicates that the migration is running.
MigrationRunning MigrationConditionType = "Running"
// Indicates that the migration has completed successfully.
MigrationSucceeded MigrationConditionType = "Succeeded"
// Indicates that the migration has failed.
MigrationFailed MigrationConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeFenceConditionRunning means the node fencing is being executed
NodeFenceConditionRunning NodeFenceConditionType = "Running"
// NodeFenceConditionDone is added when the node is successfully executed
NodeFenceConditionDone NodeFenceConditionType = "Done"
// NodeFenceConditionError means an error occurred during node fencing.
NodeFenceConditionError NodeFenceConditionType = "Error"
// NodeFenceConditionNew new created fence object.
NodeFenceConditionNew NodeFenceConditionType = "New"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RuleConditionMetrics is a monitoring type of condition in a rule
RuleConditionMetrics AutopilotRuleConditionType = "monitoring"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// FlowComplete means the flow has completed its execution.
FlowComplete FlowConditionType = "Complete"
// FlowFailed means the flow has failed its execution.
FlowFailed FlowConditionType = "Failed"
// FlowWaiting means the flow is waiting for next trigger
FlowWaiting FlowConditionType = "Waiting"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AwsSqsSourceConditionReady has status True when the source is
// ready to send events.
AwsSqsSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// AwsSqsSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// AwsSqsSource has been configured with a sink target.
AwsSqsSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// AwsSqsSourceConditionDeployed has status True when the
// AwsSqsSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
AwsSqsSourceConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
// AwsSqsSourceConditionEventTypesProvided has status True when the
// AwsSqsSource has been configured with event types
AwsSqsSourceConditionEventTypesProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "EventTypesProvided"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// CertificateConditionReady indicates that a certificate is ready for use.
// This is defined as:
// - The target secret exists
// - The target secret contains a certificate that has not expired
// - The target secret contains a private key valid for the certificate
// - The commonName and dnsNames attributes match those specified on the Certificate
CertificateConditionReady CertificateConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// AwsSqsSourceConditionReady has status True when the source is
// ready to send events.
AwsSqsSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// AwsSqsSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// AwsSqsSource has been configured with a sink target.
AwsSqsSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// AwsSqsSourceConditionDeployed has status True when the
// AwsSqsSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
AwsSqsSourceConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
InterconnectConditionProvisioning ConditionType = "Provisioning"
InterconnectConditionDeployed ConditionType = "Deployed"
InterconnectConditionScalingUp ConditionType = "ScalingUp"
InterconnectConditionScalingDown ConditionType = "ScalingDown"
InterconnectConditionUpgrading ConditionType = "Upgrading"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// PodAutoscalerConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
PodAutoscalerConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// PodAutoscalerConditionActive is set when the PodAutoscaler's ScaleTargetRef is receiving traffic.
PodAutoscalerConditionActive duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// CStorVolumeResizing - a user trigger resize of pvc has been started
CStorVolumeResizing CStorVolumeConditionType = "Resizing"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// FilesParsedType referes to whether all files parsed successfully
FilesParsedType GitTrackConditionType = "FilesParsed"
// FilesFetchedType refers to whether all files where fetched from git
// successfully
FilesFetchedType GitTrackConditionType = "FilesFetched"
// ChildrenUpToDateType referes to whether all children were created/updated
// successfully
ChildrenUpToDateType GitTrackConditionType = "ChildrenUpToDate"
// ChildrenGarbageCollectedType referes to whether all children that were meant to
// be GC'd have been GC'
ChildrenGarbageCollectedType GitTrackConditionType = "ChildrenGarbageCollected"
approx_popularity: 15
code_block: >
const (
// Established means that the resource has become active. A resource is established when all names are
// accepted without a conflict for the first time. A resource stays established until deleted, even during
// a later NamesAccepted due to changed names. Note that not all names can be changed.
Established CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Established"
// NamesAccepted means the names chosen for this CustomResourceDefinition do not conflict with others in
// the group and are therefore accepted.
NamesAccepted CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NamesAccepted"
// Terminating means that the CustomResourceDefinition has been deleted and is cleaning up.
Terminating CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Terminating"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const ReleaseLatestRevisionKeyword = "@latest"
// RunLatestType contains the options for always having a route to the latest configuration. See
// ServiceSpec for more details.
type RunLatestType struct {
// The configuration for this service.
// +optional
Configuration ConfigurationSpec `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
// PinnedType is DEPRECATED. ReleaseType should be used instead. To get the behavior of PinnedType set
// ReleaseType.Revisions to []string{PinnedType.RevisionName} and ReleaseType.RolloutPercent to 0.
type PinnedType struct {
// The revision name to pin this service to until changed
// to a different service type.
// +optional
RevisionName string `json:"revisionName,omitempty"`
// The configuration for this service.
// +optional
Configuration ConfigurationSpec `json:"configuration,omitempty"`
// ConditionType represents a Service condition value
const (
// ServiceConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
ServiceConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ServiceConditionRoutesReady is set when the service's underlying
// routes have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionRoutesReady apis.ConditionType = "RoutesReady"
// ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady is set when the service's underlying
// configurations have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady apis.ConditionType = "ConfigurationsReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// InsufficientCloudCredentials is true when the cloud credentials are deemed to be insufficient
// to either mint custom creds to satisfy the CredentialsRequest or insufficient to
// be able to be passed along as-is to satisfy the CredentialsRequest
InsufficientCloudCredentials CredentialsRequestConditionType = "InsufficientCloudCreds"
// MissingTargetNamespace is true when the namespace specified to hold the resulting
// credentials is not present
MissingTargetNamespace CredentialsRequestConditionType = "MissingTargetNamespace"
// CredentialsProvisionFailure is true whenver there has been an issue while trying
// to provision the credentials (either passthrough or minting). Error message will
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const MonQuorumPodCondition corev1.PodConditionType = corev1.PodReady
// CephMonSpec defines the desired state of CephMon
type CephMonSpec struct {
ClusterName string `json:"clusterName"`
ID string `json:"id"`
PvSelectorString string `json:"pvSelectorString"`
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
Port int `json:"port"`
// MonState describes the state of the monitor
type MonState string
const (
MonLaunchPod MonState = "Launch Pod"
MonWaitForPodRun MonState = "Wait for Pod Run"
MonWaitForPodReady MonState = "Wait for Pod Ready"
MonInQuorum MonState = "In Quorum"
MonError MonState = "Error"
MonCleanup MonState = "Cleanup"
MonIdle MonState = "Idle"
approx_popularity: 22
code_block: >
const (
// RowCompleted means the underlying resource has reached completion and may be given less
// visual priority than other resources.
RowCompleted RowConditionType = "Completed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeFenceConditionRunning means the node fencing is being executed
NodeFenceConditionRunning NodeFenceConditionType = "Running"
// NodeFenceConditionDone is added when the node is successfully executed
NodeFenceConditionDone NodeFenceConditionType = "Done"
// NodeFenceConditionError means an error occurred during node fencing.
NodeFenceConditionError NodeFenceConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady RouteConditionType = "Ready"
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned RouteConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Caffe2JobCreated means the caffe2job has been accepted by the system,
// but one or more of the pods/services has not been started.
// This includes time before pods being scheduled and launched.
Caffe2JobCreated Caffe2JobConditionType = "Created"
// Caffe2JobRunning means all sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this Caffe2Job
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConditionInitialized OpenstackChartConditionType = "Initialized"
ConditionDeployed OpenstackChartConditionType = "Deployed"
ConditionReleaseFailed OpenstackChartConditionType = "ReleaseFailed"
ConditionIrreconcilable OpenstackChartConditionType = "Irreconcilable"
ConditionBackedUp OpenstackChartConditionType = "BackedUp"
ConditionRestored OpenstackChartConditionType = "Restored"
ConditionUpgraded OpenstackChartConditionType = "Upgraded"
ConditionRolledBack OpenstackChartConditionType = "RolledBack"
StatusTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
StatusFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
StatusUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
ReasonInstallSuccessful OpenstackChartConditionReason = "InstallSuccessful"
ReasonUpdateSuccessful OpenstackChartConditionReason = "UpdateSuccessful"
ReasonUninstallSuccessful OpenstackChartConditionReason = "UninstallSuccessful"
ReasonInstallError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "InstallError"
ReasonUpdateError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "UpdateError"
ReasonReconcileError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "ReconcileError"
ReasonUninstallError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "UninstallError"
ReasonBackupError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "BackupError"
ReasonRestoreError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "RestoreError"
ReasonUpgradeError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "UpgradeError"
ReasonRollbackError OpenstackChartConditionReason = "RollbackError"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ResourceBlocked cond_v1.ConditionType = "Blocked"
ResourceInProgress = cond_v1.ConditionInProgress
ResourceReady = cond_v1.ConditionReady
ResourceError = cond_v1.ConditionError
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterConditionReady StorageClusterConditionType = "Ready"
ClusterConditionOffline StorageClusterConditionType = "Offline"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
NodeConditionReady StorageNodeConditionType = "Ready"
NodeConditionOffline StorageNodeConditionType = "Offline"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ConfigurationConditionReady is set when the configuration is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
ConfigurationConditionReady ConfigurationConditionType = "Ready"
// ConfigurationConditionLatestRevisionReady is set to indicate the status of the latest
// revision of the configuration when it has not become ready yet
ConfigurationConditionLatestRevisionReady ConfigurationConditionType = "LatestRevisionReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConfigConditionTypeReady ConfigConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SeedAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating the Seed cluster availability.
SeedAvailable ConditionType = "Available"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
CanaryConditionTypePromoted CanaryConditionType = "Promoted"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// GitLabSourceConditionReady has status True when the
// GitLabSource is ready to send events.
GitLabSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// GitLabSourceConditionSecretsProvided has status True when the
// GitLabSource has valid secret references
GitLabSourceConditionSecretsProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SecretsProvided"
// GitLabSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// GitLabSource has been configured with a sink target.
GitLabSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
approx_popularity: 29
code_block: >
const (
// ImportSuccess with status False means the import of the specific tag failed
ImportSuccess TagEventConditionType = "ImportSuccess"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// BuildSucceeded is set when the build is running, and becomes True
// when the build finishes successfully.
// If the build is ongoing, its status will be Unknown. If it fails,
// its status will be False.
BuildSucceeded BuildConditionType = "Succeeded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PodAutoscalerConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
PodAutoscalerConditionReady = duck.ConditionReady
// PodAutoscalerConditionActive is set when the PodAutoscaler's ScaleTargetRef is receiving traffic.
PodAutoscalerConditionActive duck.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterOK means that the cluster is "OK".
// Since the cluster registry does not have a standard status controller, the
// meaning of this condition is defined by the environment in which the
// cluster is running. It is expected to mean that the cluster is reachable by
// a controller that is reporting on its status, and that the cluster is ready
// to have workloads scheduled.
ClusterOK ClusterConditionType = "OK"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ExperimentCreated ExperimentConditionType = "Created"
ExperimentRunning ExperimentConditionType = "Running"
ExperimentRestarting ExperimentConditionType = "Restarting"
ExperimentSucceeded ExperimentConditionType = "Succeeded"
ExperimentFailed ExperimentConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MachineCreated indicates whether the machine has been created or not. If not,
// it should include a reason and message for the failure.
MachineCreated VSphereMachineProviderConditionType = "MachineCreated"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// WorkflowComplete means the workflow has completed its execution
WorkflowComplete WorkflowConditionType = "Complete"
// WorkflowFailed means the workflow has failed its execution
WorkflowFailed WorkflowConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
//PodGroupUnschedulableType represents unschedulable podGroup condition
PodGroupUnschedulableType PodGroupConditionType = "Unschedulable"
approx_popularity: 7
code_block: >
const (
// TemplateInstanceReady indicates the readiness of the template
// instantiation.
TemplateInstanceReady TemplateInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// TemplateInstanceInstantiateFailure indicates the failure of the template
// instantiation
TemplateInstanceInstantiateFailure TemplateInstanceConditionType = "InstantiateFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// KubervisorServiceInitFailed means the KubervisorService has completed its execution.
KubervisorServiceInitFailed KubervisorServiceConditionType = "InitFailed"
// KubervisorServiceRunning means the KubervisorService has completed its execution.
KubervisorServiceRunning KubervisorServiceConditionType = "Running"
// KubeServiceNotAvailable means the KubervisorService has completed its execution.
KubeServiceNotAvailable KubervisorServiceConditionType = "ServiceNotAvailable"
// KubervisorServiceFailed means the KubervisorService has failed its execution.
KubervisorServiceFailed KubervisorServiceConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// This is added when the NodeSet controllers failed to create or delete a node during
// reconciliation.
NodeSetReplicaFailure NodeSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// IssuerConditionReady represents the fact that a given Issuer condition
// is in ready state.
IssuerConditionReady IssuerConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// RedisClusterOK means the RedisCluster is in a good shape
RedisClusterOK RedisClusterConditionType = "ClusterOK"
// RedisClusterScaling means the RedisCluster is currenlty in a scaling stage
RedisClusterScaling RedisClusterConditionType = "Scaling"
// RedisClusterRebalancing means the RedisCluster is currenlty rebalancing slots and keys
RedisClusterRebalancing RedisClusterConditionType = "Rebalancing"
// RedisClusterRollingUpdate means the RedisCluster is currenlty performing a rolling update of its nodes
RedisClusterRollingUpdate RedisClusterConditionType = "RollingUpdate"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// TFJobCreated means the tfjob has been accepted by the system,
// but one or more of the pods/services has not been started.
// This includes time before pods being scheduled and launched.
TFJobCreated TFJobConditionType = "Created"
// TFJobRunning means all sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this TFJob
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BindComplete specifies that the bind has completed successfully.
BindComplete BindConditionType = "Complete"
// BindFailed specifies that the bind has failed.
BindFailed BindConditionType = "Failed"
// BindInvalid specifies that the given bind specification is invalid.
BindInvalid BindConditionType = "Invalid"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterPhaseRunning ClusterPhase = "Running"
ClusterPhaseStopped ClusterPhase = "Stopped"
ClusterPhaseFailed ClusterPhase = "Failed"
ClusterPhaseWaiting ClusterPhase = "Waiting"
ClusterPhaseWarning ClusterPhase = "Warning"
ServerRunning v1.PodPhase = "Running"
ServerStopped v1.PodPhase = "Stopped"
ServerFailed v1.PodPhase = "Failed"
ServerWaiting v1.PodPhase = "Waiting"
ServerPending v1.PodPhase = "Pending"
ServerUnknown v1.PodPhase = "Unknown"
ServerSucceeded v1.PodPhase = "Succeeded"
ServerDeleted v1.PodPhase = "Deleted"
NodeOperatorPhaseStop OperatorPhase = "NodeStop"
NodeOperatorPhaseStart OperatorPhase = "NodeStart"
NodeOperatorPhaseDelete OperatorPhase = "NodeDelete"
ClusterOperatorPhaseStop OperatorPhase = "ClusterStop"
ClusterOperatorPhaseStart OperatorPhase = "ClusterStart"
ClusterOperatorPhaseCreate OperatorPhase = "ClusterCreate"
ClusterOperatorPhaseAddNode OperatorPhase = "AddNode"
ClusterOperatorPhaseChangeResource OperatorPhase = "ChangeResource"
ClusterOperatorPhaseChangeConfig OperatorPhase = "ChangeConfig"
ClusterOperatorPhaseDelete OperatorPhase = "ClusterDelete"
ClusterConditionInit ClusterConditionType = "Init"
ClusterConditionReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
ClusterConditionRecovering ClusterConditionType = "Recovering"
ClusterConditionScaling ClusterConditionType = "Scaling"
ClusterConditionUpgrading ClusterConditionType = "Upgrading"
ClusterConditionUnschedulable ClusterConditionType = "Unschedulable"
SparkRoleMaster SparkRole = "master"
SparkRoleSlave SparkRole = "slave"
DefaultSparkVersion = "2.1.0"
RestartActionNo RestartActionPhase = "No"
RestartActionNeed RestartActionPhase = "Need"
RestartActionStarted RestartActionPhase = "Started"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
// The scheduling constraints on spark pods.
Affinity *v1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
type ClusterStatus struct {
ClusterPhase ClusterPhase `json:"phase"`
ResourceUpdateNeedRestart bool `json:"resourceupdateneedrestart"`
ParameterUpdateNeedRestart bool `json:"parameterupdateneedrestart"`
ServerNodes map[string]*Server `json:"serverNodes,omitempty"`
// Represents the latest available observations of a cluster object's current state.
Conditions []*ClusterCondition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
WaitSparkComponentAvailableTimeout int `json:"waitsparktimeout,omitempty"`
type Spec struct {
Resources Resources `json:"resources"`
Replicas int `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
Volume string `json:"volume,omitempty"`
Mount string `json:"volumeMount,omitempty"`
Capactity string `json:"capacity,omitempty"`
type SparkOperator struct {
Node string `json:"nodename"`
Operator OperatorPhase `json:"operator"`
type SparkConfig struct {
Sparkcnf map[string]string `json:"sparkcnf,omitempty"`
LivenessDelayTimeout int `json:"livenessDelayTimeout,omitempty"`
ReadinessDelayTimeout int `json:"readinessDelayTimeout,omitempty"`
LivenessFailureThreshold int `json:"livenessFailureThreshold,omitempty"`
ReadinessFailureThreshold int `json:"readinessFailureThreshold,omitempty"`
// Resources spec resource
type Resources struct {
Requests MemoryCPU `json:"requests,omitempty"`
Limits MemoryCPU `json:"limits,omitempty"`
// MemoryCPU spec cpu and mem
type MemoryCPU struct {
CPU string `json:"cpu,omitempty"`
Memory string `json:"memory,omitempty"`
type Server struct {
ID string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Role SparkRole `json:"role,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Nodeport int32 `json:"nodeport,omitempty"`
Svcname string `json:"svcname,omitempty"`
Configmapname string `json:"configmapname,omitempty"`
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
Node string `json:"nodeName,omitempty"`
Status v1.PodPhase `json:"status,omitempty"`
DownTime int64 `json:"downTime,omitempty"`
RestartAction RestartActionPhase `json:"restartaction,omitempty"`
VolumeID string `json:"volumeid,omitempty"`
Operator OperatorPhase `json:"operator,omitempty"`
NodeConfig map[string]string `json:"nodeconfig,omitempty"`
type ClusterCondition struct {
// Type of cluster condition.
Type ClusterConditionType `json:"type"`
// Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
Status v1.ConditionStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`
// The last time this condition was updated.
LastProbeTime metav1.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty"`
// Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty"`
// The reason for the condition's last transition.
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"`
// A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
// GetKey get namespace/name
func (c *SparkCluster) GetKey() string {
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceExists is the ConditionType set on the EventListener, which
// specifies Service existence.
ServiceExists apis.ConditionType = "Service"
// DeploymentExists is the ConditionType set on the EventListener, which
// specifies Deployment existence.
DeploymentExists apis.ConditionType = "Deployment"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Available means the deployment is available, ie. at least the minimum available
// replicas required are up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
DeploymentAvailable AdvDeploymentConditionType = "Available"
// Progressing means the deployment is progressing. Progress for a deployment is
// considered when a new replica set is created or adopted, and when new pods scale
// up or old pods scale down. Progress is not estimated for paused deployments or
// when progressDeadlineSeconds is not specified.
DeploymentProgressing AdvDeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
// ReplicaFailure is added in a deployment when one of its pods fails to be created
// or deleted.
DeploymentReplicaFailure AdvDeploymentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// MXJobCreated means the mxjob has been accepted by the system,
// but one or more of the pods/services has not been started.
// This includes time before pods being scheduled and launched.
MXJobCreated MXJobConditionType = "Created"
// MXJobRunning means all sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this MXJob
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable apis.ConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy apis.ConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
// RevisionConditionActive is set when the revision is receiving traffic.
RevisionConditionActive apis.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterPropagationOK PropagationStatus = ""
WaitingForRemoval PropagationStatus = "WaitingForRemoval"
// Cluster-specific errors
ClusterNotReady PropagationStatus = "ClusterNotReady"
CachedRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "CachedRetrievalFailed"
ComputeResourceFailed PropagationStatus = "ComputeResourceFailed"
ApplyOverridesFailed PropagationStatus = "ApplyOverridesFailed"
CreationFailed PropagationStatus = "CreationFailed"
UpdateFailed PropagationStatus = "UpdateFailed"
DeletionFailed PropagationStatus = "DeletionFailed"
LabelRemovalFailed PropagationStatus = "LabelRemovalFailed"
RetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "RetrievalFailed"
AlreadyExists PropagationStatus = "AlreadyExists"
FieldRetentionFailed PropagationStatus = "FieldRetentionFailed"
VersionRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "VersionRetrievalFailed"
ClientRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "ClientRetrievalFailed"
// Operation timeout errors
CreationTimedOut PropagationStatus = "CreationTimedOut"
UpdateTimedOut PropagationStatus = "UpdateTimedOut"
DeletionTimedOut PropagationStatus = "DeletionTimedOut"
LabelRemovalTimedOut PropagationStatus = "LabelRemovalTimedOut"
AggregateSuccess AggregateReason = ""
ClusterRetrievalFailed AggregateReason = "ClusterRetrievalFailed"
ComputePlacementFailed AggregateReason = "ComputePlacementFailed"
CheckClusters AggregateReason = "CheckClusters"
NamespaceNotFederated AggregateReason = "NamespaceNotFederated"
PropagationConditionType ConditionType = "Propagation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterPropagationOK PropagationStatus = ""
WaitingForRemoval PropagationStatus = "WaitingForRemoval"
// Cluster-specific errors
ClusterNotReady PropagationStatus = "ClusterNotReady"
CachedRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "CachedRetrievalFailed"
ComputeResourceFailed PropagationStatus = "ComputeResourceFailed"
ApplyOverridesFailed PropagationStatus = "ApplyOverridesFailed"
CreationFailed PropagationStatus = "CreationFailed"
UpdateFailed PropagationStatus = "UpdateFailed"
DeletionFailed PropagationStatus = "DeletionFailed"
LabelRemovalFailed PropagationStatus = "LabelRemovalFailed"
RetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "RetrievalFailed"
AlreadyExists PropagationStatus = "AlreadyExists"
FieldRetentionFailed PropagationStatus = "FieldRetentionFailed"
VersionRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "VersionRetrievalFailed"
ClientRetrievalFailed PropagationStatus = "ClientRetrievalFailed"
ManagedLabelFalse PropagationStatus = "ManagedLabelFalse"
// Operation timeout errors
CreationTimedOut PropagationStatus = "CreationTimedOut"
UpdateTimedOut PropagationStatus = "UpdateTimedOut"
DeletionTimedOut PropagationStatus = "DeletionTimedOut"
LabelRemovalTimedOut PropagationStatus = "LabelRemovalTimedOut"
AggregateSuccess AggregateReason = ""
ClusterRetrievalFailed AggregateReason = "ClusterRetrievalFailed"
ComputePlacementFailed AggregateReason = "ComputePlacementFailed"
CheckClusters AggregateReason = "CheckClusters"
NamespaceNotFederated AggregateReason = "NamespaceNotFederated"
PropagationConditionType ConditionType = "Propagation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady = duck.ConditionReady
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned duck.ConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ScheduledWorkflowEnabled ScheduledWorkflowConditionType = "Enabled"
ScheduledWorkflowDisabled ScheduledWorkflowConditionType = "Disabled"
ScheduledWorkflowRunning ScheduledWorkflowConditionType = "Running"
ScheduledWorkflowSucceeded ScheduledWorkflowConditionType = "Succeeded"
ScheduledWorkflowError ScheduledWorkflowConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ConditionOK means that everything was created successfully
ConditionOK DataIndexConditionType = "OK"
// ConditionProvisioning means that we're still deploying the service
ConditionProvisioning DataIndexConditionType = "Provisioning"
// ConditionFailed means that we fail to deploy the service and its dependencies
ConditionFailed DataIndexConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// InvalidExperimentSpec means the experiment has an invalid spec and will not progress until
// the spec is fixed.
InvalidExperimentSpec ExperimentConditionType = "InvalidSpec"
// ExperimentConcluded means the experiment is available, ie. the active service is pointing at a
// replicaset with the required replicas up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
ExperimentCompleted ExperimentConditionType = "Completed"
// ExperimentProgressing means the experiment is progressing. Progress for a experiment is
// considered when a new replica set is created or adopted, when pods scale
// up or old pods scale down, or when the services are updated. Progress is not estimated
// for paused experiment.
ExperimentProgressing ExperimentConditionType = "Progressing"
// ExperimentRunning means that an experiment has reached the desired state and is running for the duration
// specified in the spec
ExperimentRunning ExperimentConditionType = "Running"
// ExperimentReplicaFailure ReplicaFailure is added in a experiment when one of its pods
// fails to be created or deleted.
ExperimentReplicaFailure ExperimentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
UpdatingSettings ClusterConditionType = "UpdatingSettings"
ScalingUp ClusterConditionType = "ScalingUp"
ScalingDown ClusterConditionType = "ScalingDown"
Restarting ClusterConditionType = "Restarting"
InvalidMasters ClusterConditionType = "InvalidMasters"
InvalidData ClusterConditionType = "InvalidData"
InvalidRedundancy ClusterConditionType = "InvalidRedundancy"
InvalidUUID ClusterConditionType = "InvalidUUID"
ESContainerWaiting ClusterConditionType = "ElasticsearchContainerWaiting"
ESContainerTerminated ClusterConditionType = "ElasticsearchContainerTerminated"
ProxyContainerWaiting ClusterConditionType = "ProxyContainerWaiting"
ProxyContainerTerminated ClusterConditionType = "ProxyContainerTerminated"
Unschedulable ClusterConditionType = "Unschedulable"
NodeStorage ClusterConditionType = "NodeStorage"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// GitHubSourceConditionReady has status True when the
// GitHubSource is ready to send events.
GitHubSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// GitHubSourceConditionSecretsProvided has status True when the
// GitHubSource has valid secret references
GitHubSourceConditionSecretsProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SecretsProvided"
// GitHubSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// GitHubSource has been configured with a sink target.
GitHubSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// GitHubSourceConditionEventTypesProvided has status True when the
// GitHubSource has been configured with event types.
GitHubSourceConditionEventTypesProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "EventTypeProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PullSubscriptionConditionReady has status True when the PullSubscription is
// ready to send events.
PullSubscriptionConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// PullSubscriptionConditionSinkProvided has status True when the PullSubscription
// has been configured with a sink target.
PullSubscriptionConditionSinkProvided apis.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// PullSubscriptionConditionDeployed has status True when the PullSubscription has
// had its receive adapter deployment created.
PullSubscriptionConditionDeployed apis.ConditionType = "Deployed"
// PullSubscriptionConditionSubscribed has status True when a Google Cloud
// Pub/Sub Subscription has been created pointing at the created receive
// adapter deployment.
PullSubscriptionConditionSubscribed apis.ConditionType = "Subscribed"
// PullSubscriptionConditionTransformerProvided has status True when the
// PullSubscription has been configured with a transformer target.
PullSubscriptionConditionTransformerProvided apis.ConditionType = "TransformerProvided"
// PullSubscriptionConditionEventTypesProvided has status True when the
// PullSubscription has been configured with event types.
PullSubscriptionConditionEventTypesProvided apis.ConditionType = "EventTypesProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
AppRolloutConditionSettled AppRolloutConditionType = "Settled"
AppRolloutConditionReady = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ChartAssignmentConditionSettled ChartAssignmentConditionType = "Settled"
ChartAssignmentConditionReady = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// CDIConditionRunning means the CDI deployment is up/ready/healthy
CDIConditionRunning CDIConditionType = "Running"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ChartFetched means the chart to which the HelmRelease refers
// has been fetched successfully
HelmReleaseChartFetched HelmReleaseConditionType = "ChartFetched"
// Released means the chart release, as specified in this
// HelmRelease, has been processed by Helm.
HelmReleaseReleased HelmReleaseConditionType = "Released"
// RolledBack means the chart to which the HelmRelease refers
// has been rolled back
HelmReleaseRolledBack HelmReleaseConditionType = "RolledBack"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
ServiceConditionReady = duck.ConditionReady
// ServiceConditionRoutesReady is set when the service's underlying
// routes have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionRoutesReady duck.ConditionType = "RoutesReady"
// ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady is set when the service's underlying
// configurations have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady duck.ConditionType = "ConfigurationsReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// KafkaConditionReady has status True when the KafkaSource is ready to send events.
KafkaConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// KafkaConditionSinkProvided has status True when the KafkaSource has been configured with a sink target.
KafkaConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// KafkaConditionDeployed has status True when the KafkaSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
KafkaConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
// KafkaConditionEventTypesProvided has status True when the KafkaSource has been configured with event types.
KafkaConditionEventTypesProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "EventTypesProvided"
// KafkaConditionResources is True when the resources listed for the KafkaSource have been properly
// parsed and match specified syntax for resource quantities
KafkaConditionResources duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ResourcesCorrect"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// ConfigurationConditionReady is set when the configuration's latest
// underlying revision has reported readiness.
ConfigurationConditionReady ConfigurationConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
UpdatingSettings ClusterConditionType = "UpdatingSettings"
ScalingUp ClusterConditionType = "ScalingUp"
ScalingDown ClusterConditionType = "ScalingDown"
Restarting ClusterConditionType = "Restarting"
InvalidMasters ClusterConditionType = "InvalidMasters"
InvalidData ClusterConditionType = "InvalidData"
InvalidRedundancy ClusterConditionType = "InvalidRedundancy"
InvalidUUID ClusterConditionType = "InvalidUUID"
ESContainerWaiting ClusterConditionType = "ElasticsearchContainerWaiting"
ESContainerTerminated ClusterConditionType = "ElasticsearchContainerTerminated"
ProxyContainerWaiting ClusterConditionType = "ProxyContainerWaiting"
ProxyContainerTerminated ClusterConditionType = "ProxyContainerTerminated"
Unschedulable ClusterConditionType = "Unschedulable"
NodeStorage ClusterConditionType = "NodeStorage"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BitBucketSourceConditionReady has status True when the
// BitBucketSource is ready to send events.
BitBucketSourceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// BitBucketSourceConditionSecretsProvided has status True when the
// BitBucketSource has valid secret references.
BitBucketSourceConditionSecretsProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SecretsProvided"
// BitBucketSourceConditionSinkProvided has status True when the
// BitBucketSource has been configured with a sink target.
BitBucketSourceConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// BitBucketSourceConditionServiceProvided has status True when the
// BitBucketSource has valid service references.
BitBucketSourceConditionServiceProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ServiceProvided"
// BitBucketSourceConditionWebHookUUIDProvided has status True when the
// BitBucketSource has been configured with a webhook.
BitBucketSourceConditionWebHookUUIDProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "WebHookUUIDProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeReady means Volume is ready to be used.
VolumeReady VolumeConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
// RouteConditionIngressReady is set to False when the
// ClusterIngress fails to become Ready.
RouteConditionIngressReady duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "IngressReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PodAutoscalerConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
PodAutoscalerConditionReady PodAutoscalerConditionType = "Ready"
// PodAutoscalerConditionActive is set when the PodAutoscaler's ScaleTargetRef is receiving traffic.
PodAutoscalerConditionActive PodAutoscalerConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ReleaseAvailable means the resources of release are available and can render service.
ReleaseAvailable ReleaseConditionType = "Available"
// ReleaseProgressing means release is playing a mutation. It occurs when create/update/rollback
// release. If some bad thing was trigger, release transfers to ReleaseFailure.
ReleaseProgressing ReleaseConditionType = "Progressing"
// ReleaseFailure means some parts of release falled into wrong field. Some parts may work
// as usual, but the release can't provide complete service.
ReleaseFailure ReleaseConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// RouteConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionReady RouteConditionType = "Ready"
// RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned is set to False when the
// service is not configured properly or has no available
// backends ready to receive traffic.
RouteConditionAllTrafficAssigned RouteConditionType = "AllTrafficAssigned"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// TablestoreConditionReady has status True when the TablestoreSource is ready to send events.
TablestoreConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// TablestoreConditionSinkProvided has status True when the TablestoreSource has been configured with a sink target.
TablestoreConditionSinkProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "SinkProvided"
// TablestoreConditionTransformerProvided has status True when the TablestoreSource has been configured with a transformer target.
TablestoreConditionTransformerProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "TransformerProvided"
// TablestoreConditionDeployed has status True when the TablestoreSource has had it's receive adapter deployment created.
TablestoreConditionDeployed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Deployed"
// TablestoreConditionSubscribed has status True when a Tablestore Subscription has been created pointing at the created receive adapter deployment.
TablestoreConditionSubscribed duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Subscribed"
// TablestoreConditionEventTypesProvided has status True when the TablestoreSource has been configured with event types.
TablestoreConditionEventTypesProvided duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "EventTypesProvided"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MXJobCreated means the mxjob has been accepted by the system,
// but one or more of the pods/services has not been started.
// This includes time before pods being scheduled and launched.
MXJobCreated MXJobConditionType = "Created"
// MXJobInitialized means all sub-resources (e.g. services/pods) of this MXJob
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConditionTypePhase ConditionType = "Phase"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
ServiceConditionReady ServiceConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceConditionRoutesReady is set when the service's underlying
// routes have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionRoutesReady ServiceConditionType = "RoutesReady"
// ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady is set when the service's underlying
// configurations have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady ServiceConditionType = "ConfigurationsReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// DeployedConditionType - the kogitoapp is deployed
DeployedConditionType ConditionType = "Deployed"
// ProvisioningConditionType - the kogitoapp is being provisioned
ProvisioningConditionType ConditionType = "Provisioning"
// FailedConditionType - the kogitoapp is in a failed state
FailedConditionType ConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// IntegrationKind --
IntegrationKind string = "Integration"
// IntegrationPhaseNone --
IntegrationPhaseNone IntegrationPhase = ""
// IntegrationPhaseInitialization --
IntegrationPhaseInitialization IntegrationPhase = "Initialization"
// IntegrationPhaseWaitingForPlatform --
IntegrationPhaseWaitingForPlatform IntegrationPhase = "Waiting For Platform"
// IntegrationPhaseBuildingKit --
IntegrationPhaseBuildingKit IntegrationPhase = "Building Kit"
// IntegrationPhaseResolvingKit --
IntegrationPhaseResolvingKit IntegrationPhase = "Resolving Kit"
// IntegrationPhaseDeploying --
IntegrationPhaseDeploying IntegrationPhase = "Deploying"
// IntegrationPhaseRunning --
IntegrationPhaseRunning IntegrationPhase = "Running"
// IntegrationPhaseError --
IntegrationPhaseError IntegrationPhase = "Error"
// IntegrationConditionKitAvailable --
IntegrationConditionKitAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "IntegrationKitAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailable --
IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionDeploymentAvailable --
IntegrationConditionDeploymentAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "DeploymentAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionServiceAvailable --
IntegrationConditionServiceAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "ServiceAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceAvailable --
IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "KnativeServiceAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionExposureAvailable --
IntegrationConditionExposureAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "ExposureAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionPrometheusAvailable --
IntegrationConditionPrometheusAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "PrometheusAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionJolokiaAvailable --
IntegrationConditionJolokiaAvailable IntegrationConditionType = "JolokiaAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionKitAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionKitAvailableReason string = "IntegrationKitAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailableReason string = "IntegrationPlatformAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionDeploymentAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionDeploymentAvailableReason string = "DeploymentAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionDeploymentNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionDeploymentNotAvailableReason string = "DeploymentNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionServiceAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionServiceAvailableReason string = "ServiceAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionServiceNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionServiceNotAvailableReason string = "ServiceNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionContainerNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionContainerNotAvailableReason string = "ContainerNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionRouteAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionRouteAvailableReason string = "RouteAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionRouteNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionRouteNotAvailableReason string = "RouteNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionIngressAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionIngressAvailableReason string = "IngressAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionIngressNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionIngressNotAvailableReason string = "IngressNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceAvailableReason string = "KnativeServiceAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceNotAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionKnativeServiceNotAvailableReason string = "KnativeServiceNotAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionPrometheusAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionPrometheusAvailableReason string = "PrometheusAvailable"
// IntegrationConditionJolokiaAvailableReason --
IntegrationConditionJolokiaAvailableReason string = "JolokiaAvailable"
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeSnapshotConditionPending means the snapshot is cut and the application
// can resume accessing data if core_v1.ConditionStatus is True. It corresponds
// to "Uploading" in GCE PD or "Pending" in AWS and core_v1.ConditionStatus is True.
// It also corresponds to "Creating" in OpenStack Cinder and core_v1.ConditionStatus
// is Unknown.
VolumeSnapshotConditionPending VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Pending"
// VolumeSnapshotConditionReady is added when the snapshot has been successfully created and is ready to be used.
VolumeSnapshotConditionReady VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Ready"
// VolumeSnapshotConditionError means an error occurred during snapshot creation.
VolumeSnapshotConditionError VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeSnapshotDataConditionReady is added when the on-disk snapshot has been successfully created.
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionReady VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Ready"
// VolumeSnapshotDataConditionPending is added when the on-disk snapshot has been successfully created but is not available to use.
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionPending VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Pending"
// VolumeSnapshotDataConditionError is added but the on-disk snapshot is failed to created
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionError VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ApplySuccessSyncCondition indicates whether the resource or patch has been applied.
ApplySuccessSyncCondition SyncConditionType = "ApplySuccess"
// ApplyFailureSyncCondition indicates that a resource or patch has failed to apply.
// It should include a reason and message for the failure.
ApplyFailureSyncCondition SyncConditionType = "ApplyFailure"
// DeletionFailedSyncCondition indicates that resource deletion has failed.
// It should include a reason and message for the failure.
DeletionFailedSyncCondition SyncConditionType = "DeletionFailed"
// UnknownObjectSyncCondition indicates that the resource type cannot be determined.
// It should include a reason and message for the failure.
UnknownObjectSyncCondition SyncConditionType = "UnknownObject"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
FuncinstInactive FuncinstConditionType = "Inactive" // funcinst cannot accept new events
FuncinstPending FuncinstConditionType = "Pending" // waiting for a valid xenv is ready
FuncinstActive FuncinstConditionType = "Active" // can be invoked
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady RevisionConditionType = "Ready"
// RevisionConditionBuildComplete is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed succesfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded RevisionConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable RevisionConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy RevisionConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed successfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded apis.ConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable apis.ConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy apis.ConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
// RevisionConditionActive is set when the revision is receiving traffic.
RevisionConditionActive apis.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
IncorrectCRName ClusterConditionType = "IncorrectCRName"
ContainerWaiting ClusterConditionType = "ContainerWaiting"
ContainerTerminated ClusterConditionType = "ContainerTerminated"
Unschedulable ClusterConditionType = "Unschedulable"
NodeStorage ClusterConditionType = "NodeStorage"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// JobComplete means the job has completed its execution. A complete job means pods have been deployed on all
// eligible nodes and all pods have reached succeeded or failed state. Note that the eligible nodes are defined at
// the beginning of a reconciliation loop. If there are more nodes added within a reconciliation loop, those nodes will
// not be considered to run pods.
JobComplete JobConditionType = "Complete"
// JobFailed means the job has failed its execution. A failed job means the job has either exceeded the
// ActiveDeadlineSeconds limit, or the aggregated number of container restarts for all pods have exceeded the BackoffLimit.
JobFailed JobConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// Ready means the APIManager is available. This is, when all of its
// elements are up and running
APIManagerReady APIManagerConditionType = "Ready"
// Progressing means the APIManager is being deployed
APIManagerProgressing APIManagerConditionType = "Progressing"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const BuildSucceeded = apis.ConditionSucceeded
const BuildCancelled apis.ConditionType = "Cancelled"
var buildCondSet = apis.NewBatchConditionSet()
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BuildSucceeded is set when the build is running, and becomes True when the
// build finishes successfully.
// If the build is ongoing, its status will be Unknown. If it fails, its status
// will be False.
BuildSucceeded = apis.ConditionSucceeded
BuildCancelled apis.ConditionType = "Cancelled"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeSnapshotReady is added when the snapshot has been successfully created and is ready to be used.
VolumeSnapshotConditionReady VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeSnapshotDataReady is added when the on-disk snapshot has been successfully created.
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionReady VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Ready"
// VolumeSnapshotDataPending is added when the on-disk snapshot has been successfully created but is not available to use.
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionPending VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Pending"
// VolumeSnapshotDataError is added but the on-disk snapshot is failed to created
VolumeSnapshotDataConditionError VolumeSnapshotDataConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ConditionTypeError ConditionType = "error"
ConditionTypeSuccess ConditionType = "success"
ConditionTypeAlways ConditionType = "always"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Condition that indicates a successful trial run
TrialComplete TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates a failed trial run
TrialFailed TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates all "create" setup tasks have finished
TrialSetupCreated TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates all "delete" setup tasks have finished
TrialSetupDeleted TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates patches have been applied for a trial
TrialPatched TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates a trail has stabilized after patches
TrialStable TrialConditionType = ""
// Condition that indicates a trial has had metrics collected
TrialObserved TrialConditionType = ""
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const BuildSucceeded = duckv1alpha1.ConditionSucceeded
const BuildCancelled duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Cancelled"
var buildCondSet = duckv1alpha1.NewBatchConditionSet()
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// MachineCreation indicates whether the machine has been created or not. If not,
// it should include a reason and message for the failure.
MachineCreation AWSMachineProviderConditionType = "MachineCreation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterConditionPlacementInitialized indicates an initial placement has
// been created for the cluster.
ClusterConditionPlacementInitialized ClusterConditionType = "PlacementInitialized"
// ClusterConditionPodBootstrapping indicates there is a pod bootstrapping.
ClusterConditionPodBootstrapping ClusterConditionType = "PodBootstrapping"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
//PipelineConditionTypeOutputRef related to verifying outputRefs
PipelineConditionTypeOutputRef PipelineConditionType = "OutputRef"
//PipelineConditionTypeSourceType related to verifying sourceTypes
PipelineConditionTypeSourceType PipelineConditionType = "SourceType"
//PipelineConditionTypeName related to verifying name
PipelineConditionTypeName PipelineConditionType = "Name"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
//OutputConditionTypeEndpoint related to verifying endpoints
OutputConditionTypeEndpoint OutputConditionType = "Endpoint"
//OutputConditionTypeSecret related to verifying secrets
OutputConditionTypeSecret OutputConditionType = "Secet"
//OutputConditionTypeName related to verifying name
OutputConditionTypeName OutputConditionType = "Name"
//OutputConditionTypeType related to verifying type
OutputConditionTypeType OutputConditionType = "Type"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ConditionAvailable is a condition type for indicating availability.
ConditionAvailable ConditionType = "Available"
// ConditionTrue means a resource is in the condition.
ConditionTrue ConditionStatus = "True"
// ConditionFalse means a resource is not in the condition.
ConditionFalse ConditionStatus = "False"
// ConditionUnknown means Gardener can't decide if a resource is in the condition or not.
ConditionUnknown ConditionStatus = "Unknown"
// ConditionProgressing means the condition was seen true, failed but stayed within a predefined failure threshold.
// In the future, we could add other intermediate conditions, e.g. ConditionDegraded.
ConditionProgressing ConditionStatus = "Progressing"
// ConditionCheckError is a constant for a reason in condition.
ConditionCheckError = "ConditionCheckError"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// InstanceGroupReplicaFailure is added in a replica set when one of its instances fails to be created
// due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, instance security policy, node selectors, etc. or deleted
// due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
InstanceGroupReplicaFailure InstanceGroupConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// InstanceScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this instance.
InstanceScheduled InstanceConditionType = "InstanceScheduled"
// InstanceReady means the instance is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
InstanceReady InstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// InstanceInitialized means that all init containers in the instance have started successfully.
InstanceInitialized InstanceConditionType = "Initialized"
// InstanceReasonUnschedulable reason in InstanceScheduled InstanceCondition means that the scheduler
// can't schedule the instance right now, for example due to insufficient resources in the cluster.
InstanceReasonUnschedulable = "Unschedulable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// VolumeSnapshotConditionCreating means the snapshot is being created but
// it is not cut yet.
VolumeSnapshotConditionCreating VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Creating"
// VolumeSnapshotConditionUploading means the snapshot is cut and the application
// can resume accessing data if ConditionStatus is True. It corresponds
// to "Uploading" in GCE PD or "Pending" in AWS and ConditionStatus is True.
// This condition type is not applicable in OpenStack Cinder.
VolumeSnapshotConditionUploading VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Uploading"
// VolumeSnapshotConditionReady is added when the snapshot has been successfully created and is ready to be used.
VolumeSnapshotConditionReady VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Ready"
// VolumeSnapshotConditionError means an error occurred during snapshot creation.
VolumeSnapshotConditionError VolumeSnapshotConditionType = "Error"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// BrokerConditionReady represents the fact that a given broker condition
// is in ready state.
BrokerConditionReady BrokerConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// InstanceConditionReady represents that a given InstanceCondition is in
// ready state.
InstanceConditionReady InstanceConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BindingConditionReady represents a binding condition is in ready state.
BindingConditionReady BindingConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ClusterReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
ClusterInit = "Initializing"
ClusterPXCReady = "PXCReady"
ClusterProxyReady = "ProxySQLReady"
ClusterError = "Error"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// MeshActive is Active when the Appmesh Mesh has been created or found via the API
MeshActive MeshConditionType = "MeshActive"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// VirtualServiceActive is Active when the Appmesh Service has been created or found via the API
VirtualServiceActive VirtualServiceConditionType = "VirtualServiceActive"
VirtualRouterActive VirtualServiceConditionType = "VirtualRouterActive"
RoutesActive VirtualServiceConditionType = "RoutesActive"
VirtualServiceMeshMarkedForDeletion VirtualServiceConditionType = "MeshMarkedForDeletion"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// VirtualNodeActive is Active when the Appmesh Node has been created or found via the API
VirtualNodeActive VirtualNodeConditionType = "VirtualNodeActive"
VirtualNodeMeshMarkedForDeletion VirtualNodeConditionType = "MeshMarkedForDeletion"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceConditionReady is set when the service is configured
// and has available backends ready to receive traffic.
ServiceConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// ServiceConditionRoutesReady is set when the service's underlying
// routes have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionRoutesReady duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "RoutesReady"
// ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady is set when the service's underlying
// configurations have reported readiness.
ServiceConditionConfigurationsReady duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ConfigurationsReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// StatefulSetInPlaceUpdateReady must be added into template.spec.readinessGates when pod podUpdatePolicy
// is InPlaceIfPossible or InPlaceOnly. The condition in podStatus will be updated to False before in-place
// updating and updated to True after the update is finished. This ensures pod to remain at NotReady state while
// in-place update is happening.
StatefulSetInPlaceUpdateReady v1.PodConditionType = "InPlaceUpdateReady"
// StatefulSetInPlaceUpdateStateAnnotation records the state of inplace-update.
// The value of annotation is inPlaceUpdateState.
StatefulSetInPlaceUpdateStateAnnotation string = "inplace-update-state"
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
const (
// IngressConditionReady is set when the Ingress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
IngressConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// IngressConditionNetworkConfigured is set when the Ingress's underlying
// network programming has been configured. This doesn't include conditions of the
// backends, so even if this should remain true when network is configured and backends
// are not ready.
IngressConditionNetworkConfigured apis.ConditionType = "NetworkConfigured"
// IngressConditionLoadBalancerReady is set when the Ingress has a ready LoadBalancer.
IngressConditionLoadBalancerReady apis.ConditionType = "LoadBalancerReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterConditionReady represents the readiness of the cluster. This
// condition is the same sa statefulset Ready condition.
ClusterConditionReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
// ClusterConditionFailoverAck represents if the cluster has pending ack in
// orchestrator or not.
ClusterConditionFailoverAck ClusterConditionType = "PendingFailoverAck"
// ClusterConditionReadOnly describe cluster state if it's in read only or
// writable.
ClusterConditionReadOnly ClusterConditionType = "ReadOnly"
// ClusterConditionFailoverInProgress indicates if there is a current failover in progress
// done by the Orchestrator
ClusterConditionFailoverInProgress ClusterConditionType = "FailoverInProgress"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeConditionLagged represents if the node is marked as lagged by
// orchestrator.
NodeConditionLagged NodeConditionType = "Lagged"
// NodeConditionReplicating represents if the node is replicating or not.
NodeConditionReplicating NodeConditionType = "Replicating"
// NodeConditionMaster represents if the node is master or not.
NodeConditionMaster NodeConditionType = "Master"
// NodeConditionReadOnly repesents if the node is read only or not
NodeConditionReadOnly NodeConditionType = "ReadOnly"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
// If specified, affinity will define the pod's scheduling constraints
// +optional
Affinity *corev1.Affinity `json:"affinity,omitempty"`
// VolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify how volumes inside a MySQL cluster
// +optional
VolumeClaimTemplate *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"volumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
// BackupVolumeClaimTemplate allows a user to specify a volume to temporarily store the
// data for a backup prior to it being shipped to object storage.
// +optional
BackupVolumeClaimTemplate *corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim `json:"backupVolumeClaimTemplate,omitempty"`
// If defined, we use this secret for configuring the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD
// If it is not set we generate a secret dynamically
// +optional
RootPasswordSecret *corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"rootPasswordSecret,omitempty"`
// Config allows a user to specify a custom configuration file for MySQL.
// +optional
Config *corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"config,omitempty"`
// SSLSecret allows a user to specify custom CA certificate, server certificate
// and server key for group replication SSL.
// +optional
SSLSecret *corev1.LocalObjectReference `json:"sslSecret,omitempty"`
// SecurityContext holds Pod-level security attributes and common Container settings.
SecurityContext *corev1.PodSecurityContext `json:"securityContext,omitempty"`
// Tolerations allows specifying a list of tolerations for controlling which
// set of Nodes a Pod can be scheduled on
Tolerations *[]corev1.Toleration `json:"tolerations,omitempty"`
// Resources holds ResourceRequirements for the MySQL Agent & Server Containers
Resources *Resources `json:"resources,omitempty"`
// ClusterConditionType represents a valid condition of a Cluster.
type ClusterConditionType string
const (
// ClusterReady means the Cluster is able to service requests.
ClusterReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// BackupScheduled means the Backup has been assigned to a Cluster
// member for execution.
BackupScheduled BackupConditionType = "Scheduled"
// BackupRunning means the Backup is currently being executed by a
// Cluster member's mysql-agent side-car.
BackupRunning BackupConditionType = "Running"
// BackupComplete means the Backup has successfully executed and the
// resulting artifact has been stored in object storage.
BackupComplete BackupConditionType = "Complete"
// BackupFailed means the Backup has failed.
BackupFailed BackupConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// RestoreScheduled means the Restore has been assigned to a Cluster
// member for execution.
RestoreScheduled RestoreConditionType = "Scheduled"
// RestoreRunning means the Restore is currently being executed by a
// Cluster member's mysql-agent side-car.
RestoreRunning RestoreConditionType = "Running"
// RestoreComplete means the Restore has successfully executed and the
// resulting artifact has been stored in object storage.
RestoreComplete RestoreConditionType = "Complete"
// RestoreFailed means the Restore has failed.
RestoreFailed RestoreConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ConditionIrreconcilable HelmResourceConditionType = "Irreconcilable"
ConditionPending = "Pending"
ConditionInitialized = "Initializing"
ConditionError = "Error"
ConditionRunning = "Running"
ConditionDeployed = "Deployed"
ConditionFailed = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady = duck.ConditionReady
// RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed successfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded duck.ConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable duck.ConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy duck.ConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
// RevisionConditionActive is set when the revision is receiving traffic.
RevisionConditionActive duck.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SubscriptionCatalogSourcesUnhealthy indicates that some or all of the CatalogSources to be used in resolution are unhealthy.
SubscriptionCatalogSourcesUnhealthy SubscriptionConditionType = "CatalogSourcesUnhealthy"
// SubscriptionInstallPlanMissing indicates that a Subscription's InstallPlan is missing.
SubscriptionInstallPlanMissing SubscriptionConditionType = "InstallPlanMissing"
// SubscriptionInstallPlanPending indicates that a Subscription's InstallPlan is pending installation.
SubscriptionInstallPlanPending SubscriptionConditionType = "InstallPlanPending"
// SubscriptionInstallPlanFailed indicates that the installation of a Subscription's InstallPlan has failed.
SubscriptionInstallPlanFailed SubscriptionConditionType = "InstallPlanFailed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ClusterIngressConditionReady is set when the clusterIngress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
ClusterIngressConditionReady = apis.ConditionReady
// ClusterIngressConditionNetworkConfigured is set when the ClusterIngress's underlying
// network programming has been configured. This doesn't include conditions of the
// backends, so even if this should remain true when network is configured and backends
// are not ready.
ClusterIngressConditionNetworkConfigured apis.ConditionType = "NetworkConfigured"
// ClusterIngressConditionLoadBalancerReady is set when the ClusterIngress has
// a ready LoadBalancer.
ClusterIngressConditionLoadBalancerReady apis.ConditionType = "LoadBalancerReady"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// Ready means the deployment has successfully finished its reconciliation.
CanaryDeploymentReady CanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Ready"
// Progressing means the deployment is progressing.
CanaryDeploymentProgressing CanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
// Failure is added in a deployment when one of its pods fails to be created
// or deleted.
CanaryDeploymentFailure CanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
LBCreated LoadBalancerConditionType = "Created"
LBAttributesSynced LoadBalancerConditionType = "AttributesSynced"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
DriverAccepted LoadBalancerDriverConditionType = "Accepted"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
BackendRegistered BackendRecordConditionType = "Registered"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// CertificateConditionReady represents the fact that a given Certificate condition
// is in ready state.
CertificateConditionReady CertificateConditionType = "Ready"
// CertificateConditionValidationFailed is used to indicate whether a
// validation for a Certificate has failed.
// This is currently used by the ACME issuer to track when the last
// validation was attempted.
CertificateConditionValidationFailed CertificateConditionType = "ValidateFailed"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ClusterIngressConditionReady is set when the clusterIngress networking setting is
// configured and it has a load balancer address.
ClusterIngressConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// ClusterIngressConditionNetworkConfigured is set when the ClusterIngress's underlying
// network programming has been configured. This doesn't include conditions of the
// backends, so even if this should remain true when network is configured and backends
// are not ready.
ClusterIngressConditionNetworkConfigured duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "NetworkConfigured"
// ClusterIngressConditionLoadBalancerReady is set when the ClusterIngress has
// a ready LoadBalancer.
ClusterIngressConditionLoadBalancerReady duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "LoadBalancerReady"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// QuayEcosystemValidationFailure indicates that there was an error validating the configuration
QuayEcosystemValidationFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemValidationFailure"
// QuayEcosystemUpdateDefaultConfigurationConditionSuccess represents successfully updating of the default spec configuration
QuayEcosystemUpdateDefaultConfigurationConditionSuccess QuayEcosystemConditionType = "UpdateDefaultConfigurationSuccess"
// QuayEcosystemUpdateDefaultConfigurationConditionFailure represents failing to updating of the default spec configuration
QuayEcosystemUpdateDefaultConfigurationConditionFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "UpdateDefaultConfigurationFailure"
// QuayEcosystemProvisioningSuccess indicates that the QuayEcosystem provisioning was successful
QuayEcosystemProvisioningSuccess QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemProvisioningSuccess"
// QuayEcosystemProvisioningFailure indicates that the QuayEcosystem provisioning failed
QuayEcosystemProvisioningFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemProvisioningFailure"
// QuayEcosystemQuaySetupSuccess indicates that the Quay setup process was successful
QuayEcosystemQuaySetupSuccess QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuaySetupSuccess"
// QuayEcosystemQuaySetupFailure indicates that the Quay setup process failed
QuayEcosystemQuaySetupFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuaySetupFailure"
// QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationSuccess indicates that the Clair configuration process succeeded
QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationSuccess QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationSuccess"
// QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationFailure indicates that the Clair configuration process failed
QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationFailure"
// QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationSuccess indicates that the security scanner was configured successfully
QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationSuccess QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationSuccess"
// QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationFailure indicates that the security scanner configuration failed
QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationFailure QuayEcosystemConditionType = "QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
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// The condition type constants listed below are in the order they should roughly happen and in the order they
// exist in the status.conditions list. This gives visibility to what the operator is doing.
// Some conditions can be satisfied in parallel with others.
const (
// ConditionSpecFromReady is True when the given specFrom terraform resource is ready.
ConditionSpecFromReady ConditionType = "SpecFromReady"
// ConditionProviderConfigReady is True when the provider config is available and ready.
ConditionProviderConfigReady ConditionType = "ProviderConfigReady"
// ConditionConfigSourceReady is True when all config sources are ready.
ConditionConfigSourceReady ConditionType = "ConfigSourceReady"
// ConditionInputsReady is True when all var inputs are ready.
ConditionInputsReady ConditionType = "TFInputsReady"
// ConditionVarsFromReady is True when all vars from sources are ready.
ConditionVarsFromReady ConditionType = "TFVarsFromReady"
// ConditionPlanReady is True when a given tfplan source file path is ready.
ConditionPlanReady ConditionType = "TFPlanReady"
// ConditionPodComplete is True when the terraform pod has completed successfully.
ConditionPodComplete ConditionType = "TFPodComplete"
// ConditionReady is True when all prior conditions are ready.
ConditionReady ConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady RevisionConditionType = "Ready"
// RevisionConditionBuildComplete is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed successfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded RevisionConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable RevisionConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy RevisionConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
// InstanceConditionReady represents that a given InstanceCondition is in
// ready state.
InstanceConditionReady InstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// InstanceConditionFailed represents information about a final failure
// that should not be retried.
InstanceConditionFailed InstanceConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BindingConditionReady represents a BindingCondition is in ready state.
BindingConditionReady BindingConditionType = "Ready"
// BindingConditionFailed represents a BindingCondition that has failed
// completely and should not be retried.
BindingConditionFailed BindingConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
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const BuildSucceeded BuildConditionType = "Succeeded"
// BuildCondition defines a readiness condition for a Build.
// See:
type BuildCondition struct {
// Type is the type of the condition.
Type BuildConditionType `json:"state"`
// Status is one of True, False or Unknown.
Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status" description:"status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown"`
// Reason is a one-word CamelCase reason for the condition's last
// transition.
// +optional
Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" description:"one-word CamelCase reason for the condition's last transition"`
// Message is a human-readable message indicating details about the
// last transition.
// +optional
Message string `json:"message,omitempty" description:"human-readable message indicating details about last transition"`
// BuildList is a list of Build resources
type BuildList struct {
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata"`
// Items is the list of Build items in this list.
Items []Build `json:"items"`
// GetCondition returns the Condition matching the given type.
func (bs *BuildStatus) GetCondition(t BuildConditionType) *BuildCondition {
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
ClusterConditionAvailable ClusterConditionType = "Available"
ClusterConditionProgressing ClusterConditionType = "Progressing"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// PilotConditionReady represents the fact that a given Pilot condition
// is in ready state.
PilotConditionReady PilotConditionType = "Ready"
// PilotConditionStarted represents the fact that a given Pilot condition
// is in started state.
PilotConditionStarted PilotConditionType = "Started"
// PilotConditionStopped represents the fact that a given Pilot
// condition is in a stopped state.
PilotConditionStopped PilotConditionType = "Stopped"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady RevisionConditionType = "Ready"
// RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed successfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded RevisionConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable RevisionConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy RevisionConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
// RevisionConditionActive is set when the revision is receiving traffic.
RevisionConditionActive RevisionConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
ClusterReady ClusterConditionType = "ClusterReady"
ClusterInit = "ClusterInitializing"
ClusterRSInit = "ReplsetInitialized"
ClusterRSReady = "ReplsetReady"
ClusterError = "Error"
approx_popularity: 203
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const (
// Available means the deployment is available, ie. at least the minimum available
// replicas required are up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
DeploymentAvailable DeploymentConditionType = "Available"
// Progressing means the deployment is progressing. Progress for a deployment is
// considered when a new replica set is created or adopted, and when new pods scale
// up or old pods scale down. Progress is not estimated for paused deployments or
// when progressDeadlineSeconds is not specified.
DeploymentProgressing DeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
// ReplicaFailure is added in a deployment when one of its pods fails to be created
// or deleted.
DeploymentReplicaFailure DeploymentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
ConditionIrreconcilable KubedgeConditionType = "Irreconcilable"
ConditionFailed = "Failed"
ConditionInitialized = "Initializing"
ConditionEnabled = "Enabled"
ConditionDownloaded = "Downloaded"
ConditionDeployed = "Deployed"
// JEB: Not sure we will ever be able to use those conditions
ConditionBackedUp KubedgeConditionType = "BackedUp"
ConditionRestored = "Restored"
ConditionUpgraded = "Upgraded"
ConditionRolledBack = "RolledBack"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BindingConditionReady represents a binding condition is in ready state.
BindingConditionReady BindingConditionType = "Ready"
// BindingConditionFailed represents a BindingCondition that has failed
// completely and should not be retried.
BindingConditionFailed BindingConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RevisionConditionReady is set when the revision is starting to materialize
// runtime resources, and becomes true when those resources are ready.
RevisionConditionReady = duckv1alpha1.ConditionReady
// RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded is set when the revision has an associated build
// and is marked True if/once the Build has completed successfully.
RevisionConditionBuildSucceeded duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "BuildSucceeded"
// RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable is set when underlying
// Kubernetes resources have been provisioned.
RevisionConditionResourcesAvailable duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ResourcesAvailable"
// RevisionConditionContainerHealthy is set when the revision readiness check completes.
RevisionConditionContainerHealthy duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "ContainerHealthy"
// RevisionConditionActive is set when the revision is receiving traffic.
RevisionConditionActive duckv1alpha1.ConditionType = "Active"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// Activated means the KanaryStatefulset strategy is activated
ScheduledKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Scheduled"
// Activated means the KanaryStatefulset strategy is activated
ActivatedKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Activated"
// Succeeded means the KanaryStatefulset strategy succeed,
// the deployment rolling-update is in progress or already done.
// it means also the deployment and the canary deployment have the same version.
SucceededKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Succeeded"
// FailedKanaryStatefulsetConditionType is added in a kanarystatefulset when the canary deployment
// process failed.
FailedKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Failed"
// RunningKanaryStatefulsetConditionType is added in a kanarystatefulset when the canary is still under validation.
RunningKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Running"
// DeploymentUpdated is added in a kanarystatefulset when the canary succeded and that the deployment was updated
DeploymentUpdatedKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "DeploymentUpdated"
// ErroredKanaryStatefulsetConditionType is added in a kanarystatefulset when the canary deployment
// process errored.
ErroredKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Errored"
// TrafficServiceKanaryStatefulsetConditionType means the KanaryStatefulset Traffic strategy is activated
TrafficKanaryStatefulsetConditionType KanaryStatefulsetConditionType = "Traffic"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// Activated means the KanaryDeployment strategy is activated
ScheduledKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Scheduled"
// Activated means the KanaryDeployment strategy is activated
ActivatedKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Activated"
// Succeeded means the KanaryDeployment strategy succeed,
// the deployment rolling-update is in progress or already done.
// it means also the deployment and the canary deployment have the same version.
SucceededKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Succeeded"
// FailedKanaryDeploymentConditionType is added in a kanarydeployment when the canary deployment
// process failed.
FailedKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Failed"
// RunningKanaryDeploymentConditionType is added in a kanarydeployment when the canary is still under validation.
RunningKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Running"
// DeploymentUpdated is added in a kanarydeployment when the canary succeded and that the deployment was updated
DeploymentUpdatedKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "DeploymentUpdated"
// ErroredKanaryDeploymentConditionType is added in a kanarydeployment when the canary deployment
// process errored.
ErroredKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Errored"
// TrafficServiceKanaryDeploymentConditionType means the KanaryDeployment Traffic strategy is activated
TrafficKanaryDeploymentConditionType KanaryDeploymentConditionType = "Traffic"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ClusterConditionTypeUpgrade indicates the status for an upgrade operation on the cluster
ClusterConditionTypeUpgrade ClusterConditionType = "Upgrade"
// ClusterConditionTypeDelete indicates the status for a delete operation on the cluster
ClusterConditionTypeDelete ClusterConditionType = "Delete"
// ClusterConditionTypeInstall indicates the status for an install operation on the cluster
ClusterConditionTypeInstall ClusterConditionType = "Install"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// TemplateControllerRunning means the template controller is currently running.
TemplateControllerRunning ControllerConfigStatusConditionType = "TemplateControllerRunning"
// TemplateControllerCompleted means the template controller has completed reconciliation.
TemplateControllerCompleted ControllerConfigStatusConditionType = "TemplateControllerCompleted"
// TemplateControllerFailing means the template controller is failing.
TemplateControllerFailing ControllerConfigStatusConditionType = "TemplateControllerFailing"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// MachineConfigPoolUpdated means MachineConfigPool is updated completely.
// When the all the machines in the pool are updated to the correct machine config.
MachineConfigPoolUpdated MachineConfigPoolConditionType = "Updated"
// MachineConfigPoolUpdating means MachineConfigPool is updating.
// When at least one of machine is not either not updated or is in the process of updating
// to the desired machine config.
MachineConfigPoolUpdating MachineConfigPoolConditionType = "Updating"
// MachineConfigPoolNodeDegraded means the update for one of the machine is not progressing
MachineConfigPoolNodeDegraded MachineConfigPoolConditionType = "NodeDegraded"
// MachineConfigPoolRenderDegraded means the rendered configuration for the pool cannot be generated because of an error
MachineConfigPoolRenderDegraded MachineConfigPoolConditionType = "RenderDegraded"
// MachineConfigPoolDegraded is the overall status of the pool based, today, on whether we fail with NodeDegraded or RenderDegraded
MachineConfigPoolDegraded MachineConfigPoolConditionType = "Degraded"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// KubeletConfigSuccess designates a successful application of a KubeletConfig CR.
KubeletConfigSuccess KubeletConfigStatusConditionType = "Success"
// KubeletConfigFailure designates a failure applying a KubeletConfig CR.
KubeletConfigFailure KubeletConfigStatusConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ContainerRuntimeConfigSuccess designates a successful application of a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR.
ContainerRuntimeConfigSuccess ContainerRuntimeConfigStatusConditionType = "Success"
// ContainerRuntimeConfigFailure designates a failure applying a ContainerRuntimeConfig CR.
ContainerRuntimeConfigFailure ContainerRuntimeConfigStatusConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ApplicationConditionTypeValidHistory ApplicationConditionType = "ValidHistory"
ApplicationConditionTypeReleaseSynced ApplicationConditionType = "ReleaseSynced"
ApplicationConditionTypeAborting ApplicationConditionType = "Aborting"
ApplicationConditionTypeRollingOut ApplicationConditionType = "RollingOut"
ApplicationConditionTypeBlocked ApplicationConditionType = "Blocked"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ReleaseConditionTypeScheduled ReleaseConditionType = "Scheduled"
ReleaseConditionTypeComplete ReleaseConditionType = "Complete"
ReleaseConditionTypeBlocked ReleaseConditionType = "Blocked"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
ClusterConditionTypeOperational ClusterConditionType = "Operational"
ClusterConditionTypeReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
StrategyConditionContenderAchievedInstallation StrategyConditionType = "ContenderAchievedInstallation"
StrategyConditionContenderAchievedCapacity StrategyConditionType = "ContenderAchievedCapacity"
StrategyConditionContenderAchievedTraffic StrategyConditionType = "ContenderAchievedTraffic"
StrategyConditionIncumbentAchievedCapacity StrategyConditionType = "IncumbentAchievedCapacity"
StrategyConditionIncumbentAchievedTraffic StrategyConditionType = "IncumbentAchievedTraffic"
approx_popularity: 8
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const (
// JobComplete means the job has completed its execution.
JobComplete JobConditionType = "Complete"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// PostgresqlInstanceStatusConditionTypeCreated indicates that the CSQLP instance represented by a given PostgresqlInstance resource has been created.
PostgresqlInstanceStatusConditionTypeCreated = PostgresqlInstanceStatusConditionType("Created")
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const (
// ClusterImageSetNotFoundCondition is set when the ClusterImageSet referenced by the
// ClusterDeployment is not found.
ClusterImageSetNotFoundCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "ClusterImageSetNotFound"
// InstallerImageResolutionFailedCondition is a condition that indicates whether the job
// to determine the installer image based on a release image was successful.
InstallerImageResolutionFailedCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "InstallerImageResolutionFailed"
// ControlPlaneCertificateNotFoundCondition is set when a control plane certificate bundle
// is not available, preventing the target cluster's control plane from being configured with
// certificates.
ControlPlaneCertificateNotFoundCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "ControlPlaneCertificateNotFound"
// IngressCertificateNotFoundCondition is a condition indicating that one of the CertificateBundle
// secrets required by an Ingress is not available.
IngressCertificateNotFoundCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "IngressCertificateNotFound"
// UnreachableCondition indicates that are unable to establish an API connection to the remote cluster.
UnreachableCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "Unreachable"
// InstallFailingCondition indicates that a failure has been detected and we will attempt to offer some
// information as to why in the reason.
InstallFailingCondition ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "InstallFailing"
// DNSNotReadyCondition indicates that the the DNSZone object created for the clusterDeployment
// (ie managedDNS==true) has not yet indicated that the DNS zone is successfully responding to queries.
approx_popularity: 5
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const (
// Established means that the resource has become active. A resource is established when all names are
// accepted without a conflict for the first time. A resource stays established until deleted, even during
// a later NamesAccepted due to changed names. Note that not all names can be changed.
Established CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Established"
// NamesAccepted means the names chosen for this CustomResourceDefinition do not conflict with others in
// the group and are therefore accepted.
NamesAccepted CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NamesAccepted"
// NonStructuralSchema means that one or more OpenAPI schema is not structural.
// A schema is structural if it specifies types for all values, with the only exceptions of those with
// - x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true — for fields which can be integer or string
// - x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true — for raw, unspecified JSON values
// and there is no type, additionalProperties, default, nullable or x-kubernetes-* vendor extenions
// specified under allOf, anyOf, oneOf or not.
// Non-structural schemas will not be allowed anymore in v1 API groups. Moreover, new features will not be
// available for non-structural CRDs:
// - pruning
// - defaulting
// - read-only
// - OpenAPI publishing
// - webhook conversion
NonStructuralSchema CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NonStructuralSchema"
// Terminating means that the CustomResourceDefinition has been deleted and is cleaning up.
Terminating CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Terminating"
// KubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformant indicates that an API in * or * is or is not approved. For CRDs
// outside those groups, this condition will not be set. For CRDs inside those groups, the condition will
// be true if .metadata.annotations[""] is set to a URL, otherwise it will be false.
// See for more details.
KubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformant CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "KubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformant"
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
const (
// Established means that the resource has become active. A resource is established when all names are
// accepted without a conflict for the first time. A resource stays established until deleted, even during
// a later NamesAccepted due to changed names. Note that not all names can be changed.
Established CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Established"
// NamesAccepted means the names chosen for this CustomResourceDefinition do not conflict with others in
// the group and are therefore accepted.
NamesAccepted CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NamesAccepted"
// NonStructuralSchema means that one or more OpenAPI schema is not structural.
// A schema is structural if it specifies types for all values, with the only exceptions of those with
// - x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true — for fields which can be integer or string
// - x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true — for raw, unspecified JSON values
// and there is no type, additionalProperties, default, nullable or x-kubernetes-* vendor extenions
// specified under allOf, anyOf, oneOf or not.
// Non-structural schemas will not be allowed anymore in v1 API groups. Moreover, new features will not be
// available for non-structural CRDs:
// - pruning
// - defaulting
// - read-only
// - OpenAPI publishing
// - webhook conversion
NonStructuralSchema CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NonStructuralSchema"
// Terminating means that the CustomResourceDefinition has been deleted and is cleaning up.
Terminating CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Terminating"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// Established means that the resource has become active. A resource is established when all names are
// accepted without a conflict for the first time. A resource stays established until deleted, even during
// a later NamesAccepted due to changed names. Note that not all names can be changed.
Established CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Established"
// NamesAccepted means the names chosen for this CustomResourceDefinition do not conflict with others in
// the group and are therefore accepted.
NamesAccepted CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NamesAccepted"
// NonStructuralSchema means that one or more OpenAPI schema is not structural.
// A schema is structural if it specifies types for all values, with the only exceptions of those with
// - x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true — for fields which can be integer or string
// - x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true — for raw, unspecified JSON values
// and there is no type, additionalProperties, default, nullable or x-kubernetes-* included extenions
// specified under allOf, anyOf, oneOf or not.
// Non-structural schemas will not be allowed anymore in v1 API groups. Moreover, new features will not be
// available for non-structural CRDs:
// - pruning
// - defaulting
// - read-only
// - OpenAPI publishing
// - webhook conversion
NonStructuralSchema CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "NonStructuralSchema"
// Terminating means that the CustomResourceDefinition has been deleted and is cleaning up.
Terminating CustomResourceDefinitionConditionType = "Terminating"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// BackupScheduled means the backup related job has been created
BackupScheduled BackupConditionType = "Scheduled"
// BackupRunning means the backup is currently being executed.
BackupRunning BackupConditionType = "Running"
// BackupComplete means the backup has successfully executed and the
// resulting artifact has been stored in backend storage.
BackupComplete BackupConditionType = "Complete"
// BackupClean means the clean job has been created to clean backup data
BackupClean BackupConditionType = "Clean"
// BackupFailed means the backup has failed.
BackupFailed BackupConditionType = "Failed"
// BackupRetryFailed means this failure can be retried
BackupRetryFailed BackupConditionType = "RetryFailed"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// RestoreScheduled means the restore job has been created to do tidb cluster restore
RestoreScheduled RestoreConditionType = "Scheduled"
// RestoreRunning means the Restore is currently being executed.
RestoreRunning RestoreConditionType = "Running"
// RestoreComplete means the Restore has successfully executed and the
// backup data has been loaded into tidb cluster.
RestoreComplete RestoreConditionType = "Complete"
// RestoreFailed means the Restore has failed.
RestoreFailed RestoreConditionType = "Failed"
// RestoreRetryFailed means this failure can be retried
RestoreRetryFailed RestoreConditionType = "RetryFailed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// InvalidSpec means the rollout has an invalid spec and will not progress until
// the spec is fixed.
InvalidSpec RolloutConditionType = "InvalidSpec"
// RolloutAvailable means the rollout is available, ie. the active service is pointing at a
// replicaset with the required replicas up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
RolloutAvailable RolloutConditionType = "Available"
// RolloutProgressing means the rollout is progressing. Progress for a rollout is
// considered when a new replica set is created or adopted, when pods scale
// up or old pods scale down, or when the services are updated. Progress is not estimated
// for paused rollouts.
RolloutProgressing RolloutConditionType = "Progressing"
// RolloutReplicaFailure ReplicaFailure is added in a deployment when one of its pods
// fails to be created or deleted.
RolloutReplicaFailure RolloutConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 3
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const (
// ScalingActive indicates that the HPA controller is able to scale if necessary:
// it's correctly configured, can fetch the desired metrics, and isn't disabled.
ScalingActive HorizontalPodAutoscalerConditionType = "ScalingActive"
// AbleToScale indicates a lack of transient issues which prevent scaling from occurring,
// such as being in a backoff window, or being unable to access/update the target scale.
AbleToScale HorizontalPodAutoscalerConditionType = "AbleToScale"
// ScalingLimited indicates that the calculated scale based on metrics would be above or
// below the range for the HPA, and has thus been capped.
ScalingLimited HorizontalPodAutoscalerConditionType = "ScalingLimited"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// KfAvailable means Kubeflow is serving.
Available ConditionType = "Available"
// KfDegraded means functionality of Kubeflow is limited.
Degraded ConditionType = "Degraded"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
Constants TemplateConstants `json:"constants,omitempty"`
// TemplateConstants constant values that are used within the different configuration templates
type TemplateConstants struct {
Product string `json:"product,omitempty"`
Major string `json:"major,omitempty"`
Minor string `json:"minor,omitempty"`
Patch string `json:"patch,omitempty"`
MavenRepo string `json:"mavenRepo,omitempty"`
KeystoreVolumeSuffix string `json:"keystoreVolumeSuffix"`
DatabaseVolumeSuffix string `json:"databaseVolumeSuffix"`
BrokerImage string `json:"brokerImage"`
BrokerImageTag string `json:"brokerImageTag"`
DatagridImage string `json:"datagridImage"`
DatagridImageTag string `json:"datagridImageTag"`
// ConsoleTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type ConsoleTemplate struct {
SSOAuthClient SSOAuthClient `json:"ssoAuthClient,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
ImageName string `json:"imageName,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
// ServerTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type ServerTemplate struct {
KieName string `json:"kieName,omitempty"`
KieServerID string `json:"kieServerID,omitempty"`
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
SSOAuthClient SSOAuthClient `json:"ssoAuthClient,omitempty"`
From corev1.ObjectReference `json:"from,omitempty"`
Build BuildTemplate `json:"build,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
Database DatabaseObject `json:"database,omitempty"`
Jms KieAppJmsObject `json:"jms,omitempty"`
SmartRouter SmartRouterObject `json:"smartRouter,omitempty"`
// SmartRouterTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type SmartRouterTemplate struct {
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
UseExternalRoute bool `json:"useExternalRoute,omitempty"`
// ReplicaConstants contains the default replica amounts for a component in a given environment type
type ReplicaConstants struct {
Console Replicas `json:"console,omitempty"`
Server Replicas `json:"server,omitempty"`
SmartRouter Replicas `json:"smartRouter,omitempty"`
// Replicas contains replica settings
type Replicas struct {
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
DenyScale bool `json:"denyScale,omitempty"`
// BuildTemplate build variables used in the templates
type BuildTemplate struct {
From corev1.ObjectReference `json:"from,omitempty"`
GitSource GitSource `json:"gitSource,omitempty"`
GitHubWebhookSecret string `json:"githubWebhookSecret,omitempty"`
GenericWebhookSecret string `json:"genericWebhookSecret,omitempty"`
KieServerContainerDeployment string `json:"kieServerContainerDeployment,omitempty"`
MavenMirrorURL string `json:"mavenMirrorURL,omitempty"`
ArtifactDir string `json:"artifactDir,omitempty"`
// CommonConfig variables used in the templates
type CommonConfig struct {
ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`
ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
KeyStorePassword string `json:"keyStorePassword,omitempty"`
AdminUser string `json:"adminUser,omitempty"`
AdminPassword string `json:"adminPassword,omitempty"`
DBPassword string `json:"dbPassword,omitempty"`
AMQPassword string `json:"amqPassword,omitempty"`
AMQClusterPassword string `json:"amqClusterPassword,omitempty"`
ControllerPassword string `json:"controllerPassword,omitempty"`
ServerPassword string `json:"serverPassword,omitempty"`
MavenPassword string `json:"mavenPassword,omitempty"`
// VersionConfigs ...
type VersionConfigs struct {
ImageStreamTag string `json:"imageStreamTag,omitempty"`
BrokerImage string `json:"brokerImage,omitempty"`
BrokerImageTag string `json:"brokerImageTag,omitempty"`
DatagridImage string `json:"datagridImage,omitempty"`
DatagridImageTag string `json:"datagridImageTag,omitempty"`
// AuthTemplate Authentication definition used in the template
type AuthTemplate struct {
SSO SSOAuthConfig `json:"sso,omitempty"`
LDAP LDAPAuthConfig `json:"ldap,omitempty"`
RoleMapper RoleMapperAuthConfig `json:"roleMapper,omitempty"`
// ConditionType - type of condition
type ConditionType string
const (
// DeployedConditionType - the kieapp is deployed
DeployedConditionType ConditionType = "Deployed"
// ProvisioningConditionType - the kieapp is being provisioned
ProvisioningConditionType ConditionType = "Provisioning"
// FailedConditionType - the kieapp is in a failed state
FailedConditionType ConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ImportCredentialsExist represents the state of any credentials specified by
// the SamplesRegistry field in the Spec.
ImportCredentialsExist ConfigConditionType = "ImportCredentialsExist"
// SamplesExist represents whether an incoming Config has been successfully
// processed or not all, or whether the last Config to come in has been
// successfully processed.
SamplesExist ConfigConditionType = "SamplesExist"
// ConfigurationValid represents whether the latest Config to come in
// tried to make a support configuration change. Currently, changes to the
// InstallType and Architectures list after initial processing is not allowed.
ConfigurationValid ConfigConditionType = "ConfigurationValid"
// ImageChangesInProgress represents the state between where the samples operator has
// started updating the imagestreams and when the spec and status generations for each
// tag match. The list of imagestreams that are still in progress will be stored
// in the Reason field of the condition. The Reason field being empty corresponds
// with this condition being marked true.
ImageChangesInProgress ConfigConditionType = "ImageChangesInProgress"
// RemovePending represents whether the Config Spec ManagementState
// has been set to Removed, but we have not completed the deletion of the
// samples, pull secret, etc. and set the Config Spec ManagementState to Removed.
// Also note, while a samples creation/update cycle is still in progress, and ImageChagesInProgress
// is True, the operator will not initiate the deletions, as we
// do not want the create/updates and deletes of the samples to be occurring in parallel.
// So the actual Removed processing will be initated only after ImageChangesInProgress is set
// to false. Once the deletions are done, and the Status ManagementState is Removed, this
// condition is set back to False. Lastly, when this condition is set to True, the
// ClusterOperator Progressing condition will be set to True.
RemovePending ConfigConditionType = "RemovePending"
// MigrationInProgress represents the special case where the operator is running off of
// a new version of its image, and samples are deployed of a previous version. This condition
// facilitates the maintenance of this operator's ClusterOperator object.
MigrationInProgress ConfigConditionType = "MigrationInProgress"
// ImportImageErrorsExist registers any image import failures, separate from ImageChangeInProgress,
// so that we can a) indicate a problem to the ClusterOperator status, b) mark the current
approx_popularity: 1
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// numConfigConditionType is a helper constant that captures the number possible conditions
// defined above in this const block
numconfigConditionType = 7
approx_popularity: 4
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const (
// KfCreated means the KfDef spec has been created.
KfCreated KfDefConditionType = "Created"
// KfDeploying means Kubeflow is in the process of being deployed.
KfDeploying KfDefConditionType = "Deploying"
// KfSucceeded means Kubeflow was successfully deployed.
KfSucceeded KfDefConditionType = "Succeeded"
// KfFailed meansthere was a problem deploying Kubeflow.
KfFailed KfDefConditionType = "Failed"
// Reasons for conditions
// InvalidKfDefSpecReason indicates the KfDef was not valid.
InvalidKfDefSpecReason = "InvalidKfDefSpec"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
Constants TemplateConstants `json:"constants,omitempty"`
// TemplateConstants constant values that are used within the different configuration templates
type TemplateConstants struct {
Product string `json:"product,omitempty"`
Major string `json:"major,omitempty"`
Minor string `json:"minor,omitempty"`
Micro string `json:"micro,omitempty"`
MavenRepo string `json:"mavenRepo,omitempty"`
KeystoreVolumeSuffix string `json:"keystoreVolumeSuffix"`
DatabaseVolumeSuffix string `json:"databaseVolumeSuffix"`
BrokerImage string `json:"brokerImage"`
BrokerImageTag string `json:"brokerImageTag"`
DatagridImage string `json:"datagridImage"`
DatagridImageTag string `json:"datagridImageTag"`
RoleMapperVolume string `json:"roleMapperVolume"`
GitHooksVolume string `json:"gitHooksVolume,omitempty"`
// ConsoleTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type ConsoleTemplate struct {
SSOAuthClient SSOAuthClient `json:"ssoAuthClient,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
GitHooks GitHooksVolume `json:"gitHooks,omitempty"`
// ServerTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type ServerTemplate struct {
KieName string `json:"kieName,omitempty"`
KieServerID string `json:"kieServerID,omitempty"`
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
SSOAuthClient SSOAuthClient `json:"ssoAuthClient,omitempty"`
From corev1.ObjectReference `json:"from,omitempty"`
Build BuildTemplate `json:"build,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
Database DatabaseObject `json:"database,omitempty"`
Jms KieAppJmsObject `json:"jms,omitempty"`
SmartRouter SmartRouterObject `json:"smartRouter,omitempty"`
// SmartRouterTemplate contains all the variables used in the yaml templates
type SmartRouterTemplate struct {
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
KeystoreSecret string `json:"keystoreSecret,omitempty"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`
UseExternalRoute bool `json:"useExternalRoute,omitempty"`
Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
// ReplicaConstants contains the default replica amounts for a component in a given environment type
type ReplicaConstants struct {
Console Replicas `json:"console,omitempty"`
Server Replicas `json:"server,omitempty"`
SmartRouter Replicas `json:"smartRouter,omitempty"`
// Replicas contains replica settings
type Replicas struct {
Replicas int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty"`
DenyScale bool `json:"denyScale,omitempty"`
// BuildTemplate build variables used in the templates
type BuildTemplate struct {
From corev1.ObjectReference `json:"from,omitempty"`
GitSource GitSource `json:"gitSource,omitempty"`
GitHubWebhookSecret string `json:"githubWebhookSecret,omitempty"`
GenericWebhookSecret string `json:"genericWebhookSecret,omitempty"`
KieServerContainerDeployment string `json:"kieServerContainerDeployment,omitempty"`
MavenMirrorURL string `json:"mavenMirrorURL,omitempty"`
ArtifactDir string `json:"artifactDir,omitempty"`
// CommonConfig variables used in the templates
type CommonConfig struct {
ApplicationName string `json:"applicationName,omitempty"`
ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
KeyStorePassword string `json:"keyStorePassword,omitempty"`
AdminUser string `json:"adminUser,omitempty"`
AdminPassword string `json:"adminPassword,omitempty"`
DBPassword string `json:"dbPassword,omitempty"`
AMQPassword string `json:"amqPassword,omitempty"`
AMQClusterPassword string `json:"amqClusterPassword,omitempty"`
ControllerPassword string `json:"controllerPassword,omitempty"`
ServerPassword string `json:"serverPassword,omitempty"`
MavenPassword string `json:"mavenPassword,omitempty"`
// VersionConfigs ...
type VersionConfigs struct {
APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`
ImageTag string `json:"imageTag,omitempty"`
BrokerImage string `json:"brokerImage,omitempty"`
BrokerImageTag string `json:"brokerImageTag,omitempty"`
DatagridImage string `json:"datagridImage,omitempty"`
DatagridImageTag string `json:"datagridImageTag,omitempty"`
// AuthTemplate Authentication definition used in the template
type AuthTemplate struct {
SSO SSOAuthConfig `json:"sso,omitempty"`
LDAP LDAPAuthConfig `json:"ldap,omitempty"`
RoleMapper RoleMapperTemplate `json:"roleMapper,omitempty"`
// RoleMapperTemplate RoleMapper definition used in the template
type RoleMapperTemplate struct {
MountPath string `json:"mountPath,omitempty"`
RoleMapperAuthConfig `json:",inline"`
// ConditionType - type of condition
type ConditionType string
const (
// DeployedConditionType - the kieapp is deployed
DeployedConditionType ConditionType = "Deployed"
// ProvisioningConditionType - the kieapp is being provisioned
ProvisioningConditionType ConditionType = "Provisioning"
// FailedConditionType - the kieapp is in a failed state
FailedConditionType ConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
approx_popularity: 6
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const (
// DeploymentAvailable means the deployment config is available, ie. at least the minimum available
// replicas required are up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
DeploymentAvailable DeploymentConditionType = "Available"
// DeploymentProgressing means the deployment config is progressing. Progress for a deployment
// config is considered when a new replica set is created or adopted, and when new pods scale up or
// old pods scale down. Progress is not estimated for paused deployment configs, when the deployment
// config needs to rollback, or when progressDeadlineSeconds is not specified.
DeploymentProgressing DeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
// DeploymentReplicaFailure is added in a deployment config when one of its pods
// fails to be created or deleted.
DeploymentReplicaFailure DeploymentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// VMIReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
VirtualMachineInstanceReady VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// If there happens any error while trying to synchronize the VirtualMachineInstance with the Domain,
// this is reported as false.
VirtualMachineInstanceSynchronized VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Synchronized"
approx_popularity: 4
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const (
// VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaFailure is added in a replica set when one of its vmis
// fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
// etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaFailure VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
// VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaPaused is added in a replica set when the replica set got paused by the controller.
// After this condition was added, it is safe to remove or add vmis by hand and adjust the replica count by hand.
VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetReplicaPaused VirtualMachineInstanceReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaPaused"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// VirtualMachineFailure is added in a offline virtual machine when its vmi
// fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
// etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
VirtualMachineFailure VirtualMachineConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
VaultServerConditionFailure VaultServerConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ClusterVersionIncompatible is true when the cluster version does not have an AMI defined for the cluster's region.
ClusterVersionIncompatible ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "VersionIncompatible"
// ClusterVersionMissing is true when the cluster deployment references a non-existent cluster version
ClusterVersionMissing ClusterDeploymentConditionType = "ClusterVersionMissing"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ClusterInfraProvisionining is true when cluster infrastructure is in the process of provisioning
ClusterInfraProvisioning ClusterConditionType = "InfraProvisioning"
// ClusterInfraProvisioningFailed is true when the job to provision cluster infrastructure has failed.
ClusterInfraProvisioningFailed ClusterConditionType = "InfraProvisioningFailed"
// ClusterInfraProvisioned represents success of the infra provisioning for this cluster.
ClusterInfraProvisioned ClusterConditionType = "InfraProvisioned"
// ClusterInfraDeprovisioning is true when cluster infrastructure is in the process of deprovisioning
ClusterInfraDeprovisioning ClusterConditionType = "InfraDeprovisioning"
// ClusterInfraDeprovisioningFailed is true when the job to deprovision cluster infrastructure has failed.
ClusterInfraDeprovisioningFailed ClusterConditionType = "InfraDeprovisioningFailed"
// ControlPlaneInstalling is true if the control plane is being installed in
// the cluster.
ControlPlaneInstalling ClusterConditionType = "ControlPlaneInstalling"
// ControlPlaneInstallationFailed is true if the installation of
// the control plane failed.
ControlPlaneInstallationFailed ClusterConditionType = "ControlPlaneInstallationFailed"
// ControlPlaneInstalled is true if the control plane has been installed
// in the cluster.
ControlPlaneInstalled ClusterConditionType = "ControlPlaneInstalled"
// ComponentsInstalling is true if the OpenShift extra components are being
// installed in the cluster.
ComponentsInstalling ClusterConditionType = "ComponentsInstalling"
// ComponentsInstallationFailed is true if the installation of
// the OpenShift extra components failed.
ComponentsInstallationFailed ClusterConditionType = "ComponentsInstallationFailed"
// ControlPlaneInstalled is true if the OpenShift extra components have been
// installed in the cluster.
ComponentsInstalled ClusterConditionType = "ComponentsInstalled"
// NodeConfigInstalling is true if node config daemonset is being installed.
NodeConfigInstalling ClusterConditionType = "NodeConfigInstalling"
// NodeConfigInstallationFailed is true if the node config daemonset failed to be installed.
NodeConfigInstallationFailed ClusterConditionType = "NodeConfigInstallationFailed"
// NodeConfigInstalled is true if the node config daemonset has been installed.
NodeConfigInstalled ClusterConditionType = "NodeConfigInstalled"
// ClusterAPIInstalling is true if the Kubernetes Cluster API controllers are
// being installed on the remote cluster.
ClusterAPIInstalling ClusterConditionType = "ClusterAPIInstalling"
// ClusterAPIInstallationFailed is true if the installation of the Kubernetes
// Cluster API controllers failed.
ClusterAPIInstallationFailed ClusterConditionType = "ClusterAPIInstallationFailed"
// ClusterAPIInstalled is true if the Kubernetes Cluster API controllers have
// been successfully installed.
ClusterAPIInstalled ClusterConditionType = "ClusterAPIInstalled"
// ClusterReady means the cluster is able to service requests
ClusterReady ClusterConditionType = "Ready"
// RegistyInfraProvisioned is true when the cluster's registry infra pieces are installed
RegistryInfraProvisioned ClusterConditionType = "RegistryInfraProvisioned"
// RegistryInfraProvisioningFailed is true when there have been problems deploying the
// cluster's registry infra pieces
RegistryInfraProvisioningFailed ClusterConditionType = "RegistryInfraProvisioningFailed"
approx_popularity: 1
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const (
// ExtELBRegistration is a condition representing external ELB registration
ExtELBRegistration AWSMachineConditionType = "ExtELBRegistration"
// IntELBRegistration is a condition representing internal ELB registration
IntELBRegistration AWSMachineConditionType = "IntELBRegistration"
approx_popularity: 6
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const (
// ServiceBrokerConditionReady represents the fact that a given broker condition
// is in ready state.
ServiceBrokerConditionReady ServiceBrokerConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceBrokerConditionFailed represents information about a final failure
// that should not be retried.
ServiceBrokerConditionFailed ServiceBrokerConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceInstanceConditionReady represents that a given InstanceCondition is in
// ready state.
ServiceInstanceConditionReady ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceInstanceConditionFailed represents information about a final failure
// that should not be retried.
ServiceInstanceConditionFailed ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 3
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const (
// ServiceBindingConditionReady represents a ServiceBindingCondition is in ready state.
ServiceBindingConditionReady ServiceBindingConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceBindingConditionFailed represents a ServiceBindingCondition that has failed
// completely and should not be retried.
ServiceBindingConditionFailed ServiceBindingConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// MachineSetReplicaFailure is added in a machine set when one of its machines fails to be created
// due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, machine security policy, node selectors, etc. or deleted
// due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
MachineSetReplicaFailure MachineSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
// MachineSetFrozen is set when the machineset has exceeded its replica threshold at the safety controller
MachineSetFrozen MachineSetConditionType = "Frozen"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
// Available means the MachineDeployment is available, ie. at least the minimum available
// replicas required are up and running for at least minReadySeconds.
MachineDeploymentAvailable MachineDeploymentConditionType = "Available"
// Progressing means the MachineDeployment is progressing. Progress for a MachineDeployment is
// considered when a new machine set is created or adopted, and when new machines scale
// up or old machines scale down. Progress is not estimated for paused MachineDeployments or
// when progressDeadlineSeconds is not specified.
MachineDeploymentProgressing MachineDeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
// ReplicaFailure is added in a MachineDeployment when one of its machines fails to be created
// or deleted.
MachineDeploymentReplicaFailure MachineDeploymentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
// MachineDeploymentFrozen is added in a MachineDeployment when one of its machines fails to be created
// or deleted.
MachineDeploymentFrozen MachineDeploymentConditionType = "Frozen"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
// ShootControlPlaneHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the control plane health.
ShootControlPlaneHealthy ShootConditionType = "ControlPlaneHealthy"
// ShootEveryNodeReady is a constant for a condition type indicating the node health.
ShootEveryNodeReady ShootConditionType = "EveryNodeReady"
// ShootSystemComponentsHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the system components health.
ShootSystemComponentsHealthy ShootConditionType = "SystemComponentsHealthy"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceBindingConditionReady represents a binding condition is in ready state.
ServiceBindingConditionReady ServiceBindingConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceBindingConditionFailed represents a ServiceBindingCondition that has failed
// completely and should not be retried.
ServiceBindingConditionFailed ServiceBindingConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 153
code_block: >
const (
// ReplicaSetReplicaFailure is added in a replica set when one of its pods fails to be created
// due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors, etc. or deleted
// due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
ReplicaSetReplicaFailure ReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ShootAPIServerAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating that the Shoot cluster's API server is available.
ShootAPIServerAvailable ConditionType = "APIServerAvailable"
// ShootControlPlaneHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the control plane health.
ShootControlPlaneHealthy ConditionType = "ControlPlaneHealthy"
// ShootEveryNodeReady is a constant for a condition type indicating the node health.
ShootEveryNodeReady ConditionType = "EveryNodeReady"
// ShootSystemComponentsHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the system components health.
ShootSystemComponentsHealthy ConditionType = "SystemComponentsHealthy"
approx_popularity: 2
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const (
// VMIReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
VirtualMachineInstanceReady VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// If there happens any error while trying to synchronize the VirtualMachineInstance with the Domain,
// this is reported as false.
VirtualMachineInstanceSynchronized VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Synchronized"
// Reflects whether the QEMU guest agent is connected through the channel
VirtualMachineInstanceAgentConnected VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "AgentConnected"
// Indicates whether the VMI is live migratable
VirtualMachineInstanceIsMigratable VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "LiveMigratable"
// Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's disks collection
VirtualMachineInstanceReasonDisksNotMigratable = "DisksNotLiveMigratable"
// Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's network interfaces collection
VirtualMachineInstanceReasonInterfaceNotMigratable = "InterfaceNotLiveMigratable"
approx_popularity: 3
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const (
// VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationAbortRequested indicates that live migration abort has been requested
VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationAbortRequested VirtualMachineInstanceMigrationConditionType = "migrationAbortRequested"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// VirtualMachineFailure is added in a virtual machine when its vmi
// fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
// etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
VirtualMachineFailure VirtualMachineConditionType = "Failure"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// ServiceInstanceConditionReady represents that a given InstanceCondition is in
// ready state.
ServiceInstanceConditionReady ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// ServiceInstanceConditionFailed represents information about a final failure
// that should not be retried.
ServiceInstanceConditionFailed ServiceInstanceConditionType = "Failed"
// ServiceInstanceConditionOrphanMitigation represents information about an
// orphan mitigation that is required after failed provisioning.
ServiceInstanceConditionOrphanMitigation ServiceInstanceConditionType = "OrphanMitigation"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// VMIReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
VirtualMachineInstanceReady VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Ready"
// If there happens any error while trying to synchronize the VirtualMachineInstance with the Domain,
// this is reported as false.
VirtualMachineInstanceSynchronized VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "Synchronized"
// Reflects whether the QEMU guest agent is connected through the channel
VirtualMachineInstanceAgentConnected VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "AgentConnected"
// Indicates whether the VMI is live migratable
VirtualMachineInstanceIsMigratable VirtualMachineInstanceConditionType = "LiveMigratable"
// Reason means that VMI is not live migratioable because of it's disks collection
VirtualMachineInstanceReasonDisksNotMigratable = "DisksNotLiveMigratable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
ComponentHealthy ComponentConditionType = "Healthy"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
JobComplete JobConditionType = "Complete"
JobFailed JobConditionType = "Failed"
approx_popularity: 18
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
approx_popularity: 38
code_block: >
const (
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SeedAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating the Seed cluster availability.
SeedAvailable ConditionType = "Available"
// ShootControlPlaneHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the control plane health.
ShootControlPlaneHealthy ConditionType = "ControlPlaneHealthy"
// ShootEveryNodeReady is a constant for a condition type indicating the node health.
ShootEveryNodeReady ConditionType = "EveryNodeReady"
// ShootSystemComponentsHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the system components health.
ShootSystemComponentsHealthy ConditionType = "SystemComponentsHealthy"
// ShootAPIServerAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating the api server is available.
ShootAPIServerAvailable ConditionType = "APIServerAvailable"
approx_popularity: 15
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const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
approx_popularity: 238
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// Type and constants for component health validation.
type ComponentConditionType string
// These are the valid conditions for the component.
const (
ComponentHealthy ComponentConditionType = "Healthy"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// SeedAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating the Seed cluster availability.
SeedAvailable gardencorev1alpha1.ConditionType = "Available"
// ShootControlPlaneHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the control plane health.
ShootControlPlaneHealthy gardencorev1alpha1.ConditionType = "ControlPlaneHealthy"
// ShootEveryNodeReady is a constant for a condition type indicating the node health.
ShootEveryNodeReady gardencorev1alpha1.ConditionType = "EveryNodeReady"
// ShootSystemComponentsHealthy is a constant for a condition type indicating the system components health.
ShootSystemComponentsHealthy gardencorev1alpha1.ConditionType = "SystemComponentsHealthy"
// ShootAPIServerAvailable is a constant for a condition type indicating that the Shoot clusters API server is available.
ShootAPIServerAvailable gardencorev1alpha1.ConditionType = "APIServerAvailable"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means qinglet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
approx_popularity: 79
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 12
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 101
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
// PodReasonUnschedulable reason in PodScheduled PodCondition means that the scheduler
// can't schedule the pod right now, for example due to insufficient resources in the cluster.
PodReasonUnschedulable = "Unschedulable"
approx_popularity: 170
code_block: >
const (
// ReplicationControllerReplicaFailure is added in a replication controller when one of its pods
// fails to be created due to insufficient quota, limit ranges, pod security policy, node selectors,
// etc. or deleted due to kubelet being down or finalizers are failing.
ReplicationControllerReplicaFailure ReplicationControllerConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 4
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
// NodeInodePressure means the kublet is under pressure due to insufficient available inodes.
NodeInodePressure NodeConditionType = "InodePressure"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
PersistentVolumeClaimResizing PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
PersistentVolumeClaimFileSystemResizePending PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "FileSystemResizePending"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
PodReasonUnschedulable = "Unschedulable"
ContainersReady PodConditionType = "ContainersReady"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ReplicationControllerReplicaFailure ReplicationControllerConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
NodePIDPressure NodeConditionType = "PIDPressure"
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
DeploymentAvailable DeploymentConditionType = "Available"
DeploymentProgressing DeploymentConditionType = "Progressing"
DeploymentReplicaFailure DeploymentConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
ReplicaSetReplicaFailure ReplicaSetConditionType = "ReplicaFailure"
approx_popularity: 12
code_block: >
const (
// An user trigger resize of pvc has been started
PersistentVolumeClaimResizing PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
approx_popularity: 23
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
// NodeConfigOK indicates whether the kubelet is correctly configured
NodeConfigOK NodeConditionType = "ConfigOK"
approx_popularity: 36
code_block: >
const (
// An user trigger resize of pvc has been started
PersistentVolumeClaimResizing PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
// PersistentVolumeClaimFileSystemResizePending - controller resize is finished and a file system resize is pending on node
PersistentVolumeClaimFileSystemResizePending PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "FileSystemResizePending"
approx_popularity: 7
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
// NodeKubeletConfigOk indicates whether the kubelet is correctly configured
NodeKubeletConfigOk NodeConditionType = "KubeletConfigOk"
approx_popularity: 47
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
// PodReasonUnschedulable reason in PodScheduled PodCondition means that the scheduler
// can't schedule the pod right now, for example due to insufficient resources in the cluster.
PodReasonUnschedulable = "Unschedulable"
// ContainersReady indicates whether all containers in the pod are ready.
ContainersReady PodConditionType = "ContainersReady"
approx_popularity: 21
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
approx_popularity: 8
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
// PodReasonUnschedulable reason in PodScheduled PodCondition means that the scheduler
// can't schedule the pod right now, for example due to insufficient resources in the cluster.
PodReasonUnschedulable = "Unschedulable"
// ContainersReady indicates whether all containers in the pod are ready.
ContainersReady PodConditionType = "ContainersReady"
// VmReady indicates whether the virtual machine in the pod is ready
VmReady PodConditionType = "VirtualMachineReady"
approx_popularity: 26
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
// NodeInodePressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available inodes.
NodeInodePressure NodeConditionType = "InodePressure"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready" //Pod已经正常启动,能够提供服务,如何产生,见pkg/kubelet/status/generate.go的GeneratePodReadyCondition()
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
// NamespaceConditionType defines constants reporting on status during namespace lifetime and deletion progress
type NamespaceConditionType string
// These are valid conditions of a namespace.
const (
NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure"
NamespaceDeletionContentFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionContentFailure"
NamespaceDeletionGVParsingFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure"
approx_popularity: 3
code_block: >
// ComponentConditionType defines type and constants for component health validation.
type ComponentConditionType string
// These are the valid conditions for the component.
const (
ComponentHealthy ComponentConditionType = "Healthy"
approx_popularity: 11
code_block: >
const (
// PersistentVolumeClaimResizing - a user trigger resize of pvc has been started
PersistentVolumeClaimResizing PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
approx_popularity: 45
code_block: >
const (
// PersistentVolumeClaimResizing - a user trigger resize of pvc has been started
PersistentVolumeClaimResizing PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "Resizing"
// PersistentVolumeClaimFileSystemResizePending - controller resize is finished and a file system resize is pending on node
PersistentVolumeClaimFileSystemResizePending PersistentVolumeClaimConditionType = "FileSystemResizePending"
approx_popularity: 8
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodePIDPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available PID.
NodePIDPressure NodeConditionType = "PIDPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
// NodeKubeletConfigOk indicates whether the kubelet is correctly configured
NodeKubeletConfigOk NodeConditionType = "KubeletConfigOk"
approx_popularity: 26
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeOutOfDisk means the kubelet will not accept new pods due to insufficient free disk
// space on the node.
NodeOutOfDisk NodeConditionType = "OutOfDisk"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodePIDPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available PID.
NodePIDPressure NodeConditionType = "PIDPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 15
code_block: >
const (
// ContainersReady indicates whether all containers in the pod are ready.
ContainersReady PodConditionType = "ContainersReady"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
approx_popularity: 11
code_block: >
const (
// NodeReady means kubelet is healthy and ready to accept pods.
NodeReady NodeConditionType = "Ready"
// NodeMemoryPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available memory.
NodeMemoryPressure NodeConditionType = "MemoryPressure"
// NodeDiskPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available disk.
NodeDiskPressure NodeConditionType = "DiskPressure"
// NodePIDPressure means the kubelet is under pressure due to insufficient available PID.
NodePIDPressure NodeConditionType = "PIDPressure"
// NodeNetworkUnavailable means that network for the node is not correctly configured.
NodeNetworkUnavailable NodeConditionType = "NetworkUnavailable"
approx_popularity: 1
code_block: >
const (
// ContainersReady indicates whether all containers in the pod are ready.
ContainersReady PodConditionType = "ContainersReady"
// PodInitialized means that all init containers in the pod have started successfully.
PodInitialized PodConditionType = "Initialized"
// PodReady means the pod is able to service requests and should be added to the
// load balancing pools of all matching services.
PodReady PodConditionType = "Ready"
// PodScheduled represents status of the scheduling process for this pod.
PodScheduled PodConditionType = "PodScheduled"
// VmReady indicates whether the virtual machine in the pod is ready
VmReady PodConditionType = "VirtualMachineReady"
approx_popularity: 5
code_block: >
const (
// NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors during resource discovery.
NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure"
// NamespaceDeletionContentFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors during deletion of resources.
NamespaceDeletionContentFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionContentFailure"
// NamespaceDeletionGVParsingFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors parsing GV for legacy types.
NamespaceDeletionGVParsingFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure"
// NamespaceContentRemaining contains information about resources remaining in a namespace.
NamespaceContentRemaining NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceContentRemaining"
// NamespaceFinalizersRemaining contains information about which finalizers are on resources remaining in a namespace.
NamespaceFinalizersRemaining NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceFinalizersRemaining"
approx_popularity: 2
code_block: >
const (
// NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors during resource discovery.
NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure"
// NamespaceDeletionContentFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors during deletion of resources.
NamespaceDeletionContentFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionContentFailure"
// NamespaceDeletionGVParsingFailure contains information about namespace deleter errors parsing GV for legacy types.
NamespaceDeletionGVParsingFailure NamespaceConditionType = "NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure"
99 Ready
46 Failed
23 Complete
21 Available
19 Running
19 Deployed
18 SinkProvided
15 ReplicaFailure
14 Progressing
13 Succeeded
12 OutOfDisk
11 NetworkUnavailable
11 MemoryPressure
11 Initialized
11 Error
10 PodScheduled
10 Failure
10 DiskPressure
9 Created
9 Active
8 Scheduled
7 ResourcesAvailable
7 Resizing
7 Provisioning
7 ContainerHealthy
7 AllTrafficAssigned
6 Unschedulable
6 InProgress
6 BuildSucceeded
5 Upgrading
5 Terminating
5 SecretsProvided
5 ScalingUp
5 ScalingDown
5 Offline
5 EveryNodeReady
5 ContainersReady
4 SystemComponentsHealthy
4 RoutesReady
4 Pending
4 PIDPressure
4 NamesAccepted
4 Irreconcilable
4 Invalid
4 IngressReady
4 EventTypesProvided
4 Established
4 ControlPlaneHealthy
4 ConfigurationsReady
4 Addressable
4 APIServerAvailable
3 removingSlave
3 removingSeedMaster
3 Valid
3 Synchronized
3 Success
3 Started
3 ServiceProvided
3 Scaling
3 Restarting
3 Recovering
3 NonStructuralSchema
3 NodeStorage
3 NetworkConfigured
3 NamespaceDeletionGroupVersionParsingFailure
3 NamespaceDeletionDiscoveryFailure
3 NamespaceDeletionContentFailure
3 MachineCreation
3 LoadBalancerReady
3 IntegrationPlatformAvailable
3 Installed
3 Healthy
3 FileSystemResizePending
3 EndpointsPopulated
3 Degraded
3 Cancelled
3 Blocked
3 AgentConnected
3 AddingSlave
3 AddingSeedMaster
2 removingMaster
2 WebHookProvided
2 VirtualMachineReady
2 UpdatingSettings
2 Updated
2 TransformerProvided
2 Traffic
2 TopicReady
2 Subscribed
2 Stopped
2 Settled
2 RolledBack
2 RetryFailed
2 ResourcesCreated
2 Released
2 ReleaseFailed
2 ReconcileComplete
2 ReadOnly
2 ProxyContainerWaiting
2 ProxyContainerTerminated
2 Propagation
2 OK
2 New
2 Name
2 MeshMarkedForDeletion
2 MachineCreated
2 LiveMigratable
2 KubeletConfigOk
2 JoiningMaster
2 InvalidUUID
2 InvalidSpec
2 InvalidRedundancy
2 InvalidMasters
2 InvalidData
2 InstallSucceeded
2 InodePressure
2 Health
2 Frozen
2 Errored
2 ElasticsearchContainerWaiting
2 ElasticsearchContainerTerminated
2 Done
2 DeploymentUpdated
2 Delete
2 Creating
2 Completed
2 ChartFetched
2 CertificateProvisioned
2 BackedUp
2 Approved
2 Admitted
2 Activated
1 success
1 removingSentinel
1 monitoring
1 migrationAbortRequested
1 kn-subscription-ready
1 is-ready
1 events-activated
1 error
1 always
1 ZoneAvailable
1 WebHookUUIDProvided
1 Waiting
1 VolumeResizeSuccessful
1 VolumeResizePending
1 VolumeResizeFailed
1 VolumeResize
1 VirtualServiceActive
1 VirtualRouterActive
1 VirtualNodeActive
1 VersionIncompatible
1 ValidateFailed
1 ValidHistory
1 Uploading
1 Upgraded
1 Upgrade
1 Updating
1 UpdateDefaultConfigurationSuccess
1 UpdateDefaultConfigurationFailure
1 UpToDate
1 Unreachable
1 UnknownObject
1 Uninstalling
1 Uninstalled
1 Unclaimed
1 Type
1 TopicExists
1 TerraformError
1 TemplateControllerRunning
1 TemplateControllerFailing
1 TemplateControllerCompleted
1 TFVarsFromReady
1 TFPodComplete
1 TFPlanReady
1 TFInputsReady
1 Synced
1 Stream
1 StorageState
1 SpecFromReady
1 SourceType
1 SnapshotUploading
1 SnapshotUploaded
1 SnapshotReady
1 SnapshotLoadComplete
1 SnapshotIssued
1 SnapshotCreated
1 ServiceReady
1 ServiceNotAvailable
1 ServiceDeployed
1 ServiceAvailable
1 Service
1 Secet
1 ScalingLimited
1 ScalingActive
1 SamplesExist
1 RoutesActive
1 RouteDeployed
1 RollingUpdate
1 RollingOut
1 Reused
1 Result
1 Restored
1 ResourcesReady
1 ResourcesHealthy
1 ResourcesCorrect
1 ResourcesApplied
1 Resolved
1 Replicating
1 ReplicaPaused
1 RenderFailure
1 RenderDegraded
1 RemovePending
1 ReleaseSynced
1 RegistryInfraProvisioningFailed
1 RegistryInfraProvisioned
1 Registered
1 Recycling
1 Reconciled
1 Reconcile
1 Rebalancing
1 ReadyToJoin
1 Ready //Pod已经正常启动,能够提供服务,如何产生,见pkg/kubelet/status/generate.go的GeneratePodReadyCondition()
1 RayWorkerDeploymentReplicaFailure
1 RayWorkerDeploymentProgressing
1 RayWorkerDeploymentAvailable
1 RayHeadDeploymentReplicaFailure
1 RayHeadDeploymentProgressing
1 RayHeadDeploymentAvailable
1 RateLimited
1 QuaySetupSuccess
1 QuaySetupFailure
1 QuayEcosystemValidationFailure
1 QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationSuccess
1 QuayEcosystemSecurityScannerConfigurationFailure
1 QuayEcosystemProvisioningSuccess
1 QuayEcosystemProvisioningFailure
1 QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationSuccess
1 QuayEcosystemClairConfigurationFailure
1 PullSubscriptionReady
1 PublisherReady
1 ProviderConfigReady
1 Promoted
1 PrometheusAvailable
1 PrometheusAlerts
1 Present
1 PodUnfrozen
1 PodFrozen
1 PodBootstrapping
1 Pod
1 PlacementInitialized
1 Phase
1 PendingVerification
1 PendingFailoverAck
1 Pending // waiting for a valid xenv is ready
1 PVCBound
1 OverlayNetworkBroken
1 OutputRef
1 OrphanMitigation
1 Operational
1 ObjectInSync
1 NotificationReady
1 NodeState
1 NodeSelected
1 NodeDegraded
1 NodeConfigInstalling
1 NodeConfigInstalled
1 NodeConfigInstallationFailed
1 NodeAvailable
1 NamespaceFinalizersRemaining
1 NamespaceContentRemaining
1 NameConflict
1 MissingTargetNamespace
1 MigrationInProgress
1 MeshActive
1 MemberLeaving
1 Master
1 LatestRevisionReady
1 Lagged
1 KubernetesAPIApprovalPolicyConformant
1 KnativeServiceAvailable
1 Killed
1 JolokiaAvailable
1 JobReady
1 Issued
1 IntegrationKitAvailable
1 IntELBRegistration
1 InsufficientCloudCreds
1 InstantiateFailure
1 InstanceScheduled
1 Installing
1 InstallerImageResolutionFailed
1 InstallPlanPending
1 InstallPlanMissing
1 InstallPlanFailed
1 InstallFailing
1 Install
1 InitFailed
1 Init
1 IngressCertificateNotFound
1 InfraProvisioningFailed
1 InfraProvisioning
1 InfraProvisioned
1 InfraDeprovisioningFailed
1 InfraDeprovisioning
1 IncumbentAchievedTraffic
1 IncumbentAchievedCapacity
1 IncorrectCRName
1 Inactive // funcinst cannot accept new events
1 InPlaceUpdateReady
1 ImportSuccess
1 ImportCredentialsExist
1 ImageChangesInProgress
1 FilesParsed
1 FilesFetched
1 FailoverInProgress
1 Failing
1 ExtELBRegistration
1 ExposureAvailable
1 EventTypeProvided
1 Enforcing
1 Endpoint
1 Enabled
1 Disabled
1 DeploymentsAvailable
1 DeploymentReady
1 DeploymentAvailable
1 Deployment
1 Deploying
1 Denied
1 DeletionFailed
1 DBCreateComplete
1 CredentialsSecretCreated
1 ControlPlaneInstalling
1 ControlPlaneInstalled
1 ControlPlaneInstallationFailed
1 ControlPlaneCertificateNotFound
1 ContenderAchievedTraffic
1 ContenderAchievedInstallation
1 ContenderAchievedCapacity
1 ContainerWaiting
1 ContainerTerminated
1 ConfigurationValid
1 ConfigSourceReady
1 ConfigOK
1 ComponentsInstalling
1 ComponentsInstalled
1 ComponentsInstallationFailed
1 ClusterVersionMissing
1 ClusterReady
1 ClusterProvisionJobCreated
1 ClusterProvisionInitialized
1 ClusterProvisionFailed
1 ClusterProvisionCompleted
1 ClusterOK
1 ClusterImageSetNotFound
1 ClusterAPIInstalling
1 ClusterAPIInstalled
1 ClusterAPIInstallationFailed
1 Cluster
1 Clean
1 Claimed
1 ChildrenUpToDate
1 ChildrenGarbageCollected
1 CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
1 AttributesSynced
1 ApplySuccess
1 ApplyFailure
1 Applied
1 AppDBInstanceReady
1 AgentStale
1 AgentDisconnected
1 AddingSentinel
1 Active // can be invoked
1 Accepted
1 Aborting
1 AbleToScale
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