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Created July 8, 2015 22:04
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Kubernetes conformance test result for GCE cluster
Conformance test using /Users/etune/.kube/config against master at
Conformance test run date:Wed Jul 8 14:10:22 PDT 2015
Conformance test SHA:98f57a65144926a8191c3e86b203844331909782
Conformance test version tag(s):
Conformance test checking conformance with Kubernetes version 1.0
Conformance test: not doing test setup.
export PATH=/Users/etune/go/src/
/Users/etune/go/src/ --skip=Cadvisor|MasterCerts|Density|Cluster\slevel\slogging|Etcd\sfailure|Load\sCapacity|Monitoring|Namespaces.*seconds|Pod\sdisks|Reboot|Restart|Nodes|Scale|Services.*load\sbalancer|Services.*NodePort|Services.*nodeport|Shell|SSH|Addon\supdate|Volumes|Clean\sup\spods\son\snode|Skipped|skipped|MaxPods\slimit\snumber\sof\spods|Kubectl\sclient\sSimple\spod|DNS --seed=1436380640 /Users/etune/go/src/ -- --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config --host= --provider= --gce-project= --gce-zone= --gke-cluster= --kube-master= --cluster-tag= --repo-root=/Users/etune/go/src/ --node-instance-group= --num-nodes=4 --prefix=e2e
I0708 14:10:22.867462 21875 e2e_test.go:97] The --provider flag is not set. Treating as a conformance test. Some tests may not be run.
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 10m0s for all pods (need at least 0) in namespace 'kube-system' to be running and ready
INFO: 0 / 0 pods in namespace 'kube-system' are running and ready (5 seconds elapsed)
Running Suite: Kubernetes e2e suite
Random Seed: 1436380640 - Will randomize all specs
Will run 45 of 95 specs
should provide Internet connection for containers
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb with secrets found. (5.091977277s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb with secrets found. (41.362988ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide Internet connection for containers
STEP: Running container which tries to wget
STEP: Verify that the pod succeed
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod wget-test status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.471339ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'wget-test-container' in pod 'wget-test' in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod wget-test in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.085301816s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-oe8rb" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:22.524 seconds]
should provide Internet connection for containers
Kubectl client Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr with secrets found. (5.396528646s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should do a rolling update of a replication controller
STEP: creating the initial replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-s6vih update-demo-nautilus-y9hd4
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-s6vih -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-s6vih -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-s6vih
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-s6vih is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-y9hd4 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-y9hd4 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-y9hd4
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-y9hd4 is verified up and running
STEP: rolling-update to new replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config rolling-update update-demo-nautilus --update-period=1s -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: Creating update-demo-kitten
At beginning of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
Updating update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
At end of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 1, update-demo-kitten replicas: 1
At beginning of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
Updating update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
At end of loop: update-demo-nautilus replicas: 0, update-demo-kitten replicas: 2
Update succeeded. Deleting update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: update-demo-kitten-1tu2e update-demo-kitten-jvx6d
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-1tu2e -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-1tu2e -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-1tu2e
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-1tu2e is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-jvx6d -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-kitten-jvx6d -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-kitten-jvx6d
INFO: got data: {
"image": "kitten.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {kitten.jpg} , expecting kitten.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-kitten-jvx6d is verified up and running
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-ipmpr
• [SLOW TEST:54.568 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should do a rolling update of a replication controller
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 with secrets found. (5.085612884s)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.416288ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 is now 1
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-gm3j3 increased from 0 to 1 during the test
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:46.132 seconds]
should be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr with secrets found. (5.084580622s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr with secrets found. (42.320922ms)
[It] should support r/w
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-11e79cef-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-11e79cef-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-11e79cef-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.998845ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-11e79cef-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-3bwqr" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:15.868 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should support r/w
Kubectl client Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-89ww7
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-89ww7 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-89ww7 with secrets found. (5.08747838s)
[BeforeEach] Guestbook application
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-89ww7
S [SKIPPING] in Spec Setup (BeforeEach) [10.519 seconds]
Kubectl client
Guestbook application
should create and stop a working application [BeforeEach]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
should provide secure master service
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-u7l5c
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-u7l5c had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-u7l5c with secrets found. (5.087272661s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-rw9rj
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-rw9rj had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-rw9rj with secrets found. (5.085581814s)
[It] should provide secure master service
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-u7l5c
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-rw9rj
• [SLOW TEST:20.740 seconds]
should provide secure master service
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
[BeforeEach] EmptyDir volumes
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd with secrets found. (44.875396ms)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd with secrets found. (40.092325ms)
[It] should have the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-2affd3a8-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-2affd3a8-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-2affd3a8-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.284573ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-2affd3a8-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": tmpfs
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] EmptyDir volumes
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-emptydir-6yrhd" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:10.815 seconds]
EmptyDir volumes
should have the correct mode
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-elmzq
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-elmzq had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-elmzq with secrets found. (5.088720292s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
STEP: Creating a pod to test override all
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-34720b0d-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-34720b0d-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-34720b0d-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-elmzq' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.652724ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod client-containers-34720b0d-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2 override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.808 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default command and arguments
should be submitted and removed
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be submitted and removed
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: setting up watch
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: veryfying pod creation was observed
STEP: deleting the pod
STEP: veryfying pod deletion was observed
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy with secrets found. (5.088105414s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy with secrets found. (43.13749ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
STEP: testing: /validate
STEP: testing: /healthz
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-px3jy" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:10.811 seconds]
should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services.
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v with secrets found. (5.090198059s)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-exec status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-exec in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.501505ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-exec' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-exec is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-exec in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mu11v is now 0
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:258.467 seconds]
should *not* be restarted with a docker exec "cat /tmp/health" liveness probe
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-pmw1i
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-pmw1i had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-pmw1i with secrets found. (5.159613473s)
[It] should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
STEP: Creating a pod to test use defaults
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-ded7b605-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-ded7b605-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-ded7b605-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-pmw1i' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.452636ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod client-containers-ded7b605-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep default arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.935 seconds]
Docker Containers
should use the image defaults if command and args are blank
should be updated
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be updated
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.486708ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Conflicting update to pod, re-get and re-update: pods "pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1" cannot be updated: the object has been modified; please apply your changes to the latest version and try again
STEP: updating the pod
INFO: Successfully updated pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-e2255eb2-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: verifying the updated pod is in kubernetes
INFO: Pod update OK
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:7.013 seconds]
should be updated
should call prestop when killing a pod
[BeforeEach] PreStop
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9 with secrets found. (5.085953585s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9 with secrets found. (40.68607ms)
[It] should call prestop when killing a pod
STEP: Creating server pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9
STEP: Waiting for pods to come up.
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (40.780462ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: Creating tester pod server in namespace e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod tester status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod tester in namespace 'e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.415605ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'tester' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: Deleting pre-stop pod
INFO: Saw: {
"Hostname": "server",
"Sent": null,
"Received": {
"prestop": 1
"Errors": null,
"Log": [
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: Get http://:/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/endpoints/nettest: dial tcp: unknown port tcp/; will try again.",
"Unable to read the endpoints for default/nettest: Get http://:/api/v1beta3/namespaces/default/endpoints/nettest: dial tcp: unknown port tcp/; will try again."
"StillContactingPeers": true
STEP: Deleting the server pod
[AfterEach] PreStop
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-prestop-r8pi9" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:26.111 seconds]
should call prestop when killing a pod
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both.
S [SKIPPING] [0.331 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a readonly PD on two hosts, then remove both. [It]
Only supported for providers [gce] (not )
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-8eabp
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-8eabp had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-8eabp with secrets found. (5.136831075s)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's args
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's args
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-fc42e03c-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-fc42e03c-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-fc42e03c-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-8eabp' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.402746ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod var-expansion-fc42e03c-25b6-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:15.829 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's args
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no with secrets found. (5.099515941s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-3yh6y
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-3yh6y had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-3yh6y with secrets found. (5.089574766s)
[It] should serve a basic endpoint from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113012 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no exposes endpoints map[] (40.809708ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no to expose endpoints map[test1:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113012 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (40.990132ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113012 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (5.084176542s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113012 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[test1:[80]] (10.15865519s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113028 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2086e4a80}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no exposes endpoints map[test1:[80]] (15.246854829s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no to expose endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113028 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2086e5f10}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (40.222185ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113028 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2080d4fc0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (5.086795273s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113028 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2080a24d0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[80]], expected map[test2:[80] test1:[80]] (10.134711495s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113048 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2080a3b20} { 0xc2080a3ce0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80][80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] -> map[[80][80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no exposes endpoints map[test1:[80] test2:[80]] (15.262428054s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no to expose endpoints map[test2:[80]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113051 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2084b48c0}] [{ 80 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 80
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[80]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[test2:[80]] -> map[[80]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no exposes endpoints map[test2:[80]] (85.11316ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {endpoint-test2 e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no/endpoints/endpoint-test2 0bc147e0-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 113055 0 2015-07-08 14:19:41 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Successfully validated that service endpoint-test2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no exposes endpoints map[] (40.70577ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-4f0no
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-3yh6y
• [SLOW TEST:51.776 seconds]
should serve a basic endpoint from pods
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 with secrets found. (5.087374415s)
STEP: Creating pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod liveness-http status to be !pending
INFO: Waiting for pod liveness-http in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1' status to be '!pending'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.986617ms elapsed)
INFO: Saw pod 'liveness-http' in namespace 'e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1' out of pending state (found '"Running"')
STEP: Started pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1
STEP: checking the pod's current state and verifying that restartCount is present
STEP: Initial restart count of pod liveness-http is 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 is now 0
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 is now 1
STEP: Restart count of pod liveness-http in namespace e2e-tests-pods-liveness-mxok1 increased from 0 to 1 during the test
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:35.995 seconds]
should be restarted with a /healthz http liveness probe
should give a volume the correct mode
[BeforeEach] hostDir
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-1i32s
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-1i32s had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-1i32s with secrets found. (5.088925259s)
[It] should give a volume the correct mode
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-39fa9202-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-39fa9202-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-39fa9202-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-1i32s' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.228542ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-39fa9202-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
mode of file "/test-volume": dtrwxrwxrwx
[AfterEach] hostDir
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostdir-1i32s
• [SLOW TEST:15.762 seconds]
should give a volume the correct mode
Kubectl client Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt with secrets found. (5.188382254s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should create and stop a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 is created but not running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-h52m0
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-h52m0 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-o6ppz is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config stop -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods,rc,se -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-v5wxt
• [SLOW TEST:29.414 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should create and stop a replication controller
should get a host IP
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-5pyod
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-5pyod had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-5pyod with secrets found. (5.08255935s)
[It] should allow substituting values in a container's command
STEP: Creating a pod to test substitution in container's command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-54e7181a-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-54e7181a-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-54e7181a-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-5pyod' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.232008ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod var-expansion-54e7181a-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:test-value
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:15.756 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow substituting values in a container's command
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-rnm8t
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-rnm8t had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-rnm8t with secrets found. (5.085128338s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-tzqxf
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-tzqxf had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-tzqxf with secrets found. (5.128871498s)
[It] should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-rnm8t
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-tzqxf
S [SKIPPING] [20.775 seconds]
should correctly serve identically named services in different namespaces on different external IP addresses [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke aws] (not )
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-654u0
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-654u0 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-654u0 with secrets found. (5.085848458s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override command
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-6aac855e-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-6aac855e-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-6aac855e-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-654u0' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (40.520775ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod client-containers-6aac855e-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep-2]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.748 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default commmand (docker entrypoint)
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
[BeforeEach] Downward API
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95 with secrets found. (5.085600067s)
[It] should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test downward api env vars
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.810319ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.095139324s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-downward-api-91q95' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.141119799s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod downward-api-741156a6-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_PORT=tcp://
[AfterEach] Downward API
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:25.876 seconds]
Downward API
should provide pod name and namespace as env vars
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3la51
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3la51 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3la51 with secrets found. (5.091620969s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3la51
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3la51 with secrets found. (40.507354ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.704198ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.131568ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.662591ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.848523ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.461793ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 43.266936ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 41.918572ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 41.442409ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 41.456364ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.913819ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 104.562769ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 200.459623ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 199.374605ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 199.904531ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 200.480582ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 201.058558ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 194.99096ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 201.229339ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 200.589965ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 201.649481ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-3la51" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:13.256 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
[BeforeEach] Docker Containers
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-containers-x5ste
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-x5ste had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-containers-x5ste with secrets found. (5.086826268s)
[It] should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
STEP: Creating a pod to test override arguments
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-containers-8b679674-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'client-containers-8b679674-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-containers-8b679674-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-containers-x5ste' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (42.368764ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod client-containers-8b679674-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:[/ep override arguments]
[AfterEach] Docker Containers
• [SLOW TEST:15.783 seconds]
Docker Containers
should be able to override the image's default arguments (docker cmd)
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
[BeforeEach] Variable Expansion
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-s7rzw
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-s7rzw had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-var-expansion-s7rzw with secrets found. (5.091430154s)
[It] should allow composing env vars into new env vars
STEP: Creating a pod to test env composition
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod var-expansion-94cd8f4c-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'dapi-container' in pod 'var-expansion-94cd8f4c-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod var-expansion-94cd8f4c-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-var-expansion-s7rzw' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.106154ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod var-expansion-94cd8f4c-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container dapi-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443
[AfterEach] Variable Expansion
STEP: Cleaning up the namespace
• [SLOW TEST:15.780 seconds]
Variable Expansion
should allow composing env vars into new env vars
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
[BeforeEach] Events
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
STEP: creating the pod
STEP: submitting the pod to kubernetes
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod send-events-9812cc97-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod send-events-9812cc97-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.586388ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'send-events-9812cc97-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: verifying the pod is in kubernetes
STEP: retrieving the pod
&{TypeMeta:{Kind: APIVersion:} ObjectMeta:{Name:send-events-9812cc97-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 GenerateName: Namespace:default SelfLink:/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/send-events-9812cc97-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 UID:982c2c45-25b7-11e5-905d-42010af0efee ResourceVersion:113471 Generation:0 CreationTimestamp:2015-07-08 14:23:36 -0700 PDT DeletionTimestamp:<nil> Labels:map[name:foo time:527997532] Annotations:map[]} Spec:{Volumes:[{Name:default-token-hrqye VolumeSource:{HostPath:<nil> EmptyDir:<nil> GCEPersistentDisk:<nil> AWSElasticBlockStore:<nil> GitRepo:<nil> Secret:0xc2084bfd70 NFS:<nil> ISCSI:<nil> Glusterfs:<nil> PersistentVolumeClaim:<nil> RBD:<nil>}}] Containers:[{Name:p Command:[] Args:[] WorkingDir: Ports:[{Name: HostPort:0 ContainerPort:80 Protocol:TCP HostIP:}] Env:[] Resources:{Limits:map[cpu:{Amount:0.100 Format:DecimalSI}] Requests:map[]} VolumeMounts:[{Name:default-token-hrqye ReadOnly:true MountPath:/var/run/secrets/}] LivenessProbe:<nil> ReadinessProbe:<nil> Lifecycle:<nil> TerminationMessagePath:/dev/termination-log ImagePullPolicy:IfNotPresent SecurityContext:<nil>}] RestartPolicy:Always TerminationGracePeriodSeconds:<nil> ActiveDeadlineSeconds:<nil> DNSPolicy:ClusterFirst NodeSelector:map[] ServiceAccountName:default NodeName:kubernetes-minion-8jyd HostNetwork:false ImagePullSecrets:[]} Status:{Phase:Running Conditions:[{Type:Ready Status:False}] Message: Reason: HostIP: PodIP: StartTime:2015-07-08 14:23:36 -0700 PDT ContainerStatuses:[{Name:p State:{Waiting:<nil> Running:0xc2081eb820 Terminated:<nil>} LastTerminationState:{Waiting:<nil> Running:<nil> Terminated:<nil>} Ready:false RestartCount:0 ImageID:docker://00619279d4083019321e4865829a65a550a23c677d76cbb44274ade0d92ca7a9 ContainerID:docker://93b3162a1bdd55d4101cc7566ed374cb3c5f0e947eda6c296b8303501cb79e4e}]}}
STEP: checking for scheduler event about the pod
Saw scheduler event for our pod.
STEP: checking for kubelet event about the pod
Saw kubelet event for our pod.
STEP: deleting the pod
• [SLOW TEST:9.741 seconds]
should be sent by kubelets and the scheduler about pods scheduling and running
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
STEP: Creating replication controller my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1: Found 2 pods out of 2
STEP: Ensuring each pod is running
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-iznza status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-iznza in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (64.157076ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-iznza' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-ww5ze status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-ww5ze' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: Trying to dial each unique pod
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1: Got expected result from replica 1 [my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-iznza]: "my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-iznza", 1 of 2 required successes so far
INFO: Controller my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1: Got expected result from replica 2 [my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-ww5ze]: "my-hostname-basic-9ddf0951-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1-ww5ze", 2 of 2 required successes so far
STEP: Cleaning up the replication controller
• [SLOW TEST:13.043 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a public image
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
[BeforeEach] Pod Disks
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host
S [SKIPPING] [0.344 seconds]
Pod Disks
should schedule a pod w/ a RW PD, remove it, then schedule it on another host [It]
Only supported for providers [gce aws] (not )
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2 with secrets found. (5.080347596s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2 with secrets found. (40.432426ms)
[It] with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-q9tr2" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:100.699 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe that fails should never be ready and never restart
Proxy version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7 with secrets found. (5.082905877s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7 with secrets found. (40.734376ms)
[It] should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 44.036836ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.611006ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.187018ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 41.55131ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 43.672916ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.477126ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.518037ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 43.161605ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 41.986191ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 42.447441ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 116.174723ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 215.029732ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 184.315013ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 200.934834ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 202.367774ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 195.662955ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 201.141233ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 199.9477ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 199.721486ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:10250/logs/: <pre>
<a href="dpkg.log">dpkg.log</a>
<a href="faillog">faillog</a>
<a href="gcp-containers.log.p... (200; 199.491952ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-bt4n7" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:13.261 seconds]
version v1
should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port
should mount an API token into pods
[BeforeEach] ServiceAccounts
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm with secrets found. (5.086874942s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm with secrets found. (40.637453ms)
[It] should mount an API token into pods
STEP: getting the auto-created API token
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account token
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.30174ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container token-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.gD0wWekqArCz7muzsPbKx24F8AK5sqMJsyH8EaMwigHMK3oXFDVQS36AMTvyvv_k-m0LKIHgK7uiJNwCDVkNztxDsJXtHY5gBpteRg-ZNZk5a8BTqFhWKzvFcqV1tMrit7ETPlcv7LEJB_l1zqMpWHMKy3B8NVe1KuQROH4ebHG7qcGqUAWXjHeV9T8FvH1uVoEQuqE8zZDmh3vdpakMWxVbG89DeNpKFbZFl63pwwLu6lHJS7fQjw6qLMvU7R4lral1RCX69jeP0iOtswCIqGafSEQWQdGewAHn6iGLkNliVi0mgl__1iRq8NrsciNhYwIhjE0S8SaEQ-7gAKLuLg
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume service account root CA
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'token-test' in pod 'pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (104.56645ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-service-account-f055e98b-25b7-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container root-ca-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:content of file "/var/run/secrets/": -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
[AfterEach] ServiceAccounts
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svcaccounts-cpcvm" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:22.161 seconds]
should mount an API token into pods
Proxy version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-1kots
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-1kots had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-1kots with secrets found. (5.089563516s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-1kots
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-1kots with secrets found. (40.592995ms)
[It] should proxy to cadvisor
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 44.597306ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 44.927697ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 46.845213ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 42.71522ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 43.066292ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 43.027771ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 42.624943ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 45.53395ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 43.378366ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 95.550185ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 202.188011ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 198.919423ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 202.49583ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 199.718439ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 200.445966ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 195.291543ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 203.014207ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 201.556775ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 201.037104ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/nodes/kubernetes-minion-8jyd:4194/containers/:
<title>cAdvisor - /</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/... (200; 201.92121ms)
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-1kots" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:13.470 seconds]
version v1
should proxy to cadvisor
Kubectl client Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
[BeforeEach] Kubectl client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw with secrets found. (5.096979061s)
[BeforeEach] Update Demo
[It] should scale a replication controller
STEP: creating a replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config create -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 is created but not running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-6m438
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-a3wq7 is verified up and running
STEP: scaling down the replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-6m438
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 is verified up and running
STEP: scaling up the replication controller
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config scale rc update-demo-nautilus --replicas=2 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: scaled
STEP: waiting for all containers in name=update-demo pods to come up.
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods -o template --template={{range.items}}{{}} {{end}} --api-version=v1 -l name=update-demo --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 update-demo-nautilus-9ymix
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-6m438 -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-6m438
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-6m438 is verified up and running
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-9ymix -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if (and (eq .name "update-demo") (exists . "state" "running"))}}true{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: true
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods update-demo-nautilus-9ymix -o template --template={{if (exists . "status" "containerStatuses")}}{{range .status.containerStatuses}}{{if eq .name "update-demo"}}{{.image}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} --api-version=v1 --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: validating pod update-demo-nautilus-9ymix
INFO: got data: {
"image": "nautilus.jpg"
INFO: Unmarshalled json jpg/img => {nautilus.jpg} , expecting nautilus.jpg .
INFO: update-demo-nautilus-9ymix is verified up and running
STEP: using stop to clean up resources
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config stop -f /Users/etune/go/src/ --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
INFO: replicationcontrollers/update-demo-nautilus
INFO: Running '/Users/etune/go/src/ kubectl --server= --kubeconfig=/Users/etune/.kube/config get pods,rc,se -l name=update-demo --no-headers --namespace=e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw'
[AfterEach] Kubectl client
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-kubectl-e4tgw
• [SLOW TEST:43.667 seconds]
Kubectl client
Update Demo
should scale a replication controller
Proxy version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
[BeforeEach] version v1
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3km04
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3km04 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3km04 with secrets found. (5.092361017s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3km04
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-proxy-3km04 with secrets found. (40.973765ms)
[It] should proxy through a service and a pod
STEP: 2015-07-08 14:27:23.318649661 -0700 PDT Creating replication controller proxy-service-drlh3
INFO: 2015-07-08 14:27:23.370235485 -0700 PDT Created replication controller with name: proxy-service-drlh3, namespace: e2e-tests-proxy-3km04, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-07-08 14:27:24.370658288 -0700 PDT proxy-service-drlh3 Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 185.831098ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 73.948213ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 45.350253ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 41.950652ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 41.604894ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 41.059199ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.519945ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.656366ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 43.315621ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 57.238685ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 40.997518ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.085932ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.1927ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 42.397722ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 41.535964ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 41.455296ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 42.136741ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.161796ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.369421ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 43.895555ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 41.426498ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.890764ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.517775ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 41.405009ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 41.546124ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.634066ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.292041ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 41.912597ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 43.052029ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 41.865538ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 41.986115ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 41.706426ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.886697ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 42.313478ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 43.679836ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 42.127554ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 41.653225ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 41.216706ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 42.409167ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 41.108238ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 42.769387ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 46.072608ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 95.989855ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 140.708809ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 188.798975ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 233.283986ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 280.75872ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 327.963087ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 370.223304ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 419.252218ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 468.730697ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 513.36387ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 562.734192ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 608.921509ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 655.496422ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 695.727887ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 743.708276ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 798.563004ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 838.243955ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 886.827844ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 933.855883ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 978.223626ms)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 1.026306374s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 1.074181905s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 1.123035767s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 1.174335612s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 1.213658572s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 1.266078256s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 1.318259918s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 1.368206111s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 1.409064648s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 1.457959963s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 1.509485858s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 1.553208299s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 1.599898091s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 1.648817837s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 1.692907387s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 1.741185855s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 1.788947483s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 1.838186079s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 1.882331373s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 1.928246439s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 1.97948978s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 2.022516291s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 2.067484801s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 2.117965196s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 2.159567201s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 2.204790124s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 2.259321359s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 2.305162201s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 2.348956932s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 2.394878004s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 2.440724697s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 2.49050234s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 2.538995613s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname1/: foo (200; 2.588969784s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/services/proxy-service-drlh3:portname2/: bar (200; 2.635499991s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/: <a href="/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:80/rewrite... (200; 2.679582098s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:160/: foo (200; 2.728783592s)
INFO: /api/v1/proxy/namespaces/e2e-tests-proxy-3km04/pods/proxy-service-drlh3-eod4d:162/: bar (200; 2.770383785s)
STEP: 2015-07-08 14:27:51.615893022 -0700 PDT Deleting replication controller proxy-service-drlh3 in namespace e2e-tests-proxy-3km04
INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.441681658s
[AfterEach] version v1
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-proxy-3km04" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:41.480 seconds]
version v1
should proxy through a service and a pod
should contain environment variables for services
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should contain environment variables for services
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod server-envvars-31c58180-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod server-envvars-31c58180-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.105694ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'server-envvars-31c58180-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
STEP: Creating a pod to test service env
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (43.829252ms elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'default' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (5.091176321s elapsed)
INFO: Nil State.Terminated for container 'env3cont' in pod 'client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' in namespace 'default' so far
INFO: Waiting for pod client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Running", readiness: false) (10.14583087s elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod client-envvars-34f8ae15-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container env3cont: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT=443
• [SLOW TEST:21.056 seconds]
should contain environment variables for services
should be consumable from pods
[BeforeEach] Secrets
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-chgme
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-chgme had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-chgme with secrets found. (5.181770646s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-secrets-chgme
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-secrets-chgme with secrets found. (40.602672ms)
[It] should be consumable from pods
STEP: Creating secret with name secret-test-4488d6e3-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1
STEP: Creating a pod to test consume secrets
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-secrets-44901b19-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'secret-test' in pod 'pod-secrets-44901b19-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-secrets-44901b19-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-secrets-chgme' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.272945ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-secrets-44901b19-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container secret-test: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mode of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": -r--r--r--
content of file "/etc/secret-volume/data-1": value-1
STEP: Cleaning up the secret
[AfterEach] Secrets
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-secrets-chgme" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:16.352 seconds]
should be consumable from pods
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
[BeforeEach] Services
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api objects
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 with secrets found. (5.087305036s)
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ffvod
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ffvod had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-service-1-ffvod with secrets found. (5.084713742s)
[It] should serve multiport endpoints from pods
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114102 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[] (40.256633ms elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname1 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114102 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (41.37436ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114102 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (5.086153504s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114102 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[], expected map[podname1:[100]] (10.12933464s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114122 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208342fc0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100]] -> map[[100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100]] (15.212546647s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname2 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname1:[100]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114122 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208208770}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (42.826107ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114122 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208209180}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (5.08748418s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114122 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208209880}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (10.134060616s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114145 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2082fe0e0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2082fe310}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] -> map[[101][100]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101]] (15.276438755s elapsed)
STEP: Adding pod podname3 in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114145 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2080d5490}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2080d5570}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (40.86256ms elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114145 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc2080a2f50}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc2080a30a0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (5.082613893s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114145 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc20800e770}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc20800ea10}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101][100]]
INFO: Unexpected number of endpoints: found map[[101][100]], expected map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (10.223600015s elapsed, ignoring for 5s)
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114171 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc20800f9d0} { 0xc20800fb90}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc208a44000} { 0xc208a440e0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100 101][101][100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100][101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[podname1:[100] podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (15.393297468s elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114175 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208d6c3f0}] [{portname1 100 TCP}]} {[{ 0xc208d6c4d0} { 0xc208d6c5b0}] [{portname2 101 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[100 101][101]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[101][100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[podname2:[101] podname3:[100 101]] (126.379069ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114179 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} [{[{ 0xc208d6df80}] [{portname2 101 TCP} {portname1 100 TCP}]}]}
INFO: Found IP and port 101
INFO: Found IP and port 100
INFO: Found ports by ip map[[101 100]]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[podname3:[100 101]] -> map[[100 101]] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[podname3:[100 101]] (83.792998ms elapsed)
STEP: Waiting up to 1m0s for service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 to expose endpoints map[]
INFO: Found endpoints &{{ } {multi-endpoint-test e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 /api/v1/namespaces/e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8/endpoints/multi-endpoint-test 54486a74-25b8-11e5-905d-42010af0efee 114182 0 2015-07-08 14:28:52 -0700 PDT <nil> map[] map[]} []}
INFO: Found ports by ip map[]
STEP: successfully translated pod names to ips: map[] -> map[] on namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Successfully validated that service multi-endpoint-test in namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8 exposes endpoints map[] (40.644972ms elapsed)
[AfterEach] Services
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-0-1oim8
STEP: Destroying namespace e2e-tests-service-1-ffvod
• [SLOW TEST:67.667 seconds]
should serve multiport endpoints from pods
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
[BeforeEach] Probing container
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp with secrets found. (5.172885924s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp with secrets found. (41.033214ms)
[It] with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
INFO: pod is not yet ready; pod has phase "Running".
[AfterEach] Probing container
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-container-probe-2gfsp" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:45.792 seconds]
Probing container
with readiness probe should not be ready before initial delay and never restart
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
[BeforeEach] Pods
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
STEP: creating the pod
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-update-8bb12de1-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-update-8bb12de1-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'default' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (45.095397ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'pod-update-8bb12de1-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
• [SLOW TEST:5.485 seconds]
should be schedule with cpu and memory limits
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
[BeforeEach] Service endpoints latency
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r with secrets found. (5.160452953s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r with secrets found. (40.845849ms)
[It] should not be very high
STEP: 2015-07-08 14:30:41.142973084 -0700 PDT Creating replication controller svc-latency-rc
INFO: 2015-07-08 14:30:41.19348464 -0700 PDT Created replication controller with name: svc-latency-rc, namespace: e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r, replica count: 1
INFO: 2015-07-08 14:30:42.197046512 -0700 PDT svc-latency-rc Pods: 1 out of 1 created, 1 running, 0 pending, 0 waiting, 0 inactive, 0 unknown
INFO: Created: latency-svc-72mu9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-72mu9 [9.139522341s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-odb6l
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-odb6l [317.810594ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2oy58
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2oy58 [428.995943ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zhzlo
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2d780
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zhzlo [463.165793ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2d780 [482.58042ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wzqlw
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wzqlw [521.084833ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-goxmr
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4mfi4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-goxmr [645.061695ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gzi3l
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4mfi4 [661.259011ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-54ou8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4bwj9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gzi3l [755.845613ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-54ou8 [786.619041ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-npmej
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4bwj9 [816.026398ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-npmej [836.175287ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-92szv
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zgzv2
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-92szv [887.890165ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zgzv2 [905.88547ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-p2996
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dve3s
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-p2996 [986.007768ms]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dve3s [1.05047257s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-effue
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-effue [130.176132ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4594d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4594d [419.19642ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dcaiq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dcaiq [403.194782ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-no6wt
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-no6wt [446.600145ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rdxoo
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r8tbw
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0sy4s
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rdxoo [619.648612ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-j2r40
INFO: Created: latency-svc-rxe42
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nqgz4
INFO: Created: latency-svc-no7zf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-j47xo
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r8tbw [774.945892ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-patgn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-omsxj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0sy4s [847.165513ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-t1yu8
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j2r40 [885.540969ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uinsx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-rxe42 [975.42778ms]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5pr3f
INFO: Created: latency-svc-e2397
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nqgz4 [1.15839483s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wjncs
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-j47xo [1.132682207s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-llgnk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-patgn [1.163380935s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ro1y4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-no7zf [1.331592561s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dmm5r
INFO: Created: latency-svc-jiqct
INFO: Created: latency-svc-89kea
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2s8t1
INFO: Created: latency-svc-mk4xd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qdfsg
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-omsxj [1.49065127s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nr3mr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-t1yu8 [1.452290268s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uinsx [1.325095381s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-aump8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-btzmd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5pr3f [1.375725681s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-lep7o
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-e2397 [1.45871117s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ns1p7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wjncs [1.456407325s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dvohp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-llgnk [1.3103872s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nxb3e
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ro1y4 [1.653057213s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-uyddn
INFO: Created: latency-svc-iygha
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dmm5r [1.550627266s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-jiqct [1.519247354s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-89kea [1.562469142s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2s8t1 [1.56351919s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-30756
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mk4xd [1.604542393s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2nzpy
INFO: Created: latency-svc-sy094
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ollod
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qdfsg [1.821685001s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-q2t9h
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nr3mr [1.782099311s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-aump8 [1.716626363s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ni5wh
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dxu6t
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tipfr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-btzmd [1.897399478s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-lep7o [1.907938908s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ns1p7 [1.840673482s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-4migq
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wy3kd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dvohp [1.994644613s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-v7z19
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nxb3e [1.890585635s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-uyddn [1.879888541s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ol6zz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-iygha [1.967235661s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5nou8
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cuztw
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-30756 [1.868097668s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wn1xs
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-sy094 [1.97688033s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zk6cz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2nzpy [2.003046104s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1thq5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ollod [1.988104615s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-q2t9h [1.986377132s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-mw2sj
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yykbk
INFO: Created: latency-svc-udysj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ni5wh [2.099079878s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dxu6t [2.110407387s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tipfr [2.102367522s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-nruji
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8gzsj
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gnmsd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-4migq [2.1215342s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wy3kd [2.337909208s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-v7z19 [2.224456318s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-t5k22
INFO: Created: latency-svc-i5z8t
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ol6zz [2.193979617s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ehmha
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5nou8 [2.320120978s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1pb7d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cuztw [2.334015488s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ya1qo
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b3xcz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wn1xs [2.350457935s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gbz4e
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zk6cz [2.357698235s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1thq5 [2.351346512s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9nbuf
INFO: Created: latency-svc-21olc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8gzsj [2.081094458s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gnmsd [1.964799435s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mw2sj [2.694946578s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-nruji [2.277611174s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ziwxr
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-t5k22 [1.931120595s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pq8vb
INFO: Created: latency-svc-zccul
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ceqhz
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tbmex
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-udysj [2.922875197s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7p6tn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yykbk [3.242005292s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-h4l20
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-i5z8t [2.887800329s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ehmha [2.909025901s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1pb7d [2.794820472s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-un3a7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ya1qo [2.748590098s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qnd5p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b3xcz [2.807933197s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vig4h
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b37jd
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gbz4e [2.772966633s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pd4jf
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9nbuf [2.717390526s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-47exe
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-21olc [2.714846843s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s2uuh
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7zx2a
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ziwxr [2.506495665s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pq8vb [2.618068507s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r0dbm
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dyygg
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-zccul [2.690364515s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ceqhz [2.65320027s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tbmex [2.678365105s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wql3p
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7p6tn [2.641139071s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-n2g96
INFO: Created: latency-svc-driyu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-h4l20 [2.542585999s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3xjnd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kfd0f
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-un3a7 [2.002598414s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-v1y39
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qnd5p [2.038343569s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vig4h [2.186218441s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b37jd [2.118310055s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3j2j9
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pd4jf [2.111301985s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m4x07
INFO: Created: latency-svc-boihb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-47exe [2.147599163s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-xwwt5
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3c1x1
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s2uuh [2.208813379s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7zx2a [2.202218967s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-irnee
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r0dbm [2.299520575s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dyygg [2.15874111s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5krtu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wql3p [2.055800696s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vlklm
INFO: Created: latency-svc-n9e1i
INFO: Created: latency-svc-5im7l
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n2g96 [2.213659577s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-driyu [2.197800526s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3xjnd [2.153744104s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3pv4w
INFO: Created: latency-svc-7q327
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kfd0f [2.191202058s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vzjew
INFO: Created: latency-svc-l73wt
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-v1y39 [2.184474199s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3j2j9 [2.10640686s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-c6ph2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-e0226
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m4x07 [2.184657639s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-km2wc
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-boihb [2.243261524s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-xwwt5 [2.160466891s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-x36so
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3c1x1 [2.146077171s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ntlos
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cauq6
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-irnee [2.164244529s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5krtu [2.172741914s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6adfy
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1ih99
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vlklm [2.115341819s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-n9e1i [2.136886556s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-5im7l [2.044687618s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-h6r2r
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3pv4w [1.959803807s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9riea
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gsi25
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wjy7h
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-7q327 [2.171636208s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vzjew [2.198609703s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l73wt [2.114942253s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9qpch
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-c6ph2 [2.113683593s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-15zt4
INFO: Created: latency-svc-msjnb
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b5xm5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-e0226 [2.16487401s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-km2wc [2.117106144s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2krui
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f5038
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-x36so [2.149365496s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ntlos [2.204277792s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ytdef
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cauq6 [2.181214044s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0l12w
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ljq21
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6adfy [2.215909811s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1ih99 [2.207100388s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-vcrd1
INFO: Created: latency-svc-glska
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-h6r2r [2.101519994s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9riea [2.217488956s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-g04fi
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gsi25 [2.222752523s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tusjp
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wjy7h [2.236439861s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-0g66s
INFO: Created: latency-svc-cqptz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9qpch [2.251595184s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-15zt4 [2.232200564s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-msjnb [2.231763863s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-s75r4
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qr3cm
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b5xm5 [2.253607437s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-fresl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2krui [2.258138166s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2lioz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f5038 [2.281564383s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2ue6w
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ytdef [2.337251345s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-d9j6y
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0l12w [2.336203498s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ljq21 [2.270410954s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8ud7w
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-vcrd1 [2.230317457s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f9fbv
INFO: Created: latency-svc-g6d71
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8y4mi
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-glska [2.374843632s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tsuoq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g04fi [2.402451086s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-d2nbq
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tusjp [2.497396676s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-0g66s [2.503645961s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-974vv
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-cqptz [2.540408091s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gyikf
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-s75r4 [2.439316884s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wehy2
INFO: Created: latency-svc-2aw9q
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qr3cm [2.490125325s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-fresl [2.544630164s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-slxop
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2lioz [2.479262324s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2ue6w [2.470980156s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3e85h
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hbm17
INFO: Created: latency-svc-b66x7
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-d9j6y [2.411141686s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8ud7w [2.389872721s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m2zuk
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f9fbv [2.358410797s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-u4ktp
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pikbl
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-g6d71 [2.518397891s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8y4mi [2.495814823s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-dtxzb
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tsuoq [2.275126084s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6zm72
INFO: Created: latency-svc-frf12
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-d2nbq [2.259480416s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-1viou
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-974vv [2.190918832s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gyikf [2.162462453s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-6l9as
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wehy2 [2.156777997s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z2ji3
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-2aw9q [2.138873385s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-u9m4b
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-slxop [2.103237504s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m9hzd
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tylqt
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3e85h [2.152997487s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hbm17 [2.25465191s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-mdgha
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-b66x7 [2.161172286s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-pplmj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m2zuk [2.072527766s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-9zyg3
INFO: Created: latency-svc-8k93i
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u4ktp [2.218608275s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pikbl [2.168010258s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-dtxzb [2.122617788s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-gap69
INFO: Created: latency-svc-wpeqh
INFO: Created: latency-svc-ds10d
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6zm72 [2.267312663s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-frf12 [2.258580006s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-1viou [2.165746904s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-tsdmx
INFO: Created: latency-svc-imfa4
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-6l9as [2.188326402s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-z7hoz
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z2ji3 [2.220536542s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-l7ibu
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-u9m4b [2.191003033s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-eqj1m
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m9hzd [2.196010539s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-yywn5
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tylqt [2.362119689s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-mdgha [2.158754721s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-f7q70
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-pplmj [2.128329117s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-9zyg3 [2.148673744s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-kj84b
INFO: Created: latency-svc-qmjza
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-8k93i [2.219586714s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-sdu0u
INFO: Created: latency-svc-r9xjn
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-gap69 [2.101659685s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-3dtyj
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-wpeqh [2.149152176s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-m0x39
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-ds10d [2.077065668s]
INFO: Created: latency-svc-hm0kx
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-tsdmx [2.147557996s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-imfa4 [2.185570376s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-z7hoz [2.096327936s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-l7ibu [2.111897401s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-eqj1m [2.150269101s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-yywn5 [2.161041662s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-f7q70 [2.141928793s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-kj84b [2.184049326s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-qmjza [2.16407411s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-sdu0u [2.063655277s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-r9xjn [2.172929871s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-3dtyj [2.151964944s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-m0x39 [2.133493842s]
INFO: Got endpoints: latency-svc-hm0kx [2.314200721s]
STEP: 2015-07-08 14:31:21.529906939 -0700 PDT Deleting replication controller svc-latency-rc in namespace e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r
INFO: Deleting RC took: 2.27533561s
INFO: Latencies: [130.176132ms 317.810594ms 403.194782ms 419.19642ms 428.995943ms 446.600145ms 463.165793ms 482.58042ms 521.084833ms 619.648612ms 645.061695ms 661.259011ms 755.845613ms 774.945892ms 786.619041ms 816.026398ms 836.175287ms 847.165513ms 885.540969ms 887.890165ms 905.88547ms 975.42778ms 986.007768ms 1.05047257s 1.132682207s 1.15839483s 1.163380935s 1.3103872s 1.325095381s 1.331592561s 1.375725681s 1.452290268s 1.456407325s 1.45871117s 1.49065127s 1.519247354s 1.550627266s 1.562469142s 1.56351919s 1.604542393s 1.653057213s 1.716626363s 1.782099311s 1.821685001s 1.840673482s 1.868097668s 1.879888541s 1.890585635s 1.897399478s 1.907938908s 1.931120595s 1.959803807s 1.964799435s 1.967235661s 1.97688033s 1.986377132s 1.988104615s 1.994644613s 2.002598414s 2.003046104s 2.038343569s 2.044687618s 2.055800696s 2.063655277s 2.072527766s 2.077065668s 2.081094458s 2.096327936s 2.099079878s 2.101519994s 2.101659685s 2.102367522s 2.103237504s 2.10640686s 2.110407387s 2.111301985s 2.111897401s 2.113683593s 2.114942253s 2.115341819s 2.117106144s 2.118310055s 2.1215342s 2.122617788s 2.128329117s 2.133493842s 2.136886556s 2.138873385s 2.141928793s 2.146077171s 2.147557996s 2.147599163s 2.148673744s 2.149152176s 2.149365496s 2.150269101s 2.151964944s 2.152997487s 2.153744104s 2.156777997s 2.15874111s 2.158754721s 2.160466891s 2.161041662s 2.161172286s 2.162462453s 2.16407411s 2.164244529s 2.16487401s 2.165746904s 2.168010258s 2.171636208s 2.172741914s 2.172929871s 2.181214044s 2.184049326s 2.184474199s 2.184657639s 2.185570376s 2.186218441s 2.188326402s 2.190918832s 2.191003033s 2.191202058s 2.193979617s 2.196010539s 2.197800526s 2.198609703s 2.202218967s 2.204277792s 2.207100388s 2.208813379s 2.213659577s 2.215909811s 2.217488956s 2.218608275s 2.219586714s 2.220536542s 2.222752523s 2.224456318s 2.230317457s 2.231763863s 2.232200564s 2.236439861s 2.243261524s 2.251595184s 2.253607437s 2.25465191s 2.258138166s 2.258580006s 2.259480416s 2.267312663s 2.270410954s 2.275126084s 2.277611174s 2.281564383s 2.299520575s 2.314200721s 2.320120978s 2.334015488s 2.336203498s 2.337251345s 2.337909208s 2.350457935s 2.351346512s 2.357698235s 2.358410797s 2.362119689s 2.374843632s 2.389872721s 2.402451086s 2.411141686s 2.439316884s 2.470980156s 2.479262324s 2.490125325s 2.495814823s 2.497396676s 2.503645961s 2.506495665s 2.518397891s 2.540408091s 2.542585999s 2.544630164s 2.618068507s 2.641139071s 2.65320027s 2.678365105s 2.690364515s 2.694946578s 2.714846843s 2.717390526s 2.748590098s 2.772966633s 2.794820472s 2.807933197s 2.887800329s 2.909025901s 2.922875197s 3.242005292s]
INFO: 50 %ile: 2.15874111s
INFO: 90 %ile: 2.518397891s
INFO: 99 %ile: 2.922875197s
INFO: Total sample count: 200
[AfterEach] Service endpoints latency
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-svc-latency-q4h7r" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:53.319 seconds]
Service endpoints latency
should not be very high
should support r/w on tmpfs
[BeforeEach] hostDir
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-j0yjd
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-j0yjd had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-hostdir-j0yjd with secrets found. (5.089875771s)
[It] should support r/w on tmpfs
STEP: Creating a pod to test emptydir r/w on tmpfs
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod pod-b4e0a361-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 status to be success or failure
INFO: No Status.Info for container 'test-container' in pod 'pod-b4e0a361-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1' yet
INFO: Waiting for pod pod-b4e0a361-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 in namespace 'e2e-tests-hostdir-j0yjd' status to be 'success or failure'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (41.53581ms elapsed)
STEP: Saw pod success
STEP: Trying to get logs from node kubernetes-minion-8jyd pod pod-b4e0a361-25b8-11e5-b213-20c9d04261d1 container test-container: <nil>
STEP: Succesfully fetched pod logs:mount type of "/test-volume": 61267
content of file "/test-volume/test-file": mount-tester new file
mode of file "/test-volume/test-file": -rw-r--r--
[AfterEach] hostDir
STEP: Destroying namespace for this suite e2e-tests-hostdir-j0yjd
• [SLOW TEST:15.764 seconds]
should support r/w on tmpfs
should function for intra-pod communication
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Creating a kubernetes client
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
STEP: Building a namespace api object
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti had 0 secrets, ignoring for 5s: <nil>
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti with secrets found. (5.084512633s)
STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace
INFO: Waiting up to 2m0s for service account default to be provisioned in ns e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti
INFO: Service account default in ns e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti with secrets found. (40.935251ms)
[BeforeEach] Networking
STEP: Executing a successful http request from the external internet
[It] should function for intra-pod communication
STEP: Creating a service named "nettest" in namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti"
STEP: Creating a webserver (pending) pod on each node
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node kubernetes-minion-8jyd readiness to be true
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node kubernetes-minion-ayxy readiness to be true
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node kubernetes-minion-ldam readiness to be true
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Successfully found node kubernetes-minion-zw8n readiness to be true
INFO: Created pod nettest-v5v7t on node kubernetes-minion-8jyd
INFO: Created pod nettest-xlixl on node kubernetes-minion-ayxy
INFO: Created pod nettest-ycqh7 on node kubernetes-minion-ldam
INFO: Created pod nettest-4oepq on node kubernetes-minion-zw8n
STEP: Waiting for the webserver pods to transition to Running state
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-v5v7t status to be running
INFO: Waiting for pod nettest-v5v7t in namespace 'e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti' status to be 'running'(found phase: "Pending", readiness: false) (40.622268ms elapsed)
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-v5v7t' on node 'kubernetes-minion-8jyd'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-xlixl status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-xlixl' on node 'kubernetes-minion-ayxy'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-ycqh7 status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-ycqh7' on node 'kubernetes-minion-ldam'
INFO: Waiting up to 5m0s for pod nettest-4oepq status to be running
INFO: Found pod 'nettest-4oepq' on node 'kubernetes-minion-zw8n'
STEP: Waiting for connectivity to be verified
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 40.627875ms
INFO: Attempt 0: waiting on service/endpoints
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 41.420853ms
INFO: Attempt 1: waiting on service/endpoints
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 41.688322ms
INFO: Attempt 2: test still running
INFO: About to make a proxy status call
INFO: Proxy status call returned in 52.633596ms
INFO: Passed on attempt 3. Cleaning up.
STEP: Cleaning up the webserver pods
STEP: Cleaning up the service
[AfterEach] Networking
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-8jyd condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ayxy condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-ldam condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
INFO: Node kubernetes-minion-zw8n condition 1/1: type: Ready, status: True
STEP: Destroying namespace "e2e-tests-nettest-ujiti" for this suite.
• [SLOW TEST:24.932 seconds]
should function for intra-pod communication
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
[BeforeEach] ReplicationController
>>> testContext.KubeConfig: /Users/etune/.kube/config
[It] should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image
S [SKIPPING] [0.142 seconds]
should serve a basic image on each replica with a private image [It]
Only supported for providers [gce gke] (not )
Ran 40 of 95 Specs in 1296.522 seconds
SUCCESS! -- 40 Passed | 0 Failed | 1 Pending | 54 Skipped PASS
Ginkgo ran 1 suite in 21m42.378386352s
Test Suite Passed
Copy link

erictune commented Jul 9, 2015

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