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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save ericvaladas/9501542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ericvaladas/9501542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
header("Content-type: text/xml");
$dbo = new DatabaseObject;
$name = $dbo->sanitize($_GET['n']);
function xmlitem($tag, $item, $tooltip)
$margin = 5;
if (file_exists("items/" . $item . ".png"))
$margin = getimagesize("items/" . $item . ".png");
$margin = (35-$margin[1])/2;
$xmlitem = "\t<".$tag."> [div id='item' title='".$tooltip."'][img style='margin-top:".$margin.";' src='items/" . $item . ".png' /][/div] </".$tag.">\n";
return $xmlitem;
$resultSet = $dbo->query("SELECT name, class, guild, guildrank, hp, mp, accessorya, accessoryb, armor, belt, boots, displayhelm, earring, greaves, helm, leftgauntlet, leftring, necklace, overcoat, rightgauntlet, rightring, shield, weapon, avatar, DATE_FORMAT(modified,'%m.%d.%y') AS modified FROM tblPlayers WHERE name = '".$name."';");
$playerdata = $resultSet->fetch_object();
if ( $class == "Priest" || $class == "Bard" ){
if ( $weapon == 32952 || $weapon == 32953 || $weapon == 32902 ){
$weapon = $weapon."1";
$tearring = queryItem($earring);
$tnecklace = queryItem($necklace);
$thelm = queryItem($helm);
$tdisplayhelm = queryItem($displayhelm);
$taccessorya = queryItem($accessorya);
$taccessoryb = queryItem($accessoryb);
$tleftgauntlet = queryItem($leftgauntlet);
$tweapon = queryItem($weapon);
$tovercoat = queryItem($overcoat);
$tarmor = queryItem($armor);
$tshield = queryItem($shield);
$trightgauntlet = queryItem($rightgauntlet);
$tleftring = queryItem($leftring);
$tgreaves = queryItem($greaves);
$tboots = queryItem($boots);
$tbelt = queryItem($belt);
$trightring = queryItem($rightring);
$xml_output = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
$xml_output .= "<player>\n";
//for($i = 0 ; $i < $resultSet->num_rows ; $i++)
// $row = $resultSet->fetch_object();
$xml_output .= "\t<name>" . $name . "</name>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<class>" . $class . "</class>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<hp>" . $hp . " </hp>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<mp>" . $mp . " </mp>\n";
$margin = 0;
$xml_output .= xmlitem("earrings", $earring, $tearring);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("necklace", $necklace, $tnecklace);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("displayhelm", $displayhelm, $tdisplayhelm);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("helm", $helm, $thelm);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("accessorya", $accessorya, $taccessorya);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("accessoryb", $accessoryb, $taccessoryb);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("leftgauntlet", $leftgauntlet, $tleftgauntlet);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("weapon", $weapon, $tweapon);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("overcoat", $overcoat, $tovercoat);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("armor", $armor, $tarmor);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("shield", $shield, $tshield);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("rightgauntlet", $rightgauntlet, $trightgauntlet);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("leftring", $leftring, $tleftring);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("greaves", $greaves, $tgreaves);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("boots", $boots, $tboots);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("belt", $belt, $tbelt);
$xml_output .= xmlitem("rightring", $rightring, $trightring);
if (file_exists('sprites/' . strtolower($name) . '.png'))
$xml_output .= "\t<sprite> [img id='sprite' src='sprites/" . $name . ".png' onload='tooltip.init();'/]</sprite>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<sprite> [img src='items/0.png' onload='tooltip.init();'/]</sprite>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<modified>" . $modified . "</modified>\n";
$xml_output .= "\t<link>[a id='player_link' href='" . strtolower($name) . "']" . strtolower($name) . "[/a]</link>\n";
$xml_output .= "</player>";
echo strtolower($xml_output);
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