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Last active June 13, 2024 07:53
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  • Save ericweissman/917696ddc21a50c3ebcdbb6c471080bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ericweissman/917696ddc21a50c3ebcdbb6c471080bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Session 3 HW


To start this assignment:

  1. Click the button in the upper right-hand corner that says Fork. This is now your copy of the document.
  2. Click the Edit button when you're ready to start adding your answers.
  3. To save your work, click the green button in the bottom right-hand corner. You can always come back and re-edit your gist.

Readings + Responses

Git + Github Review (20 min)

Read David's article on Git and GitHub

  • Use the article and outside resources (Google!) to describe the general process of a collaborative git workflow in the space below.

Slack Shortcuts and Features (10 min)

Use Google to go find at least one online resource detailing keyboard shortcuts and/or features that are built into Slack.

  • What resource(s) did you find? Paste them below:


If you have any questions, comments, or confusions that you would like an instructor to address, list them below:


Task 1: Practicing Git Workflow and Pushing a Repo to GitHub (20 min)

  1. From your command line, make a directory git_and_gh_practice with two files inside: and
  2. Initialize git, add your two files, and make an initial commit.
  3. Use your text editor to open
  4. Add some text about your hobbies.
  5. Add the changes and commit.
  6. Use your text editor to open
  7. Add some text about your favorite vacation or travel experience.
  8. Add the changes and commit.
  9. Add a new file to your directory called
  10. Add some text about what is motivating you to change your career.
  11. Add the changes and commit.
  12. On GitHub, create a new repository.
  13. Add the remote to your local repository.
  14. Push your repository to GitHub.


Task 2: Forking a Repo on GitHub and Creating a Pull Request (30 min)

  1. Fork the Mod 0 Resources repository.
  2. Open your terminal
  3. Clone your fork to your computer (git clone <url>).
  4. cd into your cloned repository.
  5. Make a new file with the pattern
  6. Open the file you just created in your text editor.
  7. Create a list of some of your favorite resources so far related to coding/Turing/git/GitHub/etc. These resources do not need to be ones that we've discussed in class. They can be anything that has helped you so far in your journey to learn software development.
  8. Add your changes.
  9. Commit your changes with a properly formatted commit message.
  10. Push your changes to your fork.

This next part is not something we discussed during class and will involve some figuring out on your own.

  1. Use the Googling trick to search GitHub's help area to figure out how to create a pull request from a fork. It may also be helpful to figure out what pull request means and do additional research!
  2. Open a pull request for your changes.

Once your pull request is open, you're done! You don't need to submit or paste anything since we will get a notification that you've opened a pull request.

IMPORTANT: Do NOT remove this mod0_student_resources directory. You will be using this directory during the next session.

Self Assess

Using the rubric below, assess how you did with these exercises. These are the same metrics your instructors will use to determine if you are prepared for Mod 1!

  • I read carefully read ALL directions
  • I completed all parts of the exercises (not including Extensions) to the best of my ability
  • I used correct syntax, spacing and naming conventions
  • I followed ALL formatting instructions
  • I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and experimented/broke things to try to learn
  • I spent no longer than 20-30 mins Googling a specific problem before asking for help
  • I went back to the lesson to search for clarification before asking for help

Stuck? Having Issues?

Are you stuck on something? Here is the BEST way to ask for help:

  • Start or reply in the thread with the problem you are facing. Be sure to follow the guidelines for asking questions below:
    • I can explain what I am trying to do or accomplish
    • I can what I have tried so far and/or what resources I've tried online
    • I can describe specifically what I am stuck on
    • I provided screenshots and/or code examples to give context
      • If I provided short code examples, I used inline code formatting for single lines of code/error messages
      • If I provided larger blocks of code, I used a code snippet in the correct format (such as .js or .rb)
  • Usually, your classmates will be able to answer your question or point you in the right direction very quickly! If not, an instructor will reply within 24-48 hours
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k-jundi commented Feb 7, 2022

Screen Shot 2022-02-07 at 5 50 10 PM

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