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Last active December 20, 2019 18:09
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⛄ Work for Winter Break ⛄

Yes. You have work to do. If you don't do any of this work, you have a much higher chance of repeating the module.

📽️ Deliverable

  • Create a video of you drawing out the Redux cycle and explaining each step of the process.
  • Send your video to your PM for your Rancid Tomatillos by 5pm on Sunday 1/5

‼️ Strongly Suggested Work

  • Convert a previous app (probably not SWAPI) to use Redux and complete Redux testing on at least one connected component
  • Make a new ideabox using React and complete component testing. Bonus points for any ideabox that involves Instructor Amy.
  • Convert Promise chains from a SWAPI asynchronous function to use async/await syntax
  • Research some free APIs (this is a good place to start) for your final solo project. Avoid any APIs that require OAuth or have other restrictions!

💰 Professional Development

Any outstanding PD deliverables that you have not turned in on time must be submited by 5pm on Sunday 1/5

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