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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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CrowdSeats Checkout API


The current API Version is 1. The Version number will always be incremented in whole integers. You can access specific versions of the API by providing that version number in your API calls, which are detailed further below.

Entry Point

The current version of the CrowdSeats Checkout API is available at:


The CrowdSeats Checkout API requires an API key to access which is provided when you sign up for API access. The API key identifies your application to CrowdSeats, and is used to track overall call usage. It's passed using the api_key parameter that you will need to supply on every API call. In addition to your API key, you will also need to include an authentication token using the auth_token parameter.

API Requests

The CrowdSeats Checkout API uses a RESTful calling style that works with standard HTTP calls. In other words, all calls are just HTTP URLs. Any web programming language (PHP, Ruby, Perl, Python, Java, Objective C, C# to name a few) should be able to make and receive HTTP networking calls, so check out the documentation for your language of choice for more details.

In a RESTful API, each resource or collection of resources is identified by a unique URL, such as:

It's a bit more complicated than that, however, since every request you make needs to have your API key supplied. Think of this as your user id and password. Since RESTful web services are generally stateless, you need to supply those credentials in every request.

In addition, you must specify which version of the API you'd like to call. As mentioned earlier, this is a simple integer value that gets incremented every time significant changes to the API are made (changes that would break compatibility with existing applications). If you can't keep up with CrowdSeats' Checkout API changes and don't want to use the latest and greatest version, then you can always supply an earlier version specifier in your call. We'll do our best to keep the older versions of the API hanging around.

So the basic format for any URL to call the CrowdSeats Checkout API is as follows:{apiVersion}/{pathToResource}?api_key={:api_key}

A full example of an API call would be the following:

URLs for specific API calls are discussed in more detail in the sections that follow.

The default format for the service is JSON, in order to access the service, make sure the Content-Type (set in the request header) of the request is set to:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

HTTP Methods

RESTful APIs use standard HTTP methods for actions that can be applied to a resource:

Method Description Status Code
GET Reads a resource HTTP 200 on success
POST Creates a new resource HTTP 201 on success
PUT Inserts or Updates a resource HTTP 200 on success
DELETE Deletes a resource HTTP 200 on success

API Responses

All GET API calls will return a JSON response within a standard data structure that also contains additional meta-data:

     "results": [
         { result object }
     "type":result type

Where count is the number of results returned, results is the array of the returned objects, and type is the type of the object returned.

For the sake of consistency, the result field will always return an array, even if the number of results returned is 1.

For POST, PUT and DELETE API calls, a status JSON response message will be returned:

     "type": "Result",
     "results": [{ message: "Event deleted", data: [null] }],
     "count": 1

Response Codes

As with all RESTful interfaces, the CrowdSeats Checkout API uses standard HTTP status codes to indicate success or failure of API calls. Determining the HTTP status code of the returned response is dependent on your toolkit/programming language so consult its documentation for implementation details.

HTTP Code Message Meaning
200 OK Success
201 Created A new resource was successfully created.
400 Bad Request Your request contains an error, such as passing a string for a parameter that expects an integer.
401 Unauthorized Your request contained an incorrect api_key and/or other authentication parameters.
403 Forbidden The rate limits for your account have been exceeded, the data you're trying to access is private, or the method you're using is not allowed for that particular resource.
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found or does not correspond to any known operation.
500 Server Error An unexpected error has occurred on our end.
503 Service Unavailable The CrowdSeats Checkout API is down for scheduled maintenance; please try again later (this should hardly ever happen though!)

All responses return a JSON-formatted result body, even for errors. For status codes other than 200 and 201, an error object is returned in the response body, with exact details on the cause of the error. For example:

    "errors": { message: [ "invalid_city_code", "invalid_date_range" ] }

What's the difference between a 404 Not Found and a 200 OK with empty results? If you're searching for a specific record, say event BA5965A4-EAF4-44CC-B3A8-011ED7220E73, and it doesn't exist, 404 Not Found is returned. The record wasn't found in our system because it no longer exists (or maybe never even existed). However, if you're searching for a set of events and no listings match your search, 200 OK is returned, but with an empty array in the results field. There's nothing wrong with your request, but there were no matching records found so an empty result is returned.

While this may seem a bit weird, it makes practical sense: if you use a search engine to find something and no matching results were found, it doesn't return an error page. But if you're trying to access a URL that doesn't exist, a standard 404 error page would be returned. It's likely that your application should behave similarly.

Error Codes

If an error response is returned, the message field will contains an array of error codes. Each error code meant to be human-readable but can be treated as a constant and used in your application to respond to the error accordingly. We will explain each call-specific error code later but here are the system wide error codes:

Error Code Meaning
invalid_api_key The API key used is invalid.

CrowdSeats Checkout API

POST /Checkout/:ticket_id

Purchases a ticket identified by ticket_id

Parameter Value Type Location Description
ticket_id required string query or header Your unique ID for this ticket.
api_key required string query or header API key
auth_token required string query or header Authentication token that pairs to the api_key

Entity Body

Parameter Value Type Description
AffiliateCode optional string Optional affiliate code to indicate this order originated via an affiliate
AffiliateTrackingId optional string Optional tracking identifier used by an affiliate for them to track an order
Amount required string Total expected amount of the order
BillingAddress required Address object Address to bill this order to
CheckoutId required string Identity of the ThreatMetrix client session ID for the current user
CreditCard required CreditCard object Payment information for this order
DeliveryMethod One of: ship, email enumerated Method of ticket delivery
Quantity One of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 enumerated Quantity of tickets in this order
ShippingAddress conditional Address object Address to ship this order to, if DeliveryMethod is ship
User required object User information for this order

Address object

Parameter Value Type Description
Address1 required string Street address
Address2 optional string Suite, building, or care-of information
FirstName required string First name of contact associated with this address
LastName required string Last name of contact associated with this address
PostalCode required string Postal code
State required string State

CreditCard object

Parameter Value Type Description
PaymentMethodToken required string Spreedly payment method token generated for CrowdSeats

User object

Parameter Value Type Description
Email required string Email address
Password optional string Optional password to associate with the user
FirstName required string First name
LastName required string Last name
Phone required string Phone number
IpAddress required string IP Address of the user. This should only represent the end-user, not any load balancers, or intermediary network devices
OptIntoScoreBigMarketingOffers One of: true, false enumerated Determines whether to opt the user in to marketing offers from ScoreBig

Example request

POST /1/Checkout/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
api_key: your_api_key
auth_token: your_auth_token
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "AffiliateCode": "affiliate_code",
  "AffiliateTrackingId": "your_tracking_id",
  "Amount": "100.00",
  "BillingAddress": {
    "Address1": "1800 N. Highland Ave.",
    "Address2": "Floor 1",
    "City": "Hollywood",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "PostalCode": "90028",
    "State": "CA"
  "CheckoutId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "CreditCard": {
    "PaymentMethodToken": "spreedly_payment_method_token"
  "DeliveryMethod": "ship",
  "Quantity": 2,
  "ShippingAddress": {
    "Address1": "1800 N. Highland Ave.",
    "Address2": "Floor 1",
    "City": "Hollywood",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "PostalCode": "90028",
    "State": "CA"
  "User": {
    "Email": "",
    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Phone": "8885551212",
    "IpAddress": "",
    "OptIntoScoreBigMarketingOffers": true

Example responses


{"Http_Status_Code":200,"type":"Result","count":1,"results":[{"OrderId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "ConfirmationNumber": "123456789"}],"Errors":{}}

Invalid API key or auth token:

{"Http_Status_Code":401,"type":"Error","count":0,"results":[],"Errors":{"unauthorized":["The API key provided could not be authorized"]}}

Model validation failure:

{"Http_Status_Code":500,"type":"Error","count":0,"results":[],"Errors":{"BillingAddress":["Required"],"CreditCard":["Required"],"Quantity":["You must select a quantity."],"User":["Required"]}}

Delivery method not available:

{"Http_Status_Code":401,"type":"Error","count":0,"results":[],"Errors":{"delivery_method_not_avaliable":["The selected delivery method is not avaliable for this ticket"]}}

Order amount mismatch:

{"Http_Status_Code":401,"type":"Error","count":0,"results":[],"Errors":{"amount_mismatch":["Expected amount 11.00, got 10.00 instead"]}}
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