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Created March 12, 2018 03:27
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// use the smaller size for testing.
const CHUNK_SIZE = 100000; // Arbitrary size until we decide
// const CHUNK_SIZE = 65535; // MySQL TEXT Type
* this code will set up pre_option and pre_update filter for the
* large cache fix
foreach( Ninja_Forms()->form()->get_forms() as $form ){
// if( ! get_option( 'nf_form_' . $form->get_id() . '_chunks', false ) ) continue;
add_filter( 'pre_option_nf_form_' . $form->get_id(),
'WPN_Helper::pre_option', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'pre_update_option_nf_form_' . $form->get_id(),
'WPN_Helper::pre_update_option', 10, 2 );
// Helper.php
public static function pre_option( $value )
$filter = str_replace( 'pre_option_', '', current_filter() );
$flag = $filter . '_chunks';
// if there is no nf_form_x_chunks option, we have not chunked
// this for, carry on
if( ! get_option( $flag ) ) return $value;
$new_value = '';
// if we have chunk'd it, get the list of chunks
$options = explode( ',', get_option( $flag ) );
//get the option value of each chunk and concat them into the form
foreach( $options as $option ){
$new_value .= get_option( $option );
return maybe_unserialize( $new_value );
public static function pre_update_option( $new_value, $old_value )
if( is_array( $new_value ) ){
$tmp_new_value = maybe_serialize( $new_value );
// if serialized form length is less than chunk size, then carry on
if ( self::CHUNK_SIZE > strlen($tmp_new_value) ) return $new_value;
// otherwise, get the name of the option we want to set
$filter = str_replace( 'pre_update_option_', '', current_filter() );
$new_options = array();
// create the chunks
$chunks = explode("\r\n", chunk_split($tmp_new_value, self::CHUNK_SIZE));
// create chunk option, eg. nf_form_1_0, nf_form_1_1...
foreach ($chunks as $key => $value) {
if( '' == $value ) continue;
$option = $filter . '_' . $key;
update_option($option, $value, false);
$new_options[] = $option;
// set the chunk option with a value of the list of the chunks
update_option($filter . '_chunks', implode(',', $new_options));
return $new_value;
// AJAX/Controllers/Form.php
// if we've had chunked cache in the past, remove the reference
if( get_option( 'nf_form_' . $form->get_id() . '_chunks', false ) ) {
delete_option( 'nf_form_' . $form->get_id() . '_chunks' );
// attach filters that might enable chunking if needed.
add_filter( 'pre_option_nf_form_' . $form->get_id(),
'WPN_Helper::pre_option', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'pre_update_option_nf_form_' . $form->get_id(),
'WPN_Helper::pre_update_option', 10, 2 );
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