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Last active July 29, 2019 18:31
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IdeaBox Reflection
Agile & Feedback Reflection Guidelines
In interviews, you'll be asked about how you approach working in projects, and being able to describe how you utilize agile processes is a great way to help you stand out as a junior developer candidate. This reflection is meant to help you develop this skill.
With that in mind, please answer the following questions in your own gist about your group project:
What have you learned about the use of agile vs. waterfall in software projects?
I used to teach entrepreneurship to high school students, and I taught them all about Lean Startup methodologies, so I've known about Agile for years. At the heart of it, agile is the principle of doing lots of testing and experimentation with your end users early, quickly and cheaply so that you don't sink a ton of time, energy and money into something without making sure it really solves a real problem for real people.
How did you and your group approach project management in this project (what tools did you use, how did you hold each other accountable, etc.)?
We used the Project tool directly in GitHub, and checked off each item as we completed it. We also held a standup every morning before class, to make sure we were all on the same page, and held retros a couple times a week to make sure we were all communicating effectively and achieving our individual learning goals.
What role did you take on in the project?
We did a lot of paired and group work, especially early on, and I was usually the driver, which worked well because my teammates both talk a little faster and think through things a little faster than me. I also did much of the styling for the page, and made sure our code was clean, DRY and written according to the style guide. I caught several errors and instances where we were making things more complicated than they needed to be. A big part of my role was weighing in on disagreements and keeping us grounded in the big picture.
What changes would you make to your approach in future team projects?
I would probably try to assert myself more and be more confident in my abilities. I know what I'm doing.
How does retro function in a team project?
In a team project, the "soft skills" of communication and process are just as important as the technical skills. Retro serves to make sure your communication and processes are working for everyone and for the team.
In your team retro, how did you engage in the feedback process? What principles of feedback did you use in these conversations?
We kept our feedback Specific, Actionable and Kind. It was easy to keep things kind because I had a great team to work with. My teammates were super receptive to feedback and never took offense when we had specific, actionable things to improve upon. Most of our feedback was in the form of affirmation, with some coaching mixed in.
How would you describe your ability to communicate feedback? How has this experience affected your communication skills? How do you want to improve in your ability to communicate feedback?
I believe I have a strong ability to communicate feedback in a way that people can be receptive to. I am able to be specific and kind, affirming people while also asking for them to improve. I want to be better at identifying areas for others to improve - I often struggle to think of things that others can improve on, because I get along with most people. I also want to improve my ability to receive feedback. I've recently discovered that I have a deep-seated fear of looking stupid or being embarrassed, so I can sometimes avoid feedback out of fear of harsh criticism.
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Hey Eric, that's so great that you've been able to draw on your experience from teaching! This will be a great talking point to reference in interviews too :) I also appreciate all the details you have here on the process you and your group used and your takeaways for how you'd describe next steps. Nice work!

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