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Created May 15, 2021 06:43
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Output of #3105 Harden perf stats better order
Output of
(1):xsnap(test-harden-perf)$ yarn test -sv test/test-harden-perf.js
yarn run v1.22.5
$ ava -sv test/test-harden-perf.js
time, BOTH, 10, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12257,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.007080078125
} 231
✔ time, BOTH, 10, nothing (262ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12257,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.008056640625
} 192
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10, nothing (200ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12257,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.008056640625
} 200
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10, nothing (208ms)
time, BOTH, 10, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12337,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.01123046875
} 191
✔ time, BOTH, 10, list (199ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12337,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.010986328125
} 190
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10, list (198ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 12337,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.010986328125
} 192
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10, list (200ms)
time, BOTH, 10, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 21191,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3123,
mapSetRemoveCount: 709,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.364990234375
} 192
✔ time, BOTH, 10, listHard (200ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 418290,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3778,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 13.9599609375
} 205
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10, listHard (213ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 437701,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3864,
mapSetRemoveCount: 709,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 16.01708984375
} 209
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10, listHard (217ms)
time, BOTH, 10, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 17548,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3123,
mapSetRemoveCount: 709,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.22802734375
} 194
✔ time, BOTH, 10, hardList (202ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 54746,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2572,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 1.47412109375
} 195
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10, hardList (203ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 56823,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2658,
mapSetRemoveCount: 709,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 1.65380859375
} 196
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10, hardList (204ms)
time, BOTH, 100, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.01611328125
} 193
✔ time, BOTH, 100, nothing (200ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.01513671875
} 191
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100, nothing (199ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.014892578125
} 194
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100, nothing (202ms)
time, BOTH, 100, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13957,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.04296875
} 196
✔ time, BOTH, 100, list (204ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13957,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.0419921875
} 194
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100, list (203ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 13957,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.04296875
} 230
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100, list (240ms)
time, BOTH, 100, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 100211,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3483,
mapSetRemoveCount: 799,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 3.032958984375
} 203
✔ time, BOTH, 100, listHard (212ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 5905005,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 2,
mapSetAddCount: 25018,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 315.98193359375
} 512
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100, listHard (520ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 6225106,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 3,
mapSetAddCount: 25104,
mapSetRemoveCount: 799,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 482.698974609375
} 678
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100, listHard (686ms)
time, BOTH, 100, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 60118,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3483,
mapSetRemoveCount: 799,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 1.677001953125
} 194
✔ time, BOTH, 100, hardList (203ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 92816,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2842,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 2.656005859375
} 198
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100, hardList (206ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 97503,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2928,
mapSetRemoveCount: 799,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 3.0009765625
} 197
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100, hardList (205ms)
time, BOTH, 1000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 22157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.157958984375
} 199
✔ time, BOTH, 1000, nothing (208ms)
time, POSITIVE, 1000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 22157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.095947265625
} 198
✔ time, POSITIVE, 1000, nothing (207ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 1000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 22157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.09619140625
} 202
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 1000, nothing (211ms)
time, BOTH, 1000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 30157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.364990234375
} 200
✔ time, BOTH, 1000, list (209ms)
time, POSITIVE, 1000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 30157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.367919921875
} 191
✔ time, POSITIVE, 1000, list (200ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 1000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 30157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.364013671875
} 195
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 1000, list (202ms)
time, BOTH, 1000, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 890411,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 7083,
mapSetRemoveCount: 1699,
maxBucketSize: 24,
time: 29.72998046875
} 224
✔ time, BOTH, 1000, listHard (231ms)
too much computation
✖ time, POSITIVE, 1000, listHard time, POSITIVE, 1000, listHard, 838, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
too much computation
✖ time, NEGATIVE, 1000, listHard time, NEGATIVE, 1000, listHard, 1274, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
time, BOTH, 1000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 485818,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 7083,
mapSetRemoveCount: 1699,
maxBucketSize: 23,
time: 20.865966796875
} 214
✔ time, BOTH, 1000, hardList (222ms)
time, POSITIVE, 1000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 473516,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 5542,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 25,
time: 19.27490234375
} 226
✔ time, POSITIVE, 1000, hardList (233ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 1000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 504303,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 5628,
mapSetRemoveCount: 1699,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 21.04296875
} 217
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 1000, hardList (226ms)
time, BOTH, 10000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 112157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.89892578125
} 194
✔ time, BOTH, 10000, nothing (203ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 112157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 0.89892578125
} 194
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10000, nothing (202ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 112157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 0.89892578125
} 199
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10000, nothing (207ms)
time, BOTH, 10000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 192157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 3.498046875
} 203
✔ time, BOTH, 10000, list (211ms)
time, POSITIVE, 10000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 192157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 3.5791015625
} 196
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10000, list (203ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 10000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 192157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 3.541015625
} 204
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10000, list (211ms)
time, BOTH, 10000, listHard {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 8792411,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 5,
mapSetAddCount: 43083,
mapSetRemoveCount: 10699,
maxBucketSize: 103,
time: 394.81103515625
} 588
✔ time, BOTH, 10000, listHard (595ms)
too much computation
✖ time, POSITIVE, 10000, listHard time, POSITIVE, 10000, listHard, 859, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
too much computation
✖ time, NEGATIVE, 10000, listHard time, NEGATIVE, 10000, listHard, 1244, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
time, BOTH, 10000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 4742818,
allocate: 260179616,
allocateChunksCalls: 53,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 2048,
mapSetAddCount: 43083,
mapSetRemoveCount: 10699,
maxBucketSize: 99,
time: 14651.873779296875
} 14850
✔ time, BOTH, 10000, hardList (14.8s)
time, POSITIVE, 10000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 4280516,
allocate: 260179616,
allocateChunksCalls: 53,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 2049,
mapSetAddCount: 32542,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 100,
time: 13301.4150390625
} 13492
✔ time, POSITIVE, 10000, hardList (13.5s)
time, NEGATIVE, 10000, hardList {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 4572303,
allocate: 260179616,
allocateChunksCalls: 53,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 2049,
mapSetAddCount: 32628,
mapSetRemoveCount: 10699,
maxBucketSize: 87,
time: 16479.442138671875
} 16674
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 10000, hardList (16.7s)
time, BOTH, 100000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1012157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 9.350830078125
} 215
✔ time, BOTH, 100000, nothing (224ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1012157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 9.659912109375
} 222
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100000, nothing (231ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100000, nothing {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1012157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 0,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 9.6708984375
} 217
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100000, nothing (227ms)
time, BOTH, 100000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1812157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 1,
mapSetAddCount: 3079,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 40.560791015625
} 244
✔ time, BOTH, 100000, list (252ms)
time, POSITIVE, 100000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1812157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 1,
mapSetAddCount: 2417,
mapSetRemoveCount: 0,
maxBucketSize: 17,
time: 46.06396484375
} 247
✔ time, POSITIVE, 100000, list (258ms)
time, NEGATIVE, 100000, list {
meterType: 'xs-meter-6',
compute: 1812157,
allocate: 42074144,
allocateChunksCalls: 1,
allocateSlotsCalls: 2,
garbageCollectionCount: 1,
mapSetAddCount: 2503,
mapSetRemoveCount: 698,
maxBucketSize: 16,
time: 50.5849609375
} 294
✔ time, NEGATIVE, 100000, list (303ms)
too much computation
✖ time, BOTH, 100000, listHard time, BOTH, 100000, listHard, 675, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
too much computation
✖ time, POSITIVE, 100000, listHard time, POSITIVE, 100000, listHard, 841, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
too much computation
✖ time, NEGATIVE, 100000, listHard time, NEGATIVE, 100000, listHard, 1265, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
too much computation
✖ time, BOTH, 100000, hardList time, BOTH, 100000, hardList, 110911, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
✖ Timed out while running tests
2 tests were pending in test/test-harden-perf.js
◌ time, POSITIVE, 100000, hardList
◌ time, NEGATIVE, 100000, hardList
time, POSITIVE, 1000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, POSITIVE, 1000, listHard, 838, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, NEGATIVE, 1000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, NEGATIVE, 1000, listHard, 1274, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, POSITIVE, 10000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, POSITIVE, 10000, listHard, 859, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, NEGATIVE, 10000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, NEGATIVE, 10000, listHard, 1244, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, BOTH, 100000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, BOTH, 100000, listHard, 675, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, POSITIVE, 100000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, POSITIVE, 100000, listHard, 841, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, NEGATIVE, 100000, listHard
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, NEGATIVE, 100000, listHard, 1265, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
time, BOTH, 100000, hardList
97: const after =;
98:`${title}, ${after - before}, ${reason.message}`);
99: }
time, BOTH, 100000, hardList, 110911, xsnap test worker exited: too much computation
› test/test-harden-perf.js:98:15
8 tests failed
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
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