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Created August 23, 2012 15:20
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Save erik-kallen/3437689 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script to generate code do deploy a SQLCLR assembly
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string] $File,
[string]$Schema = "dbo",
[string]$PermissionSet = "safe"
Function Parse-Attr($attr) {
if ($attr) {
$result = @{ "TypeName" = $attr.AttributeType.Name }
$attr.Properties | % { $result[$_.Name] = $_.Argument.Value }
else {
Function Get-SqlName($item, $attrData) {
if ($attr.Name) {
else {
Function Get-ParameterSql($param) {
"@$($param.Name) $(Get-TypeSql $param.ParameterType ($param.CustomAttributes | % { Parse-Attr $_ }))"
Function Get-TypeName($type, $attrData) {
if (-not $attrData) {
$attrData = $type.CustomAttributes | ? { $_.AttributeType.Namespace -eq "Microsoft.SqlServer.Server" } | % { Parse-Attr $_ }
Get-QualifiedName (Get-SqlName $type $attrData)
Function Get-QualifiedName($name) {
if ($name -match "^(.*?)\.(.*)$") {
else {
Function Get-SimpleTypeSql($type, $attrData) {
switch ($type.FullName) {
{ $_ -eq "System.String" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString" } {
if ($attrData.MaxSize) { $maxSize = $attrData.MaxSize } else { $maxSize = 4000 }
if ($MaxSize -le -0) {
elseif ($attrData.IsFixedLength) {
else {
"System.Char" { "nchar(1)" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Single" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle" } { "real" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Double" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble" } { "float" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Decimal" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal" } {
if ($attrData.Scale -gt 0) { $scale = $attrData.Scale } else { $scale = 0 }
if ($attrData.Precision -gt 0) { $precision = $attrData.Precision } else { $precision = 18 }
"numeric($precision, $scale)"
{ $_ -eq "System.Boolean" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean" } { "bit" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Int64" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64" } { "bigint" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Int32" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32" } { "int" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Int16" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16" } { "smallint" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Byte" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte" } { "tinyint" }
"System.Object" { "sql_variant" }
"System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml" { "xml" }
{ $_ -eq "System.Byte[]" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary" } {
if ($attrData.MaxSize) { $maxSize = $attrData.MaxSize } else { $maxSize = 8000 }
if ($maxSize -le 0) {
elseif ($attrData.IsFixedLength) {
else {
{ $_ -eq "System.Guid" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid" } { "uniqueidentifier" }
{ $_ -eq "System.DateTime" -or $_ -eq "System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime" } { "datetime" }
"System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney" { "money" }
default {
if ($type -is [Mono.Cecil.TypeDefinition]) {
Get-TypeName $type
else {
throw "Unknown argument type $type"
Function Get-TypeSql($type, $attrData) {
if (($type.GenericArguments.Count -eq 1) -and ($type.ElementType.FullName -eq "System.Nullable``1")) {
Get-TypeSql $type.GenericArguments[0] $attrData
if ($type.IsByReference) {
"$(Get-SimpleTypeSql $type.ElementType $attrData) OUT"
else {
Get-SimpleTypeSql $type $attrData
Function Get-CallSpec($method) {
"AS EXTERNAL NAME [$($asm.Name.Name)].[$($method.DeclaringType.FullName)].[$($method.Name)]"
Function Get-ReturnTypeSql($method) {
"$(Get-TypeSql $method.ReturnType ($method.MethodReturnType.CustomAttributes | % { Parse-Attr $_ }))"
Function GenerateFunctionSql($method, $attrData) {
$name = Get-SqlName $method $attrData
$tableDefinition = $attr.TableDefinition
if ($tableDefinition) {
$returnType = "TABLE ($tableDefinition)"
else {
$returnType = Get-ReturnTypeSql $method
"CREATE FUNCTION $(Get-QualifiedName $name)($(($method.Parameters | % { Get-ParameterSql $_ }) -join ", ")) RETURNS $returnType $(Get-CallSpec $method)"
Function GenerateProcedureSql($method, $attrData) {
$name = Get-SqlName $method $attrData
if ($method.Parameters.Count -gt 0) {
$paramspec = "($(($method.Parameters | % { Get-ParameterSql $_ }) -join ", "))"
else {
$paramspec = ""
"CREATE PROCEDURE $(Get-QualifiedName $name)$paramspec $(Get-CallSpec $method)"
Function GenerateTriggerSql($method, $attrData) {
$name = Get-SqlName $method $attrData
"CREATE TRIGGER $(Get-QualifiedName $name) ON $(Get-QualifiedName($attrData.Target)) $($attrData.Event) $(Get-CallSpec $method)"
Function GenerateUserDefinedAggregateSql($type, $attrData) {
$name = Get-SqlName $type $attrData
$params = $type.Methods | ? { $_.Name -eq "Accumulate" } | % { $_.Parameters } | % { Get-ParameterSql $_ }
$rettype = $type.Methods | ? { $_.Name -eq "Terminate" } | % { Get-ReturnTypeSql $_ }
"CREATE AGGREGATE $(Get-QualifiedName $name)($($params -join ", ")) RETURNS $rettype EXTERNAL NAME [$($asm.Name.Name)].[$($type.FullName)]"
Function GenerateUserDefinedTypeSql($type, $attrData) {
"CREATE TYPE $(Get-TypeName $type $attrData) EXTERNAL NAME [$($asm.Name.Name)].[$($type.FullName)]"
Function CreateSqlForMethods() {
process {
$method = $_
$attr = $method.CustomAttributes | ? { $_.AttributeType.Namespace -eq "Microsoft.SqlServer.Server" } | % { Parse-Attr $_ }
if ($attr -ne $null) {
if ($attr -is [Array]) {
throw "More than one attribute from the namespace 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Server' on the method $($_.Name)."
switch ($attr.TypeName) {
"SqlFunctionAttribute" { GenerateFunctionSql $method $attr }
"SqlProcedureAttribute" { GenerateProcedureSql $method $attr }
"SqlTriggerAttribute" { GenerateTriggerSql $method $attr }
"SqlMethodAttribute" {} # Nothing to do, AFAIK
default { throw "Unsupported attribute $($attr.AttributeType.Name)" }
Function CreateSqlForTypes() {
process {
$type = $_
$attr = $type.CustomAttributes | ? { $_.AttributeType.Namespace -eq "Microsoft.SqlServer.Server" } | % { Parse-Attr $_ }
if ($attr -ne $null) {
if ($attr -is [Array]) {
throw "More than one attribute from the namespace 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Server' on the type $($_.FullName)."
switch ($attr.TypeName) {
"SqlUserDefinedTypeAttribute" { GenerateUserDefinedTypeSql $type $attr }
"SqlUserDefinedAggregateAttribute" { GenerateUserDefinedAggregateSql $type $attr }
default { throw "Unsupported attribute $($attr.AttributeType.Name)" }
$_.Methods | CreateSqlForMethods
Function BinaryContentToHex([string]$File, [int]$MaxBytesPerLine = [int]::MaxValue) {
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($File)
$sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
$index = 0
while ($index -lt $content.Length) {
if ($index -gt 0) {
$sb.AppendLine("\") > $null
$sb.AppendFormat([System.BitConverter]::ToString($content, $index, [System.Math]::Min($content.Length - $index, $MaxBytesPerLine)) -replace "-", "") > $null
$index += $MaxBytesPerLine
Import-Module .\Mono.Cecil.dll
$resolvedPath = Resolve-Path "$File"
$asm = [Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition]::ReadAssembly($resolvedPath)
0x$(BinaryContentToHex $resolvedPath -MaxBytesPerLine 1000)
WITH PERMISSION_SET = $($PermissionSet.ToUpper())
$asm | % { $_.Modules } | % { $_.Types } | CreateSqlForTypes
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