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Last active May 8, 2023 19:33
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{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
with lib;
options = {
nix-bitcoin.customGateway = {
services = mkOption {
type = with types; listOf str;
default = [];
example = [ "bitcoind" "electrs" ];
description = ''
A list of nix-bitcoin services that are configured to use:
- `interface` as the default network gateway
- `dnsServer` as the DNS server.
This is useful for routing WAN traffic for selected services through a VPN.
IPv6 WAN support is disabled for these services.
(This keeps this module simple and easily testable. IPv6 support
can be added in the future.)
interface = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "wg0";
description = ''
The interface to use as the default gateway for `services`.
interfaceUnit = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "wireguard-wg0.service";
description = ''
The systemd unit that sets up the gateway interface.
dnsServer = mkOption {
type = types.str;
example = "";
description = ''
IPv4 address of the DNS server to use for `services`.
# Implementation notes:
# This module can easily be extended to work with network namespaces (netns-isolation).
# The difference to the current implementation would be:
# - Use a routing rule based on the packet source address instead of the UID.
# This ensures that the whole network namespace is matched, not only a specific user.
# - The gai.conf tweak is not needed because missing IPv6 connectivity
# is auto-detected by glibc in a netns.
cfg = config.nix-bitcoin.customGateway;
services = builtins.filter (s:${s}.enable);
forEachService = fn: concatStrings (map fn services);
setupScriptPath = with pkgs; [
# Setup custom routing tables for `services`
setupScript = pkgs.writers.writeBash "setup" ''
set -euo pipefail
if (($# > 0)); then
ip46() {
ip "$@"
ip -6 "$@"
# A random int < 2^31
if [[ $start ]]; then
# Set Reverse Path filtering to `loose`, otherwise packages are dropped
# due to asymmetric routing. `loose` is already the default on NixOS,
# but it is set to `strict` (== 1) in the `hardened` profile.
echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/${cfg.interface}/rp_filter
# Add a custom IPv4 routing table with `interface` as the default gateway
ip route add table $table default dev ${cfg.interface}
# Add a custom IPv6 routing table where the default gateway is disabled.
ip -6 route add table $table prohibit default
# Enable/disable the custom routing table for each service's UID
${forEachService (service: ''
uid=$(id -u ${${service}.user})
ip46 rule $action uidrange $uid-$uid table $table
if [[ ! $start ]]; then
ip46 route flush table $table
serviceSettings = rec {
requires = [ "custom-gateway.service" ];
after = requires;
bindsTo = requires;
serviceConfig = {
# Prevent glibc from using nscd for resolving DNS requests.
# nscd leaks the external address of the default gateway on DNS lookups.
InaccessiblePaths = [ "-/run/nscd" ];
BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "${resolvConf}:/etc/resolv.conf" ];
resolvConf = builtins.toFile "resolv.conf" ''
nameserver ${cfg.dnsServer}
in {
inherit options;
config = mkIf (services != []) {
assertions = [
{ assertion = !(config.nix-bitcoin.netns-isolation.enable or false);
message = "custom-gateway: netns-isolation is not (yet) supported.";
]; = {
custom-gateway = {
requires = [ cfg.interfaceUnit ];
after = [ cfg.interfaceUnit ];
path = setupScriptPath;
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
ExecStart = "${setupScript}";
ExecStop = "${setupScript} stop";
} // (genAttrs services (_: serviceSettings));
# Disable reverse path filtering (RPF) for packets originating from `interface`.
# Without this, WAN packages coming from `interface` would be dropped because
# response packets would be routed back through another interface in the
# default routing table.
# If RPF is disabled, chain `nixos-fw-rpfilter` doesn't exist.
# Running `iptables -w -t raw --list nixos-fw-rpfilter` to check for existence
# causes an unexplained 25 sec delay on firewall reloading, so simply ignore
# errors on insertion instead.
# Add the rule at index 2 for performance:
# `nixos-fw-rpfilter` is called for all packets, and the rule at index 1
# early-exits on packets that pass RPF, which is the common case.
networking.firewall.extraCommands = ''
iptables -w -t raw -I nixos-fw-rpfilter 2 -i ${cfg.interface} -j RETURN 2>/dev/null || true
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