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Created November 12, 2015 22:36
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Geolocation Tracker with websockets

Geolocation Tracker with websockets

working on geolocation tracking for patietns with alzheimers , incase they wander off. This is the initial attempt from a tutorial in the book pro html5 programming

A Pen by erika harvey on CodePen.


<body onload="loadDemo()">
<h1>HTML5 WebSocket / Geolocation Tracker</h1>
<div><strong>Geolocation</strong>: <p id="geoStatus">HTML5 Geolocation is
<strong>not</strong> supported in your browser.</p></div>
<div><strong>WebSocket</strong>: <p id="socketStatus">WebSocket is <strong>not</strong>
supported in your browser.</p></div>
// reference to the WebSocket
var socket;
// a semi-unique random ID for this session
var myId = Math.floor(100000*Math.random());
// number of rows of data presently displayed
var rowCount = 0;
function updateSocketStatus(message) {
document.getElementById("socketStatus").innerHTML = message;
function updateGeolocationStatus(message) {
document.getElementById("geoStatus").innerHTML = message;
function handleLocationError(error) {
case 0:
updateGeolocationStatus("There was an error while retrieving your location: " +
case 1:
updateGeolocationStatus("The user prevented this page from retrieving alocation.");
case 2:
updateGeolocationStatus("The browser was unable to determine your location: " +
case 3:
updateGeolocationStatus("The browser timed out before retrieving the location.");
function loadDemo() {
// test to make sure that sockets are supported
if (window.WebSocket) {
// the location where our broadcast WebSocket server is located
url = "ws://localhost:8080";
socket = new WebSocket(url);
socket.onopen = function() {
updateSocketStatus("Connected to WebSocket tracker server");
socket.onmessage = function(e) {("Updated location from " + dataReturned(;
var geolocation;
if(navigator.geolocation) {
geolocation = navigator.geolocation;
updateGeolocationStatus("HTML5 Geolocation is supported in your browser.");
// register for position updates using the Geolocation API
function updateLocation(position) {
var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
var longitude = position.coords.longitude;
var timestamp = position.timestamp;
updateGeolocationStatus("Location updated at " + timestamp);
// Send my location via WebSocket
var toSend = JSON.stringify([myId, latitude, longitude]);
function sendMyLocation(newLocation) {
if (socket) {
function dataReturned(locationData) {
// break the data into ID, latitude, and longitude
var allData = JSON.parse(locationData)
var incomingId = allData[1];
var incomingLat = allData[2];
var incomingLong = allData[3];WebSocket APIbuilding applicationtracker HTML code
// locate the HTML element for this ID
// if one doesn't exist, create it
var incomingRow = document.getElementById(incomingId);
if (!incomingRow) {
incomingRow = document.createElement('div');
incomingRow.setAttribute('id', incomingId);
incomingRow.userText = (incomingId == myId) ?
'Me' :
'User ' + rowCount;
// update the row text with the new values
incomingRow.innerHTML = incomingRow.userText + " \\ Lat: " +
incomingLat + " \\ Lon: " +
return incomingRow.userText;
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