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Created November 14, 2017 20:57
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usb tethering
11-14 21:48:55.054 928 949 I UsbDeviceManager: Setting USB config to rndis,adb
11-14 21:48:55.058 2702 2713 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.063 2944 2951 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.064 928 934 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.064 3128 3135 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.064 5664 5671 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.067 5125 5133 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.067 3065 3072 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.068 2841 2848 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.069 6914 6922 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.070 2799 2806 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.071 6429 6436 E zygote : adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.071 6463 6471 E zygote : adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 2999 3008 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 3781 3789 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 6858 6866 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 5825 5832 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 5081 5088 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.072 1736 1743 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.073 6949 6956 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.073 1769 1776 E zygote64: adb connection max retries exceeded
11-14 21:48:55.087 496 941 D audio_hw_primary: enable_audio_route: usecase(1) apply and update mixer path: low-latency-playback
11-14 21:48:55.328 7641 7643 E cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
11-14 21:48:55.358 521 521 I MSM-irqbalance: Decided to move IRQ202 from CPU0 to CPU2
11-14 21:48:55.560 483 677 D CommandListener: Setting iface cfg
11-14 21:48:55.562 483 677 D CommandListener: Trying to bring up rndis0
11-14 21:48:55.567 483 677 D TetherController: tetherInterface(rndis0)
11-14 21:48:55.595 483 677 D TetherController: Setting IP forward enable = 1
11-14 21:48:55.640 483 677 D TetherController: Starting tethering services
11-14 21:48:55.644 483 677 D TetherController: Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_ifaces|rndis0]
11-14 21:48:55.644 483 677 D TetherController: Tethering services running
11-14 21:48:55.676 928 950 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:1000/928 NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
11-14 21:48:55.678 928 950 I Tethering: [OffloadController] tethering offload not supported
11-14 21:48:55.678 928 1268 D WIFI_UT : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
11-14 21:48:55.678 928 1707 D Ethernet: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
11-14 21:48:55.679 928 1268 D WIFI : got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
11-14 21:48:55.679 1922 1922 D PhoneSwitcherNetworkRequstListener: got request NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=16, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ] with score 50
11-14 21:48:55.699 7648 7648 W dnsmasq : passed-in mark: 0xf0063
11-14 21:48:55.699 7648 7648 W dnsmasq : daemon->listen_mark: 0xf0063, *endptr=0
11-14 21:48:55.704 928 950 I Tethering: Finding IPv4 upstream interface on: {InterfaceName: rmnet_data0 LinkAddresses: [,] Routes: [ -> rmnet_data0,] DnsAddresses: [,,] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 2097152,4194304,8388608,262144,524288,1048576}
11-14 21:48:55.706 928 950 I Tethering: Found interface rmnet_data0
11-14 21:48:55.707 483 677 D TetherController: setDnsForwarders(0xf0064 0 = '')
11-14 21:48:55.707 483 677 D TetherController: setDnsForwarders(0xf0064 1 = '')
11-14 21:48:55.708 483 677 D TetherController: Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_dns|0xf0064||]
11-14 21:48:55.709 928 950 D Tethering: got Sim changed to state LOADED, mSimNotLoadedSeen=false
11-14 21:48:55.712 483 677 V NatController: enableNat(intIface=<rndis0>, extIface=<rmnet_data0>)
11-14 21:48:55.718 7650 7650 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:169): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.735 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -t nat -A natctrl_nat_POSTROUTING -o rmnet_data0 -j MASQUERADE) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.738 7651 7651 W ip6tables: type=1400 audit(0.0:170): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.753 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.758 7652 7652 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:171): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.772 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i rmnet_data0 -o rndis0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.775 7653 7653 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:172): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.789 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i rndis0 -o rmnet_data0 -m state --state INVALID -j DROP) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.791 7654 7654 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:173): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.803 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -i rndis0 -o rmnet_data0 -g natctrl_tether_counters) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.806 7655 7655 W ip6tables: type=1400 audit(0.0:174): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.819 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/ip6tables -w -t raw -A natctrl_raw_PREROUTING -i rndis0 -m rpfilter --invert ! -s fe80::/64 -j DROP) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.822 7656 7656 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:175): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.830 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -D natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.835 7657 7657 W iptables: type=1400 audit(0.0:176): avc: granted { getattr } for path="/vendor" dev="rootfs" ino=7596 scontext=u:r:netd:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:rootfs:s0 tclass=lnk_file
11-14 21:48:55.843 483 677 V NatController: runCmd(/system/bin/iptables -w -A natctrl_FORWARD -j DROP) res=0
11-14 21:48:55.850 483 677 D TetherController: setDnsForwarders(0xf0064 0 = '')
11-14 21:48:55.850 483 677 D TetherController: setDnsForwarders(0xf0064 1 = '')
11-14 21:48:55.851 483 677 D TetherController: Sending update msg to dnsmasq [update_dns|0xf0064||]
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