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Created July 17, 2019 18:19
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# Data with known treatment propensities = 1/2 (W.hat)
# and expected outcomes = 0 (Y.hat)
get_data = function(n) {
p = 5
X = matrix(runif(n * p), nrow = n, ncol = p)
W.hat = rep(1/2, n)
Y.hat = rep(0, n)
W = rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
sigma = function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-4 * (x - 0.5)))
tau = sigma(X[, 1]) * sigma(X[, 2])
Y = (W - 1/2) * tau + rnorm(n)
list(X=X, Y=Y, W=W, Y.hat=Y.hat, W.hat=W.hat, tau=tau)
params = list(
honesty = c(TRUE, FALSE),
honesty.fraction = c(0.5, 0.25, 0.1),
prune = c(TRUE, FALSE)
arguments = expand.grid(params)
arguments[arguments$honesty == FALSE, 'honesty.fraction'] = NA
arguments[arguments$honesty == FALSE, 'prune'] = FALSE
arguments = arguments[!duplicated(arguments), ]
run_experiment = function(n, args) {
df = get_data(n)
out = sapply(1:nrow(args), function (i) {
honesty.fraction = args[i, 'honesty.fraction']
if (
honesty.fraction = NULL
cf = causal_forest(df$X, df$Y, df$W, Y.hat = df$Y.hat, W.hat = df$W.hat,
honesty = args[i, 'honesty'],
honesty.fraction = honesty.fraction,
prune = args[i, 'prune'])
tau.hat = predict(cf)$predictions
mse = mean((df$tau - tau.hat)^2)
nsim = 1000
cat("running sim1\n")
n = 100
a100 = replicate(n = nsim, run_experiment(n = n, arguments))
m = rowMeans(a100)
se = apply(a100, 1, function(x) sd(x) / sqrt(nsim))
df100 = cbind(data.frame(mse=m, mse_se=se, n=n, nsim=nsim), arguments)
cat("running sim2\n")
n = 1500
a1500 = replicate(n = nsim, run_experiment(n = n, arguments))
m = rowMeans(a1500)
se = apply(a1500, 1, function(x) sd(x) / sqrt(nsim))
df1500 = cbind(data.frame(mse=m, mse_se=se, n=n, nsim=nsim), arguments)
out = rbind(df100, df1500)
write.csv(out, 'honesty.csv', row.names = FALSE)
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