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Last active September 9, 2023 15:57
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Tables using gtsummary: Table 1 (demographics), regression, contingency table, etc.
title: Tables using `gtsummary`
subtitle: Example workflow for Table 1 (demographics), regression, contingency table, etc.
author: Erik Erhardt
date: last-modified # today, now, last-modified
date-format: long # full, long, medium, short, iso,
theme: litera
highlight-style: atom-one
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Other frequency tables
# Erik's compile commands in R:
fn_qmd <- "Summary_tables_example.qmd"
quarto::quarto_render(input = fn_qmd)
```{r chunk-01, echo=FALSE}
options(width = 80)
#options(warn = -1)
options(str = strOptions(list.len = 1e3))
options(knitr.kable.NA = '') # Display NAs as blanks
my_seed <- 34567
# Data
# Other packages: huxtable, gt, smd
dat_mtcars_e <-
## ### Version for Max
## dat_mtcars_e <-
## datasets::mtcars %>%
## tibble::as_tibble(
## rownames = "model"
## ) %>%
## dplyr::mutate(
## cyl = cyl %>% factor(levels = c(4, 6, 8), labels = c("four", "six", "eight"))
## , vs = vs %>% factor(levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("V-shaped", "straight"))
## , am = am %>% factor(levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("automatic", "manual"))
## )
## # Label columns
## dat_labels <-
## tibble::tribble(
## ~var , ~label
## , "model" , "Model"
## , "mpg" , "Miles/(US) gallon"
## , "cyl" , "Number of cylinders"
## , "disp" , "Displacement ("
## , "hp" , "Gross horsepower"
## , "drat" , "Rear axle ratio"
## , "wt" , "Weight (1000 lbs)"
## , "qsec" , "1/4 mile time"
## , "vs" , "Engine" # (0 = V-shaped, 1 = straight)"
## , "am" , "Transmission" # (0 = automatic, 1 = manual)"
## , "gear" , "Number of forward gears"
## , "carb" , "Number of carburetors"
## )
## for (i_row in 1:nrow(dat_labels)) {
## labelled::var_label(dat_mtcars_e[[dat_labels[["var"]][i_row] ]]) <- dat_labels[["label"]][i_row]
## }
## str(dat_mtcars_e)
dat_mtcars_e %>%
# drastically change scale for two numeric variables
dat_mtcars_e <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
drat = drat * 1e3
, qsec = qsec / 1e3
## Variable lists
Var <- list()
Var[["list"]][["var_ID"]] <-
Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]] <-
, "cyl"
, "disp"
, "hp"
, "drat"
, "wt"
, "qsec"
, "vs"
, "am"
, "gear"
, "carb"
Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]] <-
, "vs"
, "am"
# Summary Tables
## Set theme (basic is best for export to Excel)
# core
# output
# set themes for compact display
#gtsummary::theme_gtsummary_journal(journal = "jama") # Setting theme `JAMA`
#gtsummary::theme_gtsummary_compact() # Setting theme `Compact`
gtsummary::reset_gtsummary_theme() # Reset theme
## Basic table
table1_out <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
by = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][1] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1
# , label = NULL # automatically uses the label attribute
# , statistic = NULL
# , digits = NULL
# , type = NULL
# , value = NULL
# , missing = NULL
# , missing_text = NULL
# , sort = NULL
# , percent = NULL
, include = Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]]
) %>%
gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups
gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
#gtsummary::add_difference() %>% # add column for difference between two group, confidence interval, and p-value
#gtsummary::add_ci() %>% # add confidence intervals
gtsummary::add_overall() %>% # add a column with overall summary statistics
gtsummary::add_stat_label() %>% # add label for the summary statistics shown in each row
gtsummary::add_n() %>% # add a column with N (or N missing) for each variable
gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
gtsummary::italicize_levels() %>% # italicize levels
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
# print to Viewer
# export to Excel
table1_out %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table1_out.xlsx")
## Table of differences, exactly two levels
table1_out_diff <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
by = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][2] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1
# , label = NULL # automatically uses the label attribute
# , statistic = NULL
# , digits = NULL
# , type = NULL
# , value = NULL
# , missing = NULL
# , missing_text = NULL
# , sort = NULL
# , percent = NULL
, include = Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]]
) %>%
#gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups
#gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
#gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
gtsummary::add_difference() %>% # add column for difference between two group, confidence interval, and p-value
#gtsummary::add_ci() %>% # add confidence intervals
gtsummary::add_overall() %>% # add a column with overall summary statistics
gtsummary::add_stat_label() %>% # add label for the summary statistics shown in each row
gtsummary::add_n() %>% # add a column with N (or N missing) for each variable
#gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
#gtsummary::italicize_levels() # italicize levels
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
# print to Viewer
# export to Excel
table1_out_diff %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table1_out_diff.xlsx")
## Strata: Basic table
# Use one "strata" and one "by", two variables works fine
table1_out_strata <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
strata = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][3] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1 (don't use for more than 1 here)
, .tbl_fun =
~ .x %>%
by = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][2] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1
# , label = NULL # automatically uses the label attribute
# , statistic = NULL
# , digits = NULL
# , type = NULL
# , value = NULL
# , missing = NULL
# , missing_text = NULL
# , sort = NULL
# , percent = NULL
#, include = Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]] # not working here or in the tbl_strata() argument
) %>%
gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups
#gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
#gtsummary::add_difference() %>% # add column for difference between two group, confidence interval, and p-value
#gtsummary::add_ci() %>% # add confidence intervals
gtsummary::add_overall() %>% # add a column with overall summary statistics
gtsummary::add_stat_label() %>% # add label for the summary statistics shown in each row
gtsummary::add_n() # add a column with N (or N missing) for each variable
#gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
#gtsummary::italicize_levels() # italicize levels
#, .header = "**{strata}**, N = {n}"
) %>%
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
# print to Viewer
# export to Excel
table1_out_strata %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table1_out_strata.xlsx")
## Strata: Table of differences, exactly two levels
table1_out_diff_strata <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
strata = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][3] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1 (don't use for more than 1 here)
, .tbl_fun =
~ .x %>%
by = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][2] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata for more than 1
# , label = NULL # automatically uses the label attribute
# , statistic = NULL
# , digits = NULL
# , type = NULL
# , value = NULL
# , missing = NULL
# , missing_text = NULL
# , sort = NULL
# , percent = NULL
#, include = Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]] # not working here or in the tbl_strata() argument
) %>%
#gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups
#gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
#gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
gtsummary::add_difference() %>% # add column for difference between two group, confidence interval, and p-value
#gtsummary::add_ci() %>% # add confidence intervals
gtsummary::add_overall() %>% # add a column with overall summary statistics
gtsummary::add_stat_label() %>% # add label for the summary statistics shown in each row
gtsummary::add_n() # add a column with N (or N missing) for each variable
#gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
#gtsummary::italicize_levels() # italicize levels
#, .header = "**{strata}**, N = {n}"
) %>%
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
# print to Viewer
# export to Excel
table1_out_diff_strata %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table1_out_diff_strata.xlsx")
## Other details
## # gtsummary::add_stat() %>% # generic function to add a column with user-defined values
## ## Note at bottom of table, converts from tbl_summary to gt, which changes some functionality
## #as_gt() %>% # Add a note
## #gt::tab_source_note(gt::md("*mtcars is from the **datasets** package*")) %>%
## ## strata2 doesn't seem to work very well, especially for numeric variables
## table1_out_strata2 <-
## dat_mtcars_e %>%
## gtsummary::tbl_strata2(
## strata = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][c(1, 3)] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata2 for more than 1
## , .tbl_fun =
## ~ .x %>%
## gtsummary::tbl_summary(
## by = Var[["list"]][["var_groups"]][2] # use gtsummary::tbl_strata2 for more than 1
## # , label = NULL # automatically uses the label attribute
## # , statistic = NULL
## # , digits = NULL
## # , type = NULL
## # , value = NULL
## # , missing = NULL
## # , missing_text = NULL
## # , sort = NULL
## # , percent = NULL
## #, include = Var[["list"]][["var_demo"]] # not working here or in the tbl_strata() argument
## ) %>%
## gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups
## #gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
## gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
## #gtsummary::add_difference() %>% # add column for difference between two group, confidence interval, and p-value
## #gtsummary::add_ci() %>% # add confidence intervals
## gtsummary::add_overall() %>% # add a column with overall summary statistics
## gtsummary::add_stat_label() %>% # add label for the summary statistics shown in each row
## gtsummary::add_n() # add a column with N (or N missing) for each variable
## #gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
## #gtsummary::italicize_levels() # italicize levels
## #, .header = "**{strata}**, N = {n}"
## ) %>%
## gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
## # print to Viewer
## table1_out_strata2
## # export to Excel
## table1_out_strata2 %>%
## gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table1_out_strata2.xlsx")
# Statistics
## Regression
fit_lm <-
lm( mpg ~
+ disp
#+ hp
#+ drat
+ wt
#+ qsec
+ vs
+ am
#+ gear
#+ carb
, data = dat_mtcars_e
fit_lm %>% car::Anova(type = 3)
fit_lm %>% summary()
tab_fit_lm <-
fit_lm %>%
# label = NULL
#, exponentiate = FALSE
#, include = everything()
#, show_single_row = NULL
conf.level = 0.95
, intercept = TRUE
#, estimate_fun = NULL
#, pvalue_fun = NULL
#, tidy_fun = NULL
#, add_estimate_to_reference_rows = FALSE
, = TRUE
) %>%
#gtsummary::add_q() %>% # add a column of q values to control for multiple comparisons
gtsummary::bold_p(t = 0.05, q = FALSE) %>% # Bold significant p-values or q-values
gtsummary::add_global_p() %>% # adds the global p-value for a categorical variables, instead of difference from intercept
gtsummary::add_glance_source_note() %>% # adds statistics from `broom::glance()` as source note
gtsummary::add_vif(statistic = c("VIF", "GVIF", "aGVIF", "df")[c(2, 4)]) %>% # adds column of the variance inflation factors (VIF)
gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
gtsummary::italicize_levels() %>% # italicize levels
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
## gtsummary::add_significance_stars() %>% # add significance stars to estimates with small p-values (regression table)
# export to Excel
tab_fit_lm %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table_fit_lm.xlsx")
## Chi-square
## Original tables
# Tabulate by two categorical variables:
tab_xtabs <-
~ cyl + am
, data = dat_mtcars_e
# column proportions
prop.table(tab_xtabs, margin = 2)
# Chi-square test approximation
tab_xtabs_chisq <-
tab_xtabs %>%
chisq.test(correct = FALSE)
# Fisher's exact test
tab_xtabs_fisher <-
tab_xtabs %>%
## gtsummary tables
tab_cross <-
dat_mtcars_e %>%
row = "cyl"
, col = "am"
, label = NULL
, statistic = NULL
, digits = NULL
, percent = c("none", "column", "row", "cell")[2]
, margin = c("column", "row")
, missing = c("ifany", "always", "no")[1]
, missing_text = "Unknown"
, margin_text = "Total"
) %>%
gtsummary::add_p() %>% # add p-values to the output comparing values across groups (tbl_cross options: test = c("chisq.test", "fisher.test")[2])
gtsummary::bold_labels() %>% # bold variable name labels
gtsummary::italicize_levels() %>% # italicize levels
gtsummary::modify_caption("Table title")
# export to Excel
tab_cross %>%
gtsummary::as_hux_xlsx(file = "Table_cross.xlsx")
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