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Created November 13, 2013 20:20
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Demonstrate integrated support for both run-time and compile-time enabling or disabling of a feature. Note, should be compiled optimized for best results.
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/parameter/name.hpp>
#include <boost/parameter/preprocessor.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_arithmetic.hpp>
#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
using boost::is_same;
using boost::false_type;
using boost::true_type;
using boost::enable_if;
// default instantiation not intended to ever match
template <typename Count, typename Enabled=void> struct counter_impl {};
// run-time enabling: checks boolean flag to see whether to count or not
template <typename Count>
struct counter_impl<Count, typename enable_if<is_same<Count, bool> >::type> {
bool count;
long long n;
counter_impl(const bool& count_) : count(count_), n(0) {}
template <typename V> inline void update(const V& v) { if (count && (v % 3 == 0)) ++n; }
inline long long total() const { return n; }
// compile-time enabling: doesn't have to check if counting is enabled
template <typename Count>
struct counter_impl<Count, typename enable_if<is_same<Count, true_type> >::type> {
long long n;
counter_impl(const Count& count_) : n(0) {}
template <typename V> inline void update(const V& v) { if (v % 3 == 0) ++n; }
inline long long total() const { return n; }
// compile-time disabling: all operations compile to nothing:
template <typename Count>
struct counter_impl<Count, typename enable_if<is_same<Count, false_type> >::type> {
counter_impl(const Count& count_) {}
template <typename V> inline void update(const V& v) const {}
inline long long total() const { return 0; }
// implementation of demo: instantiates a counter object based on
// what kind of run-time or compile-time paramter was passed:
template <typename Count>
long long demo_impl(long long n, const Count& count) {
// this is enabled/disabled at either comile time or runtime, depending on type:
counter_impl<Count> counter(count);
for (long long j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
namespace parameter {
// use Boost named-parameter interface for the demo() function:
// 'n' is how high to count
// 'count' specifies either compile-time or run-time checks for counting
(long long),
(required (n, (long long)))
(optional (count, *, false_type()))
return demo_impl(n, count);
Expected output should look something like:
$ ./feature_enabling
true (run time) r= 3333333334 time= 11
true (compile time) r= 3333333334 time= 11
false (run time) r= 0 time= 6
false (compile time) r= 0 time= 3
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
double t0, tt;
long long r;
const long long N = 10000000000;
// enable counting at run time: the slowest option
t0 = time(0);
r = demo(N, parameter::_count=true);
tt = time(0)-t0;
std::cout << "true (run time) r= " << r << " time= " << tt << "\n";
// enable counting at compile time: slightly faster than enabling at run-time
t0 = time(0);
r = demo(N, parameter::_count = true_type());
tt = time(0)-t0;
std::cout << "true (compile time) r= " << r << " time= " << tt << "\n";
// disable counting at run-time: significantly faster than enabled counting
t0 = time(0);
r = demo(N, parameter::_count=false);
tt = time(0)-t0;
std::cout << "false (run time) r= " << r << " time= " << tt << "\n";
// disable counting at compile-time: this runs much faster than disabling at run-time
t0 = time(0);
r = demo(N, parameter::_count = false_type());
tt = time(0)-t0;
std::cout << "false (compile time) r= " << r << " time= " << tt << "\n";
return 0;
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