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Created May 16, 2014 03:09
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A crude prototype of a configuration system in scala that supports easy meta-config of policies for individual configuration parameters
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.{TypeTag, TypeRef, typeOf}
// A function that also keeps its domain and range types as a payload
class FunctionTP[D: TypeTag, R:TypeTag](f: D=>R) extends Function[D,R] {
val domainType = typeOf[D]
val rangeType = typeOf[R]
val func = f
override def apply(x: D):R = func(x)
def compose[E:TypeTag](g: E=>D):FunctionTP[E,R] = new FunctionTP(func compose g)
def andThen[S:TypeTag](g: R=>S):FunctionTP[D,S] = new FunctionTP(func andThen g)
// Generates a function that applies a function 'f'
// on payload of an Option[_], -- returns None if arg is None, or if
// f threw an exception
// (might be typically used for type casting from string to other types)
def typedPred[D:TypeTag,R:TypeTag](f:D=>R):FunctionTP[Option[D],Option[R]] = {
new FunctionTP((d:Option[D]) => {
val r:Option[R] = { d match {
case Some(v) => {
try {
} catch {
case _ : Throwable => None
case None => None
def opLT[T](a:T, b:T)(implicit n: Numeric[T]):Boolean = {,b) }
def numPred[D: Numeric](t:D, test:(D,D)=>Boolean):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = {
(d:Option[D]) => {
val r:Option[D] = d match {
case Some(v) => {
if (test(v, t)) Some(v)
else None
case None => None
// type checking and casting
val isInt = typedPred((x:String)=>x.toInt)
val isLong = typedPred((x:String)=>x.toLong)
val isDouble = typedPred((x:String)=>x.toDouble)
val isString = typedPred((x:String)=>x)
// boundary checking
def isLT[D:Numeric](t:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = numPred(t, (vv:D,tt:D)=>opLT(vv,tt))
def isLE[D:Numeric](t:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = numPred(t, (vv:D,tt:D)=>(!opLT(tt,vv)))
def isGT[D:Numeric](t:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = numPred(t, (vv:D,tt:D)=>opLT(tt,vv))
def isGE[D:Numeric](t:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = numPred(t, (vv:D,tt:D)=>(!opLT(vv,tt)))
// interval checking
def isOnClosed[D:Numeric](l:D,u:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = isGE(l) andThen isLE(u)
def isOnOpen[D:Numeric](l:D,u:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = isGT(l) andThen isLT(u)
// default assignment
def defaultTo[D](dv:D):Function[Option[D],Option[D]] = {
(d:Option[D]) => {
d match {
case Some(v) => Some(v)
case None => Some(dv)
// holds a configuration, and imports configuration requirements
// (requirements are defined below)
class Config extends ConfigReqs {
val conf: mutable.Map[String, String] = mutable.Map()
def put[T](s:String, v:T, check:Boolean=true):Unit = {
conf.put(s, v.toString)
if (check) conf.get(s)
def get(s:String):Any = {
val f = reqmap.getOrElse(s, isString)
// here is where you define policies for each config variable
// this could reside in its own file for easy maintenance
trait ConfigReqs {
val reqmap:Map[String, FunctionTP[Option[String], _]] = Map(
// an integer, >= 10
"a" -> (isInt andThen isGE(10) andThen defaultTo(10)),
// a double, > 0.0 and < 1.0
"b" -> (isDouble andThen isGT(0.0) andThen isLT(1.0) andThen defaultTo(0.75)),
// a long >= 0 and <= 100
"c" -> (isLong andThen isOnClosed(0L, 100L) andThen defaultTo(50L)),
// a string, default to "foo"
"z" -> (isString andThen defaultTo("foo"))
val conf = new Config
conf.put("a", 15)
conf.put("a", 5)
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